Kovert is already working for ordinary people!

At Last A System That Really Works…

2-Steps + 5 Minutes Puts $173.33 In Our Pocket Every Day…

No Tech, No Waiting & No Experience Needed…

Now It’s Your Chance To Join Them & Do The Same


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FREE GIFT: First 100 Customers Also Get Access To ‘Kovert Results In 7 Days’

  • Brand new & unique system: *Nobody else is doing this
  • We get paid over and over for the same Google Doc… even though we just give it away cost free
  • I made $5,140.18 giving away just 1 Google Doc *(phase 1)
  • And another $4,043.00 automatically from *phase 2
  • We get results in 1 – 3 days from scratch  (No list required)
  • This isn’t theory – We’re genuinely doing this ourselves!
  • And YOU can do it too…

*$173 Is The Average Income We Receive When We Give One Google Doc Away. *Kovert Makes Us Money From 2 Built In Automated Systems, *Phase 1 & *Phase 2, Both Of Which Are Activated When The Google Doc Is Given Away For Free. 

Get KOVERT & Use The Google Doc System Today 

Normally $47 – Todays Special Offer: Pay Just one time price




I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


$173.33 Per Day

From just 1 ‘Weird’ Google Doc…

…And that’s just the start… Look:


That’s $9,183.18 from the same Google Doc…

And all I had to do was give it away for FREE!

Just 2 – 5 minutes a week… That’s it!
I only need to set aside a few minutes each week to keep the system working automatically night and day.
That’s one of the reasons KOVERT users love this system. And it’s why ordinary people are already getting results…
They set it up once, and then it takes just 2 – 5 minutes per week to run. And let’s be honest…
Most People Can Spare 5 Minutes Per Week…
Because it fits in with work, family, and everything else life has in store. And Here’s the Best Bit…
The #1 reason users love KOVERT is because the system really does work from scratch!

All I do is…

Give Them Away…

I give Google Docs away for free (which happens automatically) and  every time I do… the system is triggered, and does everything else for me.
*The process works exactly the same for all KOVERT users because it works completely from scratch.
And I receive multiple payments of:

$12.17 – $112.64

Over and over again…

Totaling an average $173.33

I don’t even have to wait for the results to start hitting my account… Results start coming in within 1-3 days…
Which is another huge reason Kovert users love this system…
And it might well be the reason you’ll quickly come to love it too?



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



So… Before I Tell You More,  Ask Yourself…

Could I Give Something Of Real Value Away… For FREE?

Most People Say YES!… Which is why Kovert works for them.

So, If You Said YES Too & You’d Like To Join Them Today…You Can Get Started In…

Just 3 Steps

1 Weird Google Doc & 3 Steps To Results In 1-3 Days

Step 1.


Click any of the links on this page to grab full access to Kovert at the lowest price…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


You’ll want to act fast because the tiny price you see right now is temporary… It WILL go up.



Step 2.


Watch the step by step training and create a Kovert project.

You only need to set a project up once and then it can be set to run continuously (requires 2 – 5 minutes input per week).

Step 3.


Once the Kovert traffic source is activated. The automated system does the rest.

Results start flooding in, in 1 – 3 days – from scratch… 


It Takes Just 2 – 5 Minutes A Week… Would You Like To

Unlock Your Own Dream Lifestyle?

You Would – BUT…

What If You’re A Beginner, Can Beginners Really Do This Too?


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Well that’s the point… KOVERT isn’t rocket science. The whole system was created, tested, and proven to work specifically for ordinary people who want to, or perhaps need to make money online.
And it works from scratch, which means, there are none of the usual barriers or hurdles in the way. So yes it works for beginners, in fact…


Beginner’s Are Already Getting Results With KOVERT…

And That Means… YOU Could Do The Same!


$477.22 in 7 days.

Verified System User

Name: Anne

Occupation: Teaching Assistant

I can’t thank you enough. First time ever actually making money online rather than continually spending it. So far I’ve made $477.22 which is over the last 7 days.

See messages, feedback & results inside Kovert.


$181.56 in less than 24 hours.

Verified System User

Name: Simon

Occupation: Groundworker

Traffic started yesterday, looks like I am doing good. So far I’ve had 122 visitors, I got 2 sales last night and 4 today so far (total $181.56 in less than 24 hours)

See messages, feedback & results inside Kovert.

Would You Like To See The Same System I Shared With Them? If You Would, You Can…

Get KOVERT Today For The Cost of a Pizza


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Dear ‘Still Getting Nowhere’ Beginner…

Does this sound Sound Familiar?
Maybe you’re just starting out on your online journey?
You decided to try your hand at making money online because…

  • You need extra money quickly.
  • You want a better standard of life.
  • You hate your day job, and the long hours that entails.
  • You want to take it easier, but still want to be able to afford the nicer things.

And you choose the online route because…

  • It looked really easy…
  • It looked like something you could do in your spare time.

BUT… The reality has been very different…

  • Nothing seems to make any sense.
  • Nothing works like they say it will.
  • There’s always something missing.
  • Nobody tells you the full story.
  • Everything is just so complicated.
  • It takes so much time to implement.

…And so far your results have been tiny or non-existent?
Listen, I’ve been there too…

And I 100% Know…

How Difficult It Is…

…to get started.
I’ve been in the very same position you’re in right now.
When I started trying to make money online, I worked an average 36 hours each week as a construction worker.
I knew nothing about making money online… And I didn’t understand tech (I still don’t).
So I know what it’s like to have countless:

  • Sleepless Nights…
  • To sink further into debt each month
  • To barely scrape by on low to average wages…
  • And to have everyone around you, doubt you… or worse still, think you’re stupid!

I’ve been there…
And all I really knew back then was… Somehow I was going to make it work.
I don’t mind telling you that I failed, over and over again when I started… and you might be failing right now too?

 But you CAN: Put a stop to that today… So,

If You’re Failing Right Now…The First Thing You Need To Do Is…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



Stop Doing What You’re Doing…
Because it just isn’t working… Is it?
It’s not really your fault & you’re certainly not alone.
We all make the same mistakes, we all fail to begin with, and nearly all of us come to a point where we start wondering:

  • Is anything ever going to work for me?
  • Is the whole making money online thing just a lie?
  • Am I cut out for this?
  • Should I just give up?

I remember thinking, ‘this isn’t working for me… I should just give up’.
But I didn’t give up, instead I figured something out for myself, and proceeded to make millions of dollars online.
*You can see one of my million dollar accounts below.
I didn’t give up because I was determined to make money online, and if that’s your goal too… then you shouldn’t give up either.
Because making money online isn’t difficult. It might seem that way right now, but that’s only because…


Nobody Is Telling You…

What Really Works


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Kovert obviously isn’t the only way to make money online, far from it… There are countless ways to do it, even for the little guy.
If that weren’t true I’d still be working my guts out on a building site.
There are countless ways to do it, and there are countless courses, systems, software etc, which promise to give you the answer…
But as I’m sure you know; seldom do.
The Real Problem Is…
Most methods, systems and software fail to deliver results because they don’t reveal the whole story, or leave some elements to the user’s own devices or imagination.
And let’s not forget skill level, or lack of.
Without a complete start to finish system which is already proven to work for ordinary people (and not just for the seller), and without a certain level of skill… Most people will fail.
…This is an indisputable fact which KOVERT was created to solve.

So Isn’t It Time You STOPPED Doing What Isn’t Working…

And Did Something That’s Already Working For *People Just Like You

*People Just Like You Refers To Ordinary People Who Want To Make Money Online, But Lack Skill Or Experience.

If you’re…

Sick of making $0.00

Let me show you how, and why the Kovert system is already helping ordinary people… ‘some of whom have never made a cent online before’ get results online in days.
Like Anne…


So you can…

  • Stop buying product after product.
  • Stop wasting time and money.
  • Stop dreaming
  • And change your situation for the better.

Because, when you know what works…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


You Can Keep Doing It Over And Over Again… Like I do.

And That’s The One Thing That’s Enabled Me To Swap My 36 Hour A Week Construction Job For…

 Life-Changing Income!


From the desk of:

Mark Bishop

Former Construction Worker

Location: Bristol, UK
Re: $173.33 per day giving away 1 weird google doc…


Is Closer Than You Think!

And Failure, well that’s just a bump on the road to success…
Unless you give up – then those little fails become total failure!
Why listen to me?

  • Well… I could tell you that I’ve taught 1000’s & 1000’s of ordinary people how to make money online.
  • I could tell you that I’ve coached one or two of the big names in the internet market industry to their first six figures.
  • And I could keep telling you about all the success I’ve had, and all the money I’ve made…

Because all of that is 100% true.
But honestly… who gives a sh*t about what I’ve done. This page is about you… not me.

  • You’re the one who needs a break
  • You’re the one who needs to start getting results online… correct?

So don’t listen to me because I’m successful…
Listen to an ordinary bloke that never forgot how hard it can be to find a method that just plain & simple works. 
Listen to a former construction worker with no tech ability, who still remembers the urgency for results… and the panic & despair when those results fail to materialise.
Let me ask you…

Do You Need Results Fast?

I Did… & I Didn’t Want To Wait

Weeks . Months . Years

For Results… Because: I Needed Extra Money To:


Provide For My Family

Clear Debts

Cover My Mortgage & Bills

Cover Car Payments

Now If I’m Honest…

My Construction Job Was Enough To Cover The Basics You See Above.

What I Really Wanted Was…

To Never Have To Worry AboutMoney Again.


To Live In a Bigger, Nicer HouseIn a Better Area.


And Yes… I Wanted The Fancy Cars


And I Wanted The Flash Holidays

The truth is I wanted freedom, financial security, and a little bit of excess, & I didn’t want to work 36 hours a week…
We all have our own reasons for wanting to make money online, and yours may be different to mine. But the one thing we probably share in common is the fact that neither you nor I want to wait for the money to start rolling in. I didn’t want to wait for results then… And I don’t like waiting for results now…
Which is why I stopped doing what everyone else was doing, and developed my own set of perfect online systems which is how I now make 1000’s of dollars every week from nothing more than my laptop, and an internet connection.
And Kovert is by far, one of the easiest, fastest and most consistent systems I’ve ever developed… Because:

It’s Simple & It Works From Scratch…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


I Simply Give 1 Weird Google Doc Away & I Make Upto

$173.33 Per Day

…Who doesn’t like EASY?

We All Like Easy, ButMost People Will Tell You That…

Making Money Online

Is Difficult…

That’s not true… Making money online is as difficult, or as EASY as you want to make it…
Even though…Most people still make it difficult…

  • They make it difficult because they keep buying the same products…
  • They continue doing what everyone else is doing, even when it clearly doesn’t work.
  • They follow the wrong advice… or systems based on nothing more than theory.

And like I said before… It’s not really not their fault, and if you’re doing the same then it’s not really your fault either.
You’re just doing what everyone else is doing, and you’re doing what everyone says you need to do.
I did exactly the same… but it was a mistake then, and it’s a mistake now…
So if you’re making it difficult for yourself right now……then You Need to… STOP because it’s…


I quote: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result”

So… if what you’re doing right now isn’t working, Why would you continue doing the same thing?
Think about it…
You’ve probably already tried all those so called simple, can’t fail methods everyone tells you about… like:


  • Social media
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Product Creation
  • CPA
  • Video Marketing
  • eCommerce

You name it… the list is a mile long, and I’ve tried it all, maybe you have too.
But you’re here on this page… so I’m guessing nothing has worked, has it?

It’s OK to Fail… I Failed Too, Yet Today

I Make $1000s Each Week


Which For Me Means…

I Never Have to Worry About Money Again.


I Don’t Have a Boss. I Work For Myself.


My Family Wants For Nothing.


I Live In The Big House, In The Better Area.


I Didn’t Get 1 Fancy Car… I Got 2.


My Last Tropical Holiday Included a Butler (Really).

So don’t beat yourself up over all those little failures.

Like I hinted at before, it’s all part of the process. It’s how you learn ‘What NOT to do’…

It’s a Lesson… Not a failure

I consider my failures as lessons… And if you really want to make money online…& keep making it, then I suggest you do the same.

You Want To Make Money Online.


Even Complete Technophobe Construction Workers Like Me…

It’s actually pretty easy when you know the Rules

#1. You need to Keep It Simple

Keeping everything simple is Rule #1…
Very few people will tell you this, because if everyone knew the first rule, then they wouldn’t buy system after system, and product after product.
Remember… Making money online can be as difficult, or as easy as you want to make it, and…

Personally I Prefer


And I’m Guessing Most Of You Reading This Page Right Now… Feel The Same?


Rule #2

You need something to sell, or a way in which you profit, ideally as a result of little to no ongoing effort


Rule #3

And you need an audience (Traffic) who are already predisposed to buy whatever it is you’re selling

So… You need to keep it simple. 

You need to sell or profit from something that doesn’t involve ongoing work. And you need to use an audience (traffic), preferably instant, who already want to buy what you’re selling.
Those are the rules I base everything I do on today, including KOVERT…Because when those 3 elements are combined it’s almost impossible to fail…

But Even Then, Many People Still Get Stuck When It Comes To…


Yes… you could have the right product, and the right audience… But most of my students still found selling hard work.
But giving stuff away for FREE… Well that’s easy… Most people can give stuff away for free without any issue, my students found it easy… and quite frankly, so do I. Which Is why I created KOVERT.
So now…all I have to do is…
Give the same Google Doc away for FREEI give the same Google Doc away over and over again, and I make around:

$173.33 Per Day

Made up of multiple payments of:

$12.17 – $112.64

The process I use is the same for all KOVERT users… They set the system up once, and then it works on a *semi automated basis day and night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

* Semi automated: Requires 2 – 5 minutes a week to ensure the system continues to generate results.

And that’s it, that’s how…

We Get Paid

Without Selling

That’s how Anne made $477.22 in 7 days.…She gave away the same google doc for FREE.
Then the system took over and did all the selling for her. So she’s not selling, I’m not selling, and you don’t have to either.
The system does the selling… and we bank the payments.
Remember… Keeping it simple is: Rule #1And I believe that making $173.33 per day, or in Anne’s case $477.22 in 7 days as a result of giving just one Google Doc away for free… is as simple as it gets.

For me KOVERT is the easiest, fastest and most consistent way of making money online I’ve ever created.

  • I use it… and I get results

But more importantly…

  • Ordinary people with no experience… use it and get results!

Even people who have never made a cent online before like Anne.But…

  • What do you think?
  • Could you do that?
  • Could You give a Google Doc away for FREE?

You Can?… That’s great, so let’s get you started…

Let Me Show You How To Use This Google Doc Trick For Yourself.

Get KOVERT Today For Less Than 20 bucks


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



Imagine Making…


From just 1 Google Doc… AMAZING, right?

Especially when you consider I made this money from scratch, without using any of my existing email lists, contacts, or assets.
Even more amazing is the fact that all I had to do was give that 1 doc away (automatically)… as I’m sure most of you would agree.
But why stop at 1 Google Doc?
If one doc makes me an average $173.33 per day, why not use more?
Q. Can you use additional Google Docs and give those away too?
A. Yes you can…
I actually have 12 different Google docs… which if you do the math… gives me the potential to make up to:

$2,079.96 Per Day

But hey… that’s me, and I’ve been doing this for well over 6 months… so of course I’m going to be able to rake in bigger numbers.
But that’s not a true reflection of what an ordinary person, who’s never used, or even heard of this system before could expect to achieve is it?
But this is, because…


Deric’s Already Made…


In 11 days… from scratch using just 2 Google docs.
Deric picked up the system for the first time *12 days ago having never seen or heard about it before.
He set up 2 projects the same day and activated both the next. 

2 Google Docs & 11 days later Deric’s already made $1638.97…

*12 days ago at the time of writing.


That’s… $148.99 a day from scratch

Which works out at $74.50 per Google Doc, per day…

So based on the same numbers, if Deric used:

  • 3 Google Docs – He could make $223.50 Per day
  • 4 Google Docs – He could make $298 Per day
  • 5 Google Docs – He could make $372.50 Per day
  • 10 Google Docs – He could make $745 Per day

There are no limitations as to how many Google docs Kovert users can use, or how many times each one can be given away.
Do the math… How many Google docs will it take you to…

Stop Worrying About Money And…

Live Life On Your Terms?

Remember… It Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult! 

Making Money Online Isn’t Difficult

It’s easy for me, and it’s now much easier for lots of ordinary people… 

Earnings shown in image belong to Mark Bishop


…Because All They Have To DoIs Set The System Up And…

Give Away

The Google Docs…

We get results every week doing this because giving is so much easier than selling, wouldn’t you agree?
And at just 2 – 5 minutes work each week even the busiest, or in some cases… The laziest people are still able to do it, and still get results.
So If you could spare a couple of hours this week, and then 2-5 minutes per week thereafter then you’re already qualified to start using KOVERT today…
Could you do that?Could you spare 2 – 5 Minutes per week?
Most people say YES, which is why many of them are already getting results (some for the very first time).What about you?
Would you like me to show you the same simple system that’s already working for lots of ordinary people who might be a lot like you?
Yes? Here’s how to join them……so you can start using Kovert today for yourself…

To Get Started Today Just Click The Button Below. Clicking Now Will Get You Instant Access To…

KOVERT For Less Than The Cost of a Pizza 

You’d Normally Pay $47 – But If You Buy Now You’ll Pay Just $17.

No, that isn’t a misprint either… If you order now I’ll give you the same complete ‘step by step system’ that’s already making ordinary people with no prior experience 




I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



Tempting Isn’t It, And All ForSuch A Ridiculously Low Price Too…

But Wait…

What About Traffic?

I’ve told you all over this page that all I do is give Google Docs away.
That’s all I have to do to activate the system, and it’s the same process for all other KOVERT users.
We give the Google docs away, the system activates, it then works automatically and it does all of the selling for us.
When we do this we receive multiple payments in varying amounts of between… $12.17 and $112.64
Which makes me an average… $173.33 Per Day
Great… but who do I give these Google docs away to?
Good question…If you’ve ever purchased a product or system before that promised to show you how to make money online… then I’m sure you already know that when it comes to ‘Where do I get the traffic?’ things start to get a bit vague.
And that isn’t great if you’re just starting out…

Which is why I spent 6 months testing the best, and easiest… 

Instant Buyer Traffic

With KOVERT To Ensure I Always Get Results.


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It’s the same for all KOVERT users… Everyone is now able to use the same almost instant ‘Filtered’ traffic source I use… So everyone now has the potential to get the same results as I do.
It works because 30-40% of all our visitors have already purchased products in line with what myself, and other KOVERT users *sell.
It works even better because as I’ve already explained… we don’t sell, we just give the Google Docs away and the system does the selling for us.

It’s simply a case of doing what I do… there’s no skill to it!
There’s no end of traffic, there’s enough for everyone, so there is never an issue with saturation…
It’s massive, there’s new buyers added everyday, it’s almost instant (1-3 days), and it works regardless of who you are.
So where most courses, systems and software…Might have told you to:

*Automated system does the selling


  • Post a mountain of links to multiple social media channels…
  • Make YouTube video after video and link in the description.
  • Write a couple of hundred blog posts.
  • Or spam this, and spam that.

I won’t, I won’t tell you to do any of that stuff because I know you’re like me, and the other Kovert users… You want results in days, not weeks or months…
Am I right?
So… when you access Kovert today I’ll take you straight to the source all of us are using day in, day out…
That way, nobody needs to figure anything out for themselves, nobody needs to wait around for results either, and there’s no fluff or faff.
Just do the same as we do, and… BOOM!
Which is why I’m happy to say; KOVERT…

…Works From Scratch In Days


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Not just for me, but for the ordinary people…who are already using the system & getting results.

They’re already getting results without:


Email Lists


Making Videos


Social Media










Tech Skills



Which I believe… Makes It…

Difficult To Fail

Most students agree, when all the barriers are removed making money online becomes so much easier…
Which is perfect because nobody likes failing

And now: There is no reason to fail… because:

  • You don’t have to sell – the automated system does the selling for you.
  • You don’t have to figure out the traffic – All KOVERT users have access to the same source of instant ‘Filtered’ buyer traffic.
  • Nobody has to wait for results – Most Kovert users see results in 1-3 days (even if they are stone cold newbies).
  • And you won’t need experience, an email list, a video channel, social media or any of that stuff.

Which most people agree means they can start immediately. And right now…

Your First KOVERT Project Is… 

Just 3 Steps Away

Step 1.


Click any of the buttons on this page to grab full access to Kovert at the lowest price…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


You’ll want to act fast because the tiny price you see right now is temporary… It WILL go up.



Step 2.


Watch the step by step training and create a Kovert project.

You only need to set a project up once and then it can be set to run continuously (requires 2 – 5 minutes input per week).

Step 3.


Once the Kovert traffic source is activated. The automated system does the rest.

Results start flooding in, in 1 – 3 days – from scratch… 


Are You Ready?

Isn’t it time you stopped doing what isn’t working… 

And did something that’s already working for people like Zofia?


That extra $647.97 in 7 days has already given Zofia a completely new outlook. She no longer has to stare at $0.00 each day because she knows how to make money from simply giving a Google Doc away for FREE
Anne’s certainly not rich yet, but she’s already made $477.22 in just 7 days where previously all she had ever done was spend money (not make money).
The point here is; When people know what works, they know how and why it works, they know it’s a simple process that requires just minutes to run, and they have the full step by step blueprint in front of them… Well then those people tend to use it and create better, wealthier lives for themselves and their families.
So if everything you’ve tried so far has resulted in failure.Just imagine for a second, what it would be like to finally succeed…

Picture This Scenario For a Moment:

Instead of Waking up & Seeing $0.00 Every MorningYou Wake to Payments after Payments Like This:


Even better: Imagine if this money was made while you were sleeping, and you knew you could do it again and again…
That’s the dream I had when I started. It’s the same dream nearly everyone who wants to make money online has, and perhaps it’s your dream too?
I made my dream come true, and I do wake up to payments like this every day. But most people don’t, and never will… For most people this scenario, or dream will remain nothing more than a dream…

But it doesn’t have to be like this… because your dream is closer than you think.

Right now you have a choice:

You need to ask yourself: ‘Can I spare a couple of hours this week to set up a system which is already making ordinary people money, even though they have no experience, no skills, and in many cases have never made a cent online before?’

Could you do that? *You only need to set the system up once
…And can you spare $17?I know that’s a stupid question, because I’m offering you a complete system for the cost of a Pizza, but I still have to ask.

So If You Said YES…

Then It’s Time You Got Started, And You Can…


For The Cost of a Takeaway Meal For 1


But You WILL Need To Be Quick…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



15 Really Obvious Reasons

Why you must get access to KOVERT Immediately!

  • The first and perhaps the most obvious reason is – If you get KOVERT right now you’ll pay next to nothing.
  • You get full access to ‘A Real System’ from start to finish, which took me 6 months to create, test, tweak and perfect.
  • You’ll be using the same system that’s already making ordinary people money.
  • You only need to set the system up once, after that the whole thing takes just 2 – 5 minutes a week to run.
  • You don’t have to worry about selling – You just give away the Google docs and let the system sell for you.
  • You won’t have to figure the traffic out for yourself – All Kovert users can use the same instant buyer traffic I use.
  • You’ll have full access to all of the step by step video training (created by me & not outsourced).
  • You don’t need to create videos, mess around with social media… or spend days trying to figure out software.
  • You won’t need an email list or any existing assets.
  • And you won’t need any experience.
  • You also get a full 30 days to try KOVERT yourself totally risk free

Plus if you purchase KOVERT Now, you’ll also get:

 KOVERT Quick Start.Value: $47 – Included free when you buy now

 System Task Sheet – So you know what to do in the correct order.Value: $37 – Included free when you buy now

 30 Day Results… From scratch with tracking codes.  Value: $17 – Included free when you buy now

 See It In Action – I’ll show you my own setup.Value: $37 – Included free when you buy now

And that’s just the start.
Yes KOVERT is cheap when you buy it right now but the price is not a reflection of quality.
As I mentioned above it took me 6 months to create this, and get it to a point where it just works for me. And because you’re here right now, and you’ve shown an interest in making money online… you get everything today for the price of a pizza.


From Giving Away Just 1 Google Doc

Can you think of an easier way of making money online?


I couldn’t think of an easier way to get daily results online without effort, and I’m sure Simon and many others would agree…
You see… Kovert isn’t about me, or what I can make… It’s about the ordinary people who already use the system and get results. Results many of them have been trying unsuccessfully to achieve for months and months, or in some cases years.
Sure… Simon’s $181.56 is nowhere near the 9k I’ve made from just 1 Google doc, but then he’s only just started… and he’s already made $181.56 in under a day.
Simon now has a system that he can use every week which is going to take him less than 5 minutes a week to run, and so could you.

If He Keeps That Up, He Could Make…

An Extra $1,270.92 A Week

He’s able to make extra money:

  • While he’s working
  • While he’s watching TV
  • While he’s spending time with his family
  • While he’s sleeping

Because he now has a system that he can use every week which is going to take him less than 5 minutes a week to run.

  • He doesn’t need to be sitting in front of his computer hour after hour.
  • He doesn’t have to give up his job (unless he wants to).
  • He probably doesn’t have too many sleepless nights anymore.
  • He can spend as much time with his family as he wants…
  • And he still gets results

Simon now has a solution… he now knows how to make money online quickly & easily, as does Anne, Deric, Zofia, and all the other ordinary people who use this system.
So what about you?
Will you be in the same enviable position this time next week?
Only you can answer that question, all I can do is give you the same complete step by step blueprint I gave them…

You Can Start Now…

Access To The Full KOVERT System Is Just 1 Click Away

But Remember: This Is A Special Offer Specifically For Those Who Take Action Right Now…If You Leave This Page & Decide To Purchase At A Later Date… Be Prepared To Pay Full Price.



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


And Don’t Forget

You’ll Also Get These Special Additions

Valued At $138.00 If You Take Action Right Now

That’s Real Value & Not Some Ridiculously Inflated Value.


Special Addition #1:

KOVERT Quick Start.

Full System Flow

This addition all by itself is worth at least three times the total cost you’ll pay today which you’ll instantly see for yourself the first time you log into KOVERT.
Quick Start is the perfect starting point for all KOVERT users as it breaks down the complete method into an easy to understand system flow.
Each part of the system is broken down into super easy to digest portions which new and current users have already found to be invaluable.
REAL VALUE – $47 – Included free when you buy now


Special Addition #2:

System Task Sheet

So You Know What To Do In The Correct Order.

For me the easiest and quickest way to get things done is by ticking off tasks on a ‘To Do’ list which is essentially what the System Task Sheet is.
While I know that many of you won’t need a ‘to-do’ list I want to ensure that all users have everything they need so they can use the KOVERT system quickly and easily.
So all you have to do is follow the training and tick the boxes to get your first project up and running.
REAL VALUE – $37 – Included free when you buy now


Special Addition #3:

$5,184.88 Case Study

From Scratch With Tracking Codes.

I don’t need to tell you that there are hundreds of products out there which turn out to be based on nothing more than theory… I’m sure some of you have purchased a few.
So why not start off with a little inspiration and see what can be achieved in days from scratch.
This $5,184.88 case study is applicable to all users because it uses the exact system you’ll have access to, and does not use any existing lists or assets.
REAL VALUE – $17 – Included free when you buy now


Special Addition #4:

See It In Action 

I’ll Show You My Own Setup.

Just like the case study I created this addition so you’re in no doubt that I genuinely do practice what I teach.
If you’d like to see my own set up, this addition means you can. Just log-in and scroll to the ‘See it in Action’ tab and I’ll share one of my most lucrative projects with you.
REAL VALUE – $37 – Included free when you buy now

PLUS: Kovert Results In 7 Days

Including How We Make An Extra $348.50 Per Google Doc

The First 100 Action Takers Today Will Get FREE AccessTo My Exclusive 1 Hour KOVERT Additional Training.

You want results, and you want them fast… correct?Of course you do, that much is obvious… But what might not seem as obvious is the fact that I want you to get results fast too…
I have a couple of very good reasons for wanting you to succeed.
The first is simple… your success reflects well on me and my business… It makes me look good.
But the big reason, and the one I know most of you will instantly understand is this:
In this training I’ll show you a simple little tweak used by a select group of system users which has the power to make them an extra $348.50 from the same Google Doc… (no additional effort).
…And when they get paid $348.50, so do I.
So you see, it’s in my interest to show Kovert users this, and do everything I can to help them succeed… because when they make money, I make money too.


Now you could say that this is self-serving… and to a certain extent you’re right. But can you think of a better reason for me to help you?
It’s a Win-Win but you’ll need to be quick as this will only be available to the first 100 customers today…



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


That’s It… Now You Just Need To Make a Decision

And There Are Just 2 Choices

Option #1

  • You could leave this page and continue doing what you’re doing right now, even though it isn’t working, and hope for a different outcome.
  • You could continue buying product after product in the hope that you’ll find something that makes money magically appear.
  • You could buy a lottery ticket every week, and pin your hopes and dreams on a big win.

But wouldn’t it make more sense to try a system that’s already working for others who might be just like you…
…All for the price of a Pizza?

Option #2

You get instant access to the complete Kovert system right now for the change in your pocket.
You get everything I’ve mentioned on this page including the special additions (if you’re quick).
You can start using the same system that works from scratch, and is already making ordinary people (Including complete beginners) money in day’s… Today!
You can stop trying to sell, and just give one Google Doc away for Free.
And you can fit this system in around any other commitments you might have because once set up it’ll take you less than 5 minutes each week to run.
It’s your choice…

But if you are interested…


I’ve mentioned it several times but I’ll explain it once more… The price you pay now is a very special offer…
At just $17 it’s dirt cheap right now, but as you can imagine this price is temporary…
You’ll see why the moment you log in for the first time.
You can have it all today in an instant. You’re just 1 click away… you get everything I’ve mentioned on this page, and you get it all for just $17… But only when you buy NOW.
Of course… it’s ok to think before you jump into anything. You absolutely should think about it…
But do your thinking now, and don’t close this page, because if you leave now, and come back later you may have to pay more & you could lose out on the special additions, including the results in 7 days, 1 hour training.
So if you haven’t already made a decision these questions should help you decide… 

…First Of All:

Do You Really Need KOVERT?

Is This System Right For You?

Does any of the following apply to you?

  • You’ve purchased countless products that promised a lot, turned out to be nothing but theory, and you made nothing.
  • You’re too busy working for a living to spend hour after hour trying to make money online…
  • You have a lot of other commitments which makes it difficult to get anything off the ground and close to impossible to make money.
  • You’re sick of long winded methods, and you’re tired of waiting for results.
  • You hate tech, Social media, Video marketing and all that other stuff which pretty much sucks if you’re not really good at it.
  • You can’t figure out how to get the targeted traffic everyone tells you you need, but never tell you how to get.
  • You don’t like selling, but you still want to make money.
  • You’re sick of friends, and family thinking you’re stupid for even trying to make money online.

If you can relate to any of the points I’ve just mentioned above, then I firmly believe KOVERT will be a perfect fit for you.
What have you got to lose… 17 bucks? Well NO… I won’t even ask you to risk that pocket change it’ll cost you for full access today.
This system 100% works, I’ve spent 6 months proving it and now ordinary people are getting results in days using it, but I won’t expect you to risk $17, instead I’ll happily state for the record that ‘if you use it’ – *I Guarantee You WILL Get Results!

*See guarantee below


Buy & Try KOVERT – 100% Risk Free Today

With My Real World GUARANTEE



Mark Bishop

Your Kovert Guarantee is simple: I guarantee that the Kovert members area will show you the complete system step by step, and explain how to implement the method I use for yourself.
I further guarantee that KOVERT will produce results for the user once the system is set up as instructed, and implemented.
In the unlikely event that KOVERT does not produce results for the user once set up, and having followed the instructions, I will process a full refund on the users (your) request (of the full purchase price) within the guarantee period of 30 days from the date of purchase without question, on receipt of: proof of implementation. By purchasing KOVERT you agree to these guarantee terms.

So you see, I’m even guaranteeing the $17 it’ll cost you to get full access to KOVERT Today… So there really is absolutely NO RISK!

The only way you lose out is by not trying!

Take a Look at Everything You Get Instant Access To

When You Get KOVERT Today:


  • Full access to the KOVERT members area.
  • The Complete KOVERT System – from start to finish (never seen, or done before)
  • Step by step training videos – Detailing the whole process
  • Full setup explained
  • The instant targeted traffic we’re all using.
  • FREE: Special Bonus #1: – KOVERT Quick Start
  • FREE: Special Bonus #2: – System Task Sheet
  • FREE: Special Bonus #3: – $5,184.88 Case Study
  • FREE: Special Bonus #3: – See It In Action – I’ll show you my own setup.
  • PLUS: Kovert Results In 7 Days – 1 Hour Additional Kovert Training.
  • Lastly… I Guarantee you get results

Total ‘REAL’ Value of



Our Normal Price Is:


Today, You Pay Just one low price

What you see is what you pay.

This is a 1 time payment, there are NO monthly or recurring costs.



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Please note: This is a special offer specifically for those who take action right now…If you leave this page & decide to purchase at a later date… be prepared to pay full price.


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Uh-oh Looks Like

Something Went Wrong

Because… You’re Still Here?

I could go on… but I won’t… Here’s why:
I could tell you again and again that Kovert is already working for ordinary people who had never made a cent online before.
I could load this page up with a lot’s more proof…
I could go on, and on, but I’m guessing you’ve pretty much made up your mind at this point, due to the fact that you’re still on this page…
Am I correct?
Sure, I understand that many of you reading this page might very well have been suckered into buying products which simply sell dreams, and if that includes you – don’t worry…
KOVERT isn’t anything like those products… It’s the complete opposite, the flip side.
Kovert is about reality and actually achieving something, rather than being some pie-in-the-sky, theory based nonsense.
KOVERT users get a solid system which not only works for the guy selling it (Me)… but also works for the ordinary people who have bought it and use it.

And… You Genuinely Can…

Start From Scratch!


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


KOVERT isn’t one of those GURU, techy things which is only suitable for twenty-somethings who grew-up with the internet, and understand tech like a first language.
This is a simple, proven system created for ordinary people who just want a reliable, fast and simple way of making money online without ongoing effort.
And… What could be easier than just giving 1 Google Doc away?
So… If you don’t think you’ll be able to give 1 Google Doc away for free using the very traffic we’re all using…
And I haven’t made my case crystal clear, and shown you why KOVERT is one of the best, easiest, and quickest ways of starting from scratch while still getting results within days (even for complete beginners) then I probably never will.
So, You can either… Close this page right now, and buy yet another product which promises to make money magically appear.
Or you can invest the tiny full access cost now and get access to something that’s already working for people who may well be a lot like you…
Your choice. It really is entirely up to you… But if you are interested, don’t hang around, because KOVERT will not be priced at $17 for long.
…You’ll instantly see why the moment you log-in for the first time.
So, would you like to see exactly how much I’ve Over-Delivered and Under Priced Kovert by?

Then Simply Click The Button Below And…





I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



See You Inside

Mark Bishop

P.S. – When you get KOVERT now you’ll only pay a fraction of the normal cost.
P.P.S – I’ll also add the quick start, task sheet (to-do list), $5,184.88 case study, a look at my own set up and the ‘Results In 7 Days – 1 Hour Additional Kovert Training’ to your members area, so it’s instantly available.
P.P.P.S – As I mentioned previously… I’m also guaranteeing Kovert works and generates results.
Everyone deserves a chance to better themselves, and achieve what they want & need in life… I understand that better than most being a non academic, and having worked in the construction industry for most of my working life as a result. Which is why I’m inviting you to be part of this today, even though many existing users would rather I didn’t… The decision you make now could have a massive impact on your life, or it could mean more of the same. It’s up to you, but please consider what you’re being offered here carefully.

Do You Have Questions?

I’ve Probably Answered Them Below… Take A Look:


Q. Is this Real or yet another Theory Based Idea?

A. I can categorically state that this system is not only 100% real, but used by myself and others due to its straightforward approach, simplicity and due to the fact that it works from scratch in days.

Q. What about the Traffic?

A. A system without traffic is NOT a workable system. Inside KOVERT I’ll show you where we get our buyer traffic (all Kovert users use this traffic), I’ll show you the results, and I’ll explain how to start sending the traffic into your own KOVERT system so you can give your Google Doc away to hundreds, even thousands of people instantly (usually 1-3 days).

Q. Is this another Loophole?

A. Absolutely not… loopholes and quick fixes come and go on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, and when they get closed down (which they do) you will have wasted time, and probably money. KOVERT is a real ‘Ethical’ and Evergreen business model… Those who implement this system and get results in 7 days will be able to use the same process 5 years from now. I.e. Once a person knows how to do this, they will always be able to use it.

Q. Is this Really that Easy?

A. Yes! KOVERT is designed specifically to be ‘Low-Tech’, easy to understand and apply. I developed KOVERT over a 6 month period for myself in order to make money online from scratch (I.e. by not using existing email lists or existing assets) and without ongoing effort. Note: you will need to set the system up initially (approx: 2 hours) but you only need to set it up once, after that it’ll take you 2-5 minutes per week to keep it producing results.

Q. Do You Guarantee I will make money with KOVERT?

A. I guarantee that if the user follows the instructions inside the KOVERT members area and implements the system as instructed then they will get results. I cannot legally, and will not guarantee figures, income, commission specific or otherwise because it is illegal for me to do so. If you are in any doubt, and cannot afford $17 (which is never at risk if you do as instructed) then this isn’t for you.

Q. What if I don’t have any experience?

A. Experience is not a requirement… As I’ve mentioned several times on this page KOVERT is a system designed specifically to work 100% from scratch. And when something works from scratch without any existing assets, then everyone has an equal chance of achieving the same results when they implement the exact same system.

Q. Will I need to do any work?

A. Many people don’t look at their online endeavours as being business models, but the reality is; anything you do online in order to profit is a business model, I.e. An online business is a business no matter how big or small, and KOVERT is no different. Anyone who wants to achieve results with KOVERT will need to follow the instructions, set up the system and implement it as instructed. So yes there is a little work (around 2 hours initially) which only needs to be done once, followed by 2-5 minutes a week after that to keep the system working and generating ongoing results.

Q. How fast will I get results?

A. Based on existing users… If a user sets up and Implements the KOVERT system today then they usually start seeing results within 7 days. The results and the time it takes to achieve those results is not dependent on previous experience or on any existing assets the user may or may not already have, but on implementing the system as instructed, I.e. the quicker the user implements the system, the quicker they can expect to see results.

Q. I want Kovert but…

A. Everyone has their own reasons for doing or not doing something, and in this case buying or not buying… the cost, the work involved, lack of skill, lack of tech ability, you name it. And if you’ve read this page all the way through you’ll see that I’ve gone completely overboard with Kovert to remove every barrier which I know from experience holds beginners back… Take another look – there really are NO barriers, and you risk nothing!

Q. How do I get the full discount?

A. If you want the full discount as shown on this page along with the additional bonuses added to your account instantly then you will need to purchase NOW.


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If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
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