Website maintenance
Before I get into the substance of this blog post, let me just tell you what I’ve been up to lately. It’s been project clean up the website.
To link or not to link
For example, the Freebies worked, but Freebie number one (the Weekly Pill Reminder) had a link, while Freebie number two (the Questions for Doctor) had a box under it. Both worked fine, but it looked weird that one had a link while the other had a box.
Think inside the box
Now both have boxes. You may look at this and think it was really nothing more than a cosmetic change.
It’s all about cosmetics and computer code
However, on a website even a cosmetic change means a whole lot of computer code. I had to take down Freebie number one, that’s right wipe it out completely, and reinstall it on the website. Strangely, it would not work until I saved the new install twice to the website. Hey, website design isn’t as easy as it looks.
Clean up the vertical box
Then my next part of the project was to clean up the email address on the vertical Newsletter sign up boxes. Apparently, there was not enough space in the vertical sign up box for the word “address”. It only partially displayed and looked peculiar.
Appearance is so important
Website design is nothing if not about a good appearance. If a website looks professional, people are much more likely to trust it and click on it. I finally changed that by deleting the word “address” on all the pages. Now the website looks good and works.
The old driver returns
It took awhile but I finally got a driver for the van. This was the driver who helped me get the new air conditioner compressor installed in the van.
Why can’t I eat on either side of my mouth?
After my usual get ready to go out routine, off we went to the dentist. Now I have an extraction on the left lower side of my mouth, and the temporary on the right side came out. In fact, the temporary came out the same day it was put in when I ate a turkey sandwich about 4 hours after the temporary was inserted.
Temporaries are temporary
Well, it was only a temporary and eventually it will have to come out anyway. The extraction on the lower left side was healing and I was able to eat some soft foods on the left side. The temporary was on the lower right side, so I had to struggle to eat on the left and right side of my mouth.
Another cracked tooth
The dentist started to work on the temporary on the lower right side and actually got the new temporary to fit well when he noticed that my tooth was cracked. I had two new x-rays taken and the dentist determined that I would need another extraction. At first he was going to send me to the Oral Surgeon for the extraction, but later decided to do the extraction next visit himself. This, of course, makes it much easier for me, because it means no additional trip to the Oral Surgeon.
It’s all about the website
Meanwhile, I was telling the dentist about this website. Why not do some advertising while I’m at the dentist’s office? I also told him he could follow me on Pinterest. That’s me, motivated and inspired, even with multiple sclerosis fatigue.
The way home
Then I set up a new appointment for next month. We stopped off for some gasoline. The ride home was largely uneventful until the van stalled. My guess is that the new gasoline did not mix well with the old gasoline. Anyway, the van started right up and we continued on our way home.