STOP Paying Monthly Fees To Getresponse, Aweber, ClickFunnel, Twilio…
Dominate Your Market With Multi-Channel Autoresponder With NO Restrictions…
Reach Your Leads In WhatsApp
SMS, Email, And Voice
(All From One Powerful Dashboard)
99.99 Deliverability Rate | Built-In Leads Generator | Built-In SMTP | Affiliate Marketing Friendly
No More Restrictions Or Bans… You Control Your List And Your Business…
- Highest Open Rates On The Market (Avg 95%)
- One-Click Cross Message On (Email, WhatsApp, SMS, Voice) & Reach Billions Of People
- Generate Red-Hot Leads In Any Niche
- Import/Export Unlimited Contacts With Just One Click
- No Limits – Send As Many Messages To Unlimited Leads (High Inbox Built-In SMTP)
- Send One-Time Broadcast Messages Or Schedule Follow Up Campaigns
- Drive Unlimited Traffic & Sales To ANY Offer Or Link
- No Complicated Setup – Get Up And Running In 2 Minutes
- Zero Bans And Zero Restrictions
- ZERO monthly Or Hidden Fees
- Affiliate Friendly Platform
- 99.99% Up Time Guaranteed
- ZERO Upfront Cost
- 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Made $4,081.92 With List Marketing In Just 48 Hours…
First 128 Action Taker Get Instant Access To Zendly “5 Done-For-You” AR Campaigns + Profit Accelerator (Average User Saw 185% Increase In Profit (worth $1,997)
Get Zendly & Send Unlimited Messages Now
Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo
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You’re Just 4 Clicks Away From Dominating The Inbox…
With Unlimited Emails, WhatsApp Broadcast, SMS & Voice Campaign To Unlimited Leads
Step 1
Login to Zendly Cloud-Based App
Step 2
Use Zendly to uncover red-hot leads in any niche Or import your own.
Step 3
Press one button and reach billions of contacts via (email, SMS, WhatsApp, and Voice)
Step 4
Yup that’s it.
Zendly Gives Us 95% Open Rate Everytime…
We No Longer Worry About The “Spam” Folder… Each Time We Send Out Our Affiliate Link…
We Get Open Rates And Clicks Like This:
Zendly Leverages More Than Just E-mails…
Don’t Get Stuck Trying To Promote Your Links And Offers Via Emails…
Zendly Gives You The Power To Do Much Much More…
1 Click WhatsApp Bulk Broadcast
A Truly Unlimited Autoresponder…
You can use it to send 1 or 1 million messages to billions of contacts (be it Email, SMS, Whatsapp, or Voice campaign)…
You’re the only one in control of your business…
Let me show you SOME of our most recent campaigns…
Isn’t that crazy?
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And you only have to pay a one-time small fee to use all of that…
ZERO Monthly Fees… ZERO Hidden Fees…
- No paying monthly to use Zendly
- No fees for upgrading
- No fees for importing leads
- No fees to send Emails, WhatsApp Broadcast, Bulk SMS, Voice Messages
- No Upsells required
Just a small one-time fee is all it takes to unlock the power of Zendly
Zendly Replace Not One… Not Two…
But Dozens Of Apps…
Running a business is not an easy task…
You need multiple apps to manage your day-to-day operations…
And the bills can easily add up to thousands of dollars every single month… In this economic climate… This can kill all your profits…
Or worse… bankrupt you… Zendly not only replace your daily autoresponder…
It goes beyond that… Zendly replaces…
That’s how big the list marketing business is… And if you’re not taking advantage of it…
You’re leaving a boatload of money on the table… You simply can’t afford to ignore list marketing…
There is a reason why every single brand and company uses it…
Because it’s profitable
A Way To Tap Into $27 Trillion Market…
Zendly Is Not Just For Affiliate Marketing…
It Was Made For Anyone Who Is Looking To Be In Control Of Their Business…
Zendly Works Wonders For…
- Affiliate Marketer
- CPA Marketer
- Blog Owners
- Product Creators
- eCom Store Owners
- Local Business Owners
Basically… If you wanna sell something online
Zendly will help you do that…
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
It will exceed all your expectations
- Video Marketers
- Freelancers
- Agency Owners
- And many others
Even If You Don’t Have A List Already…
That won’t stop you with Zendly…
Because Zendly comes with a state-of-the-art lead source…
Just select any niche you want from our 330+ Hot in-demand niches…
And Zendly will uncover red-hot leads with full information….
With just one click you can start broadcasting them…
1 Click SMS Sender
1 Click Voice Message Sender
1 Click Email Broadcast
Zendly Doesn’t Limit You…
Hi There!
From The Desk Of: Seyi Adeleke
Location: London, U.K
I’m one of the few humble guys that truly makes six figures online every single month…
I’m incredibly blessed to have such an amazing lifestyle…
But let me tell you this
It didn’t happen easily
I wasn’t born with a golden spoon…
I had to struggle most of my life to get where I’m now
And because I know how it feels to struggle
I made it my life purpose to try and change as many lives as I can
So, over the past years…
I did exactly that
Seyi Adeleke
I Changed Countless
Lives To The Better.
I can’t lie…
Money is good and everything…
But getting messages like this on daily basis
Is what keeps me going every… single… day…
The Rush Of Happiness I Get From A
Message Like This Beats Anything Else.
Knowing that I ended someone’s struggle and finally gave them financial freedom
I gave them the key to do whatever they want:
Pay off their debt
Travel the world
Spoil their spouse
Quit the rat race
Get Zendly & Send Unlimited Messages Now
Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo
Click Here Now To Get Started
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I’m Here To Change
Your Life Too…
I don’t care what level of experience you are right now…
Doesn’t matter how much money you have…
As long as you can follow simple instructions and have a few minutes per day
We’re good to go.
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
We did it over and over
With people from all over the world…
Like Janet, From Atlanta, Georgia Who Made $658.67 With Zendly in just 24 hours:
I Wanna Show You Something…
You See This Endless Stream Of Payments?
And I’m gonna show you exactly how I do it…
These Are Not Your Typical Results…
While everyone on the market is struggling with list marketing…
We’re making BANK…
On a daily basis, we make money like this…
This is our average results every single day…
Pretty epic, huh? We get 15x of the results anyone else is getting… And it’s not a coincidence…
There is a reason for that…
Zendly Puts You EVERYWHERE…
Just sending emails out is so 2010…
Now, you will be able to reach your leads on
- WhatsApp: (Average 94% open rate)
- SMS: (Average � open rate)
- Voice: (Average 87% open rate)
All from the same dashboard…
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
With just one click…
We Don’t Even Write
The Message Ourselves…
You can write your messages if you want…
But we don’t…
We leverage ChatGPT to write us high-converting messages to send out…
This makes our business 100% hands-free…
And produce results like this on a daily basis…
World’s First “Affiliate Friendly” AI Autoresponder…
Have you tried to use one of the autoresponders out there?
If not, let me tell you what is gonna happen…
They will gladly take your money…
But once you try to import your list… they will show their real face…
As soon as you try to send an affiliate link…
You will get banned instantly…
Because -believe it or not- don’t like affiliate marketers…
None of that happens with Zendly…
It’s made by an affiliate marketer…to all affiliate marketers…
Zendly will actually help you get the best results out of your affiliate campaign…
ZERO Monthly Payments…
Unlike Anything On The Market Right Now…
Zendly Won’t Charge You Crazy Monthly Fees Like Others…
Instead… You Pay A Small One-Time Fee And You Get To Keep It Forever
Get Zendly & Send Unlimited Messages Now
Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo
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Free Commercial License + 1 Time Low Price ENDS When Timer Hits ZERO
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One Dashboard To Dominate Your Competition…
Finally, Get Everything You Ever Wanted Under One Dashboard…
Tap Into The Most Profitable Business Model In The World…
List marketing is estimated to be worth $27 Trillion market…
If you’re not utilizing list marketing…
You’re leaving a boatload of money on the table…
It’s the most profitable business model in the world…
And it’s not me saying it…
All major brands are using it for that exact reason…
Apple, Nike, Gucci, Microsoft, and Even McDonald’s
They understand how powerful it is…
It’s The Closest Thing To Printing Money…
Every time we send out a message to our list… Not only do we get on average 95% open rate… We get a flood of sales within minutes…
Here are the results of a message we sent out today:
And Another Message We Sent Yesterday
Yet Another One We Sent Last Week
We get results like this consistently…
Even If You Don’t Have A List…
Zendly Got Your Back…
When was the last time you saw an autoresponder…
Does that build your list for you?
That’s what will Zendly do for you…
It will automatically source red-hot leads…
In any niche, in any country
On complete autopilot…
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
Add them to your list…
Make it ready for you to send them and start profiting…
Here Is The Issue Tho…
With Traditional List Marketing…
The current autoresponders don’t leave a chance to the average guy…
Not only do they overcharge you…
They make it unbelievably hard for you to get started…
They require a 10 steps setup…
And a list verification
Which can take you days to figure out…
Autoresponders Are F#cking Scam!
Don’t believe me?
I didn’t believe it too at first…
Those companies have been around forever…
They must be helping business owners… right?
The only thing they are doing…
Is helping themselves profiting off of your business…
Let me explain…
They Are Robbing You In Broad Daylight…
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
They Overcharge You For What They Do…
Some of them charge $497 per month for just 20,000 subscribers… Can you believe this?
They Are Not Even Giving You
The Full Service…
They only give you a fraction…
Only allows you to reach your leads via E-mails…
And if you wanna reach out to them via SMS or WhatsApp…
Yup… you guessed it…
You need to pay extra (monthly of course)…
The Funny Thing Is…
They Don’t Even Do A Good Job…
You would think that for all the money they charge…
They would do a good job delivering your emails…
Yea, think again…
We ran an in-depth experiment on all the major autoresponders…
And we got a HORRIBLE delivery…
Most of the time…
Which Of Course Resulted In A Horrendous Open Rate…
And Of Course, That Means Waaaaaaay Less Profit For Us
But It Gets Worse…
They are in complete control over your business…
If for any reason they decided they don’t like you…
You’re gone…
They will shut your entire account in a blink of an eye
And for the silliest reason ever…
Maybe they don’t like your business…
Or they don’t like you sending affiliate offers…
Or they just want to force you to upgrade your account…
It’s sickening
So… Does That Mean List
Marketing Is Dead…?
Not at all…
List marketing is the most powerful form of marketing…
(including email, WhatsApp, sms, and voice messages…)
It’s the autoresponder that is making our lives hard…
But other than that…
It’s the bomb, my friend…
Let me prove it to you…
Every Successful Company
Uses It Relentlessly…
Literally everyone…
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
From Solo business owners…
to Apple, Nike, Spotify, and amazon…
All of them collect emails and phone numbers…
And use it to EXPLODE their profits…
But trust me… They are not using those crappy autoresponders… They have their own system…
That allows them the freedom and flexibility
To scale their business… Because they understand how powerful it is…
It’s The Biggest, Most Profitable Business Model On Earth…
How many times have you heard this…
“The Money Is In The List”
It’s true… All you have to do is collect a list…
And sell to them…
You DON’T need to:
- Pay for ads
- Create content
- Record videos
- Rank in google
None of that… Just click send and you’re done…
And that’s exactly how you can make a ridiculous amount of money…
A Way To Tap Into $27 Trillion Market…
That’s how big the list marketing business is…
And if you’re not taking advantage of it…
You’re leaving a boatload of money on the table…
Even with what autoresponders are doing…
You still can’t afford to miss out on this…
You don’t have to deal with those shitty autoresponders…
Because there is another way…
A Brand New Way
To Reach Your Leads…
Imagine that in one dashboard…
You can click one button…
And your messages go directly to your lead’s email inbox… Not the spam folder…
And not just email…
- Voice Message
All with a 99.99% deliverability rate…
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
you’re guaranteed to get in his inbox…
And Here Is The
Best Part:
Sounds good, huh?
You don’t run any ads
You don’t get banned or restricted
You don’t pay anything in monthly fees
This New App Allowed Us To Pull $448,695.34 In 2022
All of this money was generated with only list marketing…
- No launches
- No paid ads
- No SEO
None of that…
All I did was send my affiliate links to leads… that’s it.
Here is the best part…
Since we don’t pay anything in monthly fees…
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
All of that money is pure profit…
Transform Your Business 10 Years In The Future…
World’s First All-In-One Artificial Intelligence Autoresponder That Reach Your Leads EVERYWHERE (Email, SMS, WhatsApp, Voice…)
Even If You Don’t Have A List…
Zendly Will Automatically Builds One For You…
Zendly Allow Us To Be Immune
Immune to anything…
While every other marketer is struggling to send emails…
We are sending out not just emails, but WhatsApp, SMS, and Voice Messages
While every other marketer struggling to make a penny online…
Zendly Is Not Just For
Affiliate Marketing…
It was made for anyone who is looking to be in control of their business…
Zendly works wonders for…
- Affiliate Marketer
- CPA Marketer
- Blog Owners
- Product Creators
- eCom Store Owners
- Local Business Owners
- Agency Owners
Basically… If you wanna sell something online Zendly will help you do that…
It will exceed all your expectations
Say Goodbye To Expensive Monthly Payments!
You no longer need to pay for overpriced apps like Aweber, ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign, Or Twilio
Or get your account banned just because they don’t like it…
Instead, you can choose a much much better path…
Say Hello To All In One AutoResponder…
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
And the only way to avoid this certain failure… Is to expand beyond email… and be EVERYWHERE…
That’s exactly what we did to take one of our accounts from zero dollars…
To This
In just a few days… Here is the best part… We spent ZERO DOLLARS on monthly payments
Meaning, all that money is pure profit… Sounds good, huh?
How Does It Work?
Zendly Works in 4 easy steps…
First, you can import your own list with no restrictions…
But if you don’t have a list, don’t worry… You can use Zendly built-in lead-sourcing feature…
To source, red-hot leads with full details (email, phone number, Facebook) It works in any niche… in any country…
Next, we leverage the power of AI and ChatGPT
And write killer messages that will get those leads to buy with no hesitation…
From there… we just click send…
How Is It Different?
There is nothing else on the market that can do this…
Zendly is the only app that doesn’t restrict or control your business…
Not only that…
It’s the only autoresponder that will source you leads from scratch…
At no extra cost whatsoever…
And with the power of ChatGPT…
you don’t have to worry about what to send them…
All of that, and you don’t pay monthly…
Check How Zendly Compares To Other Apps…
Get Zendly & Send Unlimited Messages Now
Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo
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Zendly Includes EVERYTHING
You Will Need To Dominate Your Competition…
Zendly AR App
State-Of-The-Art app that will guarantee 99.99% deliverability… that means you are guaranteed to reach all your leads with no issue
(Worth $997/mo)
Zendly LeadSourcer
Don’t have a list? No worries, let Zendly source you thousands of full leads with a click… without any extra charges
(Worth $997)
Zendly A.I.
Never worry about what to write or send again. Let the power of A.I. do that for you on autopilot
(Worth $997)
Zendly WhatsApp Sender
Emails aren’t enough nowadays… reach your leads with WhatsApp with just one click with Zendly
(Worth $1997)
Zendly SMS
1-click SMS blasting has never been easier with Zendly… just select your leads and click a button and you will immediately reach your leads phones
(Worth $497)
Zendly Mobile EDITION
This will allow you to also operate Zendly, even from your mobile phone… Whether it’s an Android, iPhone, or tablet, it will work…
(worth $497)
Training Videos
There is NOTHING missing in this training Everything you need to know is explained in IMMENSE details
(Worth $997)
World-Class Support
Have a question? Just reach out to us and our team will do their best to fix your problem in no time
(Worth A LOT)
Get Zendly & Send Unlimited Messages Now
Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo
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That’s Not Everything…
After you get access to Zendly
You will get instant access to a bundle of bonuses that are designed to 10x your results in half the time
This is not just random bonuses
Every part of this took us months to develop and perfect
And today, all of it will be yours for free…
Wondering How Much It Cost?
It’s the first to a market app that does everything for you. Leaving one job to you… PROFIT.
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
I can literally charge tens of thousands of dollars for it. But I make enough money from using Zendly…
So I don’t need to charge you that I use it on a daily basis
So I don’t see why not I shouldn’t give you access to it… So, for a limited time only…
I’m willing to give you full access to Zendly for a fraction of the price
Less than the price of a cheap dinner… Which is enough for me to cover the cost of the servers running Zendly…
In simple words… Zendly is PRICELESS…
That Won’t Last Long…
While Zendly is impossible to saturate…
Our servers can only handle so many users…
So, sadly I’ll have to limit the number of licenses I can give…
After that, I’m raising the price to $297 monthly,
And trust me, that day will come very…VERY SOON
So you better act quickly and grab your copy while you can…
Get Zendly & Send Unlimited Messages Now
Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo
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Can’t Decide?
Listen… It’s really simple… If you’re sick of all the BS that is going on the market right now…
If you’re worried about inflation and the prices that are going up like there is no tomorrow
Zendly IS for you PERIOD
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
It was designed to be the life-changing system that you’ve been looking for…
Right now, you have the option to change your life
With just a few clicks… We created this for people exactly like you. To help them finally breakthrough.
Worried what will happen if it didn’t work for you?
We Will Pay You If You Fail With Zendly
Our 30 Days Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee
Look, Zendly is not one of those “trash” or untested app
We know what it’s capable of…
However, in the unlikely event that you fail to use Zendly for ANY REASON. We insist that you send us an email… Its simple, if you don’t make money… We don’t want your money…
We make more than enough with Zendly.
And no need to keep your money if you’re not gonna use it
Not just that…
We will send you $200 as a gift for wasting your time. Worst case scenario, you get Zendly and doesn’t make any money..
You will still get paid $200 for trying it out.
Get Zendly & Send Unlimited Messages Now
Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
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Here Is What You’re About To Access
Total Value Of Everything
For Limited Time Only Grab It Now For:
Today, Only 1-Time – $16.95
You don’t have a lot of time. We will remove this huge discount once we hit our limit.
After that, you will have to pay $997/mo for it.
While it will still be worth it.
Why pay more, when you can just pay a small one time fee today and get access to everything?
So, Are You Ready Yet?
You reading this far into the page means one thing.. You’re interested.
The good news is, you’re just minutes away from your breakthrough
Just imagine waking up everyday to thousands of dollars in your account… Instead of ZERO.
Bad news is, it will sell out FAST
So you need to act now. Ready to join us?
Get Zendly & Send Unlimited Messages Now
Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo
HURRY! The Prices Rises In…
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We’ll See You Inside,
PS: If you act now, you will instantly receive [bonuses] worth over $11,212.44
This bonus is designed specifically to help you get 10x the results, in half the time required
PPS: There is nothing else required for you to start earning with Zendly
No hidden fees, no monthly costs, nothing.
PPPS: Remember, you’re protected by our money-back guarantee
If you fail, Not only will we refund your money.
We will send you $200 out of our own pockets just for wasting your time
PPPPS: If you put off the decision till later, you will end up paying $997/mo
Instead of just a one-time flat fee.
And why pay more, when you can pay less?
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need any experience to get started?
None, all you need is just internet connection. And you’re good to go
Is there any monthly cost?
Depends, If you act now, NONE. But if you wait, you might end up paying $997/mo… It’s up to you.
How long does it take to make money?
Our average member made their first sale the same day they got access to Zendly.
Do I need to purchase anything else for it to work?
Nop, Zendly is the complete thing. You get everything you need to make it work. Nothing is left behind.
What if I failed?
While that is unlikely, we removed all the risk for you.
If you tried Zendly and failed, we will refund you every cent you paid… And send you $300 on top of that just to apologize for wasting your time.
How can I get started?
Awesome, I like your excitement, All you have to do is click any of the buy buttons on the page, and secure your copy of Zendly at a one-time fee
Get Zendly & Send Unlimited Messages Now
Just Pay $16.95 Once Instead Of $297/mo
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- Zendly Never-Seen-Before AR App – (Worth $997/month)
- Zendly LeadSourcer – (Worth $997)
- Zendly A.I. – (Worth $997)
- Zendly WhatsApp Sender – (Worth $1997)
- Zendly SMS Sender – (Worth $497)
- Zendly Voice Sender – (Worth $497)
- Zendly Mobile Edition – (Worth $497)
- Zendly Full Training Videos – (Worth $1,497)
- World Class Support – (Priceless)
All Of That PLUS:
- Zendly 6-Figure In 60 Days LIVE Event – (Worth $1997)
- Zendly Facebook Messenger – (Worth: $997)
- Zendly Email Marketing Revolution – (Worth: $497)
- Zendly Profit Messaging App – (Worth: $697)
- Zendly Internet Marketing Goldmine – (Worth: $997)
$297 Monthly
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a Target affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
I am a SiteGround affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
I am a My LeadGenSecret affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.
Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
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