About Me

I have a passion about products for the disabled.  Ever since 2003, when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I have become more and more disabled by the illness.  I am now a paraplegic as a result of multiple sclerosis.

Therefore, I have gone down a path of using many products for the disabled to try to help me navigate my life with the disease.  Some products have worked better than others, and I want to help people find products that will work well for them.

I will also tell you that I am a lawyer.  I actually loved my law career, and if I had not become too disabled to go to court, I would probably still be practicing law.    I have been a lawyer for 38 years.  In 2009, I fell on a train coming home from work and I have never returned to work.  My injuries from that fall have healed nicely, but it soon became obvious to me that I could no longer pursue my law career, because the multiple sclerosis was progressing.

I live at home with my wife and son – both of whom I love dearly.

If  you have any questions or comments feel free to leave them below and I will be more than glad to assist you.

All the best,

Alan Brill

Ageless Space

4 thoughts on “About Me”

  1. Hey Big Al,

    How’s it going? it’s kind of cool to read your content because it’s so authentic. My thought when opening your site up was that I was going to read about assistive devices etc from someone who has only studied the field rather than fully experience. You truly have something valuable of the world and there are many folks who really appreciate you sharing your story. I know I did. Very cool layout and the calendars are a nice touch next to your posts. I really like that!

    1. Dear Trippe,

      Thank you for your comment. Life is a struggle, but it is also a blessing. I get by with the support of friends and family, and good people like you. I am grateful for every day that I live. I am inspired and motivated and I feel like the Energizer bunny. I wish you the very best.

      Thank you,

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