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My Family Laughed At Me When I Quit My Job…
“But Then I Made $60,247 With EASE In A Single Weekend!”
…And I Want To Give YOU The EXACT (100% Foolproof) Blueprint For How I Did It!
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Now Available For Instant Digital Download!

PLUS, GET 7 ADDITIONAL BONUSES Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee. You’ll love our partnership or we’ll give you your money back AND let you keep your copy.

What Is the 7-Figure Launch System™?
“A wise man knows it’s far better to buy into a wonderful company at a fair price than a fair company at a wonderful price.” – Warren Buffett (The World’s Wealthiest Investor)
I’m going to ask you a tough question… Are you as successful as you want to be yet?
If you are, this probably isn’t for you. But if not, you’re about to be faced with the most pivotal decision of your life.
Because I’m about to give you the opportunity to partner with me in one of my 7-figure businesses, and I will literally hold your hand while you create your own successful business.
That’s why even my competitors are calling this insane offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change your financial status forever!
Let’s look at the stats… 9 out of 10 new businesses fail. That means if you try to start your own business you have a 90% chance of failure!
But for already successful businesses, the opposite is true.
They have almost a 90% success rate!
Even Warren Buffet agrees that the BEST way to acquire wealth is to invest in a wonderful business that is ALREADY working… and working well.
Because the hard part, (getting started), is already done.
That’s why this program can virtually guarantee you will be successful…
Even if every business you’ve started has failed, and nothing you’ve tried has ever worked out!
You see, the 7-Figure Launch System™ is our never before released partnership program that allows anyone, anywhere, regardless of background, skill or experience to partner with a 7-Figure business owner and get their very own 7-figure business.
(Without doing any of the work)…
You read that right… You can partner with a millionaire… and MY team will do the work!
I currently own almost a dozen companies that are generating absolutely obscene amounts of cash every single day.
(It’s almost embarrassing how much money I’m making)
That’s why I want to share the wealth and give Average Joes just like you the opportunity to partner with me on one of these 10 (and counting) highly profitable online businesses…
And again, myself and my team do all the work for you!
If you’ve ever wished for a real life “easy button” for starting a business, this is it!
Here’s how it works:
We create the products, we do all of the marketing, we do all of the selling, and we do all of the customer service – you just collect payments.
Earlier this year I launched a brand new 7-figure business that generated me over $425,820 right out of the gate, just to show that I could do it. Here’s the proof:
How would you like to have been a partner in that business? Exactly… Now imagine how good it would feel to tell your know-it-all neighbor that a biz you partnered in banked half a millie last month? Now THAT is a feeling of pure satisfaction!
You can get that feeling right now by partnering with me…
And here’s why I’m offering a few lucky people this “can’t fail” opportunity.
Because I’ve been exactly where you’ve been. Overwhelmed with information, burned by BS that doesn’t work. Jaded by junk jockeys that pawn piss-poor products on poor, trusting souls like us.
That’s why I’m giving you the chance to skip all the BS and partner on something that is already making money. And what’s more, I’ll even show you some of my secret shortcuts so you can start making money as fast as possible!
Here’s why this works:
Venture capital sharks often call it the “Snowball Effect.” In other words, once something starts working, it keeps on working, gaining momentum exponentially. That’s why this is so powerful.
No more worrying about building Shopify stores, no more buying course after course, and no more wondering what you need to do to create a real business online…
I’ve already done ALL the hard work of building a 7 figure business so you don’t have to!
Screw starting something with a 90% failure rate! (…what everyone else is offering)
Instead, partner with me in one of my million-dollar businesses so you can virtually guarantee your success!
Read on to learn more about how the 7-Figure Launch System™ works…
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

7 Figure Launch System (Value $97) Free Today
A done for you money making system where you can copy my $121,132.65 launch with a fraction of the effort.
Launch Profit Calculator (Value $67) Free Today
This shows you how much money you’re making and how much profit you’re making with your 7 Figure Launch System.
Fast Profits Rolodex (Value $197) Free Today
Generate income quickly with this rolodex, This will show you who to contact, how to get your offer in front of people and how to find people that will promote your product and make you money.
Fast-Selling Framework (Value $97) Free Today
Here’s a fast selling framework that you can use to generate sales quickly.
Five-Day Fast Start Guide (Value $197) Free Today
This guide is designed to give you an orientation to the entire program so that you can check in on it each day over the next five days to know exactly what you’re supposed to do to get results quickly.
Guaranteed Success & Accountability System (Value $47) Free Today
With this, you’re never going to fail. You’ll always be looked after and you’re guaranteed to succeed.
7 Figure Launch System Private Community Access (Value $197) Free Today
This is a great way for you to learn more, for you to connect with other members of the group and to form partnerships and friendships that may last a lifetime.
7 Figure Launch Codes (Value $197) Free Today
These are the exact same launch codes that I’ve used in my business to generate millions and millions of dollars.
Claim Your Copy Today…
For a limited time only, you can order The 7-Figure Launch System™ Program for only $9.95… and get all of the bonuses above included for FREE Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee. You’ll love the business or we’ll give you your money back AND let you keep your copy & all your bonuses.
Here’s What Others Have To Say

John Crosbie
“…I’ve worked with Kern, Carlton, Kennedy & Deiss but there’s always been something missing.” So I decided to work with Michael & fill in the gaps – the puzzle pieces I needed to make money– John Crosbie
Eric Larson
“…I’m blown away by your response…Your vision and generosity are second to none”
– Eric Larson
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this for?
This is for 2 types of people. Those who are interested in getting more freedom in their lives by creating a simple 7 Figure Launch System for a business they want to start. And, it’s also for current business owners who would like to accelerate their sales, customers & commissions (and put them on autopilot), using a predictable system so they can keep more of their profits.
What is the 7 Figure Launch System?
The 7 Figure Launch System is a systematic approach to increasing sales customers & commissions. It is not a fad that comes and goes. It is not built around just helping you to launch more ad campaigns that you have to constantly monitor. The 7 Figure Launch System is about building a business that can be around for decades, designed to give you freedom and profit.
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
This 7 Figure Launch System Special Offer really is special. We wanted to make it so good that you’d feel stupid by not ordering it. It gives you an online business that gives you freedom. What you’ll get in this special offer includes the entire 7 Figure Launch System, a comprehensive video training on how to get Endless Sales, Buyers & Commissions. You also get countless high value bonuses including our 7 Figure Launch Codes ($197 value) and you get the 7 Figure Launch System Private Community Access ($197 value).
What makes this different from all the other stuff out there?
Nobody else is teaching you this, they are all teaching how to get more sales by using expensive and unpredictable paid advertising. Anyone can do that once or twice, and then they run into problems when they realize that they were taught a “one off” tactic that makes the guru look good because they get a cool screenshot testimonial. The student is stuck trying to figure out how to make profitable, consistent sales and not knowing how to make their business more predictable and profitable.
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. Nothing was held back while writing this system but for the people that want further assistance we do offer opportunities to “upgrade” your order after purchasing.
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it’s not for you. I even let you keep the entire system.
Hi, my name is Michael Cheney.
You probably know me from one of the multi-million dollar MarTech companies I started.
Or maybe as the “rich guy” who has been all over the News recently as the philanthropist who’s planning to help 1000 normal people build a $1 Million Dollar business.
But there’s a side to me you may not know…
It’s the story behind the story that the big news outlets haven’t shared.
(And it’s WHY I’ve become so obsessed with helping people.)
I’ve never publicly told anyone this story… because it’s not exactly something I’m proud of. In fact, it may be the most humiliating thing that’s ever happened to me.
But I want to share it with you now,
Because it may change your life.
It’s what happened to me in 7 minutes on a Monday morning back in 1999…
7 Minutes…
That’s all it took to completely change my life forever…
…Just 7 minutes in the pit of Hell!
So that week started with an ordinary Sunday night. I was dragging my feet getting ready for bed and dreading work in the pit of my stomach, as usual.
Holy Hell I hated my job… And my boss hated me. To this day I have no clue why.
I guess a bully never really needs a reason to beat up on the skinny nerd with glasses.
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
Online Business Growth News

COVID-19 Accelerated E-Commerce Growth ‘4 To 6 Years“Total online spending in May (2021) hit $82.5 billion, up 77% year-over-year”
Forbes.com…February 12th, 2022
US e-commerce sales to jump 18% in 2021, but not enough to offset retail’s decline
Techcrunch.com…January 8th, 2022
84 Percent Rise in May Retail eCommerce Sales, ACI Worldwide Research Reveals
paymentsjournal.com…March 5th, 2022
Brazil ecommerce jumps 57% in first five months of 2021 fueled by COVID-19
yahoo.com…June 23rd, 2021
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
More Customer Success Stories

Michael Cheney
Anyway, I went to bed totally clueless how drastically my life would change the next morning.
But when I woke up that morning, I knew something was wrong,
My alarm hadn’t gone off…
I skipped the shower and rushed out the door right into a rain storm… that’s when it hit me what happened. The storm had knocked out our power. Just my luck…
Anyway, I walked into the door of the office at 8:17AM… soaked to the skin and hoping to slink in without getting a guilt trip from my tyrant of a boss.
That’s when it happened.
He was waiting right there at the door to ambush me.
I felt helpless,
Like a cornered antelope,
Just waiting for a lion to savagely attack and rip him apart…
But that would have been LESS excruciating than what happened next…
“Get your ass over here, NOW!”
He got right up in my face, shouting obscenities, right there in the middle of the office.
I could feel the nasty sting of his spit, pelting my burning, red face like rain on a hot tin roof.
I think I threw up in my mouth, but I swallowed it down…
Right along with the last shred of dignity I had.
Then I sort of blacked out.
When I finally came to, he was still standing right there,
directly in front of me, the stench of his disgusting breath in my face,
rank with the smell of whatever he had for breakfast…
“WELLLL!? What do you have to say for yourself Cheney!?” he growled.
“I, I, Umm, I’m sorry, sir.”
“You’re damned right about that, Cheney!” he snapped back.
…“You’re the sorriest employee in this place!”
He pointed to my desk, “SIT!” he commanded.
I slunk back like a whipped puppy.
I didn’t know if I had zoned out for 30 seconds or 3 hours…
I nervously glanced down at my watch,
7 minutes…
That’s how long it took him to completely destroy me in front of my friends and co-workers.
Sitting there, staring at my watch.
Something in me snapped.
My entire body was shaking, and I felt an intense, feverish burning from head to toe.
Standing there in front of him, while he publicly stripped me naked of ANY self respect I had, was more painful than any physical beating I could have ever taken.
The only way I can describe the total helplessness I felt that day is the scene from my favorite movie, Braveheart, when as a child, William Wallace stands over the graves of his family.
Because a part of me died inside right there that day,
And I felt just as helpless as a child, standing there over his grave.
I went home that night, locked myself in my room, and for the first time in years, I cried.
White-hot tears of absolute fury burned down my cheeks like venom while I screamed into my pillow and punched the mattress, unleashing years of pent up rage and the pain of the absolute humiliation I had suffered that day.
Laying there in my bed I swore to Heaven that even if it killed me, I would escape that miserable prison one day.
And I vowed that NO ONE would ever be able to make me feel that helpless again!
When my fiancé came over later, I didn’t want to talk about it.
I was afraid she would be ashamed of me for not standing up for myself. I thought she might think that I was weak or cowardly, or would even think less of me as a man…
But the next day, I dove in with a fury-fueled obsession.
I was laying the plans for my escape.
I would build a side business.
Become my OWN boss…And like my hero, William Wallace, I would fight for my freedom!
So I spent hours upon hours on the internet.
I researched every possible side gig, home-based business, or online opportunity I could find.
My motivation level could NOT possibly have been higher.
I couldn’t have worked ANY harder…
And yet,
Day, after day, after day…Failure…
I just couldn’t understand WHY!?
I worked my literal ass off from the moment I got home until well past midnight.
Every single day I was grinding like a madman,
Desperate for success.
That never came.
This went on for two miserable years…
TWO YEARS!!!In two years I made less than ONE dollar in profit.
(I couldn’t have sucked any harder if I had been an industrial vacuum cleaner.)
I wracked my brain, and begged the Heavens,
I’ve never wanted ANYTHING so desperately in my entire life as much as I wanted to build a successful business for myself.
But I couldn’t have worked any harder, and I had already invested everything I had,
With ZERO results…
If life was fair, I should have been wealthy by now, with everything I had poured into my relentless fight for financial freedom…
But life ISN’T fair!
My lovely fiance had stood by me through this relentless quest, watching me waste every waking moment and squander every possible cent into this relentless obsession…
And, angel that she is, she never once questioned me.
Until one night…
She wanted to start planning our wedding, and I was asking her for $10,000 dollars (that we didn’t have) to sink into yet another venture.
She begged me to give up on this dream and be content with a normal job.
“Just leave that miserable job and go work somewhere else.”
But she didn’t realize that there would ALWAYS be a “Longshanks” boss at my job, no matter where I went! He would follow me around, tormenting me forever,…Until I faced him, and beat him.
And the ONLY way to do that was to build a business that worked, and win this war with myself, once and for all.
So I did something totally reckless,
Against her wishes, I took the money and invested it in the venture.
But this time, it was different.
This time, I wasn’t just buying some unproven, paint-by-numbers fantasy plan pitched by a guru.
This time, I was investing in a mentor who had already done EXACTLY what I wanted to do,
He’d already won this war,
And he was going to show me the way!
Make no mistake, it wasn’t easy… Nothing worth having is!
I still worked long hours and invested everything I had into building this business…
But this time, I wasn’t just shooting in the dark.
This time I had a working plan, built by someone who was actually doing this in the real world.
So I just knew that this time I knew it would be different.
A few months later, I was finally ready to launch.
I had done everything my mentor and hold me to do. Set up every piece meticulously according to the plan. I had everything in place.I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t TERRIFIED when I clicked “publish.”
But I forced myself to go to bed.
I refused to log back in for 24 hours so I wouldn’t drive myself and Laura, my fiance, crazy by clicking the refresh button a million times.
24 hours later, (which felt like an eternity), we finally opened the laptop.
We logged into our account…
BUT… when we saw what was on the screen we almost panicked!
Laura was totally paralyzed, as if petrified in stone,
Just sitting there in a stunned silence…
I started desperately clicking the refresh button, over and over.
It just HAD to be a big mistake… There MUST be some mistake!
But I knew in my gut there was no mistake.
My head was spinning, and I felt weak in my knees,
This had literally been my last “Hail Mary” attempt, and I had “bet the farm” on it.
I had been SO SURE I would make my money back this time,
And that mentor had been SO damned convincing!
I just KNEW in my heart when I logged in I’d have that $10,000 back in my account,
But I was wrong…
There WASN’T $10,000 in the account!
I had done EVERYTHING right,
This had been my last shot at success,
I knew failure would cost me EVERYTHING!
…(Maybe even the love of my life)
As I slowly closed the laptop screen and looked up at Laura,
She was trying so hard to hold back the tears welling up in her eyes…If I live to be 100, that exact moment will forever be frozen in time, burned into my memory as clearly as a Polaroid snapshot.
Because THAT was in that moment that I knew,
Looking at that screen,
That I was finally,
A FREE man!
I clicked refresh one last time and there it was, as plain as day, Not $10k… but $60,247 USD!
I had followed his plan and that was how much money I made,
…In just ONE weekend!
That moment was every bit as powerful to me as the moment in the movie Braveheart when William Wallace make his stand in front of the army and proclaims: Fight and you may die. Run and you will live, at least a while.And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that For ONE CHANCE, just one chance, to come back here as young men and tell our enemies that they may take our lives,
But they will NEVER take our freedom!
I knew right there in that moment,that never again would ANYONE be able to take away my freedom!
I had made a staggering $60k working just ONE weekend…
Someone who had never made half that in a year, working his ass off at a terrible job with a raving lunatic of an abusive boss.
Someone who had spent his last two years trying (and failing) to make more than a few cents.
That same “failure” cleared $60k in ONE WEEKEND…
Because I was finally working with the right plan!
Launch Your 7-Figure Business Today…
For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our 7 Figure Launch System today for a one-time only $9.95.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the audio version instead, we’ve included it for FREE as an added bonus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSTANT DOWNLOAD
Get YOUR Plan Now!

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We both knew the rest of our lives, (and the lives of our future children), had changed forever in that one, pivotal moment.
The next few years were an absolute whirlwind.

And I’m not ashamed to say I treated myself to a few of the finer things of life as well, funded courtesy of my new-found ability to create cash out of thin air.
I wish I could say the story ended there,
And that we lived happily ever after…
But that’s not how it works in real life, is it?
I was just so driven to succeed,
That I built business after successful business. It was like an addiction, I couldn’t stop!
And for a while it seemed like I had the Midas Touch. When it came to creating successful businesses, I could do no wrong. It looked like I was on top of the world.But what no one knew was I had kept a dark secret hidden for years,
And when it came out,
It would almost destroy EVERYTHING I had spent 20 years building!
You see, I came from a non-traditional home. (Like many of you may have.)
My mother suffered from many illnesses that partially disabled her,
So I was almost totally raised by my dad.
He was my rock. He gave me everything a boy could ask from a father. In fact, he gave me everything he had to give;
- His love for teaching
- His obsessive resilience
- His unshakable faithfulness
But one thing he never openly gave me, and that was his approval.
The quest for it literally defined my entire career prior to his passing. You wouldn’t have known it, not from the outside, but it became the driving force in everything I did.
Even if I didn’t want to accept it…
Everything I did seemed to be in the relentless (unsuccessful) quest for his approval.
I craved it in such a way that the absence of it literally hurt.
Like the pain of hunger or cold, it gnawed at my gut. The overwhelming desire to gain his approval quite literally fueled my relentless quest for success.Everytime I built a new successful business, made another million or appeared on a TV show, I would wait, with the anticipation of a kid at Christmas…
For something… ANYTHING.
And every single time…
I would temporarily be devastated, I had “failed” yet again. So back to the “lab” to crank out another million dollar business… Surely this one would definitely win his approval.
But it never did.
I rode that roller coaster relentlessly until one day it finally stopped, literally.
Along with his heart.
When he passed unexpectedly, I felt a tremendous sense of anguish that I didn’t even fully understand yet.
I guess I felt like a piece of the “Success puzzle” was missing for me, and it wasn’t until my father passed that I understood what it was, and how desperately I wanted it.
And now that elusive opportunity seemed lost to me… forever.
It left me with a deep, dark void filled with “why.”
I had everything else,
But the one thing I wanted now more than anything was completely beyond my grasp. So what was the point?
I allowed this to crush the light out of my soul. As surely as the quest for his approval had driven me relentlessly in his life,
The failure to achieve it totally shut me down after his death.
I had everything else but the one thing I thought I wanted… And now there was no possibility of ever being able to achieve it,
There seemed to be no purpose anymore…
(FYI: I couldn’t have been MORE mistaken… but more on that in a minute)
After taking an acceptable time to grieve, everyone expected me to snap out of it and go back to being the same old Million-Dollar Michael.
But that didn’t happen…
Psychiatrists will tell you that without a clear and powerful “WHY” driving us, our motivation to move forward will totally shut down and our willpower basically just retreats into a cave to hide…
All of the spark of passion for building businesses had completely gone out.
And just when I assumed it couldn’t get any darker for me,Things took a monstrous, near-deadly, turn for the worse!
There was a strange new virus sweeping the planet. It was shutting down everything and everyone. It was incredibly contagious, and potentially deadly. The world was in an unprecedented panic…
But I was too busy feeling sorry for myself to give two sh*ts about it to be quite honest…
I had been so busy allowing the darkness of the cave I had crawled in to consume me, that I didn’t have the emotional energy to take it seriously until it attacked my body.
But when it did, everything started shutting down.
I had to go live in the hospital.
My lungs were ravaged by this deadly invader that had taken over my body.
Nothing will make you appreciate the little things in life like having your very breath ripped right out of the lungs in your body.
The “light” comes on about what REALLY matters.
It was quite literally touch and go with me for a few months. Not only was the entire experience terrifying, but it affected me deeply, as only a near-death experience can do.
Laying there in a hospital bed, struggling for every breath, I was left stranded with nothing but my memories, and it took me back;
- Back to when I was living in the same, soul-sucking experience that you are now.
- Back to when my daily life was absolutely miserable.
- Back to when every single work day was a dread.
Almost dying brought me back to when I WAS dead… Dead inside!
And slowly, I started to wake up and remember my “why.” The real one.
Laying there at death’s doorstep on a hospital bed is like being in a foxhole. It brings with it the most powerful, gut-wrenching introspection.
Death brushes away the dark clouds of confusion and carries with it absolute clarity.
I wasn’t doing this for my father’s approval. That’s not why I started.
Sure, I wanted it. Maybe even obsessively so. But there was a very different pain that drove me when I first started this journey.
My journey was never really about approval…It was about freedom.
Launch Your 7-Figure Business Today…
For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our 7 Figure Launch System today for a one-time only $9.95.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the audio version instead, we’ve included it for FREE as an added bonus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSTANT DOWNLOAD
Start your journey to ultimate freedom NOW!
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Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.
For as long as I can remember I have been obsessed with the historical hero, William Wallace.
(not Mel Gibson’s character, although I absolutely LOVE that movie)But the REAL William Wallace.
The hero of the Highlands, defender of Scotland, the painted face of freedom.
For years, while I was at that awful 9-to-5 job, I imagined myself as William Wallace,
And my job as the oppressive army of England,
And my miserable boss as Longshanks.
Back then I longed deep in my bones to one day walk in and scream “FREEDOM!!!” at the top of my lungs and then just leave that God-forsaken cubicle forever.
I “went to war” day and night for two long years before I FINALLY escaped that prison.
And I’ll NEVER forget that day as long as I live. After so many years of failure, the overwhelming feeling of bliss when it finally clicked that I was a free man!
Launch Your 7-Figure Business Today…
For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our 7 Figure Launch System today for a one-time only $9.95.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the audio version instead, we’ve included it for FREE as an added bonus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSTANT DOWNLOAD
Are you a free man? If not, you can be! Click the link to get started
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.
I had invested all the money
I could buy, beg, or borrow into that one GOOD mentor who had showed me his secret blueprint for building a successful business,
And I had implemented it, step by step…
And after just one weekend running the RIGHT plan, I was free for life!
When I first got started, I was doing it for freedom.
That was my true “why.”
And somewhere along the journey, I had lost my way.
It took almost dying to find it again.
That’s when something hit me like a lightning bolt…
Where would I be RIGHT NOW, if that first mentor hadn’t shared his secrets with me?
Just for reference, at that point in my life (two decades into my journey), I had achieved massive success by any worldly measure.
- MONEY: I had made millions on top of millions of dollars and had developed a system where I could basically generate income on demand.
- RESPECT: I had earned the respect of my peers, establishing myself as the leading authority in my industry.
- INFLUENCE: I had earned the accolades of an army of followers who obsessively listened to my advice.
- LOVE: And, most importantly, I had a beautiful, loving wife who was my right hand, and children who I adored and who adored me.
From the outside looking in, I was living the dream.
I had everything a man could possibly want.
Italian sports cars, trips to exotic locations on private planes or luxury yachts, TV and radio appearances, a circle of wealthy, influential and powerful friends…
But without that first mentor who showed me the way,
I might not have ANY of this!

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
Launch Your 7-Figure Business Today…
For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our 7 Figure Launch System today for a one-time only $9.95.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the audio version instead, we’ve included it for FREE as an added bonus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSTANT DOWNLOAD
If YOU don’t have all these things yet, click the link to get started!
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.
I might be still working a miserable job, desperately searching the internet for a way out.
- Still flat broke,
- Still totally miserable,
- Still desperately unhappy.
It’s incredible the effect that ONE person can have on your life, for good or bad.
- My boss had broken me…
- My dad had left me searching for fulfillment…
- But, my mentor had given me the keys to create a life beyond my wildest dreams!
“What if I could be that ONE MAN that makes a difference in someone’s life? I wondered.
After all, I had done it 1000 times over already for the wrong reason…
(Desperately chasing the approval of a dad who would never give it.)
What if I did it this time…
But for the RIGHT reasons!?
That was when I had an epiphany,
Laying flat on my back in a hospital bed.
I FINALLY realized what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.I wanted to become the source of hope to anyone who ever dreamed of freedom.
I would help these brave fighters beat their bosses and escape their prison.
Just like my mentor helped set me free all those years ago.
Like William Wallace, I wanted my life to finally mean something!
I realized that if I had died on that hospital bed it would all have been for nothing.
Sure, I would have left behind a fortune for my family to enjoy,
But my impact outside my family was basically zero!
Now, I was getting a second chance at life. And I would use this second chance to go back to battlefront and save as many of my fellow “Scotsmen” as I could.
I would lead them to the path of ultimate freedom.
My near-death experience made me realize that LIFE IS SHORT… And far too many people are wasting their entire lives walking a slow, painful “Death March” to retirement.

I had watched what happened to my co-workers who chose to run away and “live,” and in doing so they laid down their lives for the false security of a retirement check.
I remember the dead look behind their eyes as they accepted their fates.
But even back then I knew in my heart that I would NEVER be happy bending the knee to “Longshanks.”
I would rather fight and die than live a life of miserable servitude and die with nothing but a retirement check and regrets.

If YOU are on that Death March, you can get off NOW!
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And if you’d prefer to listen to the audio version instead, we’ve included it for FREE as an added bonus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSTANT DOWNLOAD Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.

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Laying there in a hospital bed, hooked up to an oxygen machine, I suddenly felt more alive than I had in years!
I picked up a pad and wrote down two very important things…
- First: “There are more people struggling right now than ever before.”
- Second: “I want to help as many of those people as I possibly can.”
When I left that hospital, I was a new man. I had a new purpose in life.
I was going to impact as many people as possible!
But to be honest I had no clue where to begin.
So I just started giving away money…
Loads of it…
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(In fact, I gave away so much money that my wife thought I’d lost my mind!)
I made it my mission to find people who were hurting financially and help them.
You’ve probably seen it all over social media,
My “Giving Challenges” have gone viral.
- A grand for a single mom who lost her job.
- A grand for a great guy who lost his house in a fire.
- A grand for someone who needed medical treatment.
I went full Oprah (you get a grand, you get a grand!)
(I’m still doing that btw… Because I absolutely LOVE doing it)
But my brilliant wife pointed out that I had something far more valuable than cash to share.
Or, more accurately, two decades of experience building businesses that create cash flow right outta thin air.
She encouraged me to open up and share my business building blueprints…
“Why are you just giving them $1000 cash when you could give them the same tools you use to predictably build Million-Dollar businesses?” She asked.
“After all, it’s that old, “Teach a Man to Fish Principle’ you love quoting.” she added.
Deep down I knew she was right…
But I still balked,
Money? …I’ve got that by the wheelbarrow!
(I LOVE helping people by giving away my money.)
But my business plans are the secret sauce behind my massive success!
I’ve paid the price for these in blood, sweat and tears.
That’s when she gave that look she gives,
When we both know she’s right.
And she asked me this…
“So Michael, let me get this straight. What you’re basically saying is, you don’t mind using your “magic lamp” to make a wish for someone… 
….But there’s no way they’re getting their hands on your Genie to do it for themselves?”
This is the magic lampRub the button and wish for freedom!
Launch Your 7-Figure Business Today…
For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our 7 Figure Launch System today for a one-time only $9.95.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the audio version instead, we’ve included it for FREE as an added bonus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSTANT DOWNLOAD
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Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.
Dammit, I hate it when she’s rings my bell with a stiff right hook like that…
But the more I thought about it, the more I knew she was right.
(Which she is, more often than not.)
At first I thought about just releasing everything,
But I quickly realized that would just overwhelm everyone, no one would take action, and they’d end up no better off…
They’d be in the same boat I was BEFORE I met my mentor.
Overwhelmed with too much information
Which leads to “analysis paralysis”
So instead, I started creating a clear battle plan.
I took two decades worth of PROVEN strategies that have created multiple millions of dollars for me every year…
And distilled everything into a step-by-step, easy to follow system.
Spoiler Alert: Here it is!
Launch Your 7-Figure Business Today…
For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our 7 Figure Launch System today for a one-time only $9.95.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the audio version instead, we’ve included it for FREE as an added bonus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSTANT DOWNLOAD
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.
This is EVERYTHING you need to LITERALLY create a million-dollar business. I wanted to make a foolproof guide for creating a cash flowing business, for someone starting with zero resources, (like I did).
So I built a blueprint for the ultimate lean startup!
- You don’t need a product
- You don’t need a war chest
- You don’t need connections
- You don’t need any special skills
This system is designed so that a beginner, starting from zero, can predictably build a real, profitable business for themselves.
It’s the exact system I wish I had when I was sitting where you are now.
I knew I needed to charge something for it, because “those who pay, pay attention” and this info was too valuable to risk it being ignored!
I also knew I wanted to be able to provide world-class support for everyone.
So I decided to charge just enough to cover the support costs.
Which means I’m basically just giving you my life’s work!
And here it is, right here
Launch Your 7-Figure Business Today…
For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our 7 Figure Launch System today for a one-time only $9.95.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the audio version instead, we’ve included it for FREE as an added bonus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSTANT DOWNLOAD
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Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.
The most powerful, actionable blueprint on the planet for building a business, created from 20 years of proven, millionaire-making strategies…
Gift-wrapped and handed over on a silver platter.
Basically, all you have to do is show up!
(Just like these guys below did)
Launch Your 7-Figure Business Today…
For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our 7 Figure Launch System today for a one-time only $9.95.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the audio version instead, we’ve included it for FREE as an added bonus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSTANT DOWNLOAD
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.Just to recap, here’s your current situation…If you are miserable where you are and want to escape and create freedom for yourself.
You can join us, follow a proven plan, and live the rest of your life as a free man…
Or, you can do nothing and live the rest of your life in miserable servitude.
But either way, it’s your choice.
That’s just the hard truth.
And you’ll have to live with it.
Trust me, I know that feeling of misery you’re living with right now all too well, because I used to be in exactly the same situation that you are right now.
Rewind back…
- Before I became the boss of my own companies
- Before I made millions online from the comfort of my couch.
- Before I created an automated income machine that works for me, 24/7/365.
My life was dramatically different back then. Much like yours is right now. That’s why I know first-hand the DAILY pain you suffer from dealing with a bad boss, a terrible job, and no hope for change.
I lived what you are living now.
And it’s unbearable…
But it’s not your fault you’ve been stuck there!
The system is rigged to keep you in this indentured servitude so the “Longshanks” of the world can get rich off your efforts!
But you don’t have to waste your life living that way.
I got out, and you can too!
I beat the system, and I want to show you how I did it so that you can beat the system and claim your freedom as well!
Imagine this scenario…
Instead of living for Fridays and dreading Mondays, every day is the weekend.
Instead of a terrible boss, YOU are the boss of a business you have built.
Instead of awful co-workers, your biggest problem is the pain of occasional boredom because winning is just so darn easy when someone shows you how to beat the system!
Stop imagining… Get started making it real NOW!
Launch Your 7-Figure Business Today…
For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our 7 Figure Launch System today for a one-time only $9.95.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the audio version instead, we’ve included it for FREE as an added bonus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSTANT DOWNLOAD
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.
Just FYI though, it’s not just about winning though… you’ll lose a few things too.
Things Like:
- No more soul-sucking commutes,
- No more condescending co-workers
- No more know-it-all middle managers
- No more living in fear of what tomorrow brings
If you can imagine yourself in that scenario then the only thing standing in your way right now is YOU! Because you are stuck on the outside looking in.
But you don’t have to be, you can join me and declare YOUR freedom!
Today is your day, right now is your moment… This is your time to declare to yourself and to the world,
– FREEDOM!!! –
(That’s what these folks did and it TOTALLY changed their lives!)
Look, I can’t force you to follow me. You have to make that choice. Or, you can choose to run and hide like the cowardly Scots who didn’t join Wallace and died with regrets…
But I can promise that one day, decades from now, after you’ve traded your entire life for a lousy check that can barely cover the bills…
You’ll think back to this day,
Knowing that you would give ANYTHING to come back here and make the choice to choose freedom.
Freedom to be your own boss, make your own rules, and live your own life.
But also freedom to provide a better life for those you love, freedom to contribute to causes you care about, freedom to make a difference where it matters…
An opportunity like this has quite literally NEVER been available before…
(And I can only work with a limited number of people at any one time)
So as someone who has sat exactly where you are…
Making the choice between the false security of a terrible job,
Or taking a risk on myself, and fighting for the freedom to live life on my terms,
I’ll tell you 1000 times over, choosing freedom was the best decision of my life.
I’ve been where you are now.
Broke, bitter and emotionally battered by a terrible boss.
And I’ve sat on the other side of the table as a multi-millionaire calling his own shots.
I choose this seat every time!
Claim YOUR seat at the winner’s table here!
Launch Your 7-Figure Business Today…
For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our 7 Figure Launch System today for a one-time only $9.95.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the audio version instead, we’ve included it for FREE as an added bonus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSTANT DOWNLOAD
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.
Trust me, I’ve been in your shoes, frustrated with my situation, buried under a mountain of doubts, debt and depression.
Suffocating under a stack of past due bills, and feeling like I am completely without options.
And because I’ve been there, I know exactly what you’re thinking right now…
(Because it’s the same thing I was thinking when I was there)
“This all sounds great for YOU! But Michael, I have NOTHING to sell!”
Let’s talk about this for a minute…
Do you really think William Wallace would recruit an army,
And then not give them the weapons they need to win the war?
Of course not!
This is my mission, my calling, my legacy, so I have included EVERYTHING you need to be prepared to successfully face every possible adversary you’ll run into in this battle…
How can I say that with total confidence?
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
Because I’ve already faced them… fought them… and beat them!
(And here’s the proof)
Let’s talk about this for a minute…
Do you really think William Wallace would recruit an army,
And then not give them the weapons they need to win the war?
Of course not!
This is my mission, my calling, my legacy, so I have included EVERYTHING you need to be prepared to successfully face every possible adversary you’ll run into in this battle…
How can I say that with total confidence?
Because I’ve already faced them… fought them… and beat them!
(And here’s the proof)
All you need to do to be successful is to show up and do the work…
And I would know,
Because I’ve already done it.
If you’ll just show up, and do the work.
I’ve already taken care of everything else.
The only thing I can’t provide is the will to fight for your freedom…
(Although I’ll be pushing you every step of the way with some serious motivation)
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But YOU have to make the choice. YOU have to choose freedom!
Launch Your 7-Figure Business Today…
For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our 7 Figure Launch System today for a one-time only $9.95.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the audio version instead, we’ve included it for FREE as an added bonus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSTANT DOWNLOAD
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
Choose Freedom! Right here, right now.
Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.
I can’t force you to join us, this renegade band of freedom fighters who defy society’s chains of job oppression and forced servitude to all the “Longshanks” bosses of the world…
But ask yourself, this time next year, how do you want to spend your Mondays?
Would you rather be:
- Taking orders from some college punk 20 years younger than you whose daddy happened to play golf with the boss…Or,

- Giving an order to a beautiful barista on a tropical island for your favorite fruity drink while you leisurely work from your laptop and make more in a weekend than you used to make in a year?

It’s your choice, I’ve already made mine, (both my choice AND my millions). Now I just want to help as many as I can get from where you are to where I’m at.
That’s why I’m basically just giving you my million-dollar money-making business plan.
Because I want to create 1000 millionaires as my legacy!
That’s my BILLION-DOLLAR giving pledge!
I want my legacy to be helping 1000 people create a million-dollar business.
And I want YOU to be one of them!
Launch Your 7-Figure Business Today…
For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our 7 Figure Launch System today for a one-time only $9.95.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the audio version instead, we’ve included it for FREE as an added bonus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSTANT DOWNLOAD
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
Join me… Right now.
Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.
I’m pulling back the curtain and revealing a system so complete, you can’t fail.
And, I’m doing everything in my power to help YOU WIN your fight!
There’s really ONLY one, small thing standing in your way now…
– FEAR –
If deep down inside you want to be like one of the cowards who ran away from Wallace and chose captivity, there’s nothing I can do to help give you a fighting spirit.
But, if you are a born freedom fighter like us, know this…
The brave ones who do choose to follow me,
…will follow me to ultimate freedom!
Join me and live free,
Michael “Braveheart” Cheney
Launch Your 7-Figure Business Today…
For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our 7 Figure Launch System today for a one-time only $9.95.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the audio version instead, we’ve included it for FREE as an added bonus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSTANT DOWNLOAD
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. P.S. I’ve made a point to price this program so low that it’s basically accessible to almost anyone! The price is quite literally just to cover the expenses of my staff to handle fulfillment, which means I’m practically GIVING IT AWAY! Because I truly believe, no matter who you are, where you’re from, or what your experience level, this can work for you!
The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World

Here’s the world’s best guarantee.
Personally, I know that before I get access to anything…
…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.
And I want you to be comfortable with this purchase.And even though it’s only $9.95 – you worked for that money and it counts.
Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…
So here’s what I’ve arranged:
Download the System, start it, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.
And if you’re not blown away by what you learn, then…..
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How’s that for the world’s best money back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!
Launch Your 7-Figure Business Today…
For a limited time only, you can download your copy of our 7 Figure Launch System today for a one-time only $9.95.
And if you’d prefer to listen to the audio version instead, we’ve included it for FREE as an added bonus. NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSTANT DOWNLOAD
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Bonus #1: Live Onboarding Session
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Total Value: $37.00
When you get your copy of 7 Figure Launch System Today, we’re going to give you a full audio version that you can start listening to at your convenience while working out, commuting, or during your morning routine.
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“Never have to worry about setting up complicated online payment systems – we have everything set up where we collect the payment and then send you the commissions.”
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“Never have to worry about setting up complicated online payment systems – we have everything set up where we collect the payment and then send you the commissions.”
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Bonus #7: 7 Figure Launch System Private Community Access
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“Never have to worry about setting up complicated online payment systems – we have everything set up where we collect the payment and then send you the commissions.”
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Bonus #8: 7 Figure Launch Codes
“Never Have To Worry About Setting Up Complicated Payment Systems Again…”
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“Never have to worry about setting up complicated online payment systems – we have everything set up where we collect the payment and then send you the commissions.”
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Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. If you don’t absolutely love the system, let us know, and we’ll give you your money back AND let you keep the business … as our gift to you.
You’re Also Getting…
The 7 Figure Launch Sytem Community
Interviews – Experts Sharing Their KnowledgeHot Seats – Free 1on1 Live Coaching SessionsQuestions – Get Your Questions AnsweredValue Bombs – Applicable Tips And Tricks
The 7-Day Fast StartVideo Series
Day 1 – Live Onboarding SessionDay 2 – Launch Profit CalculatorDay 3 – Fast Profits RolodexDay 4 – Fast-Selling FrameworkDay 5 – Five-Day Fast Start GuideDay 6 – Guaranteed Success & Accountability SystemDay 7 – 7 Figure Launch System Private Community AccessDay 8 – 7 Figure Launch Codes

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
Backed by our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. If you don’t absolutely love the system, let us know, and we’ll give you your money back AND let you keep the business … as our gift to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this for?
This is for 2 types of people. Those who are interested in getting more freedom in their lives by creating a simple 7 Figure Launch System for a business they want to start. And, it’s also for current business owners who would like to accelerate their sales, customers & commissions (and put them on autopilot), using a predictable system so they can keep more of their profits.
I want this, what exactly am I getting?
This 7 Figure Launch System Special Offer really is special. We wanted to make it so good that you’d feel stupid by not ordering it. It gives you an online business that gives you freedom. What you’ll get in this special offer includes the entire 7 Figure Launch System, a comprehensive video training on how to get Endless Sales, Buyers & Commissions. You also get countless high value bonuses including our 7 Figure Launch Codes ($197 value) and you get the 7 Figure Launch System Private Community Access ($197 value).
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, you get a 30 day money back guarantee in case it’s not for you. I even let you keep the entire system.
What is the 7 Figure Launch System?
The 7 Figure Launch System is a systematic approach to increasing sales customers & commissions. It is not a fad that comes and goes. It is not built around just helping you to launch more ad campaigns that you have to constantly monitor. The 7 Figure Launch System is about building a business that can be around for decades, designed to give you freedom and profit.
I am a Warrior Plus affiliate. I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
What makes this different from all the other stuff out there?
Nobody else is teaching you this, they are all teaching how to get more sales by using expensive and unpredictable paid advertising. Anyone can do that once or twice, and then they run into problems when they realize that they were taught a “one off” tactic that makes the guru look good because they get a cool screenshot testimonial. The student is stuck trying to figure out how to make profitable, consistent sales and not knowing how to make their business more predictable and profitable.
Do you offer more in depth help?
Yes. Nothing was held back while writing this system but for the people that want further assistance we do offer opportunities to “upgrade” your order after purchasing.
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