Syndicate – Are We Really Making Money From YouTube WITHOUT Creating Videos?

Are We Really Making Money From YouTube WITHOUT Creating Videos?



100% FREE *AutoPilot* Traffic!

WITHOUT Creating Our Own Videos Or Getting On Camera!

ZERO Risk | ZERO Investment Required | 100% Proven Automated System


  • Automated Legal YouTube Traffic Hack…
  • Free Buyer Traffic With Fast Results…
  • Unknown, Brand New System + Training…
  • Early Users Seeing Great Results…
  • Designed & Made For Beginners…
  • Brand New Tech For 2022…
  • Works On All Devices Including Phones…
  • Work From Home Starting Today…
  • Quit Your Job, Travel & Enjoy Life…
  • Stop Failing & Finally Breakthrough…
  • Fast Start Success Case Study Included…
  • No Monthly Fees EVER…
  • 180-Day Money-Back Guarantee…

Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.




Over $150+ In Pure Profit Per Day…

Into OUR Online Accounts…

From 100% FREE Traffic In Less Than 30 Days !



All thanks to the Syndicate System.
This is real, spendable cash that we can use to buy whatever we want…
Whenever we want!
And here is the best part…
It took just a few of minutes “of work” per day for us to achieve these results…

And It Works For ANYONE!

Real People Are Absolutely Loving


(Finally A True Newbie Friendly Online System)



Kurt Pace

Amazon Driver – UK



This is brilliantly simple to use! Thanks for bringing this to the market Glynn – The training is awesome and extremely easy to follow.

Glynn’s nailed it again! This is slick and a breeze to use.  I never thought it was possible to make money without your own videos…until now! Awesome job.


Ursula Klopp

Retired – USA




We Don’t Need To Invest A Single Penny To Make Money With YouTube…



Yup, we didn’t invest in any fancy expensive equipment.

Nor did we need to invest in producing any videos of our own…
Traditionally, when making money with YouTube, you would need to spend money on expensive camera equipment, computers and creating videos…

But With Syndicate We Don’t Need Any Of That…

To Make At Least

$150+ Per Day Passively!

It Works For Us – So It Could Work FOR YOU!



The Best Part Is…

We don’t have to do any hard work or anything complicated.

With Syndicate we’re able to siphon our fare share of profits from YouTube without…

  • Getting On Camera
  • Showing Our Face
  • Recording Videos
  • Uploading Any Content

None of that.

Instead…All We’re Doing Is Sharing

Popular Trending YouTube Videos!

That’s right, we’re tapping into a little known video sharing loophole…
That allows us to get paid by sharing other people’s already proven, popular trending videos…
Videos that are already on YouTube that are being searched for every single day!
All you have to do is setup Syndicate once, which takes a few minutes…
And you’re done!


From Joining Hundreds Of Profitable Members



CLICK The LINK To Secure Your Copy Now…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.




LOGIN To The Platform, Find Some Videos You Like And Turn On The
“Syndicate Free Traffic System”…



ENJOY This Is Where We Sit Back And Enjoy Traffic & Sales Generated Through The Power Of Syndicate!

Imagine Just 3 Easy Steps

To Life On Your Terms!

  • No alarm clocks
  • No nagging boss
  • No frustrating commute
  • No boss breathing down your neck

Instead a life filled with:

  • MORE free time
  • MORE freedom
  • MORE enjoying the finer things
  • MORE fulfillment, peace & happiness

It’s already happening for us, and there’s no reason why it can’t happen for you.

Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.






From The Desk Of:

Glynn Kosky

Multiple 7 Figure Online Marketer & YouTube Expert

Location: Madrid, Spain

Re: I’m about to show you the laziest shortcut to online wealth I wish I’d known when I started
… And how it can make you more by actually doing much less
But before I do, let me tell you why you should even listen to me…

  • I’ve been making money online since 1998…
  • I’ve helped over 30,000+ people make money online…
  • I’ve created millionaire students from all over the world…

Which means, I shouldn’t have any problem helping you too…

Dear Friend

Who Deserves MORE

Are you crushing your financial goals yet?
Or… like everyone else, has the last couple of years been tough on you too?
If so, what I’m sharing here can turn everything around for you. Yes, that’s a bold claim.I don’t expect you to take my word for it just yet.
So I’ll show you undeniable proof of how well this works, WITH independent results from real users.

To Start, Let’s Bust The Biggest Myths Online That Keep 95% Of Marketers Broke:

  • “To make money online you NEED your own content” > FALSE
  • “You need to be creating new content every day” > FALSE
  • “Without your own content people won’t trust you & buy from you” > FALSE
  • “The only way to get free Google traffic is with unique content” > FALSE

Ever fall for these like I have?
It’s easy to. Because technically, content does fuel the internet.
But it doesn’t have to be YOUR content …
So if you want to see results FAST …



Creating Your Own Content Is A


Most people hate making content – it’s too much like HOMEWORK.
But the gurus have drilled into our heads that we HAVE to.
So for YEARS people have struggled to:

  • Make videos
  • Overcome their fear of being on camera
  • Research & write blog articles
  • Contribute to forums
  • Try to come up with ‘unique’ social media posts

And the biggest & HARDEST one of all:

  • Create & sell their own products

What happens when you do something you hate?
You usually do a lousy job, right?
So all these people are making crappy videos, articles, content, posts & products …
Because that’s what the gurus told them to do …
But they’re not making money BECAUSE the content sucks …
So they try to SPEND their way out of the problem with:

  • MORE overpriced video softwares
  • MORE complicated page building tools
  • MORE content creation “training” programs…

And MORE products the gurus happily sell them !
It’s a vicious circle and who are the only ones making money?
The gurus who lied to you about creating content in the 1st place!


WITHOUT Creating ContentAnd Without ANY Hard Work!

Thanks to our powerful new technology, it’s now point and click easy.
This cutting-edge tech ELIMINATES the need to do anything complex at all …
So you can forget worrying about:

  • Email marketing
  • Domain registration & hosting
  • Creating content
  • Making websites or pages
  • Making videos
  • Paying for or figuring out traffic

We’ve developed a platform that leverages OTHER people’s content 100% legally (they actually WANT you to use it) …
… so you never have to create content again, ever.
AND the same platform monetizes the content FOR you in multiple different ways
… so you don’t have to figure ANYTHING out on your own!

Why This Is

The BEST Method

We’ve Found To Generate
Lazy Income Online



This isn’t a loophole that can close or a gimmick that can go away.
This is PROVEN content marketing at its best.
The same formula that’s been making hard working marketers money for decades …
But now automated and 99.9% done for you thanks to our cutting-edge technology.
Here’s what that looks like:

  • 100% free VIRAL traffic from multiple sources INCLUDING Google & YouTube
  • Premium DFY content in any niche
  • Built-in monetization from MULTIPLE sources
  • Done-For-You​video system

Which can translate directly into …


The Holy Grail For Online Marketers

BUT for 99% of people, recurring income is a dream they’ll never achieve.
Why? Because until now, it took WAY too much time, money & skill to even get started.
Just some of the moving parts you’d need were:

  • A CONSTANT supply of fresh content
  • A CONSTANT supply of targeted traffic
  • Full-blown membership website
  • Premium-level hosting plan
  • Massive budget for support & tech staff
  • Complicated billing / payment portals

Then there’s the hardest part of all.
Putting everything together into a slick platform people will PAY to access …
Not just once, but month after month.
That’s where the magic happens.

The REAL Laptop Lifestyle Is When You Get Paid Over & Over From The Same People … For Something You Set Up ONCE

Well we’ve cracked the code that generates us recurring income.
Thanks to mind blowing automation …
And the secret sauce most marketers NEVER realize that they need:


By Selling What People Are ALREADY Buying

These days, people are really into buying “experiences”.
Specifically, they happily pay for:

  • Education
  • Entertainment

 and my favorite…

  • ‘Infotainment’

Think of Netflix.Disney +.Udemy.Paid membership sites.

eLearning is a multi-billion dollar per year market.  Entertainment? TRILLIONS per year.
Imagine grabbing a slice of those for yourself.
With a next-generation app that monetizes other people’s content FOR YOU inside a DFY platform.

How Can Something So Easy Be So Profitable?

Because People LOVE Online Video

But We Don’t Need To Make It

Video is the most profitable form of content online across the board:

  • TRAFFIC Video drives over 81% of all consumer traffic online
  • CONVERSIONS Minute-for-minute, video is the best-converting type of content online
  • ENGAGEMENT Video grabs & holds attention better than any other type of content

So to get people to pay you for content …

  • You make the most by giving them what they crave & are already paying for

But Instead Of Creating Your Own Videos & Platform

Which Would Take:

  • Creating content
  • Paying for traffic
  • Expensive equipment
  • Complicated software
  • Being on camera
  • HOURS every day

Just Use Our App That Leverages Other People’s Videos & Breakthrough DFY Monetized Platform For An Automated Solution…



It’s The Same Method Millionaire Marketers, YouTubers & Influencers Including Mr Beast, PewDiePie, Dude Perfect, Tim Ferris & More Use

For INSANE Results Online



But They’re Doing It The Expensive & Time-Consuming Way

  • Hiring Content Creators
  • Paying Video Editors & Production Studios
  • Going On Camera Themselves

With Our New App,

You Don’t Deal With ANY Of That.

  • Save time & money … no content creation or hiring outsourcers
  • No tech skills to learn or fancy equipment to buy … you’re not making a single video
  • Zero stress … you’re never on camera or even recording your voice!

This is your shortcut.
All the benefits of monetized video content …
With NONE of the hassles, setup … or waiting.

Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



The ULTIMATE DREAM Of Any Online Marketer?

Automated Revenue Streams From Multiple Sources.

They translate to one thing: FREEDOM.
How would you spend your days when you have automation like that?
This freedom has allowed us to…

  • Travel to exotic locations
  • Treat our friends & family to fancy gifts
  • Enjoy afternoon naps … EVERY day!
  • Join new clubs & try new hobbies!
  • RELAX knowing we’ll never worry about money again
  • Finally enjoy LIVING life instead of just ‘getting by’

It’s Your Time ToGet In On What Many Call


Industry Online

Online education & entertainment combined are worth TRILLIONS of dollars each year.
They’ve been growing even faster since the pandemic hit in 2020.

  • People stuck at home for longer than normal drove video consumption through the roof
  • People facing job losses or financial insecurity looked to EDUCATION & TRAINING courses online

So not only is there greater DEMAND than any time in history…
All the content to FULFILL that demand is already out there …
But it’s jumbled all over the place.
Now you can instantly “curate” any type of content you want in any niche:

  • Entertainment
  • Education
  • ‘Infotainment’ like documentaries, etc …

Into self-monetized platforms that get free traffic  …
… from inside a single platform!

Leverage The Proven Power Of Video

For VIRAL Buyer Traffic…

Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney + …
Even YouTube creators that offer free access to their content …
Figured this out years ago:

  • People will keep coming back to great video
  • People will tell their friends
  • It’s EASY to monetize with passive ads & offers

We’re not talking about overthrowing billion dollar companies here …
But we’ve found you CAN get your own slice of viral video traffic …
And combined with our DFY platforms, that traffic is easy to monetize with:

  • Affiliate / CPA offers
  • Adsense / Amazon ads
  • Lead generation
  • eCom offers

So you can see results without selling a thing!

You Could Be Wondering …


Until Now, It Would Have Been For Sure. Finding Awesome Video ContentThat’s Legal To Use Is One Thing.

Building an automated, self-updating MONETIZED platform is another thing.
That’s why this app has been over 12 months in development. Some of the tech wasn’t even around when we dreamed this up.
But now that it’s here …

  • You can have your own free traffic-getting DFY platform …
  • Filled with amazing videos made by others (legally)
  • Monetized with multiple income sources …

… live & getting results in just hours from now.
Not only that, to make this an ALL-INCLUSIVE solution:

  • You don’t pay for hosting (we do)
  • You don’t need a domain or existing website
  • You never need to buy traffic

Zero overhead costs. Zero setup hassles. And every dollar from every revenue source that is generated is all yours to keep.
All we do is Share Videos Made By Others!

There’s Never Been An Easier Way To

Monetize OTHER People’s Content

With Free Viral Traffic For Your Own Gain

We’ve put this app through the paces.
Gone head-to-head in crazy competitive niches …
And it just keeps getting amazing results for us AND our beta testers!

  • Works in any niche
  • Instantly pulls in stunning video content on any topic
  • Fully automated, DFY platform requires no setup
  • Simple Video Sharing system
  • Multiple built-in monetization options
  • Zero content creation, upkeep or maintenance required!




From Joining Hundreds Of Profitable Members



CLICK The Buy Button To Secure Your Copy Now…



LOGIN To The Platform, Find Some Videos You Like And Turn On The
“Syndicate Free Traffic System”…



ENJOY This Is Where We Sit Back And Enjoy Traffic & Sales Generated Through The Power Of Syndicate!

The Proof Speaks For Itself…

We’re Making $150 Per Day Passively…



Syndicate Has Even Generated

As Much As $1,000+ Per Day!



Now It’s Your Turn

To Join The Fun!

We’ve been profiting quietly YEARS with this simple yet extremely effective video loophole.
Simply put… It works flawlessly.
Whenever we need a quick injection of cash for a new car or vacation, we always use roll out the Syndicate software and method.
And now we’re handing you the keys to the exact same system!
The feeling of our accounts being STUFFED & overflowing with commissions is priceless.
Would that change your life?
I know we can both agree…
The answer is a big FAT YES!
Get excited, because you’re about to access the same exact system that’s resulted in at least $150 paydays for us, consistently for years.
So without further ado… Let me introduce to you the game-changer you’ve been waiting for…


The World’s First App That Allows Us To CASH IN

With Other People’s Content!



Their Content. Your Rewards.



Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Syndicate Is The Must-Have

‘Lazy Income Shortcut’ Of 2022

Here’s Why You Need It Immediately:

  • We Will Be Closing Our Doors At ANY Moment To Prevent Saturation…
  • The Price Rises Every Hour…
  • Our Members Get Paid For SharingVideo Links…
  • All-Inclusive Traffic Solution…
  • 100% Done-For-You System…
  • 100% FREE Viral Buyer Traffic…
  • Finally Experience Your Breakthrough…
  • No Monthly Fees, Pay Once & Use Forever…
  • ZERO Overhead Costs
  • Act Now To Lock In $$$$ In Extra Bonuses…
  • Zero Risk – 180 Day Money Back Guarantee…

Syndicate is the easiest “all-in-one” app to monetize OTHER people’s content & authority with free viral traffic by simply sharing videos!

Built From The Ground Up To Shortcut The Results Of


99.9% DFY | Fully Automated | Maintenance-Free

As a super-affiliate & platinum-rated vendor who’s made millions online …
… my business is about staying ahead of buyer trends
Syndicate does this by duplicating my own in-the-trenches results …
But in a FRACTION of the time & with virtually no effort:

  • Completely newbie friendly platform
  • No tech skills needed whatsoever
  • 99.9% DFY
  • No video creation required
  • 24/7 VIP US-based support because your success is our top priority



If You’re Reading This Page Right Now…

Then You Qualify To Use Syndicate!

Real Users Are Getting Life Changing Results…

More Beta Testers Share Their Experiences With SYNDICATE!



Dr Neal Basle

Mail Man – Australia



This is great! Thanks for giving me access to this one.  I’ve been looking for ways to use monetize YouTube for years, and this has finally solved everything!

One word – AWESOME! Glynn’s done it again with Syndicate.  YouTube automation with OTHER PEOPLES VIDEOS…WOW! Top work as always. Keep me in the loop with updates.


Liming Wu

Student – Germany



Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


In Less Than 60 Seconds…

We’re Getting Paid

$150+ Per Day

Every Time We Share YouTube Video Links!



Sounds bizarre… But it’s true!
We’re getting paid…
Every time we share the links of videos…
This is the Laziest Shortcut of 2022…
That has worked in our business for years!
You won’t find anything easier online this year…
And this strategy will work forever!

Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


With SYNDICATE You Get Everything It Takes For



Other People’s Content & Authority For Personal Gain

It takes just ONE CLICK … (Copy & Paste Style!)
To pull videos, content, even complete playlists from other creators into YOUR DFY platform.
Curate your choice of entertainment or education IN ANY NICHE that attracts free viral traffic & clicks.




Fast Now & Scale Even Higher Tomorrow

The powerful DFY system activates both list building & a steady traffic stream for you.
This means you can be growing subscriber lists for higher results …
While instantly monetizing new visitors with affiliate offers & passive ads.


Results From Diverse Revenue Streams

Your license lets you activate multiple Syndicate platforms in any niche you want.
Leverage passive ads, affiliate & cpa offers plus list-building and more …
Experience for yourself the power of diversity!




No Paid Ads Needed, Ever!

Because of the viral nature of video content all by itself … you won’t need to buy ads.
There’s even more free traffic built-in to the system, to keep your Syndicate platforms humming with visitors 24/7


And Do It Your Way

Beta testers tell us a massive benefit to Syndicate is THEY get to decide how to make money!
Choose entertainment, educational or ‘combo’ themed platforms …
And use them to monetize free traffic in any niche you can imagine




Self-updating & maintenance-free

This is our laziest method ever.
After a one-time setup that takes just minutes …
Built-in automations keep your Syndicate platforms pumping out results with no extra effort

Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Syndicate Does ALL The Heavy Lifting For You

It’s The Ultimate

“DFY” Traffic & Monetization System…

Built-In Lead Generation

Hassle free, optimized list building in any niche you can imagine.
Whether you’re brand new or a veteran marketer, you’ll LOVE how this system can build you new lists hands-free.



Built-In Monetization

We’ve designed your ‘Syndicate platforms’ to look great for visitors …
… while working overtime for YOU.
Multiple monetization elements including ads, offers & CTAs are positioned using CONVERSION SCIENCE to generate you the highest possible results.

Effortless Content

Our industry-leading search tool makes it 1-click simple to find & leverage OTHER people’s videos.
Search by niche or keyword … Sort by # of views & popularity … Even grab entire playlists to save more time …
This is THE shortcut to amazing results from content you don’t even make yourself.



You Get Everything You Need. 

Nothing You Don’t.

If the last 18 months have taught us anything… It’s that time is more precious than ever.
So Syndicate isn’t stuffed with any useless “fluff” or filler that wastes your time.(that’s what Tik Tok & Instagram are for ????)
We built Syndicate to get you the best results in the shortest time…
So you can ENJOY your results, NOT struggle to get them.




Personalize your Syndicate platforms with the click of your mouse. Customize titles, descriptions & CTAS.
Effortlessly update your profile & branding so visitors keep coming back for more




Activate multiple Syndicate platforms with your Syndicate license.
Built for sharing, it’s easy to promote them 100% free with just a single link





You get ‘always on’ access from any internet-connected device.
Check in, update, even track your earnings from your phone





With Syndicate, all-inclusive MEANS all-inclusive!
That’s why we’re including premium, lightning fast hosting to keep your visitors happy & clicking





Syndicate is more than just a cutting-edge software. It’s an entire Syndicate platform.
So you get game-changing income strategies used by millionaire marketer Glynn Kosky to take your results to the next level




We paid our developers premium to lay out the dashboard of Syndicate to be 100% user friendly.
It’s SUPER SIMPLE for even a stone-cold beginner to use & get results.

Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


More Real Results From This

World Class Traffic + Monetization System!



Now It’s YOUR TURN To Join The Fun…

You’ve Got What It Takes…

Isn’t It Time For YOU To Enjoy

The Life Of Your Dreams?

Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



Why Syndicate Is The Only



  • Built from the latest technology
  • Copy & Paste style easy
  • Proven in dozens of niches
  • 100% results-based system
  • Backed by 24/7 support
  • World-class training delivered by a 7 figure marketer
  • No monthly fees (during this launch only)
  • No overhead costs
  • Free buyer traffic built-in
  • Hands-free monetization
  • Works in just a few clicks

It’s Real Simple

Video Makes Millionaires

Just now, you don’t need to make your own!

  • Video’s been THE KING of online content for over 10 years.
  • Over 30,000 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube … every 60 minutes
  • There’s never been a better time for this

Syndicate puts you ahead of this unstoppable trend…
By letting you monetize OTHER people’s video & authority for virtually zero effort.
With absolutely no previous experience, talent, assets or special skills
All you have to do is SHARE other people’s videos… Similar to copy & paste but easier!

Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


The Really Cool Part?

When You Want More You Can

Activate More SyndicateDFY Platforms WithJust A Few Clicks!

Grow Your Business

Bigger & Faster Than Ever

Knowing that each Syndicate platform you launch is monetized using other people’s content …
… AND requires zero updating or maintenance from you …
The only question is, how many will you activate?



Automated & Monetized Platforms

99.9% Done For You INCLUDING Free Traffic…


  • No more boss on our case
  • No more relying on handouts
  • No more daily commute to work
  • We’re financially free
  • Call our own shots
  • Set our own schedule
  • Take care of our family
  • Live life on our terms

Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Syndicate Has Allowed Me To

Live The Life Of My Dreams!




Exotic vacations

No more 9-5 job

Luxury cars

New homes

More disposable income

Generational wealth

Inner peace

Call your own shots

Want Better?


You get very few LIFE-CHANGING opportunities. If they pass you by, you could be left:

  • Always struggling for $
  • Stressed & in debt
  • Missing life’s best pleasures
  • Disappointing your family … and yourself

Why struggle when you don’t have to? Syndicate opens up so many more possibilities for you to have:

  • Happiness
  • Abundance
  • Freedom
  • Fulfillment
  • Security

One simple change can unlock so much goodness in your life. We’ve done practically everything for you.
All you need to do is click the buy button below …
To join myself & other Syndicate users …Many of them total beginners …
Already getting life-changing results. 


You Must Grab Syndicate

Right Now!

(Before The Price Goes Up…)

  • Finally Experience Real BUYER Traffic
  • System Works From Your Mobile/Tablet/Computer
  • Created For Newbies (Including You)
  • No Tech, No List, No Website Required
  • 100% Cloud Based App – Works On All Devices
  • Never Seen Before System
  • System & Software Created By Millionaire
  • Finally Live The Life Of Your Dreams!

Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



What’s This Game-Changer Cost?

Way less than its real world value.
Even if you had the time, technical skills, industry experience and budget …
Developing something that does even a fraction of what this does would cost at least $3,000.
Stack up everything you’re getting with Syndicate:
DONE-FOR-YOU self-monetized platforms, smart content sourcing, top-quality hosting …
Built-in buyer traffic, push button AND advanced monetization strategies from a 7-figure super affiliate …
You could expect to pay AT LEAST $797 for this cutting-edge solution.
But on this page & for an extremely limited time, we’re slashing the price.
So you won’t pay $797.Not even $197.
When you act right now, you get everything for a tiny ONE-TIME cost.
But this amazing discount won’t last, so HURRY to secure your license now.

The Laziest All-In-One

Self Monetized System Ever

So Easy And DFY That You’ll Never Need…



To pay for traffic

To make ANY videos

To set up or pay for hosting

To create content

To spam social media

To become an ‘authority’

You Get Everything You Need

To Start Generating Traffic With Syndicate



Syndicate App With Breakthrough Video Syndication Technology!

You get access to Syndicate & the breakthrough video syndication technology.  This is copy & paste easy… The only software and system you’ll ever need… 

(Worth $47/Month or $564/Year)



Free Traffic Generator

You’ll get a built in traffic generator that’ll get you ALL the free traffic you’ll ever need…

(Worth $47/Month)



Multiple Done-For-You Campaigns

For a limited time, we are adding in done for you campaigns you can use to give your business a kick start right away…

(Worth $997)



Step-By-Step Training

We’ll show you all the ins and outs of Syndicate and how to make the most out of your purchase…

(Worth $397)



Support Team + Q/A

If you experience any issues, hit up our support team. We are more than happy to help you out!

(Worth $297)



180 Day Guarantee

If you don’t see results after using Syndicate, we’ll send you your money back.


And We’re Not Stopping There Grab Syndicate Now ToClaim These Launch Exclusive

Bonuses Worth Thousands!




$100 NO-COSTAuto Bot

VALUE – $1,997

Swipe the EXACT same method we’ve used to generate an average of $100 a day every single day for the past 12 months…
It’s YOURS absolutely free!




15 Of Our Previous Apps We Have Created!

VALUE – $997

You’ll Also Get 15 Of Our Best Selling App That Retail For A Combined Total Of $497 But You Get Them Absolutely Free…
Again – 100% FOR FREE!




$0 To $1,000 A Day In THREE DAYS With Syndicate

VALUE – Priceless

You’re invited to the private LIVE online event where we’ll reveal how we make $1,000 inside the next few days.
We expect a full house – so turn up early!




First Sale In The Next15 Minutes

VALUE – Priceless

This unique loophole let us make our first sale in 15 minutes without a list, paid traffic or anything else complicated, it’s all revealed to you inside…
Is 33 minutes fast enough for you?

Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


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The First 50 Customers Get Access To MySyndicate Auto Profit Suite

(This Bonus Alone Will Literally Change Your Life Instantly!)



We make $100 PER HOUR with this AUTO profit suite…
Only the first 50 people that purchase this app will get instant access to this additional bonus.
If you’re reading this right now, that means this special fast action bonus is still available, but you MUST ACT RIGHT NOW!
So hurry, as typically our sales pages are seen by 145,000+ people…
Only the first 50 get this special secret profit loophole…
You’ll get this additional bonus absolutely FREE as our way of saying thank you for being our customer.

Real World Value: $3,997

Yours Absolutely FREE!




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*BRAND NEW* The First 50 Customers Get Invited

To Our World Famous UNDERGROUND$1,000+ PER DAY LIVE Training! 



To give your business the kick start it truly deserves, I want to do even more for you!
If you’re one of the first 50 to grab Syndicate, I’ll send you a special link inviting you to my $1,000 PER DAY Live training.
On this live call, I’ll be revealing a BRAND NEW method that has enabled me to generate 1K in pure profit every single day for the past 6 months.
Typically, this page gets around 124,998 visitors during launch week…
So if you want to be one of the lucky 50…
Take action now!
You’ll get this additional bonus training absolutely FREE as our way of saying thank you for being our customer.

Real World Value: $2,997 – Yours Absolutely FREE!




Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


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This Has Never Been Possible Before

DFY Syndicate Profit Platforms With OTHER People’s Videos…

WITHOUT Paying For Traffic | WITHOUT Experience | WITHOUT Guesswork

WITHOUT Recording Videos | WITHOUT Getting On Camera | WITHOUT Expenses

Effortlessly monetize multiple niches without ANY of your own content!All We Do Is Click The Share Button!

Right Now, You Have 2 Choices…


Ignore This Offer

Do nothing.
Leave this page, and continue what you’re already doing.
That’s fine with us.
We’ll still be making money day in, day out with SYNDICATE regardless of you investing or not.
But if you don’t act, you’ll most likely find yourself continuing to struggle…
Buying useless products.
Why put yourself through that mess?



You’re getting access to a brand new system, that helps you get started generating traffic online…
This unique system get you free traffic on complete autopilot…
Not only does it get you traffic, it converts the traffic into commissions…
…via a unique video syndication method.
There’s no way you can mess this up!
So what are you waiting for?
You now have the chance to access SYNDICATE at a discount….
Click the button below to continue….

The Time For

“Lucrative & Lazy”

Marketing Is Here

Syndicate Get Us Results Like Nothing Before

  • DFY self-monetized Syndicate platforms in just a few clicks
  • Non-stop supply of OTHER people’s content to effortlessly monetize
  • Simple copy & paste style system
  • Stunning, customizable platform for max results
  • Built-in list building to scale your results
  • Built-in free buyer traffic
  • Premium hosting included > save money and eliminate setup hassles
  • Be up & running in as little as 1 hour from now with this proven system

Invest With Confidence

You’re Backed By An Industry-Best 180 Day Money Back Guarantee



The Syndicate No-Questions-Asked

180 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

We’re so confident that you’ll do great with this that we’ll eliminate all risk from your purchase.
So if for any reason you decide this isn’t for you, your money back.
Use the brand new Syndicate app & powerful income strategies to have your ‘profit platforms’ live in minutes. Activate the free built-in traffic to see your DFY sites generate results.
Our U.S. based support desk is staffed with professionals & are happy to help if you ever need it. But in the unlikely event you don’t feel Syndicate does everything we’ve said it does …
You can get a refund anytime up to 180 days from when you purchase.
So invest with confidence knowing all the risk is on us, and let us help turn your investment into massive rewards.

The Price Goes Up Every Hour …

Grab Yours Now To Secure Your



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Let’s Look At Everything

You’re Getting Today With Syndicate…



  • Brand New Syndicate Software – Worth $47/Month
  • Step-By-Step Video Tutorials – Worth $397
  • Quick Start Guide – Worth $197
  • Instant Free Traffic Generator – Worth $47/Month
  • Customer Q & A Call – Worth $297
  • Brand New Syndication Tech – Worth $997
  • FREE Bonus #1: $1000 NO-COST Auto Bot​- Worth $1,997
  • FREE Bonus #2: 15 Previous Products – Worth $997
  • FREE Bonus #3: $0 To $1,000 A Day In THREE DAYS! – Worth $1,997
  • FREE Bonus #4: First Sale In The Next 15 Minutes – Worth $497
  • SPECIAL Bonus #1: $100/Per Hour Commission System – Worth $3,997
  • SPECIAL Bonus #2: UNDERGROUND $1K/Day LIVE Training! – Worth $2,997
  • 180 Day Money Back Guarantee – PRICELESS

Combined Real World Value Of Everything





Yours Right Now at a discount


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Yes, Unlock Access To 2 BILLION Additional Buyers

FIRST 25 ONLY: Tap Into 2 Billion Extra Buyers & More Free Buyer Traffic With Our Secret Underground Traffic Source (We’ve Unlocked An Additional $1K In Daily Profits..)



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Just $9.95 One Time (Normally $97)

Yes, Unlock Access To 2 BILLION Additional Buyers

FIRST 25 ONLY: Tap Into 2 Billion Extra Buyers & More Free Buyer Traffic With Our Secret Underground Traffic Source (We’ve Unlocked An Additional $1K In Daily Profits..)

Just $9.95 One Time (Normally $97)



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Get Everything Now For A LOW 1-Time Price

Or Pay MUCH More Later

Syndicate WILL Be A $197/Month Subscription Soon

Get Rewarded When You Act Fast:

  • The faster you act the lower the cost
  • Get in ahead of the competition for a massive advantage
  • Be amongst the 1st to use this NEW monetization app
  • No monthly fees when you act during launch period
  • Get all bonuses before they’re removed forever
  • Early adopters get the Syndicate 180-Day Money Back Guarantee

Click Below NOW To Lock-In Your Discounted Copy Of Syndicate!

 Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


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See You On The Inside…


PS – I’ve got one more special treat for you…
If you act now, before the timer runs out….I’ll reward you an additional FREE TRAINING that details how I made $5,000+ in affiliate commissions on WarriorPlus within 2 hours from an AD SPEND of as little as $12!
That’s right, I spent $12, and made over $5,000…
Sound good? 

Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



What devices does this work on?

Syndicate is web based, so it works on any internet-enabled device. Including your PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone.

Is this really beginner friendly?

100% absolutely yes!We’ve gone to great lengths to make this incredibly beginner friendly, because SIMPLE is what gets people the best results.
Between the easy-to-use interface, amazing training and friendly 24/7 support, you’re set for success regardless of experience.

Are there any monthly overhead costs?

None at all. With included hosting and free built-in traffic, you can run this with zero operating costs … so you keep 100% of every dollar you make.

How fast can this be set up?

You can have your first ‘profit platform’ live in as little as 5 minutes from right now, even with optional customizing.

How much time do I need for daily maintenance?

That’s the best part – this requires NO daily maintenance!Thanks to advanced automation, your Syndicate platforms need zero manual updating.They’re the ultimate “set and forget” online asset..

Grab Syndicate Now At A One Time Price


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I am a My LeadGenSecret affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


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Free Traffic Shotgun – Get Insider Access To My Internal “FREE Traffic Shotgun System”

Get Insider Access To My Internal “FREE Traffic Shotgun System”

PLUS How YOU Can Use THESE Same EXACT Strategies

To Finally Eliminate ALL Your Traffic Problems!

Discover These Unique High-Quality Traffic Generation Strategies That Are Consistently Bringing In New Leads and Generating High 5 Figures Per Month With Almost No Expenses And Just a Couple Of Hours Of Work Per Day!

Why You Need To Grab Free Traffic Shotgun TODAY:

Brand New & Completely Unique Strategies For Getting TONS of Premium Quality Traffic To Your Websites, Funnels, & Offers!

Step-By-Step Training ANYONE Can Understand, Follow & Get Results… Almost Immediately!

For Beginners, Struggling… And ALL Marketers Who Want are Eager To Finally Leave Their Traffic Problems Behind!

Proven & Simple Yet Extremely Powerful!

At Some Of These Results I’ve Been Able To Get With The Traffic Shotgun System…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


And It Doesn’t Just Stop There…

Now Let Me Share How YOU Can Do The Same…

From The Desk Of Kevin Fahey,

Dear Friend,

Around 6 or 7 years ago, a light bulb went off inside my head.

After spending years in this space building online businesses mainly using paid traffic methods and running rigorous tests and throwing thousands of dollars at various paid traffic generation strategies…

I accidentally stumbled upon a system that was completely different compared to the strategies I was using at that time…

It was a free traffic generation method…

But it was so powerful that it almost immediately created such an abundant flow of consistent high-quality super-engaged traffic that it became the main pillar of my business…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


And it remains one of my core traffic generation strategies to this day.

It Is NOT A Complicated And Overwhelming System…

It’s not dependent on pristine quality content creation… It doesn’t require you to throw 10+ funnels against the wall to see which one sticks…

And most importantly it doesn’t involve any time-consuming activities…

In fact, after I shared this strategy with a handful of my students, they were able to drive traffic and generate sales on their own.

And it didn’t matter if those people were newbies or advanced marketers (some of them were)… they were able to get mind-blowing results!

That’s why, in my opinion, this system is the “holy grail” of free traffic:

Simple Instructions To Set Up This Set & Forget Traffic Generation System You’ll Never Have To Worry About Traffic Ever Again!

After just 30 days this new strategy was cranking out astonishing results, and it was enough for me to realize that it was a sustainable and “evergreen” strategy.

And I knew I could use this approach and system, again and again.

Not just once, like a fluke.

Not just twice, with pure luck.

But consistently, repeatedly – day in, and day out, I could…

Hyper Engaged FREE Traffic Without Having To Waste Countless Hours Writing Content or Doing Tedious Tasks…

Fast forward to today, I’ve gotten over 10,000 customers in multiple different niches…

And traffic is the least of my problems…

While on the other hand, I have people almost on a daily basis reaching out to me and asking to spill my traffic generation secrets…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


And I get it…

Traffic Is The Lifeblood Of Absolutely Any Business.

No matter how good your offers are… No matter how high converting your funnels are…

If you can’t drive traffic… Your business is a sinking ship.

While on the other hand if you can truly control your traffic… Business becomes easy.

At the end of the day, you can always improve your products. You can always improve your funnels.

Traffic on the other hand is different. You either have it or you don’t.

The problem is that most marketers are either doing the wrong thing to generate free traffic OR they are doing the right things in the wrong order.

So I’m here fixing that.

If You Had Unlimited Flow Of High-Quality Super Engaged Traffic Coming To Your Funnels Each Month!?”

If you have ever…

​Failed to consistently and reliably generate traffic and convert it to sales for your own business…

​Launched a paid traffic campaign only to have it crash and burn a few weeks after it starts…

​Tried all the weird free traffic methods that require you to constantly create content with little to no success…

​Wish you could see the exact step-by-step traffic generation strategies used by multi-million dollar businesses…

…Then what I have put together is for YOU.

For the first time ever, we’re pulling back the curtain and allowing YOU to get insider access into our internal “Traffic Shotgun System” – but only for a very limited amount of time.

This system is responsible for incredible growth in the last 30 days alone:

Using the FREE Traffic Shotgun System In The Past 30 Days We’ve Sold $3,907.69 Worth Of Our Own Offers… On Just One Network!

We’ve Also Generated $5,046.53 Promoting Other People’s Products Aka Affiliate Offers…

We DO NOT ONLY Use These Traffic Generation Strategies To Sell Our Own Products Or Affiliate Offers!

Build Our Email List

Sell High Ticket Products

Promote CPA Offers

And more…!

We use these same strategies to fill all of our funnels, as well as…

If you’re even just a little bit curious as to how it works…

And how you could LEVERAGE this system for yourself…

I n t r o d u c i n g…

Traffic Generation Strategy To Opening The Flood Gates Of High-Quality FREE Traffic & Turning It Into Cold Hard Cash In Your Bank Account!

The Traffic Shotgun System has one primary purpose: To give you unique free traffic generation strategies as well as the knowledge and tools to be able to drive high-quality hyper-engaged traffic to your funnels & offers on-demand… And turn it into cold hard cash in your bank account.

…So you could finally stop wasting time and money on other traffic methods that take forever to yield any results… And if any at all.

If this claim seems a bit far-fetched, I want you to know that I don’t play games.


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I can honestly say that I take pride in my products because I know that they get people results… Plain and simple.

With That Being Said Here’s EXACTLY

Step-By-Step Video Training

Inside the video training, I’ll walk you through each and every single strategy step by step and show you exactly what to do, how to do it, and why. I’ve personally used these strategies for years to drive THOUSANDS of visitors per month to my funnels and offers and generate multiple MILLIONS in online sales and in this video training, I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to do the same!

Additional Tactics & Strategies To Maximize Your Results With Traffic Shotgun

As a part of the Traffic Shotgun offer, you’ll also get access to often-overlooked strategies and tactics that will help you prepare for the influx of traffic, and will allow you to maximize your results!

Tools & Resources

As a part of Traffic Shotgun offer, additionally you’ll get access to exclusive done-for-you tools, templates, and resources that will help you get much better and much faster results with the Traffic Shotgun system!

High Quality, FREE Traffic At Your Fingertips… Complicated? No! Easy? Absolutely!

Now you might be thinking that the strategies revealed inside are super complicated and require a lot of time and money…

And I totally get it!

I’m willing to bet you’ve probably heard someone saying that such a thing as free traffic doesn’t exist and you either have to pay with your money or your time.

But after being in this space for well over a decade, I can assure you, it’s not always the case.

In fact, more often than not, if you’re being smart you can generate super high-quality traffic absolutely free and more importantly WITHOUT having to do any sort of time-consuming activities.

And to be perfectly clear, these are the types of strategies I reveal inside Traffic Shotgun…

Strategies That Are FREE,

Inside the Traffic Shotgun training, I show you a handful of different traffic generation strategies that you can use to drive extremely high-quality FREE traffic to your offers, funnels, and websites!

And these strategies are very straightforward and super simple, they don’t require you to be a scientist or have any special kind of skills or knowledge.

And as long as you can follow instructions and are willing to take action…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Your offers, funnels, and websites will be flooded with highly engaged PEOPLE ready to pull out their credit cards and give you their hard-earned money in exchange for your products or services.

Plain and simple.

Full Control Over Your Business and Your Income!

And I’m being dead serious.

The strategies I’m revealing inside have played a MASSIVE role in the success of my business.

And let’s be honest…

When it comes to business, traffic is the absolute most important piece of the puzzle.

Because at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how good of an expert you are in your space… It doesn’t matter how unique your products are… It doesn’t matter how good your services are…

If you can’t get a consistent stream of traffic coming to see your stuff… You don’t have a business.

Plain and Simple

But On The Other Hand, If You Can Truly Control Your Traffic…

At the end of the day, you can always improve your products. You can always tweak your funnels and get them to convert better.

While traffic is a completely different story… When it comes to traffic you either have it or you don’t.

Which is why I can promise you this…

As soon as you go through Traffic Shotgun training, EVERYTHING will finally fall into place…

You’ll be armed with the knowledge and strategies necessary to generate traffic literally on demand…

And once you’ll implement them you will see immediate results…

Results you’ve NEVER seen in your business before!

YES! These strategies are that powerful!

Is On The Other Side Of This Very Simple Decision!

Picture yourself having the complete financial freedom to do everything and anything you want on your terms without having to check in with anybody…

Better yet…

Imagine what it’s like to take fully paid-for exotic vacations or buy that fancy watch you’ve always wanted!

Experience what it’s like to buy a brand new luxury sedan and inhale that intoxicating fine leather scent as you sit in the driver’s seat for the very first time holding the keys in your hand.

Really Think About It

Think about how amazing it will feel just having the time and resources to do whatever you truly want because your online business keeps on making you money 24/7.

Truly imagine and feel what it would be like…

And now understand that the Traffic Shotgun system is the key to the life you desire!


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


But don’t take my word for it!

Here’s What Others Are Already Saying 

About Free Traffic Shotgun!

Why You Need To Secure Your Copy Of Traffic Shotgun RIGHT NOW! 

This ONE EXCLUSIVE Training Bundle alone can literally alter the course of your business… turning you into a wildly profitable marketer capable to send premium quality traffic to affiliate, CPA, or even your own offers and generating sales on literally demand!

Find out how to get OFF the crazy traffic generation “roller-coaster”, and get more CONSISTENCY in your business… while driving premium quality leads to your landing pages and offers!

(This is 100% the biggest “secret” that’s responsible for my crazy business growth the last couple of years)

This ONE strategy allows you to tap into other people’s distribution channels…so you can directly promote your products to brand new audiences!

Find out how to get TONS of FREE traffic from other people’s platforms who already have your dream customers… and lead them STRAIGHT into your funnel!

​And much, much more!

You’re right… I’ve jam-packed a lot of powerful stuff inside…

But it’s just the tip of the iceberg because…

You’re Also Getting $500 In Bonuses For FREE When You

I truly believe this bundle will put more money in your pocket than any other single thing you could do, buy, or experience.

But also, because I want to over-deliver for you as much as possible, I want to give you FIVE more special gifts when you claim your Traffic Shotgun Bundle…

These bonuses I almost didn’t include because they could be entire products themselves…

But I want you to have EVERY advantage in building and growing your business as fast as humanly possible.

[Nudge] It’s Only Fair To Warn You…

See the timer at the top of this page?

The second it runs out, I’m pulling this offer off the table!

The steeply discounted price on this page you are seeing right now is to encourage you to take advantage of this special launch offer.

And don’t get me wrong, even at $197 this system would be worth every single penny and then some.

But at the current price it’s an absolute no-brainer.

So take action now to enjoy this incredibly low one-time introductory price!

And remember, you’re NOT taking any risks, because you’re covered by…

My Extremely Bold No Questions Asked “Triple Threat” Money Back Guarantee…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



Look, I’m so confident this training bundle will be a breath of fresh air to your business, that after 14 days, you’re either THRILLED with the results and profits this bundle brings you or…

  • If you DON’T like the content inside this training bundle…
  • If you’re NOT head-over-heels about the results this product brings you…
  • Or even if you’re just having a terrible hair day…

Just shoot me an email and I’ll give you a full refund, no questions asked!

Plus, I’ll even let you keep the $361 worth of bonuses for free as my goodwill gift to you.

Yes, this bundle either gives you everything you’re promised on this page, or you get your money back AND you get to keep all the bonuses for free.

No tricks. No gimmicks. None of that.

So if you’re interested, I only ask that you please act now…




Trust me – I know it can be a little nerve-wracking to go ahead and pull the trigger on a new purchase. Even when it’s EXACTLY what you truly need to take full control of your business and take it to a whole ‘nother level.

But every inspiring change starts with a little leap of faith. Today – purchasing a “Traffic Shotgun” bundle is that leap of faith…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


And if you have any doubt in your mind I want you to know that I’m here with you every step of the way when you take action on this Traffic Shotgun system.

… But The Way I See It NOW You ONLY Have TWO Options…

Option #1: Do Nothing

But make no mistake about it – doing nothing is still making a choice…

A choice that will stall your progress, keep you awake at night endlessly thinking about months and possibly even years all wasted trying to get your business off the ground with no success…

Or the myriad of other mistakes you’ve made, wasting your hard-earned money on expensive low-quality traffic that couldn’t move the needle in your business.

And then your decisions will turn into irrational “bets” that are fuelled by desperate hope to make back some of the money and time you have lost leading you further down the self-destructing path…

And I don’t want that for you.

See, getting access to The Traffic Shotgun System is not just about getting access to traffic generation strategies that will allow you to generate high-quality traffic and leads that are ready to purchase from you …

Sure it’s a major benefit…

But you’ll also save a ton of time and money by tapping into accumulated knowledge and wisdom instead of trying to figure everything out through trial and error.

Instead of losing the time, you could be spending with your friends and family due trying to build your business the hard way you’ll be able to build meaningful friendships and enjoy life… because you’ll already have the business part fully figured out…

You’ll have that confidence and peace of mind that you finally have the right knowledge and tools to generate high volumes of traffic and do it predictably.

What The Traffic Shotgun System can do for you overall is nothing short of life-changing.

Option #2: Start Effortlessly & Predictably Driving High-Quality Super Engaged Traffic To Your Business  – Starting Today!

For less than a price of an overpriced meal at your local restaurant you can gain access to the fastest, most consistent, and reliable Traffic Generation system on the planet…

The Traffic Shotgun is the accelerated path to being able to consistently generate high-quality super-engaged traffic. And when you take this option…

You’ll immediately be able to start having eyeballs on your offers, funnels, websites, products, or services… and grow your business faster than ever before!

And on top of that, you’ll be able to design your lifestyle on your own terms because your business will finally be thriving!..

You can experience all this and more with the simple click of a button.

And for nothing more than a little chump change…

Plus, this option is completely risk-free. Because it’s backed with my 30-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. In fact—you’ll risk losing much more in life if you pass up on this incredibly affordable offer…

So what are you waiting for? This is your moment…

To Your Success,

Kevin Fahey

P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skips to the end of the page, here’s what I have for you TODAY…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


On this page, you have a chance to grab the Traffic Shotgun System.

And As A Member, Here’s What You Get:

Step-By-Step Video Training

Inside the video training, I’ll walk you through each and every single strategy step by step and show you exactly what to do, how to do it, and why. I’ve personally used these strategies for years to drive THOUSANDS of visitors per month to my funnels and offers and generate multiple MILLIONS in online sales and in this video training, I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to do the same!

I Personally Use To Generate High Quality

Super Engaged Free Traffic

And Leverage It Grow My Email List, Top Affiliate Leaderboards, And Continue Scaling My Business On A Day To Day Basis

Take A Look


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


If You Can Just Follow

Generate Super High Quality,

At The End Of The Day,

What Would Happen To Your Business

And Keep In Mind,

Unique “Set & Forget”

What’s Included Inside The Traffic Shotgun…

Super-fast, Extremely Simple, Yet Insanely Effective.

Traffic Shotgun Can Give You

Growing Your Business Is Easy.

Everything You Want 



I want this decision to be a no-brainer for you.

Right now you can get access to Traffic Shotgun System At a STUPIDLY LOW ONE TIME PRICE.

However, it’s a limited-time offer.


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


And if you know anything about me, you know that if I say it’s a limited-time offer…


Traffic Shotgun Case Studies

I want you to get results FAST… that’s why as a part of this offer I’m also including real-life case studies when you get this RIGHT NOW.


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


In these case studies, I show you exactly how I take these same exact strategies and drive high-quality traffic and generate thousands of dollars.

Additional Tools & Resources

As a part of TSS Offer, you’ll get access to our internal spreadsheets that will allow you to plan your campaigns ahead of time, prepare for the influx of traffic, and will make implementing strategies you’ll find inside as simple and smooth as possible…

PLUS $500 Worth Of Awesome Bonuses:

Bonus #1 – How To Setup An Online Marketing 

Bonus #2 – 3X Your Profits Training Presentation  

Bonus #3 – 15 Monetization Method – Access Here 

Bonus #4 – Surprize Bonus Packages

There’s no catch…  No gimmicks…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


In fact, if you’re not head over heels about this training – just send me an email and I’ll give you a full refund… 

No questions asked. 

So go ahead and click the button below to get your copy of Traffic Shotgun System Right Now!



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



The problem with traffic is that either you have to pay for it, or you have to work hard for your free traffic.

Kevin Fahey has fixed that dilemma. Since five years ago, he’s created set and forget compaigns that bring in hundreds of new subscribers every month. And thanks to the way he’s setting it all up, these subscribers also buy from him.

I just went through Free Traffic Shotgun where Kevin shares what he does, and I really love the course.

Britt Malka

When I first went through Free Traffic Shotgun I had to do a double-take when I saw the results Kevin was getting. Hundreds of leads added to his list FOR FREE?!?


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And they were spending $100’s on his products and affiliate offers?? I can’t believe he’s been getting those kinds of results from such simple free traffic strategies!

Fast, simple, and it works. You’ve done it again Kevin!

JayKay Dowdall

How To Setup An Online Marketing Funnel (Value $97)

3X Your Profits Training Presentation (Value $97)

15 Monetization Method – Access Here (Value $97)



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kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you






LIST YOUR LINKS – TEN SECRET Sites Where You Can Advertise Daily For FREE!


>>>>Get List Your Links and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

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Are YOU Ready To Finally Get Real Results?We all know that the secret of success in affiliate marketing lies with TRAFFIC.
If you don’t have a list and nobody is viewing your offers, then you are not going to make any sales – SIMPLE!
UNLOCKING a way to get traffic to your offers without paying for expensive solo ads or without having an email list is a problem that has haunted marketers since the beginning of the internet.
Now that problem is COMING TO AN END with List Your Links.

You won’t find any hype here, no promises of instant results, just great over the shoulder training showing you what ACTUALLY WORKS!

>>>>Get List Your Links and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

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Those of you that have followed my journey to success know that I don’t go in for hype.
You won’t find any “push button solutions” or “get rich quick” offers on this page, or indeed any of my other sales pages.
My products are all about CONTENT and about teaching you methods to build a consistent and sustainable income.
LIST YOUR LINKS” is another example of this. Inside you will find everything you need to get FREE TRAFFIC whenever you need it, without needing to build a list or pay for expensive solo ads.
This product has been created by my launch partner KERRIE SILLETT and myself and it will solve one of the major problems that every marketer faces and will help you to finally find success online.
But nobody is ever going to hand it to you on a plate, and if they say that they are then you should not believe them!
However, if you are prepared to work hard and focus on your goals, then I invite you to join me inside and learn how you too can build a five figure monthly income over the next 12 months.


From The Desk Of:

Dawud Islam




Take A Sneak Peek Inside…


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Check Out Our Earnings Below


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  • Discover TEN TOP SECRET SITES to advertise for FREE
  • Step by Step easy to follow videos
  • Learn how to choose the right offers to promote
  • Advanced techniques to scale up your results
  • All the resources you need included for FREE
  • How to drive traffic to your offers using entirely FREE methods​

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Get These 5 Fast Action Bonuses For Even Better Results…



Eagle Emails

Learn how to do Email marketing the right way with this flagship course.


6 Ways To Make Money On TikTok

Discover the secrets to the platform everyone, even the President, is talking about!



8 Top High Ticket Programs

Time to stop promoting low ticket


Internet Marketing Alphabet

Your complete A-Z of internet marketing




Learn How To Finally Monetise Twitter


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Don’t Like It? NO WORRIES



The Product Comes With A30 Day Money Back Guarantee

This method teaches an effective, sustainable method to build an affiliate marketing business and to earn money while you are doing it. It does require some effort on your part and is not a get-rich-quick scheme.
However, if after trying the method you are not happy with the results then you can claim a full money back refund within 30 days of purchase.

See You On The Inside!

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Kerrie Sillett

Dawud Islam

Want this Done For You?



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kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you






BRAND NEW EVERGREEN METHOD:……EXPOSED: Our Done-For-You  “Commission Generating Profit Machine”Every 60 Seconds… On AutopilotWithout Any Tech Skills, Experience Or Hard Work!


  • PROVEN evergreen method for banking big profits FAST with no gimmicks that’s working right now and beyond
  • 100% beginner friendly
  • Fully Automated – 1-time setup pays us over and again
  • Totally Done-For-You – Duplicate and Copy and paste our entire blueprint
  • Bulletproof, scalable, proven system for making commissions from scratch on autopilot

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Pay Just Once And Use Forever



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It’s How Everyday Marketers Like Us Make

Push Button Automated Profits In Minutes Like These


Which All Adds Up To Passive Income Like This…


The Best Part?

These Are Automatic, Autopilot, Set & Forget Income Streams…

It’s Just Like Having Your Own Automated Teller Machine Spitting Out Cash Every Few Minutes..

But Don’t Worry… ATM Profits Will Show You How…


In Just 3 Steps

Step #1Grab Your Copy Of ATM Profits Now Before The Price Increases…

Step #2Import, download, copy & paste The Our Simple Yet Powerful “Done-For-You” System  Shown Inside (You Can Do This Extremely Part Time)Step #3Sit back and relax as our ATM Profits Spits Out Automated Commissions filling your account



 You Are Just 3 Steps Away From…

 Living Your Dream Life!

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Pay Just Once And Use Forever


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From The Desk Of…

John Newman & Cynthia Benitez

Dear Frustrated Beginner…

Welcome and thank you for coming to this page.
We know you’re busy so we’ll cut right to the chase.
Do you feel frustrated with trying to earn money online and trying methods that never work?
Are you sick of all the push-button apps that never deliver what they promise?
Do you feel like there’s more for you out there than the boring 9-5 job?
Do you want to start a real, long-lasting business or side-hustle that doesn’t take up all of your time but you don’t know how?


Don’t Worry…

We Know Exactly How You Feel…

We may not be millionaire guru’s  with flashy cars..
But we do know a thing or two about making money online…
Even though today we’re making $10K a month doing exactly what we’re sharing on this page …
It wasn’t always this easy.
Truth be told, we’re just typical people…
We’ve worked the crappy, life draining jobs…
And like many, we’ve wasted time & thousands on incomplete systems, dishonest gurus and broken promises.
But ever since we uncovered some simple insider secrets that these ‘gurus’ only reveal to their high-ticket students
We’ve perfected a winning blueprint that we simplified even further so that it can be easily replicated by anyone to spit out commissions on autopilot…
Independent testers and our own campaign results prove over and over that this is …
The Easiest Way To Make Money On Demand


You’ll Soon Discover

The Fastest Way To Make Money Online Period

It’s not rocket science. When you do exactly what the successful people do…
You get the same results…
Replicating the PROVEN secrets of success is one of themost effective profit strategies on the planet.


Are You Missing Out?

Do You Ever Feel That You’ll Never Crack The Code?

You’ve got to wonder.
If all these experts have buttons that really make money fall from the sky …
Why are you still struggling to see any success?
How come you are buying product after product yet you still fail to get any results?
It’s time to put a stop to the BS and constant struggle.
What we’ve done is to give you exactly what we use ourselves to make money online…
All you have to do is clone everything we give you and you can replicate our results…


  • NO more waking up to $0 in commissions.
  • NO more ‘work hard, get no results’
  • NO more constantly fighting for traffic and sales.

Time for something that actually works, exactly as advertised..


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Now It’s Your Time To Shine!

If you’re not making money online, it’s likely not your fault.
The truth? Most of these courses only show you a piece of the puzzle with INCOMPLETE methods … to keep you buying.
I call them “shiny objects” that are designed to keep chasing the next BIG thing that prays on your hopes and dreams that this NEW product will solve all of your problems..
But there is good news.
Because after many years of blood, sweat & tears… trial and error…  I’ve discovered the missing piece to the puzzle.
What REALLY works online…
And packaged that formula into something you can replicate in a matter of minutes…
ATM Profits is more than just a proven blueprint  for making passive profits in the shortest possible time….
… it’s ALSO a complete done-for-you system that will take up very little of your time or effort
Why work hard if you don’t need to??
You get absolutely everything you need to start profiting right away…


So Easy

That You Don’t Even Need


Previous Experience

To Spend More Than A Few Minutes A Day

To Wait Weeks Or Months For Results

Special Skills

Waste Your Time On Or Spam Social Media

To Make Products

ATM Profits

Sets You Up For Success With:

  • An unbreakable blueprint taking you from scratch to profit
  • Our “winning” done-for-you tools and resources you can just download and replicate for maximum success
  • Powerful traffic sources for unlimited buyers you can just plug in and play
  • Full case study you can copy showing the results in real-time


  • Literally making money while you pack your list full of buyers.
  • Being paid upfront and generating ongoing commissions from the most profitable sources online
  • Enjoying the real freedom of making lifestyle income from anywhere, in just minutes a day. 

We’re doing just that, and would like to show you how as well.
We knew we was onto something POWERFUL…
Something which has the power to help anyone generate consistent income online.
Are you ready to stop wasting time & money on fake promises?
Well now you can!



  • Profitable commission strategies you can implement in a FRACTION of the time of traditional methods
  • Real world battle-tested BLUEPRINT delivers next level results
  • Complete done-for-you system ready to go and profit
  • Simple system you can scale to any level you wish
  • Hands down the most simple and reliable way to make money online
  • Real world strategies that get real world results to real everyday people that  you won’t find anywhere else

ATM Profits

Levels The Playing Field

Finally anyone – even beginners with no experience – can profit like the pros from buyers lists that are almost effortless to create …
… to make game changing commissions today, tomorrow & long term.
This proven system is what we personally use to make money daily and pack our lists full of buyers that buy over and over again.
It’s not only simple, it’s also easily scalable to any level you like…
It’s already working for the beta testers using it.
Now it’s your turn.


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The SIMPLE Formula For You To Start Making REAL Money Online

A few months back, we discovered a stupidly simple way for banking big affiliate commissions fast. Like, overnight fast.
Despite how EASY this was, it produced results.. every single time it was tested.
It seemed too good to be true, almost as if I was dreaming… but the affiliate commissions kept rolling in.
We even fine tuned the method so the results kept getting bigger by the day.

You Get Everything You Need

And Nothing You Don’t

ATM Profits is built to get you results as fast as possible.
We walk you through the simple process from start to profit.
WITHOUT any BS untested theory or outdated strategies that stopped working 5 years ago.
Just up-to-the-minute methods AND resources that are working right now, guaranteed.


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Here’s A Sneak Peek

At What You Get Inside

ATM Profits Blueprint

Covered step-by-step in over the shoulder video.
Easy to follow “do this then that” guides have you up and running fast!


Exclusive Done-For-You Profit Resources

This isn’t available anywhere else!
Where Most Systems Show You What To Do…
We Give You The System We Actually Use That Pay Us Daily


Ultimate Traffic System

Where most systems leave this out, in ATM Profits traffic is covered from A-Z.
You’ll be shown exactly how to set up targeted traffic AND show you the best traffic to tap straight into for the best results…
Just plug this in and your profit ATM is all set!


Easy Money Case Study 

In this case study you’ll see how John banked $921.85 in 31 minutes Using these Methods


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Don’t Just Take Our Word For It…

Proof From Happy Users

That ATM Profits Delivers


This is a well put together course straightforward and the main key is consistency if you’re not consistent the results won’t show and this is what they teach you in ATM profits! The results are in the fine print! John Newman & Cynthia Benitez you guys keep bringing in these high-end courses.

~ Javier Hurtado


ATM Profits is a banger! It’s so easy to follow and is incredibly newbie friendly. John and Cynthia’s secret is game-changing and if I knew it was this powerful I would’ve done it sooner!

~ Bill Ang


It’s not often that you get so much content and value all in one product…with ATM Profits you get that and much more! John and Cynthia have over delivered again with superb over the shoulder high quality affiliate marketing video training. 
When you purchase ATM Profits you will learn how to set up your affiliate marketing system the correct way. We have all heard that… “the money is in the list”…but it is so important to set everything up the correct way. 
You will do just that with ATM Profits and have a real list of buyers that will earn you lifetime affiliate commissions. 
So if you have been struggling to succeed online and feel like giving up…don’t! John and Cynthia deliver easy to follow step by step training with ATM Profits that will provide the blueprint for your affiliate marketing success.

~ Brian Alcock


John and Cynthia have way over-delivered on ATM Profits, and I don’t give testimonials lightly…
Take it from someone who has built his internet marketing business from the ground up using the exact blueprint you will be learning inside ATM Profits.
If you are on the fence, and are serious about building a successful online business then you need to jump all over this like right NOW!

~ Michael Cook

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Early Bird Special!

Claim An Exclusive ‘Launch Only’ Discount

It’s hard to put a price tag on something which can bring you consistent results, everyday, 24/7.
It’s essentially priceless…
Originally, we thought about running a webinar and selling this for $797.
At the very minimum, we want to offer this at a recurring fee of $97 per month…
After all, it would be worth it since you can easily make that investment back, as this pumps out consistent results…
We realized though that most people cannot afford $797 or $97 per month
So, that’s why today you’ll pay nowhere near $797 to get instant access to ATM Profits.
For a limited time only, we’re offering this at a one time investment that anyone can afford.


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Take Home These Custom BonusesFor Even Better Results

**Bonuses Only Available During This Launch**

Bonus #1

Commission Secrets

Commission Secrets Will Give You The Insider Secrets Of The Super Affiliate’s That They Use To Earn Huge Daily Commissions


Value – $997


Bonus #2


OLSP Traffic Domination Group

Shows you how to earn commissions daily… Our team will do all the hard work so you can start earning daily commissions


Value – $997

Bonus #3

Supreme PayDays

Supreme PayDays is the ultimate push button solution that will show you how you can easily build an autopilot online commission machine with our “lazy” copy & paste system


Value – $997


Bonus #4


Profit Force

Profit Force is a set & forget A-Z Commission Blueprint, combined with a secret “triple-threat” traffic source and DFY money pages will literally “force” commissions into your accounts


Value – $997

Bonus #5

Buyers List Bonanza RELOADED

In Buyers List Bonanza RELOADED, you will learn how to build a powerful buyers list fast, which will pay you over and over again


Value – $997


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WAIT!!! — There’s Even More!


The First 150 People Get Invited To

“How We Made $12,226 In 30 Days Using Other People’s Products& Our Secret C.B.P. Method” LIVE TRAINING!

(And How You Can Do It Too, Even If You Have No Skills or Experience Whatsoever)

You’re Going To SeeThe Simplest & Best Proven WayTo Start An Online Business Right Now And How You Can Start Making$1000 Per WeekOnly the first 150 people will be invited to the secret LIVE training…

If you’re reading this right now, that means this special fast action bonus is still available, but you have to act now…
You’ll get this additional bonus absolutely FREE as our way of saying thank you for being our customer.Real World Value: $1,997 Yours Absolutely FREE!


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There’s Even More!



The First 100 People Only Get Access To An Autopilot Traffic Software App


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Real World Value: $297 – Yours Absolutely FREE!

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The Price Is About To Go Up Yet Again

Why Pay More?

As soon as the timers hit zero on this page the price will be going up…
And after this short launch period will be reverting to a monthly fee…
Why would you want to pay more for something?
If you act now you’ll be getting in for the lowest possible price…
So go ahead, get in now before the price goes up, again…


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Life’s Full Of Risks.

This Isn’t One Of Them With The ATM Profits 


365 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

With the bonuses and incredible discount, picking up ATM Profits is already a no-brainer.
But we don’t want anything to stand in your way. So because we’re SO confident you’ll do great with the methods inside…
You’re covered with a rock solid 100% money back guarantee. Take 365 days to test drive ATM Profits on our dime.
Exploit the cutting edge methods, traffic, resources & more. See how easy it is to actually get paid as you build a buyers list. If for any reason you’re not thrilled, just let us know within 30 days to get a refund of your tiny investment.
You just can’t lose!
So Hurry To Grab Your License Risk-Free By Clicking Below.


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Here’s Everything You’re Getting

With ATM Profits Today!


  • ATM Profits Blueprint – Worth $997
  • ​Exclusive Done-For-You Profit Resources – Worth $497
  • Ultimate Traffic System – Worth $697
  • Real World Case Study – Worth $597
  • ​FREE Bonus #1: ATM Profits – Worth $997
  • FREE Bonus #2: OLSP Traffic Domination Group – Worth $997
  • FREE Bonus #3: Supreme PayDays – Worth $997
  • FREE Bonus #4: Profit Force – Worth $997
  • FREE Bonus #5: Buyers List Bonanza RELOADED – Worth $997
  • ​PLUS FREE FAST ACTION BONUS #1: “How To Make A Consistent $5k/Month From Home In The Next 22 Days” LIVE TRAINING – Worth $1997
  • PLUS FREE FAST ACTION BONUS #2: Autopilot Traffic Software App -Worth $297
  • ​365-Day Money Back Guarantee

Total Value Of Everything



Grab ATM Profits Now

Limited Time – Get 87% Off If You Act Now…

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Isn’t It Time

For You To Make REAL Money Online Without Waiting Months For Results?

To finally control your financial future & be able to make money on demand?
To stop worrying about HOW to profit … and just copy a proven blueprint instead?
ATM Profits Is The Answer You Need
Get Your Discount While It’s Still Available!
ATM Profits is a proven blueprint and done-for-you system that unlocks making passive profits in the shortest possible time, easier than ever before.
Not only is this working right now… it will continue to work forever… this is what we call “evergreen”
You get absolutely everything you need to start profiting right away…


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Looking Forward

To Seeing You Inside,


John Newman


Cynthia Benitez

P.S. Here’s a recap of everything you’re getting — ATM profits is a proven blueprint and done-for-you system that unlocks making passive profits in the shortest possible time, easier than ever before.
You’re getting the easiest way to start spitting out commission fast, over and over again…
You get absolutely everything you need to start profiting right away…… without any additional work… you get the step-by-step tutorials and the 5 premium bonuses, plus the fast action bonuses.
It’s the closest thing you will ever have to having you own persona ATM Profit Machine!
P.P.S. Remember the price goes up every 60 minutes so if you like what you see, order now, before the price increases.
P.P.P.S. We’re so confident that you’re going to absolutely love ATM Profits that we’re including an unheard of 365-day money back guarantee, so there is NO RISK to you.The risk is totally on us, you can not lose either way…
Grab ATM Profits and get unlimited, access to our copy & paste system that gives us 3-4 figure paydays on autopilot…
There is no way you can lose with this… It is PROVEN.
So go ahead click the button below for ‘Instant Access’ & we’ll see you on the inside…


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Don’t Worry, We Got Answers!

 Do I Need Any Technical Skills?No, this is newbie-friendly, easy-to-implement, and full training is included. Do I Need To Buy Any Other Training Or Software?Everything you need you get today for a low, one-time payment. Sometimes we suggest paid tools and resources in our training that we use ourselves and may help you out but they are entirely optional and are not required for the product to work. How is this different from any other trainings?It’s so much more than that just a training. This is a complete money-making system and done-for-you system that unlocks making passive profits in the shortest possible time, easier than ever before.… We use this every day in our business to make money daily.
 Is There A Money Back Guarantee?Yes, you are covered by our 365-day money back guarantee. There is absolutely no risk when you act now. The only way you lose is if you don’t grab ATM Profits at the special discount… Is There A Monthly Fee?Nope. When you get this now, you get everything for a low, one-time payment. What’s included in my purchase?You’re getting over the shoulder video training that reveals every step of the ATM Profits method in immense detail. No stone is left unturned and we show you everything inside… How do I get ATM Profits at the lowest price possible?Click The Button Below Now…


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>>>>Get  ATM Profits and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

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I am a Target affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a SiteGround affiliate.  I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a My LeadGenSecret affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you



PUSHABLE – NEW 1-Click App BLASTS 3.6-Billion Buyers+

NEW 1-Click App BLASTS 3.6-Billion Buyers
+ Makes $571/Day ClickBank Commissions


  • We Get Paid $571 With This NEW-For-2022 Tech
  • Apple & Google Make BILLIONS With This…
  • In April 2022, ANYONE Can Build UNLIMITED Buyers lists
  • ALL-IN-ONE App – Send 1,000% More Clicks Than eMail
  • ZERO Extra Expenses. No $300/Month Fees. EVER!
  • Finally! Build A Real Internet Business

…..And YES! This NEW Technology Works With ALL Major Browsers….





Microsoft EDGE

Pay Just Once And Use Forever – Join Before Price Increases!



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.




Login to the cloud-based app & create your new instant list


Launch an instant website that builds your list AUTOMATICALLY


Send unlimited broadcasts & followups to your new list

REVEALED: The APPLE & GOOGLE TECH That Makes Us Up To $3,400 EVERY Time We Click BLAST…

I’m talking about a NEW traffic-blast tech, that…

  • Makes up to $1.43 Per subscriber… PER DAY!
  • Generates profits of $300+ daily – passively
  • Sends 1,000% more clicks than email
  • Pushes buyer traffic, 10x faster than email
  • Doesn’t need $500/year autoresponders
  • And… YOU CANNOT be banned by anyone… ever!

DAY 1 PROFITS: These TINY “1-Click Blasts” Generate

10X THE PROFITS Of Email (With NO Writing Needed!)

April 2022: A NEW Money-Making Tech

That Google & Apple Have Been Hording (Until Now!)

This FRESH, NEW CUTTING EDGE TRAFFIC TECHNOLOGY bags us $500 days from TINY lists, by…

  • Driving 1000s of free clicks in seconds
  • Earning $500+ commissions from tiny lists
  • Building 1-CLICK lists like Google & Apple
  • Spending 1/10 the time it takes to list-build
  • Seeing FASTER results than was ever possible with the “old technology”
  • Gaining A TECH EDGE over 99% of other marketers


EXPOSED! Google & Apple’s NEW List – Building Technology Lets You Collect Unlimited Leads, & Send Fast Instant, Traffic-Getting Messages To 3 Billion Internet Users… In 53 Seconds – Now, Let Me Ask You A Question..

Do you want to make money online?

If so…

You’ve heard the saying: “The MONEY is in the LIST”

And, after $20 million in sales, I can tell you…

“It’s MORE true in April 2022 …than it’s EVER BEEN”

 Google and Apple make trillions with push notifications on their phones

 All the ClickBank & JVZoo sellers build huge buyer lists

 Many of the top super affiliates send their best traffic via email

In April 2022, EVERYONE is building huge audiences & lists!

It’s how you make money… it’s how you make commissions…

It’s how you drive traffic on tap… it’s how you build real passive income…

But… the question is: how exactly can YOU do it…

Even if you’re a newbie with no list, no traffic, no product and no capital…

Well, the answer to that is to PIGGYBACK on the same technology used by Apple & Google…




Login to the cloud-based app & create your new instant list


Launch an instant website that builds your list AUTOMATICALLY


Send unlimited broadcasts & followups to your new list


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

So How Can YOU FINALLY Build A Profitable List In April 2022?

With A NEW “1-CLICK” List Technology! KEEP READING…

Get Instant Access – We SOON Are Closing This Permanently!


I’m Chris. And, I’ve Discovered The Holy Grail Of BUYER TRAFFIC In April 2022! Something NEW That’s Making Me $500/day With A NEW, 1-Click List-Building Technology…

I JUST I found a BRAND NEW traffic technology…

This creates unlimited traffic, make huge commissions – and builds list passively…

How? By using the same technology that Apple and Google use to make billions!

I’m talking about a new list-building technology… that lets you build an instant buyers list on any website or blog… something completely new called…

“PUSH NOTIFICATIONS” – which let people subscribe to your list DIRECTLY, with NO autoresponder.

And once they signup, YOU can send them a message (broadcast or followup), in less than 60 seconds…

DIRECTLY & INSTANTLY, into their browser, with huge images & clickable buttons…

And do it over-and-over, 24/7, with no deliverability issues!

And best of all, it’s SO easy to do…

You simply add one line of code to your website…

Then when people click “Yes” to signup…

They’re instantly added to your list!

Push Notifications Work Because They Deliver Huge, Visual Images & Buyer Buttons – Right into the Visitor’s Browser window – And They Do It Instantly & Directly, with images, text & CTA button…

It’s an orgy of clickability! Images….copy…native buttons for Windows & Mac (it looks like these are messages sent by the OS itself!)…

<==LOOK! They are BIG, visual & VERY clickable, which means…

You get huge AND targeted clicks!

Now push messages are “rich media” & catch the eye – with a headline, subheadline, big image, small image…

Plus a “call to action” button, which again drives targeted traffic (“get traffic now”, “profit as an affiliate” , etc)….

But here’s the main takeaway when it comes to push…. These notifications REALLY stand out… so, they…

Lterally POP out of nowhere & take up about 20%-40% of the screen, with a HUGE RICH MEDIA PREVIEW of the sales letter, affiliate program or website you’re promoting!

….which is why we’re getting the huge traffic you see on this page with push (keep reading for the proof)!

The only question is: when are YOU going to join the future, with this new, cutting-edge “rich media list building” technology, which was previously the secret of the tech GIANTS?

Now, when no-one knows about it… or in 18 months when everyone is jumping on it?

Isn’t it time YOU got in “on the ground-floor” on a new, ground-shaking technology – for once?

…..And YES! You Can Collect Push Subscribers in 1 Click From ALL Major Browsers….





Microsoft EDGE

Join Before The Next Price Increase

Should You Give Up On List Building For Another Year? NOT WHEN YOU CAN DEPLOY GOOGLE & APPLES SECRET TECH! Look At The FAST Results That The 1% Like Me Are Currently Enjoying With TINY Push Lists – RIGHT NOW! Small, PROFITABLE Lists Like These Are DOABLE For Average People… IF Someone Just DOES IT FOR YOU (Now Keep Reading!)…

10 clicks from 75 push subscribers

46 clicks from 193 push subscribers

67 clicks from 392 push subscribers

119 clicks from 718 push subscribers

Want to See What This New Passive Traffic Technology Could Do For You? Then Give It A Test-Drive RIGHT NOW!

Calculate How Many Push Leads You Need to Quit Your Day Job

Your Annual Income Goal:                                           $35,000                                          $50,000                                          $100,000                                          $200,000                                      Monthly Subscriber Value:                                           $1                                          $2                                          $5                                          $10                                      CALCULATE NOW !

3 STEPS TO UNLIMITED COMMISSIONS… AND 1-CLICK LEADS! Here’s How We’re Making $1,015/Week Affiliate Commissions, With This NEW SOFTWARE..

Collect Subscribers From ANY Website & BLAST Them For Unlimited Commissions!

First we copy our embed code & paste it to our website (don’t have a website? I’ll give you a DFY instant hosted website)…

Now whenever someone visits our website, they will see the popup message.

Anyone who clicks ‘yes’, will get subscribed to our list That’s it!

PLUS, I’m Including DFY Website-Building Software, Preloaded With Your Optin-Code & Giving Away My DFY Software – Giving You An Instant, Done For You, Hosted Website, Preloaded With Your Optin Code & 100% DoneForYou Followup Sequence… !

Get Instant Access – 500+ People paid $247 for this – ACT NOW!


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Activate Daily Passive Traffic & Commissions (With Our DFY, Passive “Set-And-Forget” Followup Templates!)

Now your leads are subscribed, so it’s time to get traffic & commissions…

With Pushable you can send both followup messages AND monetize passively!

And, in case you wanted to get started right away… you can also use my pre-created templates!

And that means you’ll be getting a constant stream of traffic and commissions from your new leads, 100% passively and on autopilot…

That’s what makes my “Done For You” push templates so powerful!

AND, giveaway templates (giving away my free software & content) to drive value (KEEP READING!)…

All you need to click once to load the template, then…

Paste YOUR affiliate link , then queue your message!

  • Make up to $3,000 per subscriber…- Make up to $3,000 per subscriber…
  • Make up to $3,000 per subscriber… Add up to 99x followups for daily free traffic
  • Automated timezones… Your followups are sent at the subscribers timezone
  • Includes my $20k lead magnets – Give these away to get people subscribed!
  • Copy & tweak my proven templates – Copy & tweak my proven templates…
  • Setup your followups in 5 minutes – With my templates, you can get setup fast…

I’m Generating $300 DAYS From 100% Passive Followups & You Could Get Subscribers & Commissions Like Me…


Drive UNLIMITED Buyer Traffic In Seconds (To ANY Website Or Affiliate Link!)

Once you’re collecting leads and sending autoresponder messages on auto-pilot…

Its time to send broadcast push notifications.

Broadcast your push notifications at any time, to any lists…

So you can drive UNLIMITED buyer traffic to ANY affiliate program or website at any time…

And remember, you can also use my done for you template pack to send broadcast messages too!

  • Huge Image… at 512×256, these take up almost all the screen!
  • Big Headline… up to 96 characters to grab attention
  • Description… up to 255 characters to describe benefits
  • Small Icon – a second 192×192 image makes push messages even more impactful
  • Chrome CTA Button – “click here” button adds an extra 30% to Clicks from our testing!
  • Send time – we’ll tell you the 5x best times to send your messages

So… Isn’t This YOUR TIME To Collect Subscribers in 1 Click On ANY Website From Every Visitor, On Every Device, And Every Browser, Including….





Microsoft EDGE

What Are You Waiting For? Get Instant Access – Before We CLOSE THIS FOREVER!


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Who Can Benefit From Push, Other Than Apple & Google? The Short Answer: “ANY Type of Marketer or Affiliate!”

Building a list is where the money is at… and “Push” Changes The Game…

Pushable is the ONLY list-building tool built specifically for marketers like YOU















…Plus, POWER & SCALE: Pushable Includes Elite Features,
Previously Enjoyed By ONLY The List-Building 1%!

  • Send unlimited blasts, FOREVER, with ZERO monthly fees
  • Blast unlimited lists, followup messages & broadcasts
  • Setup in 1 minute, with DFY websites – no hosting or domain needed

  • Collect push subscribers from any website then blast forever
  • Drive unlimited daily traffic with automated followup messages
  • Steal my $300/day templates.. to start profiting in seconds!

…Level Up For 2022 IN 1 CLICK: And Finally Build Your List, Using The Secret Weapon Of This ELITE ClickBank, JVZoo & Warrior+ List-Building Super Affiliates!

And YES, You’re Gettting In On the Ground Floor Which
Means No Monthly Fees – EVER For…


you will never be “limited” and you can scale up your business with unlimited leads & subscribers.


you can send unlimited broadcast & followup messages to each new subscriber who joins.


you can embed your optin code on as many domains as you want (including the hosted DFY website we give you).


You’ll finally be able to build a list, get traffic and generate profits – with LIFETIME access to this cloud-based app…

EVERYTHING You Need To Profit & Build Your First BUYER List Is Already Built & Pre-Loaded Inside This Cutting-Edge, Cloud-Based Software Suite

Unlock The SAME Push Technology As Google & Apple – But DO IT NOW Before We Close!


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

20+ Videos On How To Profit With Push Notifications

..Here’s a sneak peek of some of the topics we’ll discuss

How to Write Push Messages

Dive deep into my templates and learn my “send in 1 minute” trick

Push Hall Of Fame

I’ll run through my top 20 all-time push affiliate promotions!

Affiliate Marketing with Push

Inside my “3 step” method (that averaged me $200-300+ commissions per blast).

Best Times To Send Push

I crunched the times & days to send… based on 100 messages!

Best Traffic For Push

Discover the traffic source that took doubled my leads with push

Push vs Email: Overview

Learn why push is a better list-building method for most!

Using Followup Sequences

Learn how I use the followup sequence to drive traffic, get profits & build engagement.

Using Broadcast Messages

Learn why some of my marketing buddies refer to me as the master blaster!

Many more advanced tips

With over 20 videos, I cover everything from the basics to super advanced tricks!

Bonus 1
Agency, Commercial Reseller Rights (valued at $497)

For a limited time, we are allowing unlimited resell rights – so you can “rent out” the push technology to your customers, letting them launch push campaigns, for whatever price you want!

Bonus 2
Instant DFY Website (valued at $597)

While you can add your push list-building code on any website, we’re also included our DFY push landing page – fully hosted, and just a few clicks away. Simply enter your affiliate link, paste your optin code, choose your URL and click publish to launch your new list-building website in seconds!

Bonus 3
Instant DFY Campaigns (valued at $397)

We’ve made tens of thousands of dollars with push, and now we’re giving you our exact campaigns, preloaded into the software. Simply replace our affiliate link with yours and blast!

Bonus 4
Video Training (valued at $397)

Even though my Pushable software preloads everything into one cloud-based technology, I’m almost going to dig-deeper with you, and explain how it all works – with over 20 video training…

We Dropped $17,160 Building This Software Suite, But You can Just Get Instant Access to EVERYTHING For 1/1000th of that – – IF You Act ACT NOW…

Click the button below. Do it now. You’ll get Pushable at the discounted price of:

>> NOT the $10k I spent building this tool these last few months…

>> NOT the $317 I’m averaging with every push message I send..

>> NOT the $500-$3000 it would be cost for the most popular push services…

==>>>> You get ALL these features inside Pushable for A TINY ONE TIME FEE! <<<<==

*NEW* Cloud-Based DFY Push Notification Autoresponder – Valued at $4,670

Collect Unlimited Leads & Subscribers On ANY Browser, FOREVER- Valued at $997

Send Unlimited Broadcast Messages – Valued at $997

Send Unlimited Followup Messages – Valued at $97

Create Unlimited Lists to Segment Subscribers – Valued at $47

Drive Unlimited, Lifetime Traffic & Commissions – Valued at PRICELESS

Includes DFY, Hosted, Instant List-Building Website – Valued at $647

PRELOADED TEMPLATES: Steal Our $300/Day Push Affiliate Campaigns – Valued at $997

Includes “Website2Push” Software which turns ANY website or affiliate link into a push blast – Valued at $847

FINALLY Build Your List, In Less Than 5 Minutes – Valued at PRICELESS

Make Money TODAY – Using The SAME Technology As Google & Apple – Valued at PRICELESS

$20,000 lead magnets & giveaway rights (for 5 software, training & more) – Valued at PRICELESS

Get A HUGE EDGE – even over other elite marketers and affiliates – Valued at PRICELESS

Got an email list? Double up – and get your subscribers on your push list too! – Valued at PRICELESS

24/7 Dashboard – login to view all your recent stats & activity on 1 page – Valued at $497

Quickstart PDF guide – to get you started right away – Valued at $297

20+ Training videos – go deep as you like to turn into an Instant Push Jedi – Valued at $97

Agency & Resell rights – manage push for your clients – Valued at $47

Fully Mac/PC/Tablet/Smartphone Compatible – Pushable is CLOUD-BASED!

Push + Automation = Huge Leads & Commissions – Valued at $PRICELESS

Unlock the same LIST & TRAFFIC TECH used by Google & Apple! Valued at PRICELESS

Get Instant Access – Before We CLOSE FOREVER!


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

On The Other Side Of The Buy Button Your New Future Awaits You, Filled With $300 Days, Massive Automation & Monstrous DAILY BUYER TRAFFIC From Your New Leads

It’s the fastest way to collect buyer leads, get autopilot traffic, and make daily commissions… using the power of push notifications!

This technology has been jealously hoarded by Google & Apple… but today, it’s in YOUR HANDS…

Can you see how NEW and different this is?

Building a list has never been this new, easy.. and exciting!

So, you’re finally playing the ‘list building” game with the deck stacked firmly in your favor…

And legally stealing the same lead technology as Apple and Google!

So ..are you ready to take your list building game to the next level?

OK great

The first step is to click on the order LINK


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I’ll setup your Pushable account Instantly!

OK, so you know what to do….


Get instant access to EVERYTHING HERE you’ve spent the last few minutes reviewing.

As soon as you click ”get started” you’ll get redirected to the Warrior order page.

Fill out your information on that page and join – and you INSTANTLY get a Welcome Email with Your Login.

You’ll then get access ALL of these features inside your new Pushable Account INSTANTLY.

Click ‘Get started” to join me – in the exciting NEW WORLD of Push List-Building..

YES! I Want Pushable NOW

(check the small box then scroll down to activate)

180-Day No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee

Examine my automated traffic, commissions and list-building software in your home for 180 days, read the quick start guide, apply my system watch the videos. Start building your push notifications list for 2021 and beyond, wfth my custom autoresponder, steal my templates, apply the training, copy my entire system & see what this cutting-edge software can do for you. Do whatever it takes to convince yourself that it is possible to finally succeed with list-building.. push notifications.. affiliate marketing….traffic….online marketing in general….in 2021..

But if for any reason whatsoever you are not completely satisfied, just let me know and your fee will fully refunded, You can cancel at any time, and for ANY reason. That’s how certain I am that you are going to love this..So what are you waiting for? This is 100% risk-free!

So Click the “Get Started” Button- while my crazy offer is still on the table! Get Pushable and I guarantee it will change the way you look at list building forever..

So what are you waiting for?

Click the LINK below NOW – to Get started


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

You will INSTANTLY get access to everything on this page.

But you MUST ACT NOW. The price increases this hour, and then we close this down PERMANENTLY. Your account will be activated INSTANTLY.





I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a Target affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a SiteGround affiliate.  I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a My LeadGenSecret affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you





Chat4Kash – Send Unlimited Messages Straight To The Phones Of 2+ Billion!

Send Unlimited Messages Straight To The Phones Of 2+ Billion People At A Low, One Time Price!

Game-Changing WhatsApp Software Lets You Blast Any Link To Millions Of People In Seconds!

This Brand New System Is Paying Us For Chatting On Our Phones!


No Prior Technical Skills Or Experience Needed.

  • We’re Guaranteed Payments Every Time We Open Our Phones!
  • 1421 Members Already Earning Using This System
  • More Than $980,281.09 Already PAID OUT
  • Push 1 Button = Turn Any Phone Notification Into Cash
  • Unlimited Cloud-Based WhatsApp Messaging Machine
  • Send ANY Message With ANY Link Or Offer To 2 Billion+ People In 180 Countries
  • Get 98% Open Rate From People Glued To Their Phones
  • No Contacts? The Software Gets Red-Hot Phone Leads For You On Autopilot!
  • Unlimited Free End-To-End SSL Encryption Protects You, Your Privacy And Personal Data
  • Included Done-For-You Affiliate Offers To Promote
  • Send ANY Link To ANY Offer To MILLIONS With 1 Click
  • 100% Newbie Friendly: EASIEST System Even 70 Year Olds Can Use
  • 24/7 Income Stream Started Within 9 Minutes
  • No Monthly Fees
  • Double Your Money Back Guarantee

HURRY!  Before the next price increase.

>>>>Get Chat4Kash and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

How We Got More Than $43,080.10 By ‘Lazing Away’ On WhatsApp…

If you can spare 2 minutes a day, that’s all you need to succeed with Chat4Kash.

Because 1421 members just like you are already getting WhatsApp payments over and over again…

The Best Part…?

it’s 100% user friendly, with zero work involved…

(if you have a phone or computer and a WhatsApp account – that’s all you need!)

It’s allowing us to get paid from ANYWHERE…even with no website and without having to sell anything!

But Does Chat4Kash Work For BEGINNERS As Well?

YES! More Than $980,281.09 Already Paid Out To Members So Far…

So you see – there’s absolutely NO REASON you can’t win with Chat4Kash either…as long as you have a phone or computer, you’re all set.

It’s our personal free payments generating machine… and our FASTEST and MOST RELIABLE 2022 Method For Online Income!

Chat4Kash Is Backed By Hundreds Of Beta Testers…

Chat4Kash Verified User

Wayne Watts

Chat4Kash User & Newbie Marketer

I was fortunate enough to get an early copy of Chat4Kash and let me tell you I’ve been blown away by how easy it was for me to blast my affiliate link to millions of people on WhatsApp. It’s all step by step, 100% newbie friendly and the support the guys offer is unparalleled. It’s not one of those apps where you’re left to figure everything out by yourself! Not to mention, it actually WORKS! It freaking works! I’m banking $500 and $1,000 in daily affiliate commissions left and right! I highly recommend this to anyone!


Chat4Kash Verified User

Nigel Willis

Chat4Kash User & Newbie Marketer

When I first logged into Chat4Kash I couldn’t believe how well the whole system works! I’m already making more than $1280 in affiliate sales after setting it up only 2 weeks ago! It’s soooo easy, even a newbie like myself could do it with just a few clicks. Open Chat4Kash, click the button to generate WhatsApp leads, copy/paste one of their campaigns into the software, add your affiliate link and BOOM in 60 seconds you have your own money making machine up and running – it’s just a magical piece of software! I’m the biggest fan of Chat4Kash!


Chat4Kash Verified User

Robin Richardson

Chat4Kash User & Newbie Marketer

Chat4Kash has enabled me to quit my job and become a full time online entrepreneur! It’s a dream come true for me as I’m able to be paid for sending WhatsApp messages on my old phone. The current price for Chat4Kash is just INSANE! I’ve made it back within the first hour of using it! My advice is buy it before they realize and increase the price!


Chat4Kash Verified User

Jeannie Koh

Chat4Kash User & Newbie Marketer

Chat4Kash has my highest recommendation! Using it is very very simple even for a newbie like me, it only takes a minute using the step-by-step WhatsApp autoresponder creation wizard they have – and they show you how to do it with very newbie friendly training! I’ve already made $1650.39 in sales with Chat4Kash! 10/10 from me!


Get Started With This Revolutionary New Income System Today!

LIMITED TIME – Free Commercial License For Our Early Adopters Only!

You Could Even Do It All WITHOUT A Computer!

That’s right: Chat4Kash works on phones too!

So if you’d like to get paid from your iPhone, Android device or even tablet… you can!

You only need an Internet connection, and a WhatsApp account. That’s all.

Think about it: Can you open up WhatsApp on your phone?

If the answer is YES! Then you’re all set: you’ve got all the tools and all the tech know how required! That’s right you’re now smart enough to cash in with Chat4Kash like we Chat4Kash Automates Free Traffic & Affiliate Commissions For Us In Just 3 Simple Steps…

Login To Our Stunning Cloud-Based Software

(There is NOTHING for you to set up, configure or host. *Works on ANY device!)

Let The App Find Red-Hot Phone Leads Right Away

(That’s right: we get you millions of phone numbers targeted to YOUR niche!)

Relax As Chat4Kash BLASTS Any Message With ANY Link/Offer To The Phones Of Millions Of People, For Unlimited Free Traffic & Affiliate Commissions On Autopilot

(Everything is 100% automated for you!)

That’s right: Chat4Kash is all we need for automated WhatsApp payments that never stop…

… and it’s not just working for us alone: 1000s of others around the world have already cashed in their first “WhatsApp Checks”.

It’s your own Personal WhatsApp Machine working 24/7 for you.

Activate it with 1 click. No investment required.

As long as you can open WhatsApp on your phone… you’re set!

Chat4Kash Is THAT GOOD!

Read That AGAIN: You’re 3 Steps Away From Unlocking Your Dream Lifestyle!

And The BEST Part…? Others Are Already Having Success With It Too!

Chat4Kash Verified User

Shane Goldfinch

Chat4Kash User & Newbie Marketer

This is just incredible guys! I’m finally able to live the dream Internet “laptop lifestyle”. Just today, I’ve used Chat4Kash for 30 minutes and already got $231.15 in sales paid to me! Chat4Kash is the BEST!


Chat4Kash Verified User

Joy Kabuga

Chat4Kash User & Newbie Marketer

I have to say I’m shocked at how well this works. I still can’t believe my eyes: I’ve already earned more than $500 today just for blasting my affiliate link from my iPhone… Chat4Kash is the best software I’ve ever bought in my life!


Chat4Kash Verified User

Paul McGill

Chat4Kash User & Newbie Marketer

Chat4Kash is life-changing! I’m so tired of BS apps that never work, I was skeptical when I bought this too – boy was I wrong! This app is minting sales for me every day like clockwork, I don’t have to do a thing! Just last week I got more than $1,000… that’s more than what I’m getting at my job!


Chat4Kash Verified User

Ashwath Singh

Chat4Kash User & Newbie Marketer

As a retiree, I need a little side income to help me with my expenses. Chat4Kash is exactly that and more: it’s very simple to use, I just click a couple of buttons every day on my phone and I get paid for it! This is truly “next-level” and they make it sooo simple to use even an “old man” like me can use it! Finally a software that actually does what it says!


Feeling STUCK!?
Let Us Hand You The Biggest ‘Traffic Source’ On The Planet…

Imagine if minutes from now you could start getting paid big fat commissions straight to your bank account… with automated DFY traffic that never stops.

That’s right – a virtually unlimited, untapped 24/7 traffic stream that maximizes your profit with zero work for you.


  • 100% Newbie Friendly
  • 100% Done for you
  • 200% money back guarantee if it doesn’t work for you (it will)


Simple: By tapping into the largest traffic stream right now…

A Traffic Stream That Is Fully Automated, RED HOT Right Now & IMPOSSIBLE To Beat By Competitors!

>>>>Get Chat4Kash and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Imagine Being Able To Tap Into 2+ Billion Daily Visitors …

How would you like to be able to send a direct message to the phones of 2 billion people all with a single click of a button?

Better yet, imagine if minutes from now you could have your very own messaging machine that got you a 98% open rate, reaching people in 180 countries blasting your affiliate link to millions of people in seconds…


You always hear the words “build your list” and “the money is in the list” – And that’s because when you have a list, you literally have access to push-button profits. Big marketers are cashing in thousands of dollars simply by sending one message!


Email marketing is dying – it’s expensive to send emails, expensive to build your list and the worst of it all – nobody is reading their emails anymore!

You KNOW this… you’re probably not reading ALL your emails yourself…

Maybe you’ve even tried a few of those email autoresponders yourself… but never got the results you wanted… at the end of the day building a list is hard, autoresponders are expensive or very hard to configure, and email providers like Gmail are cracking down on email marketing like never before…

And at the end of the day… people are not even reading their emails!


What are they doing instead…?


>>>>Get Chat4Kash and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Just 1% Of Companies Are Currently Marketing To Customers Phones…

This Is A “Holy Grail” Opportunity Unlike Any Other In Our History!

That’s right…

  • Without any investment on your behalf
  • Without any risk of loss

100% automated and 100% newbie friendly…

And It All Works In 3 Simple Steps!


Login To Chat4Kash (Cloud-Based!)


Let The App Find Red-Hot Phone Leads Right Away (Can Be Any Niche!)


Get Paid Like Us Every 9 Minutes!

And That’s It…!

So we get why you’ve been feeling STUCK until now…

But You No Longer Have Any Excuse…

Chat4Kash is RIGHT in front of you.

All you need is a phone with Internet, and the ability to open up your WhatsApp account.

It’s proven – hundreds of members already made their first payments with this…

So what are you waiting for ?

There are a few moments in our lives where we’re faced with a huge opportunity that can truly change who we are.

This is one of those moments…

It’s insanely cool – and in fact it’s something members have been using already to cash in 1000s in monthly WhatsApp revenue!

So go ahead RIGHT NOW and click the buy button below to secure YOUR copy of Chat4Kash – let’s step into this together.

Get Started With This Revolutionary New Software Today!

>>>>Get Chat4Kash and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Time To Take The Shortcut For Fast Results And Finally Cash In Just Like The “Big Guys”!

A Revolution In Internet Marketing Unlike Any Other…

Introducing… Chat4Kash!

Chat4Kash Tears Down The Huge Entry Barriers And The Ability Everyone – Yes Even Complete Newbies…

…To The Ability The Full Power Of WhatsApp Marketing For Unlimited Payments By Marketing DIRECTLY To Customers’ Phones!

(But only for you: your competitors & the entire world still has to struggle with expensive, sub-par alternatives like emails making this an unprecedented opportunity!)

Chat4Kash is the world’s first brand new software that automatically finds WhatsApp targeted leads, adds their phone as a contact then sends unlimited messages with your affiliate link.

It even comes complete with done-for-you messages to send and readymade affiliate offers that pay US commissions over and over again.

Listen: WhatsApp has 2B+ users and they each check their WhatsApp an average of 30 times a day. That’s insane!

Open rates on WhatsApp are 99% versus a measly 5% on email. And people LOVE to text (you know you do too probably!)

Chat4Kash is like email marketing on steroids, but with no list building needed and virtually 100% open rates.

It can send direct WhatsApp messages to one contact at a time or you can blast out millions of messages at once.

We give you our own dedicated SMTPs, sending servers and IP pools – so you can send out millions of messages at once at zero cost.

Best part: it works even if you have zero WhatsApp contacts!

>>>>Get Chat4Kash and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

So you can send your affiliate link to millions of people that are targeted to your niche and have them read and open from their phone.

In fact, with Chat4Kash…

  • Like us you could earn every 9 minutes for sending WhatsApp messages
  • If you have a phone with Internet and can browse WhatsApp, you get paid!

And it’s a one-time fee meaning…

With Chat4Kash You Get A Direct Line To Send ANY Message To ANY Person On Earth

We’re Literally Handing Over The FULL Benefits Of Chat4Kash Marketing While Removing 100% Of The Obstacles!

  • You don’t need to make any investment!
  • You don’t have any risk of loss!
  • You don’t need a list, contacts or previous success!
  • You don’t need previous experience!
  • You don’t need a website!
  • You don’t need tech skills!
  • You don’t need paid advertising!
  • You don’t need to pay monthly fees!
  • You don’t need a product (we give you offers to promote!)

As Long As You Have A Phone And Can Access Your WhatsApp Account – Like Us, You’re All Set To Cash In With WhatsApp Like NEVER Before!


Just Take A Look At The Sort Of Results We Get Using This Powerful Software…

Now You Too Could Get…

  • Freedom to live the life of your dreams
  • More money than you know what to do with
  • Ability to travel the world
  • Ability to help loved ones
  • All the luxuries of a life well lived

Get INSTANT access to Chat4Kash today!

Here’s How Chat4Kash Works…

It doesn’t get any better than Chat4Kash… members are paid every 9 minutes for the messages they are sending WhatsApp.

The more we chat, the more we get paid…

So if we chat for…

  • 9 minutes = we get $10-$30
  • 18 minutes = we get $20-$60
  • 27 minutes = we get $30-$90

And if we chat on WhatsApp for a full 90 minutes a day?

That’s $100-$300 we get to take home every day…!

You’re smart enough to get the idea…

Here’s Why You Need To Grab Chat4Kash RIGHT NOW…

(…Before It Goes Back To Monthly Pricing!)

  • Game-Changing Software Exploits Underground Loophole For Unlimited WhatsApp Payments Just By Using Our Phones!
  • WITHOUT Messaging Our Own Contacts | WITHOUT Paid Traffic | WITHOUT Any Added Expenses Or Tech Skills!
  • We’re Making WhatsApp Payments Every Time Our Phone “Pings”!
  • 1421 Members Already Earning Using Our System!
  • Over $980,281.09 In Payments Already PAID OUT!
  • Press 1 Button = Turning Any Phone Into A WhatsApp Traffic Machine!
  • No Work Required!
  • 100% Newbie Friendly: EASIEST System Even 70 Year Old’s Can Use!
  • 24/7 Income Stream Started Within 9 Minutes!
  • No Monthly Fees!
  • Double Your Money Back Guarantee!

>>>>Get Chat4Kash and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Here’s Just A Glimpse Of The Features Inside Our Chat4Kash…

Beginner Friendly System Pays Us Every 9 Minutes!

Get the same cloud software that’s paying us $300-$500 in WhatsApp payments every 9 minutes to send random text messages. Whether you’re 100% new online or been dabbling for years, it won’t matter: Chat4Kash gives YOU the entire system you need to generate income like us for FREE.

Breakthrough “Chat4Kash” Tech Works Anywhere In The World!

As long as you have a phone with Internet and WhatsApp, you can receive your payments anywhere in the world, using the “secret sauce” 400 billion dollar loophole that lets us profit on WhatsApp.

1 Click To Activate!

No traffic, investment, trading, hosting, experience, etc. required. Not even a website! Chat4Kash is all you need and it’s so easy to use it’ll work for anyone from 10 years old to 80 years old.

Step-By-Step Training!

We’re here for you every step of the way: learn how easy it is to get up & running in minutes – and finally be able to tap into the 2 Trillion Dollar WhatsApp boom.

Zero Expenses Policy!

Guess what – we run a “zero expenses” policy here at Chat4Kash meaning there are no hidden fees or strings attached. No buying expensive image/graphics editors or wasting money on paid traffic and ads. It’s easy: get paid for chatting on WhatsApp, and have the payments sent daily to your Paypal or bank account.

That means there’s not just zero expenses, but zero RISK as well!

24/7 “White Glove” Support!

Our dedicated support concierge team is ready to accommodate any request, question or suggestion. We’re here for you any time day or night.

+ Many, Many More – Chat4Kash Is A Software Unlike Any Other!

>>>>Get Chat4Kash and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

And The Value Doesn’t End There…

Act Now And You’ll Also Get These Additional FREE Bonuses With Chat4Kash!


Built-In Masterclass To Get You To $1,000+/Month.

Unlike other programs we’ve built over-the-shoulder case studies and in-depth training straight into Chat4Kash showing you step by step how to run winning campaigns.


Chat4Kash Commercial License

Get full agency rights and commercial license to Chat4Kash so you can get an extra $500 per day by selling this “WhatsApp earning systems” to others!


First 150 Action Takers Unlock Access To Chat4Kash “Max Multiplier” Upgrade

(Honest To God Value – $697!)

I’m going to spoil you even further with more goodies…

You see, we want ACTION TAKERS in our community…

Because these are people who can really be helped!

So if you’re one of the first 150 people who pick up a copy of Chat4Kash, you’re going to get a special bonus…

A bonus so exclusive you won’t find anywhere else…

It’s a truly unfair advantage that has been proven in beta testing to double, if not TRIPLE the payments you’d normally receive.

This will give you a HUGE advantage over everyone else…

But remember, this bonus is limited to the first 150 buyers of Chat4Kash…

After that, this bonus will be withdrawn!

So click the button below right now and grab your copy of Chat4Kash along with all of the special bonuses

Get Instant Access To Chat4Kash Today – The Only Time It’s Ever Going To BE Available For A Low, One-Time Fee!

>>>>Get Chat4Kash and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Traffic?… What’s THAT?!

We haven’t talked about the elephant in the room:

You see most systems promise you easy money but then when you actually get to implementing these systems, you see that they require huge traffic or have some silly “social traffic” built in (that doesn’t actually get you ANY real traffic if we’re all honest here!)

GREAT NEWS: Chat4Kash does NOT require ANY traffic at all!

That’s right: it’s all within YOUR grasp…you don’t rely on other people, traffic sources or anything outside your possibilities…

As long as you can CHAT, you’re guaranteed WhatsApp payments like us with Chat4Kash.

Imagine being the ONLY one in your marketplace getting paid for chatting on WhatsApp.

But Don’t Just Trust Our Word For This, Here’s What REAL Experts Have To Say About It…

Chat4Kash Verified User

Art Flair

6 Figure Marketer

Local businesses I work with are blown away by how many leads I can get for them with Chat4Kash! I pay one-time lifetime and then I get to charge them monthly for generating leads & messaging them – it’s perfect! The software just works at every level: from newbie to enterprise, just use the built-in setup wizard and you can have your own WhatsApp autoresponders minted in minutes! Just get it today and you’ll be earning by tomorrow! I pitch Chat4Kash to clients using the built-in commercial license for $500-$1000 each! I highly recommend Chat4Kash to any marketer!


Chat4Kash Verified User

Venkata Ramana

7 Figure App Vendor

As an expert marketer, I have never seen a system that’s easier to use than Chat4Kash. Guess what: it was helped me double my business nearly overnight! I’m seeing earnings every day from messages I can send with Chat4Kash in minutes – it’s lifetime income like never before! Chat4Kash has revolutionized my business with just a few clicks, and it’s so easy to use I can see myself moving all of my business over to them!


Chat4Kash Verified User

KME Byrne

6 Figure Youtube Marketer

The speed with which Chat4Kash gets you set up and making money is unparalleled, I get raving reviews from clients, and it only takes me seconds to get thousands of dollars paid to me for using WhatsApp like my personal autoresponder just like that. I’ve already made back 1000x the cost of Chat4Kash.


Chat4Kash Verified User

Daniel Adetunji

6 Figure Email Marketer

I had my doubts, but was BLOWN AWAY by the quality of Chat4Kash – there’s tens of thousands of people using their apps and it’s all just working! I never see down time, my income increases insanely fast… I almost don’t want to write this review so I can keep the WhatsApp autoresponder secret for myself, haha! In all honesty, just get it: it will be the best decision you’ve ever made.


You’re About To Get To Access The Revolutionary New Software That Will Allow You To Transform Your Business With Just A Few Clicks…Like It Did Ours!

>>>>Get Chat4Kash and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

So The Logical Question Is… Who Can Benefit From The World’s Best Traffic Software?!

This Answer To That Is Simple…

  • Any Internet Marketer, regardless of the niche, who wants to make more money online!
  • Anyone who wants to earn from unlimited, free traffic!
  • People who want to cash in on the WhatsApp trend but with NO RISK OR WORK for them!
  • Anyone looking to quit their 9-5, experience freedom and clear outstanding debt!
  • Marketers who want to absolutely DOMINATE and THRIVE even in negative situations like the present!
  • Marketers who want to be their own boss and get paid on demand whenever they need or want to!
  • People who want to get started with WhatsApp marketing and want the best solution!
  • People already successful with social traffic and want to cut down on costs while also improving results!

Look – It Doesn’t Even Matter Who You Are Or What You’re Doing…

This Current Opportunity Is Truly Unparalleled… Don’t Waste It!

To be able to get a direct line to this 2 Trillion Dollar industry without having to take $1 out of your own pocket to do so… it’s something that has never happened before and might never happen again.

And it’s something that anyone can do – yes, even complete newbies – as long as they take action and take advantage of this incredible opportunity.

>>>>Get Chat4Kash and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Let’s Review And Take A Look At Everything You’re Getting Inside Chat4Kash Today…

  • 100% Brand New Chat4Kash System – $1997 Value
  • Groundbreaking Technology Pays Us For Chatting On WhatsApp Every 9 Minutes – $1497 Value
  • Chat-And-Earn Software To Generate Payments For Every Random Message We Send – $1497 Value
  • Mobile Solution Lets You Chat & Earn On The Go From Your Phone – $997 Value
  • Built in Step-By-Step Training – $997 Value
  • 1 Click To Activate Unlimited Traffic With NO Investment Needed – $997 Value
  • White Glove Support – $997 Value
  • BONUS #1 Chat4Kash MasterClass – $497 Value
  • BONUS #2 Chat4Kash Commercial License – $497 Value
  • LIMITED TIME BONUS Chat4Kash MAX Multiplier – $697 Value

Total Value You Get Today : $10,670!

So you’ve seen how powerful our new Chat4Kash cloud software lets you GO BIG like never before…

So you realize missing out on access to Chat4Kash is like leaving MASSIVE money on the table…

So click the LINK below to get Chat4Kash access today for our low one time fee!

>>>>Get Chat4Kash and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Free Commercial License Gets Removed In…

Guaranteed… There’s Absolutely Zero Risk!

Don’t worry. You see, the catch is that this is a special offer, so for a limited time we’re offering this for an extremely low price (take advantage before it changes!)

As such, it’s actually going to be much less than what you think… much less than $10,670…

In fact, not even half that… not even 1/100th of that!

You can agree that the price we’re asking is extremely low… but that’s going to change quickly!

The price is rising every few hours, so it won’t be long until it’s more than double what it is today!

We could easily charge hundreds of dollars for a revolutionary tool like this, but we want to offer you an attractive and affordable price that will finally help you tap into this in the best possible way – without wasting a ton of money!

Just take action…and I promise you WILL NOT be disappointed!


If you are a beginner or a seasoned marketer and if you commit and follow this software then you will start to enjoy the luxury of automated FREE traffic, higher rankings and increased sales.

Get Chat4Kash now and enjoy it for 30 Days.

In the unlikely event that you encounter any technical issues that we are unable to rectify quickly, contact our friendly support concierge desk for a hassle free refund.30daysWe’ll See You On The Inside…

Authors Image

Don’t Procrastinate – Take Action NOW! Get Your Copy Of Chat4Kash!

By now you should be really excited about all the wonderful benefits of such an amazing and essential piece of software.

You don’t want to miss out on the wonderful opportunity presented today…And then regret later when it costs more than double…or it’s even completely off the market!

>>>>Get Chat4Kash and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Chat4Kash Cloud-Based?

Yes, it is a cloud-based app easy to access from anywhere. Works with Mac, PC and mobile.

Are Others Getting Results With Chat4Kash?

Yes, please see the proofs above.

Do I Need Any Specialist Equipment?

Absolutely not! You don’t need to pay thousands for equipment.

I’m In…How Do I Get Started?

Click the button below to get Chat4Kash for the lowest price.

Does Chat4Kash Cost A Monthly Fee?

Normally yes, but if you act now, you’re getting one-time access to without EVER having to pay a monthly fee 🙂

Is Support & Training Included?

Absolutely. By purchasing today you can get instant access to the Chat4Kash training portal and our 24/7 support desk.

Do I Need Any Tech Skills Or Experience To Make This Work?

None whatsoever, so we designed Chat4Kash so that ANYONE can use it.

Is Commercial License Included?

YES – during the early bird launch period, Chat4Kash comes with commercial rights which lets you start selling “WhatsApp earning systems” to others for a huge profit.

How Long Before I Receive My First Payment?

This really varies, but the vast majority of our users report receiving confirmation within 24 hours after activation. In short, the quicker you activate, the sooner you’re likely see payments.

>>>>Get Chat4Kash and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


    • 100%30 Days Money Back
      GuaranteeFull 30 Day Money Back Guarantee


    • SecuredHighly Secured
      PaymentVerified & Secure Checkout via WarriorPlus.
      Pay Via Credit Card or Paypal


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I am a My LeadGenSecret affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you




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Get Byte At A One-Time Price


>>>>Get BYTE and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



Wanna See Something Cool

We Have Made…


In free crypto last month alone

Oh, Did We Mention That

We Didn’t Invest A Single Penny?

>>>>Get BYTE and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Yup, we didn’t invest in any fancy NFTs

Nor did we invest in bitcoin, ethereum or any other coin…

Simply because we don’t know how it works..

Buying and selling NFTs may be profitable but it’s super complicated…

No one knows if the price is going up or down.

So we choose to only play with the house money…

The Best Part Is…

It Doesn’t Require Any Technical Knowledge

Crypto has become a synonym for “HARD”

Between wallets, exchanges, gas fees, mints, tokens,

and many many more crypto-terms

Everything is complicated

What we do is very different from any of that…

In fact we don’t do any:

  • Trading
  • Minting
  • Buying/selling
  • Holding

None of that..



Click on any of the links on this page and get instant access to Byte



Follow our fail-proof instructions – it takes few minutes



Watch money roll into your wallet and bank account


We’ve Found A Better Way…

Do you want to invest maybe $10,000 into crypto

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We didn’t like that either.

That’s why we created a new better way to profit like crazy from the cryptocurrencies craze

>>>>Get BYTE and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


WITHOUT investing a penny

Which means.. Every dollar is


  • We don’t have any expenses.
  • No buying/selling coins
  • No investing in any project
  • No buying expensive tools

Oh, and the price of bitcoin doesn’t affect our earrings too …

Bitcoin can go to $100,000 or $1

We wouldn’t care, we would still make $500+ daily. No problem.

We Gave Byte To 90 Beta Testers

We’re proud to tell you that 84 out of the 90 beta testers

made over $300 in their first 24 hours

Joy R.

Office Assistant

12 Reasons Why You Should

Get Your Byte Copy Now

YOU Can Do It Too

Do you have an internet connection?

That’s it, that’s the only requirement to implement this strategy.

You can do it from anywhere in the world.

And the beauty of it is that it works from your phone, laptop or your Ipad

Doesn’t matter, as long as you have internet connection

You’re good to go

>>>>Get BYTE and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.




You’re Getting Everything

You Need To Get FAST Results With Byte…


Member’s Area Access

You’ll get full access to the Byte members area, which gives you all the tools you need to use Andrew’s Free Crypto strategy/hack…


Step By Step Video Training…

We’ll show you every step involved in Andrew’s Free Crypto strategy…

Everything from how to create a wallet to how you can withdraw your funds to your bank…


Mobile Edition…

You’ll uncover how to make this work not only on a desktop, but on a mobile device as well…

Giving you the power to make Byte work on the go.



In the unlikely event where you’re feeling stuck, don’t worry… We have a team of support professionals who are trained to help you out.

The customer is king in our book.

Brand New Way To Make Money Risk Free…

Just to put your mind at ease, this strategy does not involve:

  • Trading
  • Holding coins
  • Reading charts
  • buying/selling
  • Investing in anything

It’s nothing like you ever seen before

Wondering How Much

It’s Going To Cost You?

We originally planned on charging $2,000 for Byte

And that’s a fair pricing, considering how much you’re going to make with it..

$2,000 is a no-brainer… But we get it, That’s a lot of money..

And you probably worked super hard the past couple years and got little to no results..

We understand how frustrating that can be…

That’s why we’re going to offer you Byte at an unheard of discount..

You can get access to Byte.. same price as a cheap dinner

You will get instant access to The same system we use to get FREE crypto with zero risk…

Here’s What You’ll Discover

When You Get Your Hands On Byte…

>>>>Get BYTE and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


How We Made $13,650.22 In Free Crypto Without Investing a cent

The Biggest Mistake You’re Likely Making With Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency (you are losing TONS of money)

Andrew’s EXACT Step-By-Step Method For Making Free Crypto In minutes… 

The Key To Making This Work In Just 30-60 Seconds…

The Secret To Tapping Into A $1.98T Blockchain Loophole…

​The RIGHT And Wrong Way To Grow Your Crypto Portfolio…

How You Can Make The Byte Strategy Work On A Mobile Phone…

​Why It’s Possible For Us To Get More Crypto WITHOUT Buying Or Selling…

​PLUS – The Secret Trick To Multiply Your Balance Overnight  (yes, 5x to 10x overnight)


To Your Success

Andrew Naser

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What if I don’t have any Bitcoin?

Don’t worry, that won’t be a problem… In fact, I’ll show you a little-known way to get $5 worth of Bitcoin for free. So all you need is a copy of Byte and you’ll be setup for success…

Q. Do I have to do any trading?

Nope… This doesn’t involve the typical method of buying and selling. We do things completely differently in a way that you’ve never seen before.

Q. Do I have to have a powerful computer?

Nope. This could be done with a dusty old laptop running on it’s last legs. That’s because this doesn’t involve mining or any massive computing power

Q. How long does it take to see results?

This really varies, but the vast majority of our beta testers were able to grow their Bitcoin balances within 12-24 hours.

Q. I’m not the best with computers, are you sure this will work for me?

Yes. Let me make one thing clear – if you can follow elementary school level instructions, then you shouldn’t have any problem succeeding with Byte.

Q. What happens if this doesn’t work out for me?

If Byte doesn’t work for you, then that’s on us. It’s our problem… We’ll pay you $200 out of our own pockets and refund every penny of your purchase – that’s how confident we are in Byte.

Q. I’m sold. How do I get started?

To get Byte for the lowest price, click the buy button below before the price goes back to $1,997…

Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it’s potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, and don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

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How to generate INSANE ROI using this relatively new traffic source from Youtube Ads.

That ALL major marketer are using (and profiting from) 

Worth – $997


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How to kick start your “penny kick” campaigns with $90 free adspend on the house

Worth – $497


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Yet another under-utilized ads platform that is generating crazy returns for marketers in 2020.

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Even though the incredibly low one-time price already makes this a no-brainer…

>>>>Get BYTE and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


You should feel completely confident in your decision. So you get a full 365 days to try out Byte on our dime.


If in the highly unlikely event where you aren’t impressed, we INSIST you contact us within 365 days for a refund.

If it’s an issue you’re facing or question, our friendly support team will have you up and running ASAP. But if you’re just not thrilled, you get your money back.

So you either love Byte, or it doesn’t cost you a dime. There’s absolutely no way for you to lose by picking it up today.

Here’s What You’ll Discover

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>>>>Get BYTE and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


How We Made $13,650.22 In Free Crypto Without Investing a cent

The Biggest Mistake You’re Likely Making With Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency (you are losing TONS of money)

Andrew’s EXACT Step-By-Step Method For Making Free Crypto In minutes… 

The Key To Making This Work In Just 30-60 Seconds…

The Secret To Tapping Into A $1.98T Blockchain Loophole…

​The RIGHT And Wrong Way To Grow Your Crypto Portfolio…

How You Can Make The Byte Strategy Work On A Mobile Phone…

​Why It’s Possible For Us To Get More Crypto WITHOUT Buying Or Selling…

​PLUS – The Secret Trick To Multiply Your Balance Overnight  (yes, 5x to 10x overnight)

Look, we’re going to be completely honest with you… 

This special offer will not last for long. It wouldn’t be fair to our existing customers… 

Plus, We need to keep a certain number of customers so we can offer them the support they need in order to succeed… 

That’s why we’re only accepting a very limited number of new members… 

>>>>Get BYTE and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Once we hit that limit, the price is going back to $2,000 forever,

And there is nothing you can do… 

And remember, every minute you wait is a minute where you could be getting results.

>>>>Get BYTE and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


So what are you waiting for?

Click on that button below as fast as you can to begin your journey with Byte at the lowest possible, one time investment…

Jono Armstrong


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>>>>Get BYTE and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

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I am a Target affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

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I am a My LeadGenSecret affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you



FREEDOM BREAKTHROUGH BOOTCAMP – Are You Ready To Quit Your 9 to 5?

Are You Ready To Quit Your 9 to 5? This is Your Easy Path to Achieve a FREEDOM LIFESTYLE!


We are Runnin A GIVEAWAY For A 12-Month License of ELMESSENGER PRO – a new Lead Generation Tool and Facebook CRM! You Save $804!


100% Beginner Friendly – Simple Copy & Paste Style System…


I’ve made $11’000 in 4 weeks with this strategy and I am sharing it.


New Automated Lead Generation Strategy to get up to 50 HOT Buyers every day is included!


Yes, I share my proven system for making commissions starting from scratch..


Watch My Recurring Passive Income Machine in Action.


Learn how you can start SAAS business and start selling traffic!

No Product Creation | DFY Business | 100% Free Traffic Built In!




I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


No Monthly – Pay Just Once And Use Forever!


Would You Like To Learn How I Created a Successful Online Business That Runs on Complete Auto-Pilot and Works For Me 24/7 Regardless Of What I Do Daily? Just Check My Results Below…



but what about now?

  • ​Do you hate your job and always low on money and are super-stressed at work?
  • Are you SICK and TIRED of being LIED TO, Over and Over again?​
  • ​Have you had enough of these greedy internet marketing Gurus trying to sell you product after product promising you overnight riches?
  • ​Are you SICK of spending money on Solo Ads not making sales at all?
  • ​Continually moving from one deal to the next deal and nothing seems to last?
  • Not having enough time or money to invest in your business?

I have been there and I know your problems…



You see, the main problem all newbie online marketers have is they are overwhelmed with information and do not know which system is better to use and who they can trust…

It is not even about the money (they usually think they do not have) to make it work. The problem is much deeper. It is not that easy to make it simple!



Ask 100 online marketers: What is your problem? And 99 % of them will answer – I NEED MORE TRAFFIC to build my List and make more sales!

In reality, this is not true. First of all, you need to know what to do with all this traffic you can get.

Not only do you need to have an offer proven to convert with your traffic source…

You also need to have a marketing system and a high-ticket backend offer and YOU NEED TO KNOW YOUR NUMBERS before you even start driving traffic into your funnel. This is actually why most newbie online marketers fail – they do not know how much time and money they will actually need to invest before this expensive hobby will become a job and… finally become a BUSINESS.


They Say You Need To Buy High Ticket Offer To Make Big Sales?

Most people who join High Ticket Offer programs inspired by GURU’s $5K per day screenshots will never make a sale even if they spend thousands on solo ads…Next thing – your sponsor (GURU) will never pay attention to your problems. Why should he even care about you?


Things Get Even Worse…

In addition to all of those problems mentioned earlier…

You may be dealing with:

  • Stress…
  • Depression…
  • Anxiety…
  • Sleepless…

Is that right?

If so, I know how hard it can be…

But Please,

Don’t Give Up Yet!



Soon you will learn how I created my own RECURRING PASSIVE INCOME MACHINE

working for me 24/7 and how this can help you start your own online business faster.


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.




My name is Gena Babak and I am a full-time online marketer, business coach and traffic vendor! My online business is grown up dramatically fast since I started using my $2k/week Passive Income Blueprint to make money online and create multiple passive income streams.

Now I am proud to share my knowledge and experience with you. During the last 90 days, I had multiple $1900 profit days – this is why I am sure you will love my strategy and automation tools.


Every morning I check my mail to see how much money I made while I was sleeping and I post my results to my Facebook timeline to share them with my Facebook friends. I want this to be a cool motivation for newbie online marketers. It is not hard to make money online – it is just you need to have a proven system and let it work for you to make money while you sleep.



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



This is what my Gmail account looks like in the morning and this is why I love to wake up and check my morning news!

Who Else Wants To Quit Their 9-5 Job & Achieve Financial Freedom?

If you’d like to build a profitable affiliate marketing business in just a few months or less this is the most important message you’ll ever read. Let’s skip the long intro and cut straight to the chase.


I spent around 4 years of my life and $40’000+ to learn how it all works in affiliate marketing before I started making at least $1000+ per week.

Good news. No need to reinvent the wheel!


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Join FREEDOM BREAKTHROUGH BOOTCAMP and just follow the steps to success!


So Let Me Share My

Shortcut With You

Something that took me years & tens of thousands to figure out….


You can be a man or a woman, young or old. You may have some experience or you can be a complete newbie with ZERO experience, this is perfect for you!


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


WHY? You can skip all the gut-wrenching failure and waste of time, energy and money and jump right into making money!



Can I Hand You A Business In A Box?

I realize that most people will instantly understand the immense value a partnership opportunity like this has…

…but won’t immediately know how much time and money they would need to invest to create a real online business and build a recurring passive income machine.

Here is the good news:

We know the numbers… and we created different levels for our new buyers and team members.

It all starts from a small price to join the BOOTCAMP. You will get access to all I mentioned above including the lead generation tool and done for you passive income funnel. You will also get access to your affiliate link. Next, just start promoting FREEDOM BREAKTHROUGH BOOTCAMP (you’ve seen how much I make promoting the same funnel I am going to share with you).

When you join ???????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? you get access to all the tools and knowledge i use to make sales daily. IF IT WORKS FOR ME…

The idea is simple – yes, you will have a chance to learn HOW TO BECOME A BETTER MARKETER since you get access to a membership area with all the videos but first, we make sure YOU GET ACCESS TO THE SAME FUNNEL, LEAD GENERATION TOOL AND DAILY INCOME PRODUCING ACTIVITY PLAN I USE TO MAKE SALES DAILY.

And the best part it is all DONE FOR YOU

and free traffic is included.


There are absolutely no hassles, no complex setup…

…no technical nonsense!

All it takes is just pay SMALL AMOUNT to join the BOOTCAMP

Yup, it really is that simple…

No Product Creation | DFY Business | 100% Free Traffic Built In!




I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


No Monthly – Pay Just Once And Use Forever!




Problem #1.


Problem #2.




This is how you will be making money:

  • you will offer a solution to solve their traffic problem once and for all;
  • you will offer them a new and proven Automated Money Making Machine working 24/7 and on autopilot (sales problem solved)…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


These 4-Steps Can Change

The Direction Of Your Life!

(FREEDOM To Do What You Want, When You Want!)


Just watch this video now:


Now you know how it all works and you are ready for DAY 2 – setting up your new business. Just import my best automated passive income funnel and you are ready for the final step … PUSH THE TRAFFIC BUTTON!

  • No need to pay for expensive funnel builders;
  • No need to pay a High Ticket price to make High Ticket Sales;
  • No need to buy traffic;
  • No need to create YouTube Channel or review videos;
  • No need to trade your soul for money;
  • No need to spend more than 40 minutes/day to grow your new business;
  • Multiple Passive income streams included;
  • Tier I and Tier II affiliate commissions and so much more…


Next step … you will love it…

PUSH THE “TRAFFIC” BUTTON – you will get access to my new lead generation tool. Learn how to use it and you will never have to pay for traffic again…


Traffic is the LIFEBLOOD of any online business and when you have a steady stream of traffic, profits almost ALWAYS follow.

That is why I decided to create my PUSH TRAFFIC BUTTON module to let you know all you need about free traffic generation strategies most experienced online marketers use daily. You will get access to one of the best lead generation tools on the planet.



Register Your Free Account To Get Access To Our New Lead Generation Tool.

Let Me Show You How I Get 50 New Hot Leads For My Business Every Day And How You Can Do The Same!


Over-the-shoulder, Interactive Zoom Session On How To Set Up And Use Your New Lead Generation Machine.

We will show you our new lead generation tool in action!

You FREE automation tool to start generating leads for your business the same day you register your account and PUSH TRAFFIC BUTTON.

Build Your Own Recurring Passive Income Machine!


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



Learn how to make $67 / $497 / Day by giving away a free trial for the Lead Generation Tool for any online market needs.

The A-Z Blueprint On How To Sell Traffic To An Easy To Identify Audience And Keep 100% Of The Profits.

We will take you behind the scenes to show why our Lead Generation Tool is such an easy-to-sell product and where to find your audience.

Not only you will learn how to solve your own traffic problem once and for all but also “How to Build Your Own Recurring Passive Income Machine Just By SOLVING TRAFFIC PROBLEM for Online Marketers.

Dear Frustrated

but hopeful marketer…

For me making money is simple and easy …

In fact, I will show you what exactly I do every day to make sales every day and almost on autopilot.

I call this a daily income-producing activity plan.

And this is the final piece of the puzzle for you.

Next, all you need to do is follow the plan.


You just need to spend 30 minutes per day to make it all work for you since most of the actions you need to do are done for you on autopilot. You just need to PUSH THE TRAFFIC BUTTON.



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



In my first week with the Bootcamp, I created a $2’200 monthly recurring passive income stream just by sending a few messages to my Facebook friends…


Stefan started with $7 and on his first day, he made a $22 commission using a free Facebook organic marketing strategy!

Yuvraj started with $7 and used his own List to promote FB BOOTCAMP. He made $56 in 48 hours!




Join FB BOOTCAMP and Enjoy


(FREEDOM To Do What You Want, When You Want!)


The spots are limited – act now!

Only 10 Spots Available…



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



Don’t Leave Empty Handed

Hold on, if you’re thinking of leaving…

If you’ve landed on this page, you can get access to Freedom Breakthrough Bootcamp for a small one-time payment…

The bad news?

If you come back, you could end up paying $297 in monthly fees…

This special discount is only available for brand new users…

Do you really want to miss out on the same system we’re using to make $1k+ / week on autopilot using a built-in lead generation tool?

If so, do not delay…

This opportunity won’t be around forever…

With that being said, strap your seatbelt in, and grab your copy of Freedom Breakthrough Bootcamp…

Because it’s going to be a fun ride.


Listen, my friend…

You’ve already read this far, and it tells me you’re likely very interested.

And it tells me you have a desire for success.

Haven’t you struggled for long enough?

Isn’t it time for you to experience your breakthrough?

Just imagine the thrill of finally being able to make money online…

Trust me, it NEVER gets old.

Does that bring music to your ears?

If so, then you need Freedom Breakthrough Bootcamp..

So what are you waiting for?

Take the plunge… Click the button below right now…



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



When You Act Now

You’ll Get Access To Fast Action Bonuses!



Just watch the video and follow the steps.

This simple strategy allows me to make $100 to $2000 while sleeping.

Worth $57



You will see how I build my Facebook group and also what and how I do to monetize the group and make up to $11 K per month.

Facebook Group Economics Calculator is included (priceless!)

Worth $97


(1 h live zoom session)

Let me help you to set up your new online business. Act now and you will get 1 h live zoom coaching session as a fast action bonus.

This 1 hour may save you years of life and a lot of money.

Worth $120

These Bonuses Will Save You A Lot Of Time And Money

On Your Way To Success And I Could Charge Hundreds…

But Only For a Limited Time,

They’re Yours FREE!

Mark my words, these bonuses have never been offered before & you won’t find them ever at any cost…

The choice is yours, grab your copy now or let them pass away to come back never ever…



Every Month And Only For The Members Of The FREEDOM BREAKTHROUGH BOOTCAMP, We Are RUNNING A LIVE GIVEAWAY For A 12-Month License To The Game-Changer And TRAFFIC MACHINE( You Save $804!)


Easy! You Just Need To Buy A Front End To Get Access To Our Buyer’s Facebook Group. We Will Have A Special LIVE ZOOM SESSION. For The Members Of The Group To Choose 1 Lucky Winner Using The Spinning Wheel! Fair Enough?



Only 10 Spots Available…



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need any experience to make this work?

Nope! You don’t… Whether you’ve been trying to make money online for 2 weeks or 2 years, none of that matters… Just use Freedom Breakthrough Bootcamp and there’s no reason for you to fail.

When can I make my first profit?

Although it’s illegal to promise you any kind of results, we can tell you that 97% of beta-testers were able to profit within 24 hours…

Are there any monthly fees?

At the moment, no. If you act now, you will only pay ONCE to get access to Freedom Breakthrough Bootcamp forever.

What happens if I don’t make any money?

Don’t worry, you’re protected by our 100 day “better than money back” guarantee… It’s pretty straightforward – If you face any technical issues and we can’t get things right for you, we will refund EVERY penny back.

I’m sold. How do I get access to Freedom Breakthrough Bootcamp?


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Just click the button below right now to get it at the lowest possible price…






I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a Target affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a SiteGround affiliate.  I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a My LeadGenSecret affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you






Minute Stock – BRAND NEW: Sell EIGHT World-Class Software Websites Professionally Setup.

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I am a JVzoo affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Bonuses Available During Launch Only

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Use Our World-Class Team Of Copywriters, Designers & Coders To Release Your Own Royalty-Free Asset Empire Without the hassle and expense of hiring, supporting or writing a thing!  This System Allowed Robert To Get His First Sales After 7 Years Of Trying & Complete Beginners Like Sam & Mohd Overjoyed To See Surprises Like These!Breakthrough Technology Simplifies Software Ownership With Eight TURNKEY SaaS

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Are you ready to be the one SELLING the products instead of always BUYING?

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Are you ready to stop the HUSTLE of creating work that might never pay off?

>>>>Get Minute Stock and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a JVzoo affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

If you answered YES to any of those questions then today is your day!Today you can access the limitless potential of a collection of truly ready-to-go SaaS platforms live, automated and highly monetized in three easy steps

Step 1

Connect your JVZoo account by a dding your JVZoo ID in your “Settings” page

If you’ve never heard of JVZoo before, that’s ok too – we show you how to create and set up your free account!

Step 2

Send a JVZoo request for ONE product. We own the account so you’re guaranteed approval.

We’ll approve you within 12-24hrs to get 100% commissions for ALL 19 products in your 8 website bundle

Step 3

Use our predesigned one-click traffic toolkit containing banners, social media posts, email swipes & more to kickstart your traffic!

Once done, the automated emails drive traffic to your buy buttons & products for you

Add Unlimited Subscribers To The Automated Funnels & Sell Unlimited Licenses, Keeping 100% of All 19 Products In Your InBuilt Funnels!Minute Stock Gives You Eight Websites Each With

  • Lead Capture Page: With hosted & automated autoresponder
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  • Download Page: Delivering your high quality, downloadable gift
  • Bridging/Offer Page: Offering a matched $9.97 upgrade
  • One Time Offer/Upsell Page: Encouraging a $27 upgrade
  • Downsell Page: Presenting a discounted offer for $22
  • Second Upsell Page: More resources for them & more profits for you at $47
  • Third Upsell Page: Even more sales giving them the perfect addon for $67
  • Welcome Page: Thanking your customer, sharing what’s next
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Live In Under 1 MinuteBut It Gets Even Better…Your Cloud Hosted Website Collection Also Includes: All Products Created For You

Each of your websites offers a perfectly crafted irresistible lead magnet. They’re all different from each other, but all high end. You’ll be able to give away bundles of royalty free videos, vector graphics, GIF’s, social media graphics & more, then let the system go to work for you!

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The paid products in your website funnels are next level! They’re delivered inside your customer’s members area, giving them additional members-only access to thousands (in some cases MILLIONS!) of additional resources, automatically delivered as soon as your customer’s payment hits your account!

All Products Created For You

Writing high converting sales copy and designing it in a way that makes people want to buy either takes YEARS to master, or thousands of dollars out of your pocket. For each website!

Writing high converting sales copy and designing it in a way that makes people want to buy either takes YEARS to master, or thousands of dollars out of your pocket. For each website!

There’s nothing for you to edit, customise, set up – you don’t even need to edit pages to add your own buy buttons. There’s NO CODE to mess with at all. It’s ready instantly.

All Emails Written & Queued For You

Each of your eight websites automatically deliver the lead magnets, then send followup emails with 30 days delivering high quality training, bonus resources and real, compelling reasons for them to open each and every email, gently prompting them to buy the products in your funnels

We add your links to every email in that sequence and queue it in our hosted & managed-for-you autoresponder. There’s no need to edit/write/touch an email or mess with software. It’s literally 100% ready to go, NOTHING to touch.

ADDED BONUS: Once the initial 30 days is finished, we’ll find targeted offers, review them, create bonuses, write emails & send them all with your affiliate links … for as long as that person says subscribed…!Automated & Ready To Use In Under One Minute

>>>>Get Minute Stock and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a JVzoo affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
  • Cloudbased, nothing to install. Login and be set up in under one minute.
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Be the owner of eight TURNKEY managed for you websites today!  No Monthly Fees | No Limitations

Use Our World-Class Team Of Copywriters, Designers & Coders To Release Your Own Royalty-Free Asset Empire Without the hassle and expense of hiring, supporting or writing a thing! Our goal with Minute Stock was to make this the most beginner friendly, fast and easy way to start seeing results online.

So if you are starting out (or just in a hurry), everything is 100% ready to go after you’ve completed your one minute activation. Right out of the box you’ll have:8 Complete Websites: Capturing Leads, Filled With Products & Completely Automated Sending Sales Emails To Your Sales PagesPacked With Products: Sell Perfectly Tailored $9.97, $22, $27, $47 & $67 Products In Your Cloud Based FunnelsOngoing Commissions: Managed JVZoo, W+ & Clickbank Promotions Well After That First Lead ArrivesNo Limits: Add Unlimited Subscribers & Customers On All 7 Websites, & Even Have Them Sharing Too! However… If you want more flexibility, we’ve got that too

With more features available than we can list. If you’re wondering ‘does it do that…?!? The answer is very likely a big fat YES!

Here Are Just Some Of The (Optional)

Additional Features

Autoresponder IntegrationConnect your own autoresponder to have a copy of the leads added to your list, with additional integrations by request Add Your Own ScriptsAdd conversion codes, messenger bots, heat trackers, retargeting codes, to give you full functionalityUse Your Own DomainTrack Clicks & ConversionsWe’ve Even Prepared TRAFFIC For You!You’ll get traffic 3 easy ways:One-Click Traffic Toolkit: You’ll have a collection of banners, email swipes and prewritten social share resources already embedded with your name and link, ready to click, post and profit.Self Perpetuating Traffic Funnel: Once a subscriber joins your list through one of your giveaways, they’ll receive emails encouraging them to share, purchase or buy other products all with your linksDone-For-You Paid Traffic: If you’ve ever wanted to run paid traffic but not sure how, this is for you. We offer reasonably priced traffic packages getting your websites seen by people who need it!It’s Ready Right Out Of The Box, Yet Highly Flexible PACKED With Features!

Watch The Demo Video Below!

No Restrictions – Sell Unlimited Copies, Keep 100% Of All Sales!Claim Your Minute Stock Account For Just $197 $26.47 Today!  No Monthly Fees | No Limitations

Access This Ready-To-Go Software That’s Flexible Enough For The Most Adventurous Of EntrepreneursReady in one minute, useful for years to come!Let’s Meet Your Brand New Websites!Minute FX

  • Give away a bundle of sound FX with commercial license.
  • Make sales for 5 hand picked affiliate offers even if they don’t optin claim your gift
  • When they do optin, your funnel automatically offers an upgrade of 53,300+ searchable sound effect/music tracks they can use in their marketing
  • Your funnel follows up from the $9.97 sale with targeted sound fx upgrades
  • Your customers will automatically have their accounts created and access granted
  • We’ll follow up with emails demonstrating why the upgrades are worth buying, all with your links sending clicks to $22, $27, $47 and $67 products from each customer.

Minute Vizuals

  • Give away a bundle of stock images and GIF’s with commercial lice nse.
  • When they optin, your funnel automatically offers an upgrade of over 6 Million searchable stock images they can use in their marketing
  • Your funnel follows up from the $9.97 sale with targeted graphic and marketing products
  • Your customers will automatically have their accounts created and access granted
  • We’ll follow up with emails demonstrating why the upgrades are worth buying, all with your links sending clicks to $22, $27, $47 and $67 products from each customer.

Minute Vids

  • Give away a bundle of stock videos with commercial license.
  • When they optin, your funnel automatically offers an upgrade of over 1 Million searchable videos they can use in their marketing
  • Your funnel follows up from the $9.97 sale with targeted video marketing upgrades
  • Your customers will automatically have their accounts created and access granted
  • We’ll follow up with emails teaching them and demonstrating why the upgrades are worth buying, all with your links sending clicks to $22, $27, $47 and $67 products from each customer.

Minute Audio

  • Give away a bundle of HQ audios and background tracks with commercial license.
  • When they optin, your funnel automatically offers an upgrade of 4,000 HQ audios & 500 background music tracks
  • Your funnel follows up from the $9.97 sale with targeted upgrades
  • Your customers will automatically have their accounts created and access granted
  • We’ll follow up with emails demonstrating why the upgrades are worth buying, all with your links sending clicks to $22, $27, $47 and $67 products from each customer.

Minute Logos

  • Give away a bundle of high quality logos with commercial license.
  • When they optin, your funnel automatically offers an upgrade of 29,000+ editable logo graphics they can use and sell
  • Your funnel follows up from the $9.97 sale with targeted marketing upgrades
  • Your customers will automatically have their accounts created and access granted
  • We’ll follow up with emails demonstrating why the upgrades are worth buying, all with your links sending clicks to $22, $27, $47 and $67 products from each customer.

Minute Quotes

  • Give away a bundle of social media viral quotes with commercial license.
  • When they optin, your funnel automatically offers an upgrade of 4000+ images and animated quotes they can use on social media
  • Your funnel follows up from the $9.97 sale with targeted social media marketing products
  • Your customers will automatically have their accounts created and access granted
  • We’ll follow up with emails demonstrating why the upgrades are worth buying, all with your links sending clicks to $22, $27, $47 and $67 products from each customer.

Minute Branding

  • Give away a bundle of branding resources with commercial license.
  • When they optin, your funnel automatically offers an upgrade of 2D/3D covers, software box designs, FB timeline covers, affiliate banners and infographics they can use in their marketing
  • Your funnel follows up from the $9.97 sale with targeted marketing upgrades
  • Your customers will automatically have their accounts created and access granted
  • We’ll follow up with emails demonstrating why the upgrades are worth buying, all with your links sending clicks to $22, $27, $47 and $67 products from each customer.

Minute Vectors

  • Give away a bundle of vector graphics with commercial license.
  • When they do optin, your funnel automatically offers an upgrade of 190,000+ vectors and icons + 500 avatars in different poses
  • Your funnel follows up from the $9.97 sale with targeted graphic and marketing related upgrades
  • Your customers will automatically have their accounts created and access granted
  • We’ll follow up with emails demonstrating why the upgrades are worth buying, all with your links sending clicks to $22, $27, $47 and $67 products from each customer.
  • >>>>Get Minute Stock and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

    I am a JVzoo affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


No Monthly Fees | No Limitations Setting Up Your Websites Is As 1, 2, 3 Step 1 Connect

Connect your JVZoo account by a dding your JVZoo ID in your “Settings” page

If you’ve never heard of JVZoo before, that’s ok too – we show you how to create and set up your free account!

Step 2Request

Send a JVZoo request for ONE product. We own the account so you’re guaranteed approval.

We’ll approve you within 12-24hrs to get 100% commissions for ALL 19 products in your 8 website bundle

Step 3 Traffic

Use our predesigned one-click traffic toolkit containing banners, social media posts, email swipes & more to kickstart your traffic!

Once done, the automated emails drive traffic to your buy buttons & products for you

One of the more common questions we hear in our support desk is… “Is it really that easy?” The answer is, YES!

There’s no need to overcomplicate it (I know… I do that sometimes too…!) Breathe easy, it really is that simple.

THIS is more than just the $13.50 or $18.50 in commissions.This, for these people and hundreds of other beginner marketers is about opening up a world of entirely new possibilities.

Ask any 6, 7 or 8 figure online marketer what their first sale was and I guarantee you they’ll tell you with the excitement of remembering it like it was just yesterday.

This Internet Marketing thing really does work! That first sale is your new beginning!

>>>>Get Minute Stock and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a JVzoo affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

With Minute Stock you can use these products like these people have done, to build lists and make affiliate commissions the easier way.It’s Like Having Your Own Personal Automated Sales Assistant, Software Development Crew & Fully Fledged Marketing Team On Speed DialWith NOTHING Holding You Back!

  • No Tech Skills Required
  • No Creative Talents Needed
  • No Writing Necessary
  • No Expensive Hosting Or Software
  • No ‘Guru’ Level Lists & Traffic Needed
  • No Domain Required

With So Much Flexibility, Is Minute Stock For You?Minute Stock is ready for you to activate and start seeing leads and a constant flow of sales hit multiple affiliate network accounts like clockwork.

However, I know sometimes – simple/quick/easy doesn’t cut it.

Having something available at the ready is great when you need something quick, but what if you’re a more advanced marketer with your own products, store or desire to track, retarget, fully customise and create…

Lucky for you Minute Stock is highly flexible for the most beginners and advanced marketers around! Here are some ways people are using these bundles to grow their audiences and profits. Product SalesHave a collection of ready-to-sell products and add your own too if you like. Let the system take over in set & forget email sequence Affiliate PromotionsOnce someone accepts one of the gifts and signs up on your mailing list, we’ll follow-up to them for you, for multiple related products Backend BonusesUse our DFY banner tools to copy and paste a ready-made bonus offer capturing leads and monetizing them for you in moments List SegmentationDominate multiple niches faster and leverage more targeted subscribers across as many niches as you like.  Autopilot TrafficThese automated email sequences can be used to get traffic to ANY links after they’re on your lists. Social, products, affiliate offers & more Blog Lead GenDeliver lead magnet gifts automatically with popups on your blog using our bonus WordPress plugin. Set up in just a few moments, capturing leads & following up for sales for you.  Social Media GrowthAdd one of your website links to your social platform profiles for a constant trickle of new subscribers & sales OnboardingUse these gifts as welcome bonuses for new members. Our friendly, no-pressure flow works perfectly to reward them and yourself too! SimplificationForget about dealing with hosting companies, website builders, AR platforms etc. This is all built in – and all done for you in under 1 minute Your business is unique and will grow and evolve. Just look at where you were 6-12 months ago!

The one thing that will ALWAYS remain true is that whatever reason you’re marketing online, your business will be much more profitable with a list of buyers, that’s why …Everything You Need Is Included But We Didn’t Stop  I’m crazy, but I can’t help but over deliver… to make this an even easier decision for you I’m also including two very special launch-only bonuses.  Fast Action Bonus #1:Get 2 New Funnel Websites EVERY Month! Having more lead capture/marketing funnels, in more niches is the secret to many of the massive marketers success

When you have the right lead magnet to offer at the right time, to the right person… that = $$$’s…

Which is why we’re giving you the ability to choose 2 new funnels every month from our collection of 1,000+ done-for-you lead magnet funnels.

We’ve got new funnels in most niches imaginable being added almost every day, so you’ll be able pick the perfect one …

Best of all, there are NO monthly fees. You’ll get 2 every month without paying a single cent, so your collection of ready-made funnels will keep growing as your subscriber list and commissions do month after month… after month.


Fast Action Bonus #2:Get Access To Our Builder SaaSIf, in that 1,000+ collection of done-for-you lead magnets, you still can’t find what you want… we have a solution for you too.

We’re giving you access to the FunnelMates builder and members area so you can create your own.

You can use our one click templates to install a funnel, drag and drop builder to customise and email templates, point and click link building and tracking system too!

This is our flagship software and you’ll love it!



Fast Action Bonus #3:Traffic Automation WordPress PluginNot only will you be able to see a flood of traffic with our three-way inbuilt traffic system, we’ll allow you to unlock an additional completely automated traffic add-on with our WordPress plugin.

Simply upload and activate on your blog and you’ll be able to display beautifully designed, automatically created popups, exit popups and attention bars – or add in predesigned banners to your content.

All of these ads are already built for you, just activate and have people opting in to claim gifts from any one of (or all) of your 8 website funnels and let the system do the rest!


If you’re still not sure if this is for you…?
Try it, make money, THEN decide with our…RISK-FREE 30-Day Money Back Guarantee


I know there’s a lot of pressure for you right now, with entry spots being so limited, the VIP’s bonuses being restricted to this page… and the price about to increase too.

So I want to give you a chance to remove all doubt and instead of locking yourself into something “forever”, I invite you to just try it out instead.

Join our happy Minute Stock family now, and if you aren’t absolutely thrilled with your results in 30 days, simply contact our support team and we’ll refund your money. No Questions asked, No hard feelings, No Kidding!But Be QUICK & Start Selling FAST!If you’re not selling these products now, someone else will!  This “Extraordinary” Value-Packed Offer Includes:

  • World-first stock asset business ready in under one minute
  • Eight entire sales funnels with sales, download, upsell and cross-sell pages
  • 19 products you’ll receive 100% of the sales ($9.97-$67 offers)
  • Written for you, hosted, queued and automated email
  • Nothing to set up, edit or touch. Just add one setting and it’s live.
  • 2 fully cloud hosted SaaS platforms with your own asset resources & websites
  • Beginner friendly step-by-step video & PDF training
  • Unlimited subscribers, automations and customers, keep all the profits
  • 100% Commissions: On $9.97, $27, $47 & $67 Products In Your Funnels
  • Ongoing Commissions: Managed JVZoo, W+ & Clickbank Promos
  • No Limits: Add Unlimited Subscribers & Customers On All 7 Websites
  • Easy Setup: Live In Under 1 Minute Even If You’re Totally New To This
  • (Optional) Integrations: Connect AR’s, Bots, Scripts, Webinars & More

>>>>Get Minute Stock and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a JVzoo affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

BONUS #1 Get 2 New DFY Funnels Every Month (No Charge)BONUS #2 Bonus Funnel Builder: Drag & Drop Our Templates To Make Custom Funnels BONUS #3 WordPress Plugin: Activate and automatically display your giveaway optin forms, banners and more. Now’s Your Chance To Get In At The Groundfloor! Secure Your Minute Stock Access Today

Minute Stock Unlimited

>>>>Get Minute Stock and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a JVzoo affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.
  • 8 Brand New Stock Asset Business In One Easy Bundle!
  • Done-For-You Sales Pages, Download Pages, Upsells, Cross-Sells & More
  • Written-For-You, Hosted & Automated Email Sequence With Your Links
  • Fully Cloud Hosted, Nothing To Set Up, Install Or Configure
  • Step By Step Beginner Friendly Training, No Technical Skills Needed

PLUS Bonuses Available During Launch OnlyBONUS #1 Get 2 New DFY Funnels Every Month (No Charge)BONUS #2 Bonus Funnel Builder: Drag & Drop Our Templates To Make Custom FunnelsBONUS #3 WordPress Plugin: Activate and automatically display your giveaway optin forms, banners and more.No Monthly Fees EVER!EXTREMELY LIMITED OFFER


Professional Promo Tool Kit For ALL 8 Websites
FREE UPGRADE: Full Banner Kits, Email Swipes & Social AdsAutomatically Embedded With Your Links & Names, Click & Go!Don’t Pay $197.00Today available for the discounted price

Now is the time to take advantage of this wide open chance to access the best technology available in online marketing for a one-time access fee, so sign up now!

>>>>Get Minute Stock and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a JVzoo affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


To your success, Cindy Donovan

P.S. I reserve the right to change the price, change the offer or remove this altogether even as soon as today

If you want a beginner friendly way to a direct path in the most proven way to earn a steady stream of income since the birth of the Internet, email is it – and with Minute Stock you’ll get access to the best! Now is the time to act. This incredible open door won’t last. Secure your Minute Stock account today


>>>>Get Minute Stock and 20 SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a JVzoo affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a Target affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a SiteGround affiliate.  I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a My LeadGenSecret affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you






MessagePayz – Breakthrough Cellphone Technology!

choose your image

EXPOSED: Breakthrough Cellphone Technology


Everytime We Send This ‘One Weird Message’

Cash In On 2 Billion Cellphones…Works On Both Windows & Mac…No Writing Required…Available In Any Country…Get Paid By PayPal Or Direct Deposit…
365 Day Money Back Guarantee…Zero Extra Expenses Required…Over $458,240.46 Earned By Our Members…

YES! I Want Access To MessagePayz


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



In PURE Profit?

Yes, your eyes aren’t fooling you…

You’re looking at nearly 150 thousand dollars in profit:

And if you give me just 30 seconds…

I’m going to expose to you our downright  WEIRD & embarrassing system…

That’s allowing us to make obscene amounts of money every single day…

(Trust me, you’ve never seen anything like it before…)


How We’re Receiving $200-300
Payments In Just 3 Steps

Step #1


Click Any Buy Button To Get MessagePayz At The Lowest Price..




Step #2


Choose A Done For You Offer/Product To Promote Inside Our App…

*Only The HOTTEST Offers*




Step #3

Send The Message

Each Time We Send This “One Weird Message”, We Get Paid $200-300…

*1-Click Simple*

You Can Finally Join The 1000’s Of People Who Are Making Money With MessagePayz!

Verified MessagePayz User

Ashley T.

College Graduate

choose your image

I recently graduated from college, with no job and an overwhelming amount of debt. 

But I don’t think that’ll be an issue anymore with what I’m making with MessagePayz. 

You are a lifesaver Wesley ????

Verified MessagePayz User

Todd E.


Hi, my name is Todd. I am a healthcare worker from Austin, TX.

 My income hasn’t been enough so I looked on the internet to make some money. 

After going down this rabbit hole I ran into Wesley and asked him for guidance. He gave me his MessagePayz system and I made $424.12 in my first 24 hours:

choose your image

Verified MessagePayz User

Chris G.

Truck Driver

Although my trucking job pays decently, there’s nothing left over with all the expenses I have. 

Just as I thought all hope was lost I received a message from Wesley, asking if I was interested in testing out his new software. I said “sure”, not really expecting anything would happen, but boy was I wrong. 

The proof speaks for itself:

choose your image

Verified MessagePayz User

Betty W.

Stay At Home Mom

I just wanted to write a quick testimonial for an amazing gentleman named Wesley Virgin. He is responsible for helping me make my first money online. 

Am I a millionaire? No, I’m not. However, I can say that this income is going to come in handy with all our bills. 

If you get a chance to work with Wesley, go ahead and take it…. Here is the money I have made in the past 30 days:

choose your image

Dear Struggling Friend,

We’re nearly into 2022..

But despite all of the time that’s passed by, are you making money online?

Or do you STILL find yourself wasting the little money you have on crappy products…

…only to be disappointed time and time again!

I know exactly how you’re feeling right now:

Fed Up…Skeptical…



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


And honestly, I don’t blame you…

Because I’ve been through the same exact rodeo…

Sadly, 99% Of What’s Sold

Is Downright JUNK!

(It Will Never Help You Profit…)

And that’s not an exaggeration…

Some say finding something that works is like “finding a needle in a haystack”.

I say it’s more like finding a diamond in a dumpster!

Because unfortunately…

Nearly all products:

Set You Up For Failure…
Drain Your Savings…Waste Your Time



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


They’re not going to help you make the money…

In fact, they’ll do the exact opposite!

It’s Nothing But A DIRTY Scheme

To Take Every Dollar
Out Of Your Wallet!

The end result?

You end up even more broke, while the conman becomes RICHER.

It’s certainly not fair…

But that’s the unfortunate reality…

An endless cycle of you buying new products…

Just “hoping” you’ll come across something that’ll eventually make you money…

choose your image

But Don’t Give Up On Your Dreams Just Yet…

(It Will Never Help You Profit…)

With all the scams and nonsense out there…

I know how tempting it is to give up, and continue living a mediocre life…

But please, resist the urge to give up..

Because I’m here to tell you that there’s hope for the little guy…

This means, no more:

Buying New Products…Trying Everything Out There…Waiting For Results…



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


If you like the sound of that, then you’re going to LOVE what we have in store for you…

But before that, allow us to introduce ourselves…

Hi there, my name is Wesley Virgin…

I don’t know how you found this website…

But you’ve certainly hit the jackpot…

Because in just a minute from now, you’re going to see a slightly embarrassing, yet POWERFUL way of making money online…

A unique system that’s pocketing many of my students $40,000 per month…

And I’ll be honest…

You might think it’s plain old weird.

But I could care less….

Because it’s predictably making me (and my students) bank rolls of cash EVERY single day, on command…

Like Sarah, from Peoria, Illinois, who made $11,364.77 in the past 24 days:

Along with Jeff, from Manchester, UK, who pulled in $3,995.13 in just 7 days:

And to top it all off, we have Kyle, from Portland, Oregon, who profited $544.68 in his first 24 hours

Impressive, right?

And if you give me your full attention for just a few moments…

You’ll be able to get your hands on my system…

So how did I discover this unique system for making money online?

It All Started With A Sad, Depressing Message…

(It Nearly Brought Me To Tears…)

You see, I get thousands of messages from people around the world…

But recently, I received one that stood out…

It was from a man named Christopher, who lives in Little Rock, Arkansas:

Wow! Talk about hitting a rough patch in his life…

I Immediately 

Replied To The Message…

I hopped on a Skype call with Christopher and he further explained his situation…

Telling me that he’d been suckered by several scams…

Leaving him even worse off than before…

…with well over $13,000 in credit card debt!

Christopher Was Downright


By How Many Scams He Fell For…

It all seemed to follow one common pattern…

Tell me if this sounds familiar:

1. You get an email in your inbox with wild promises of money. You decide to check it out

2. You buy the product and are quickly bombarded by countless upsells…

3. Finally, you get to the members area and find out that the product was NOTHING like it was promised on the salespage

You quickly realized that you’ve been scammed…

You feel ashamed, a bit dirty, knowing you’ve fallen for their tricks yet again…

Like a piece of your soul has been stolen from you.

That SUCKS, right?

Well, this happened to Christopher… And more times than he could count.

Whether You Like It Or Not,

The Game Is Rigged

Against You!

Doing what these famous “gurus” teach will NOT make you money…

Because they’ve set you up for failure (on purpose).

It’s like expecting to win a game of golf against Tiger Woods…

You never even had a chance!

But I’m not like those guys. Not even close…

I Couldn’t Stand

Seeing People

Like Christopher Getting Scammed…

I’m not cool with these scammers.

NOBODY should be.

They deserve to be thrown in jail, with their cell key thrown into the ocean.

Mark my words…

They WILL be locked up.

It’s time for them to get a taste of their own medicine…

Christopher Was Desperate For A


Method For Making Money Online…

Because not only was he left hanging with over $13,000 in credit card debt…

…he was also burdened with his wife’s never ending medical bills.

Christopher had certainly hit rock bottom.

He NEEDED money. And he needed it fast…

It was getting so bad that he’d soon be evicted from his home.

I Hooked Up Christopher With The

Fastest Money Making System I Know…

Just how fast?

Well, whenever I need money, I fire it up.

Before you know it, BOOM…

The cash rolls into my bank account like a raging river:

And It Doesn’t Require:

Paying For Traffic…
Extra Expenses…Buying Domains…Your Own Product…



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


None of those headaches.

Because we’re doing the exact opposite of everything else out there.

I’m Talking About
A Revolutionary Cellphone Technology That Pays Us

$200-300 OVER & OVER

Yes, you heard that right…

This breakthrough cellphone technology is POWERFUL…

And it’s made us over $458,240.46 in pure profit:

Is this downright weird? 100%!

But this makes us money with ABSOLUTE certainty…

As certain as 1 + 1 = 2…

Here’s What Happened When
I Gave The System To Christopher…

As I said earlier, Christopher has never made any money online.

He’s tried EVERYTHING before… Except for this system.

Day #1 Results

$13.74 In Profits

(Small, but a starting point…)

Day #2 Results

$29.40 In Profits

(Nearly doubled our profits…)

Day #3 Results

$68.01 In Profits

(Now that’s more like it!)

Day #4 Results

$90.54 In Profits

(We’ve nearly reached $100…)

Day #5 Results

$99.06 In Profits

(Less than a dollar away from $100…)

Day #6 Results

$105.13 In Profits

(Woohoo! We finally made over $100…)

We Knew There Was MORE To Be Made…

We weren’t stopping for small amounts of money….

My goal was to make Christopher at least $10,000 per month.

So my team got back to work and we made some improvements on the system.

And wow, did we bust our butts…

But it was completely worth it.

After We Made A Few Adjustments,
Christopher Was Making

$600 Per DAY!

We found the perfect balance…

The perfect “recipe” for making money online…

And it’s allowing Christoper to now make $600 per DAY:

Yes, you heard that right…

Christopher is now earning double of his original goal
($300 per day)…

Pretty cool, huh?

So How Does It Work?

We Developed An App That Gets FREE Traffic From 2B Cellphones…

(At The Press Of A Button!)

Yes, you heard that right…

By tapping into 2 billion cellphones…

We’re able to drive THOUSANDS of clicks to our links on demand:

And this traffic is targeted… Laser targeted.

Traffic with money in hand that loves to buy…

It’s all thanks to the “mass-messaging” technology my team has developed.

So it’s no surprise that it’s making us money like this on a daily basis:

As long as our mass-messaging technology is on…

The profits continue to flow in like a raging river…

You Can Send The Traffic Anywhere You Want!

Although we recommend using our proven to convert offers…You are more than welcome to send the traffic/visitors you get ANYWHERE you want.

This is great if you’re looking to dominate platforms like:

Or, you could build an email list of loyal followers if that’s what you’re into…

(This is 100% optional) The possibilities are endless…

And The
Best Part?

We can stay anonymous while doing this…

So if you don’t like the idea of displaying your name or face for the world to see…

That’s 100% okay!

Our “mass-messaging” technology will work just as flawlessly…

Driving 1,000’s of targeted visitors to the offers we’re promoting…

Nor Do We Have Any Expenses With This System…

If you’re anything like me…

You HATE coughing up all that money for expensive services.

You know what I’m talking about…

Expenses Like:

Domains…Page Builders…Web Design…

It can quickly add up to thousands of dollars…

(And there’s no guarantee that it’ll even pay for itself!)

That’s why I made it a priority to make sure that this requires NO expenses…

So every penny of profit you make with this, you get to keep.


How We’re Receiving $200-300
Payments In Just 3 Steps

Step #1


Click Any LINK To Get MessagePayz At The Lowest Price...


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.





Step #2


Choose A Done For You Offer/Product To Promote Inside Our App…

*Only The HOTTEST Offers*




Step #3

Send The Message

Each Time We Send This “One Weird Message”, We Get Paid $200-300…

*1 Click Simple*

I Was Stunned By How Many People

Were Making Money

When I Gave Them My System…

After Christopher (a complete rookie) was making $600 per day… 

I decided it was time to share my effective system with people who needed it… 

And I was instantly blown away by the results…

Like Jessa, from London, UK, who made
$241.26 in just 24 hours…

Casey, from Long Island, NY who earned
$270.55 in only 13 hours…

Betty, from Providence, RI, banked
$158.03 on her first day…

Andrew, from Washington, DC, earned
$270.77 in less than 24 hours

Ava, from Atlanta, GA, made
$305.13 in profit overnight…

These are just a FRACTION of the results that people are seeing. 

I could go on all day with hundreds of screenshots and proof… 

But that would be wasting your time.

And Now, It’s YOUR Turn To Join Them…

After seeing how well my system has worked for hundreds of people around the world…

I knew it was time to open our doors for the public…

So, are you ready to say goodbye to all the nonsense?

Are you ready to say hello to the days where you aren’t wasting your time and money on the next “silver bullet”?

Proudly Introducing…


Breakthrough Cellphone Technology That Pays
Us $200-300 For Sending One “Weird” Message…

Finally, the future is here…

With MessagePayz, you’ll be able to tap into 2 billion cellphones…

..and INSTANTLY monetize them.

This is what’s making our members $100, $200, $300, $500, some even $1,000 daily…

And it’s all thanks to the powerful “mass-messaging” technology built inside of MessagePayz…

Which gets you in front of 1,000’s of hungry buyers on demand…

YES! I Want Access To MessagePayz



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Finally, Nothing Is Preventing You From Making Money Online…



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


The day has finally come…

The odds are no longer against you.

You finally have a REAL shot at making decent money online…

There are no obstacles in your way:

No Making Videos…
No Creating Products…No Paying For Traffic…No Technical Nonsense…

Feels good, right?

At last, you are in control of your destiny…

But I must warn you of one important


This Is Not A Get Rich Quick Scheme…

Just a quick disclaimer…

I cannot promise that you’ll make any money with MessagePayz…

After all, I have no idea if you’re willing to actually use it…

So if you’re looking for one of those “get rich quick schemes”…

MessagePayz is not for you.

This isn’t one of those systems where you press one button and make a bunch of money….

Frankly, that nonsense doesn’t exist. You can keep searching for it in fantasy land…

BUT, if you’re willing to put in just a little bit of work…

…then this is something you’ll definitely want to get your hands on.

Just Take 2 Minutes To Activate
MessagePayz And See What Happens!

When you pick up MessagePayz, I am going to ask you for one thing…

I want you to actually use it right away.

Just take a few minutes to configure a few simple settings…

After that, MessagePayz will be up and running…

You’ll be SHOCKED at what happens next ???? And you’ll have only one regret – the fact that you didn’t have MessagePayz earlier.

Better late than never though!

YES! I Want Access To MessagePayz


Remember, All It Takes Us Is 3 SIMPLE Steps…

Step #1


Click Any LINK To Get MessagePayz At The Lowest Price..


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Step #2


Choose A Done For You Offer/Product To Promote Inside Our App…

*Only The HOTTEST Offers*




Step #3

Send The Message

Each Time We Send This “One Weird Message”, We Get Paid $200-300…

*1-Click Simple*

MessagePayz Never Fails To Deliver Us

Profits Like THESE…

YES! I Want Access To MessagePayz

Isn’t It Time For You To Stop Working Your Butt Off For Nothing?



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Let’s face reality for a moment…

You aren’t satisfied with your current situation.

And whether you like it or not, that’s your reality.

You’ve likely:

Wasted Your Money…
Researched Day & Night…Worked Your Butt Off…

Has it paid off for you?

Likely not. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be here right now…

You Finally Have The
Chance To End Your Struggling… Permanently!


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


This is your chance to stop wasting your time and
money on those useless products…

If you put in just a little bit of effort with MessagePayz…
I can promise you one big thing…

This will be the LAST product you will need to buy.

And I mean it. Mark my words…

Give MessagePayz A Try And You Won’t Be Disappointed…

I am telling you from the bottom of my heart…

When you give this an honest try and actually USE MessagePayz…

…you will be stunned by the results.

I can 100% assure you that you won’t be disappointed.

I say that while putting my reputation on the line…

Because I know how powerful this really is…

YES! I Want Access To MessagePayz


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.




So How Much Will This Cost You?

Great question…

You see, we originally sold MessagePayz for a one time investment of $997.

And although expensive – it’s TRULY worth that…

We know the sheer value of our system:

It’s Made Us Money…
It’s Made Our Students Money…It Quickly Pays For Itself…

So we had no problem charging that large amount of money…

And I could make MORE money by charging more.

But, here’s the thing…

I want to get MessagePayz in the hands of as many people as humanly possible…

So For A Limited Time Only, You Can Get MessagePayz At A HUGE Discount…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


I can’t stand seeing people struggling & being scammed…

(Especially when there are legitimate ways to make money online…)

I’ve been there too, and I know how hard it can be…

So that’s why I’m going to let you access MessagePayz at a price ANYONE can afford…

You won’t pay $997…
You won’t pay $497…
You won’t even pay $97…
Not even $27…

Just a super low, one time investment…

The same price as a pizza from Domino’s that’s eaten in a few hours…

Or the price of a cheap t-shirt from Walmart…

That gets you instant access to MessagePayz, the world’s first app to feature uber-profitable “mass-messaging” technology…

YES! I Want Access To MessagePayz


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.





365 Day Money Back Guarantee

I am going to make it IMPOSSIBLE for you to lose here…

Okay, so here’s the deal…

If you try out MessagePayz and if you aren’t able to profit, then that’s our fault.

Just let us know within 365 days, and we’ve got you covered…

We’ll refund you every penny in good faith, without hesitation.

The customer is king in our eyes…

So either way, you end up winning…

However, Time IS Of The Essence Here…

I wish I could stay that you’ve got all day, but you don’t…

To ensure that our servers continue running smoothly, we will be limiting the number of people who can take advantage of this large discount…

So if you like the sound of finally succeeding in 2022, then don’t delay…

You’ll need to act right now…

Or else, someone else with faster fingers will grab your spot.

Are you ready to start crushing it?

Then without further delay, click the button below right now to get started with MessagePayz…

YES! I Want Access To MessagePayz

This Is Your Opportunity To Change Things For The Better!

Haven’t you had enough?

Aren’t you fed up with buying product after product?

Only to be left more disappointed and broke than from before?

Isn’t it time for you to put an end to that nasty cycle for good??

And FINALLY start seeing some success online?

Then click the button below to get a copy of MessagePayz while it’s still available…

It’s Time To Make A Decision


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Right Now, You Have Two Choices…

(Pick Wisely…)

Choice #1

Don’t Take Action

You could leave this page…

Pretend like you never saw all of what you just read…

And continue what you were doing earlier…

But let’s face reality for a moment…

How exactly is that working out for you right now?

If you’ve come here, you obviously aren’t satisfied with where you are right now…

You’re looking for a change in your life.

I know you’re tired of:

Buying Crappy Products…
Wasting Your Money…
“Hoping” You Will Succeed…

And you’re wanting a working solution, right?

It’s right here on the page you’re on…

You could try to figure things out yourself, and I wish best of luck to you…

But why put yourself through that misery when you could’ve just picked up MessagePayz?

Choice #2

Get MessagePayz

This is your chance to take a shortcut…

You can skip all the trial and error, and get straight to the good stuff…

With MessagePayz, we’re able to drive THOUSANDS of clicks to any link on demand…

Which gets us $37-67 payments over & over…

These quickly snowball into chunky, juicy online earnings…

This is the same exact app that’s allowing us to:

Live The Laptop Lifestyle…
Stop Worrying About Money…
Receive Daily Deposits…
Make Money While We Sleep…

Does the sound of that bring music to your ears?

And now, it’s your turn for you to take out MessagePayz for a spin…

The ball is in your court now. Click the button below to get a copy of MessagePayz while it’s still available.

Don’t let it miss you!

YES! I Want Access To MessagePayz



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



Do Not Leave Empty Handed

If you leave this page, you’ll risk missing out on MessagePayz altogether…

Our servers can only handle so many users.

So once we’ve reached maximum capacity, our doors WILL be closed.

And if you know me, you know I don’t play around with that fake scarcity BS…

I don’t want you to find out the hard way yourself, so it’s best for you to take action…

Do NOT delay.

Let’s Look At Everything

You’re Getting With MessagePayz

choose your image

MessagePayz 100% Brand New System – Value: $997MessagePayz “Mass-Messaging” Technology – Value: $1,997MessagePayz Monetization – Value: $997 MessagePayz Training – Value: $397World Class Support Team – Value: PRICELESS!



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Total Value Of Everything



For A Limited Time Grab It For a discounted price



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


I’ll See You Inside,

Wesley Virgin



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I am a My LeadGenSecret affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you