The Rich Dad Summit!

Rich Dad Summit

Discover 7 Ways to Create a
Sustainable, Passive Income for Life So You Can Work Less, Earn More & Finally Escape The Rat Race…

The 2 Day Summit is Over, Access The Replays For Just $1!


From The Desk of Robert Kiyosaki
Phoenix, Arizona

RE: The Rich Dad Summit

Hey there!

This is Robert Kiyosaki, Founder of Rich Dad.

Trust me, I know…

…trying to figure out money, wealth & business can be overwhelming!

When you think about making money and building long-term sustainable wealth, it’s a lot to take in! And that’s not to mention entrepreneurship, business, taxes, investing…

Even the “experts” mess this stuff up sometimes. If you want to get rich, and I mean, very rich – with all the videos, tutorials, courses, and articles out there…

…where do you even BEGIN?

Well, I have an idea…

Join Us For The Rich Dad Summit
What It Is & Who It’s For…

The Rich Dad Summit was a 2-day
100% Online event designed 
specifically for people who 
want to:

  • Make more money…
  • Create systems to have their money make more money…

If you can check off one or more of these boxes, you’re in the right place:

  • You’re tired of working for the boss and want to call your own shots…
  • You tried to start your own business, got overwhelmed, and gave up!
  • You want to build real long-term wealth so you & your loved ones will be set for life (i.e. you won’t have to worry about money ever again)…
  • You’re absolutely SICK & TIRED of living paycheck to paycheck and want to become an entrepreneur – but the thought of trying to figure it out on your own is terrifying!

Do any of those sound like you? If so…

…pay just $1 & get access to the Rich Dad Summit Replays!


I used to be just like you.

I worked a job, lived paycheck to paycheck, and made stupid choices with my finances. I had debt I couldn’t pay off and I CONSTANTLY worried about money.

In fact, this is how MOST people live.

According to a recent study by CareerBuilder:

    • Nearly 10% of those making $100,000 or more say they can’t make ends meet…
    • Overall, most workers are in debt and many believe they always will be.

  • 78% of full-time workers said they live paycheck to paycheck.
  • 56% of all U.S. workers say that they’re in debt over their heads.

Basically, most people working a J-O-B are exactly that:
Just Over Broke.

I know the feeling well. And that’s why one day, I made a decision to just… stop.

I decided it was time to stop being “okay with” being ignorant about money. I stopped settling for the paycheck to paycheck life.

I made a choice to become wealthy. To get educated. To discover why rich people get rich and COPY what they did!

And you know what?

It worked.

>>>>>Get The Rich Dad Summit<<<<<<

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With the help of my Rich Dad and other mentors in my life, I stopped making foolish decisions with my money, my finances, my investments, and my future. And instead?

I made a commitment to becoming financially intelligent. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.

And since then? I’ve…

  • Gotten myself out of millions in bad debt without resorting to bankruptcy!
  • Mastered investments, finances, and WEALTH-building skills!
  • Built several 7 & 8-figure companies…
  • Written almost 30 books.
  • Accumulated a net worth in the tens of millions…

Bottom-line: I changed the way I thought about money, finances, business, investments, and debt. And it made me into the man I am today. And now…

I’m going to share everything I’ve discovered over the past several decades…

…with you!

This is THE PLACE TO BE if you want to discover EXACTLY how you can break free from the “paycheck to paycheck” cycle and become incredibly wealthy.

All LIVE Online over 2 days, without even leaving your house!

You can use what you’ll learn right away to:

  • Start a business that’ll let you quit your job!
  • Build a side-hustle business that pays you on autopilot…
  • Grow your existing business to 7 & even 8-figures!
  • Add additional income streams through smart investing…

The tactics and strategies you’ll discover can be implemented immediately – even the very same day!

>>>>>Get The Rich Dad Summit<<<<<

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