Rich Pins
I’m really excited that I was able to add rich pins to my Pinterest account. Frankly, I feel that I have no idea what I’m doing with rich pins. In fact, I had seen a post on the internet that rich pins are dead and that Pinterest was no longer using rich pins. I was thinking oh boy that’s good because I have no idea about rich pins.
Clueless on Pinterest
As time went on I continued to have this sneaking suspicion that something was happening on Pinterest that I was completely clueless about.
Work in progress
Pinterest is a work in progress, but then, so am I and so is this website. But don’t I just love it. Yes, I do. So I started to do some investigating, which led me to conclude that rich pins may have changed its format, but not its name.
Yoast to the rescue
I went to the rich pins validatior on Pinterest, I have Yoast SEO installed on my website, and I went to General to make sure everything is enabled. I went to Social and Facebook. Apparently, you need to go to Facebook to get what you need for Pinterest. I think I mentioned that I have no idea what I’m doing.
URL and Validate
I went to my Freebies page and entered in the URL. I hit Validate and shortly thereafter I received an email from Pinterest that Rich Pins has been validated. I really wish I knew what I did, but it worked. I previously used All In One SEO, but have recently switched to Yoast SEO, which appears to be more social media friendly.
Time to exercise
Here I go on to exercise. As a paraplegic, exercising is not easy. There is no one to get exercise equipment for me. I’ve had to develop my own exercise routine. The hospital bed I am in has a soft mattress and gel overlay, which means that I get no support from it. Before attempting any exercise routine, please consult first with your physician.
Bars or Rails
The bed has bars or rails on either side, and this is how I get my exercise. I pull myself from one side of the bed to the other side and this gives me exercise. I try to move my legs, but I’m always unsuccessful in that effort. I try to exercise my butt muscles, however, this is often an exercise in frustration.
Hand press
I also press my hands together and push. This helps my hand and arm muscles.
One side or the other of the bed
I pull myself from one side of the hospital bed to the other with two hands and sometimes with only one hand. I try to do as many repetitions as I can without damaging the bed.
Pulling myself up
I try to pull myself up. This is not easy and sometimes results in me being in a bad position in bed . I often need to pull myself up (that is closer to the headrest in the bed).
The Aide needed an Aide
I once had an aide who tried to pull me up, but she almost broke her back trying to do this. Typically, when I have a diaper change, I try to pull myself up to the headrest by grabbing the metal rail on the side of the hospital bed, as I turn over.
In conclusion, I hope these exercise tips have helped you. Keep exercising. Do not wear yourself out. Get advice from your doctor. Stay healthy.