Internet Marketing Academy Volume 2 PLR – Done-For-You ‘Non-Pushy Selling’ System!

You Get Full Private Label Rights To Everything To Rebrand & Use It As Your Own!

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Done-For-You ‘Non-Pushy Selling’

System That Will Easily Boost Email Open Rates, Build More Credibility for Your Rising Brand and Reap More Cash from Your Current Email List…

The SUREFIRE way to:

 Boost your open rate

 Reduce your unsubscribes

 Build credibility like a boss

 Increase your sales numbers

WITHOUT you having to:

 Do any content research ever

 Churn our fresh new content

 Slave hours upon hours

 Be a pushy annoying salesperson

 Sacrifice your precious ‘ME TIME’.

Next Price Increase Soon

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Check Out The Awesome Results We Experienced Using This Done-For-You System:

Over 25% Open Rates For Each Email Broadcast Every Single Day

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

(Disclaimer: You may NOT experience the same results, but we’re showing you what’s possible.)


Sales Notifications Hitting Our Inbox Multiple Times A Day:

(Disclaimer: You may NOT experience the same results, but we’re showing you what’s possible.)


Open Rates Are Dwindling

It’s getting hard to get your list to respond to your email promos, isn’t it?

No matter how hard you try, the results are getting worse day by day…

Perhaps, you’ve tried to schedule your emails to be sent at the ‘perfect’ time,

Or maybe you’ve tried to clean and scrub your precious list like you were told, am I right?

And I am guessing those ‘lame’ overused tactics will only get you so far.

Here’s The Truth:

The fact of the matter is this.

Those days when you can constantly blast out promo emails and get a huge response are long gone.

That’s right!

People are generally tired of getting bombarded by endless promotional emails

– That’s a fact you mustn’t ignore!

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

People are too used to filtering and ignoring senders who provide zero to no value to them.

Even your clients who have bought from you before will NOT hesitate to click on the unsubscribe link if they feel like you are wasting their precious time!


It’s Way Too Hard!

All that… has left you feeling dreadfully frustrated and wondering what you can do to regain their trust.

And so… you hop onto the internet just to be greeted by those so-called experts telling you to provide more value and churn out endless content to win the attention from your list.

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You frown deeply because deep inside… you know… that’s hard work!

And even if you slave hours upon hours trying to build content with time you simply do not have… you’re just doing the same thing that everyone else is already doing!

There’s no guarantee that your hard work will be paid off!

All you will be doing is sacrificing your precious time that you could have spent with your friends and family.

It only means that you could be getting entrapped in a never-ending struggle just to get your clients to notice you a tad bit more.


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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

What If You Can Use This

Clever Email Marketing Strategy

To Leverage Your Subscribers List To:

 Boosting your open rate

 Reduce your unsubscribes

 Build credibility like a boss

 Increase your sales numbers


WITHOUT Having To:

 Do any content research ever

 Churn our fresh new content

 Slave hours upon hours

 Be a pushy annoying salesperson

 Sacrifice your precious ‘ME TIME’.

All offered to you on a silver platter.

Done-For-You System so that you can just run with it TODAY.

Plus we’re also throwing a full Private Label Rights license to it.



The Internet Marketing Academy Volume 2

80 Done-For-You Short Value-Oriented Rebrandable Videos With A Complete Ready-To-Go Training Center That Will Sell To Your List Like A Ninja…

>>>>GET Internet Marketing Academy Volume 2 PLR with additional SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

All While Your Audience Gets Impactful Short Video Content That No Body Else Is Willing To Do!


The Internet Marketing Academy Volume 2 Works Wonders Because It Takes Advantage Of These 6 Unmatched Pillars:


Impactful Content That Provides Real Quality Value


Short and Straight To The Point For Busy People


Bring Life By Leveraging On The Power Of Audio Visual


Separate Yourself From The Crowd To Gain Competitive Edge


Non-Pushy Selling Strategy That Gets More Sales


Done-For-You System With Private Label Rights

>>>>GET Internet Marketing Academy Volume 2 PLR with additional SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Here Comes the BEST PART:

Our Game Changing Ninja Selling Technique… Revealed!

Sending content alone won’t bring your clicks and sales volumes up. That’s why we’ve added a quick seamless ‘Call to Action’ at the end of each video to help tie it to your promotions.

With this, you can please your list or audience, and sell without feeling pushy!

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Watch Samples of These Clever
Done-For-You Videos In Action!

Vertical Dimension:

(Ideal For TikTok & YouTube Shorts)

Horizontal Dimension:

(Ideal For Your Website or Training Center)

A-HA! See what we mean now?

Every single video that you’ll give away in your newsletter is an ingenious way for you to please your list while creating the perfect chance for you to ‘promote’ without being pushy.

It’s what your list yearns for.

It’s how you will be able to increase your credibility.

It’s going to be a game changer right now… because NO ONE ELSE is doing this.

… Most of your competitors simply can’t do this because churning out consistent video content with an upsell like this will take up a fortune not to mention the massive amount of time required to get everything done themselves.

Fortunately for you… We’ve got your back!

Here Is What’s Included In

The Internet Marketing Academy Volume 2

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Private Label Rights Package:


80x Carefully-Researched, Value-Oriented
Done-For-You Short Videos With Private Label Rights
(Vertical & Horizontal Dimensions)


With these juicy short videos, you can pitch anything you want, and your list will be impressed with the effort and value that they get whenever they open up your emails.

They’ll look forward to your next newsletter issue while you laugh all the way to your bank.

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Curious about what kind of daily tips you’ll be able to serve to your list while promoting various offers?

Take a look at these 80 video titles:

1. Get startup capital by doing freelance work

2. Every person has at least one money making skill

3. Sharpen your skills and then turn them loose

4. Profit off of your knowledge by creating online courses

5. There’s a need for almost everything

6. Some people are willing to pay big bucks for courses

7. Create a YouTube channel and get a following

8. Focus on quality over quantity

9. Upload your podcasts to more places for added exposure

10. Make money by creating your own private label rights digital products

11. Outsource the content creation for a handsfree experience

12. Cash in on the constant demand the internet has for content

13. Sell instructional courses using private label rights videos

14. Ask the publisher of the content if you can resell the videos

15. Keep profit margins in mind when setting a price

16. Give away private label rights eBooks as an incentive for people to join your email list

17. It’s vital that you go the niche route

18. It’s all about the content that you post

19. Trade advertising spots with people in your niche

20. Don’t worry about the whole competition thing

21. Straying too far away from your niche won’t bear good results

22. Don’t ask for too much information from the person

23. Their name and email address is all that’s required

24. Don’t scare the person away

25. Ask people who subscribe to your list to forward your emails to friends

26. Everyone knows at least someone who enjoys their niche

27. Following the tail end of a trend can be costly

28. Build an online store with the sole purpose of using it as a testbed

29. There’s a lot to learn when running a store

30. Failure is easier to swallow on a test site

31. Create a list of all of who you think are your competitors

32. How to determine who is a competitor

33. What to look for on a competitor’s site

34. Ask your customers to vote in polls or fill out surveys

35. Sweeten the deal with free offers

36. Offer a wide variety of content

37. Reward your members who have taken action

38. Showcase the hard work of your students in a forum

39. Run contests and get everyone involved

40. Ask your members to fill out surveys to get feedback and new ideas

41. Ask how you can improve your membership site

42. Polls are good to a lesser extent

43. Create an affiliate program and allow others to promote your membership site

44. Seek out top earning affiliates

45. Stick with the people who make you high converting ads

46. Never create a piece of content without educating yourself first

47. Niche traffic knows what they’re looking for

48. Never forget how you’re going to monetize your traffic

49. Hire outside help if you need an expert in your field

50. It’s the one investment that always pays off

51. You have to zero in on the target niche

52. Build a reputation as an influencer in your niche

53. Eat, sleep, and drink your niche

54. Find someone suitable and stick with them

55. Freelance spokespeople can be the face of your business

56. Choose the right person for your product

57. Test the waters and see who performs the best

58. Hire freelance photographers to take product photos

59. Search outsourcing sites for the best photographers

60. You don’t need to go local when hiring a photographer

61. Outsource all of your website and server tech upkeep

62. Outsource the level of upkeep you’re comfortable with

63. Put your intro after the first 15 seconds

64. It’s okay to come off as inexperienced in the beginning

65. Take a look the videos of your favorite vlogger

66. The early days are always the most difficult

67. Don’t let the lack of high-end expensive gear derail you

68. Work your way up to quality gear

69. Learn how to make videos and then worry about the other stuff

70. Never participate in subscribe for subscribe schemes

71. Subscribers who don’t watch your videos hurt your rankings

72. Remember, you can send the person elsewhere

73. Promote recently launched products to get sales before everyone else

74. Get the product in front of people before everyone else does

75. Don’t beat around the bush

76. Send traffic to your YouTube videos to receive a boost in the rankings

77. Niche is the way to go with YouTube

78. Subscribers love videos that aren’t spammy

79. Split test your email messages for best results

80. Play around with how you place links and advertisements

It’s time you blend your emails with promotions and freebies.
Enjoy fewer unsubscribes, but reap more clicks!

But don’t let these videos be limited to just your email promotions…

You can use these splendid short videos on:

 Your landing pages

 Your bonus pages

 Your presell pages

 Your thank you pages

 Your download pages

 and so much more!

Each video is compact and short.

It will only take less than a minute to view and your busy clients will love you for it!

Sound like a gem already?

Wait till you see what else you’ll get when you grab The Marketing Academy Vol 2 for less than 10 bucks today!


80x Editable Presentation Slides


Rebrand, edit, and personalize your way to win the hearts of your audience. Our editable presentation slides will help you impact their lives as you grow your business to the next level in no time!


80 Sets of Professional Voice Over.


Needless to say, if you’ve ever had to get a voice-over job done prior to this, you’ll know that this module is worth a thousand bucks alone. Anytime you want, just fire up these editable MP3 voice-over audio files and edit or rebrand away as much as you like… at no extra cost!


80 ‘Turnkey’ Video Presell Pages



We made it easier for you to use our videos as a presell page – Thank us later, ;). In fact, each individual video will come with its corresponding presell pages with the following:

1. A short video lesson that they can watch with our ‘unique’ upsell call to action ending.

2. A discreet ‘Click Here to Continue’ button that will take your ‘Satisfied audience’ to ANY offer that you wish.

No pushy selling, just smart valuable information that will help build your credibility and trust.

Now that’s POWERFUL!


Plug-n-Play Video Website Portal – Mobile Responsive HTML Format


Now that you’ve got all that video in your hands… We made it extremely easy to own your very own video content website. Imagine all 100 videos in one single portal under your brand. You can choose to sell or provide your audience with free unlimited access. The choice is yours – and you’ll stand to gain no matter what!


Ready-made Capture & Delivery page
 Lead Capture Page To Grow Your Subscribers List


We’ve created a lead capture page for EACH of the products you just purchased. You only have to add in your autoresponder code inside and it’s ready to go!

 Delivery Page (or Thank You Page)


Whenever they subscribe to your list, consider redirecting these people to these delivery pages. We’ve prepared a thank you page for each of the products you bought previously. You just have to add your download url to it and voila! It’s ready to go!

Holy Smokes!

That’s A Lot of Stuff You’re Giving for Less Than 10 Bucks!

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

You got that right!

In fact, that’s over 500+ ready-made pieces of content that you can instantly use to help your marketing business grow… and every single item you get comes with FULL PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS!

Here’s a quick recap of all the done-for-you rebrandable content that you’ll get with The Marketing Academy:

 MODULE #1: 80x Carefully-Researched, Value-Oriented Done-For-You Vertical & Horizontal Videos

 MODULE #2: 80x Editable Presentation Slides

 MODULE #3: 80 Sets of Professional Voice Over.

 MODULE #4: 80 ‘Turnkey’ Video Presell Pages

 MODULE #5: Plug-n-Play Video Website Portal – Mobile Responsive HTML Format

 MODULE #6: Ready-Made Lead Capture & Delivery Pages

Just imagine the amount of money you’ll save if you were to hire a pro to create all this powerful content for you. We’re talking about thousands of dollars that you won’t have to spend today!

It’s time to boost your credibility, increase your email open rate and skyrocket your sales numbers like never before.

With just a few cents per video from The Marketing Academy, you could potentially gain more subscribers and increase your sales in just a matter of days.

If you get just a 2% more open rate on a list of say… 10k subscribers, that’s about 200 more eyeballs on your email promotions which could lead to hundreds of dollars or more per day!

>>>>GET Internet Marketing Academy Volume 2 PLR with additional SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Next Price Increase In:

Get your hands on these amazing videos that will make your life as a marketer so much easier.

Please your clients while pitching your offers in a non-intrusive way!

It’s time to act smart and leverage The Internet Marketing Academy Volume 2.

Order This ‘NO-BRAINER DEAL’ Now By Clicking The Button Below Before We Remove This Offer Forever!

Disclaimer: WarriorPlus is used to help manage the sale of products on this site. While WarriorPlus helps facilitate the sale, all payments are made directly to the product vendor and NOT WarriorPlus. Thus, all product questions, support inquiries and/or refund requests must be sent to the vendor. WarriorPlus’s role should not be construed as an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in the marketing of these products.

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Private Label Rights Terms and Conditions:


 Can edit, rename, rebrand & sell the PDF report

 Can bundle the PDF report with other paid or free products

 Can offer the PDF report as a bonus for paid products

 Can turn the report into audio/webinar/video products

 Can give away the report for free in exchange of lead

 Can be used as content for YOUR own website

 Can be added to free/paid membership sites (PDF report only)

 Can be offered through auction sites (PDF report only)

 Can be offered as a bonus for an affiliate promotion (PDF report only)

 Can alter any of the graphics


 Can NOT sell/give away the editable files (html, psd, docx, txt)

 Can NOT sell/give away resell rights

 Can NOT sell/give away master resell rights

 Can NOT sell/give away private resell rights

Refund Policy:

All sales are considered final. There’s no refund to this PLR package. You’ll receive everything we stated on this page. Please read carefully before you purchase.

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