I can do it and so can you.
Since I’m disabled, a paraplegic, and I have Multiple Sclerosis, I cannot do many DIY projects. One that I was able to do may surprise you.
Round cushion
Our kitchen chair has a round cushion that has come loose. All the screws holding the cushion to the chair had come out.
The screws are gone.
There were no loose screws, they were all missing screws. I could lift up the cushion and see that there were no screws. Frankly, the cushion is not heavy and it was easy to sit in my power wheelchair and just lift the cushion up and see that there were no screws.
In the kitchen
I am now working with my OT (Occupational Therapist) in the kitchen. This provides a nice table and chairs to work with for the OT. I don’t obviously sit on the kitchen chair. I stay in the power wheelchair and reach for things that the OT puts on the table and chairs. She put some things on the chair without screws and sure enough they fell on the floor.
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Get the screws.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any screws and I had to order them from Amazon. I only needed three screws for the chair. However, as is usual for Amazon, I ordered 195 wood screws. Amazon likes to ship things in bulk. This certainly gave me a choice of a variety of screws. It also gave me a lifetime supply of screws, if I don’t lose them first.
It is metal.
The kitchen chair has a metal frame. It is much heavier than the cushion. I do not recommend this unless you have good balance in your seat. My wheelchair is a 17 inch wheelchair, which means it is small and hugs me on the sides. I am also seated well in the back of the chair and will not fall. Also, see my blog on the fall I took when I was not seated well.
Flip it.
Well, I lifted the chair up and flipped it over onto the bench. The bench is in the back of the kitchen and it is built into the kitchen. I held the chair with my left hand and screwed with my right hand. I am right handed.
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>>>>Buy Irwin Multibit Screwdriver <<<<
The third one is the charm.
The first two screws went into the wood in the cushion without any real problem. However, the third screw would not go in. I decided to select a smaller, by that I mean a thinner screw. This took and after a few turns was going into the wood. Most any Philips screwdriver will work. Even a short stubby screwdriver will work. I finally got all the screws in place and tightened them.
Down is easier.
I was ready to take the kitchen chair off the bench. For me, taking things down is easier than lifting things up. This is a good thing because I was starting to get tired from the lifting and tightening the screws. At this point, I could just slide the kitchen chair off the bench, bring it down to the floor and turn it over while it was on the floor.
The OT is in shock!
At his point I positioned the chair at the table and the job was finished. When I told my OT what I had done she was in shock! She went to the chair and turned it over in disbelief at what I had done. As I say, difficult things take time, the impossible takes a little longer.
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Fixing a chair by yourself may seem challenging but it is definitely doable and rewarding when done. Make sure you select the correct size screws. You don’t want any unnecessary holes in your chair.
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