APOLLO22 – Watch How to make moola with crypto.

EXPOSED For The First Time Ever In 2022…

Watch How This Cryptocurrency Genius Turns A $4.02 Bitcoin Balance Into $346.35


(And It DOESN’T Matter If Bitcoin Is Down Or Up…)???? No Buying & Selling..  ???? No Coding..  ???? No Tech..



  • Tap Into A $1.98T Blockchain Loophole…
  • 100% Legal & Ethical…
  • Zero Expenses, We Show You How To Get FREE Crypto…
  • ​ANYONE Can Do This, Just Follow The 3 Simple Steps…
  • ​You Can Start Doing This Today…
  • ​79 Beta Testers Made Money…
  • ​No Technical Skills Needed, Even A Child Could Do This…
  • ​Risk Free, 365 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • ​Get Paid $200 If You FAIL…

Yes, I Want Apollo22



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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



We’ve Made $91,213.80

In FREE Crypto With Apollo22

Hey there,
Take a close look at the image below:Yup, your eyes aren’t fooling you…
You’re looking at ninety one THOUSAND dollars casually sitting in my Bitcoin wallet…
Also, because the price of Bitcoin is bound to go up, this could easily turn into $200,000…



And This Bitcoin Can BeTurned Into Cash

At ANY Moment!

Yes, we don’t have to keep our earnings in Bitcoin…
We can convert this Bitcoin into cold hard cash into our bank accounts…
And spend it on whatever we want:



  • Travelling The World…
  • Dining Out…
  • Spoiling Our Family…
  • ​Paying Bills…

Or, we can hold the Bitcoin and it could increase in value…
It’s really up to you!” data-displaytype=”htmlregular” style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>

Also, It Doesn’t


If The Market Is Down…

Yup, you heard that right…
Our Bitcoin multiplication hack/strategy doesn’t rely on traditional buying and selling methods…
So we can still profit, whether the market is up or down…
It could be crashing and we’d still be making money…
That’s because our method is different from everything else out there



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



See Us Turn This Laughable$4 Bitcoin Balance Into $346.35

Just to prove that this really works, I’m going to show you undeniable proof…
Of how we turned a measly $4 worth of bitcoin…
Into a more fashionable balance of $346.36…BEFORE Using Apollo22Bitcoin Balance: $4.02(Laughable pocket change…)This is what our Bitcoin wallet contained at first… Without a doubt, it’s quite lousy!
And here’s what happened when we used the Apollo22 ‘multiplication hack’AFTER Using Apollo22Bitcoin Balance: $346.35(Now that’s more like it!)Our original tiny balance of $4.02 ended up skyrocketing into a more fashionable $346.35… In the short timespan of just 24 hours!
Sure, it’s not a million dollars…
…but wouldn’t it be nice to turn pocket change into hundreds of dollars in real money?



The Best Part?

We Didn’t Have To Do Any Trading!

If you think that I got lucky trading, that’s not the case…
Because we do things differently to make free crypto profits…
We don’t need to:



  • Buy Or Sell…
  • Hold…
  • Mine…

Nor do we have to do anything that’s technical…
As we do the opposite of what everyone is doing…

Instead, It All Comes Down To Our…

‘Blockchain Multiplication Hack’

Don’t let the words “blockchain” and “hack” fool you…
At first glance, it might seem complex, but it really isn’t!
You just have to follow super simple, elementary-school level instructions…
If you’re capable of doing that…
…then you’re able to use our blockchain multiplication hack…




Can Use Our Blockchain Multiplication Hack

(Stupidly Simple, Yet SUPER Profitable…)Because it’s beyond easy… So whether you’re good or bad with computers, it doesn’t matter…
Just follow the steps inside of Apollo22 and you’re all set from there…



  • No programming
  • No trading
  • No mining

Yes, there is absolutely ZERO confusion involved here…



You’re Just 3 Steps Away




Get FREE Bitcoin

We’ll Show You A Little-Known Trick How To Get Free Bitcoin To Start With…(Literally Free Money…)Step ②



Multiplication Hack

Follow The Step-By-Step Instructions To Use ‘Our Blockchain Multiplication Hack’(Takes Just 30-60 Seconds…)Step ③




We’ve Made Over $91,213.85 In Profit Thanks To Apollo22…




At What Our Early Access Users Have To Say About


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Apollo22 Early User



James F.

I used your strategy to turn $10 worth of Bitcoin into exactly $445.67. Thank you for providing a genuine method that really works…Apollo22 Early User



Mark D.

I don’t understand how the technology works with Bitcoin and all, but I was still able to make over $200 with your Apollo22 training. You have a full thumbs up from me.



Yes, I Want Apollo22

WARNING: Limited Time Only Once Maximum Capacity Is Reached, The Price Will Go Back To $1,997



Dear Friend,

Did you miss the BIG cryptocurrency boom in 2021?
Perhaps it all seemed too confusing & volatile for you?
Unfortunately, understanding it all can feel like a foreign language!




The widespread adoption of cryptocurrencies has created 100,000’s of new millionaires…
And if you put a small investment into Bitcoin or Ethereum early on…
…you could’ve been sitting on a fortune of millions…



But Sadly, Making Money With Bitcoin Is

Super Risky!

You will always hear of the people making millions, if not billions with Bitcoin…
But you’ll rarely see those who lost money…
Trading Bitcoin is beyond risky…
And there’s a decent chance that you’ll end up losing everything you invest…
…that’s IF you do things the “normal” way.
So don’t fall into that trap…
You need to be as careful as possible with cryptocurrency in 2022…



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Does That Mean

It’s Too Late For You?

Have you forever missed the cryptocurrency gold rush? The good news is, it isn’t too late!
There’s still a way for the little guy to succeed with cryptocurrency…
And it has NOTHING to do with:



  • Buying…
  • Selling…
  • Holding…

In fact, it doesn’t matter if the price is rising or falling…
Because we have a secret up our sleeves…

Hi There,

It’s Jono Armstrong here…

Sadly, there’s so much “blind leading the blind” going on right now…
And it’s causing MILLIONS of people to struggle…
That’s why it’s super important to be guided by someone who knows what they’re doing…
So, WHO am I and WHY should you listen to me?



  • I’ve been making money online since 2004…
  • I’ve helped over 10,000+ people make money online…
  • I’ve created millionaire students, from all over the world…

Which means, I shouldn’t have any problem helping you too…
Especially with this new Bitcoin “multiplication” strategy that you’re about to see…

There’s A BRAND NEW Way

To Make Money With Bitcoin…

Yes, you heard that right…
There’s a new way in town that we’re using to make money with Bitcoin…
It’s virtually unheard of by anyone else…
But those who DO know of it are making:



  • Thousands of dollars…
  • Tens of thousands of dollars…
  • Hundreds of thousands of dollars…

Some are even making millions of dollars…
And these are ordinary joes and janes like you…
The only thing that’s different about them is they know about this new way of making money with Bitcoin…

It Was Discovered By My Partner, 


My partner Andrew would proudly call himself a “nerd”…
He’s been researching cryptocurrencies VERY early on, since 2011, when barely anyone knew about Bitcoin.
He’s made a fortune with cryptocurrencies…
So he knows what he’s talking about!
And one of the methods he has up his sleeve is downright amazing…



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His Method Lets Him Turn TINY Bitcoin Balances

Into BIG Ones

It’s all thanks to a little “multiplication hack” that he developed…
And don’t let that word scare you away, this is completely legal…
Nor does it involve anything technical.
It takes just 30-60 seconds to implement…And lets him turn pocket change like this:Into bigger balances like this:Pretty cool, right? So how does he do it?



This “Hack” Taps Into A

$1.98T Blockchain Loophole…

As cryptocurrencies become more and more mainstream…
It’s opened up a MASSIVE opportunity for making money…
…a loophole that’s worth over $1.98 TRILLION dollars.
And our ‘blockchain multiplication hack’ lets us exploit it…
It allows us to multiply tiny Bitcoin balances like these:Into bigger balances like these:



Naturally, I Was STUNNED At What Andrew Was Doing!

After all, this is virtually unheard of…
Turning $4 into $300 with Bitcoin, without doing any trading?
It sounds unreal, and I didn’t believe him at first…
But after seeing the proof, I was impressed…
And I wanted to know what he was doing…



After Some Persistence,

Andrew Showed Me What

He Was Doing…

He was a bit protective of his method at first…
But I didn’t take no for an answer and I was eager to learn what he was doing…
And surely enough, he ended up pulling back the curtains…
…showing me EXACTLY how his ‘bitcoin multiplication hack’ worked.



I Gave His Strategy A Try

And Here’s What Happened…

Although I fully believed Andrew and his proof…
I wanted to give his strategy a try, just to make sure it was the real deal…
And boy oh boy, was I impressed by the results.
I started out with a tiny balance of $14.46:Nothing impressive…But once I put his strategy into action, which took just 30-60 seconds…
BOOM! I Got $504.09 In Bitcoin:Yup, that’s right…
My bitcoin balance went from $14.56 to over $500+…
…in the short timespan of 24 hours.
And it was all thanks to Andrew’s bitcoin multiplication hack/strategy…



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No Doubt, We Had Our Hands On

Something BIG…

It worked for Andrew…
It worked quite well for me when I gave it a try…
His ‘Bitcoin multiplication strategy’ was ROCK-SOLID.
And it’s waaayyyy easier than you think it is…
Remember, there’s ZERO:



  • Trading…
  • Buying Or Selling…
  • Coding…
  • ​Mining…

All you need is any phone or computer…
And just 30-60 seconds to use Andrew’s bitcoin multiplication strategy…
But we wanted extra confirmation that this would work for others too…

To Make Sure This REALLY Worked,I Taught Andrew’s Method 

To 79 Beta Testers…

If they succeeded, it would give us 100% confidence…
…that Andrew’s 30-60 second Bitcoin multiplication strategy would work for ANYONE out there.
So, we showed a group of people our method…
Now… I want to make a few things crystal clear:
These people don’t know ANYTHING about BitcoinThese people have never bought Bitcoin before…These people aren’t techies…
They’re just ordinary, everyday people…
If our strategy worked for them, it could work for anyone…
And surely enough, after just 24 hours…
All you need is any phone or computer…
And just 30-60 seconds to use Andrew’s bitcoin multiplication strategy…
But we wanted extra confirmation that this would work for others too…



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Every Single Beta Tester

Ended Up Making A Minimum Of


Their balances went from $5-10 to a MINIMUM of $200+…And here’s the best part… It took just 12-24 hours for this transformation to take place…
Because Andrew’s ‘bitcoin multiplication strategy/hack’ is FREAKY fast…



A NEW Way Of Making Money That’s

LIGHT Years Ahead

Of Everything Else!

You’ve likely tried many methods for making money online, right?
You know, methods like:



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  • Affiliate Marketing…
  • High Ticket Sales…
  • Solo Ads…
  • ​Social Media…
  • ​Local Marketing…
  • ​Selling Products Online…

But how well have they worked out for you?
Have they made you a SINGLE red cent?
If I’m completely honest with you, I have made money with some of those…BUT, on the other hand…
It could take you years to master these methods and you can expect to waste tens of thousands of dollars…
Luckily, there’s no need for you to do that…
Because Andrew’s bitcoin multiplication hack/strategy is far more reliable… 

This ‘Bitcoin Multiplication Hack’ Is Something That

Anyone Can Do…

Please, don’t let all those confusing words scare you away…You know – ones like:



  • Blockchain…
  • Bitcoin…
  • Hack…
  • Cryptocurrency…

Although the technology behind this all is impressive…
You don’t have to deal with anything technical…
All you have to do is follow SUPER simple instructions shown by Andrew…

And We Can Still Make Money,

Regardless If Bitcoin Is Up Or Down!

You might think that this will only work in a booming market…
Surprisingly, that’s not the case!
That’s because our method doesn’t rely on traditional buying & selling methods…
So even if there’s a “bloodbath” going on and everyone is selling…
It does NOT affect our earnings.



And There’s One Thing

That I Must Make Clear…

This is unlike anything you’ve seen before…
Andrew’s Bitcoin multiplication strategy/hack has NEVER been released before…
So you’re not going to find this on:



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  • Google…
  • YouTube…
  • Facebook…
  • TikTok…

This is an exclusive strategy developed by Andrew himself…
And at the moment, virtually nobody else is doing this…
Apart from us and our beta testers…” data-displaytype=”htmlregular” style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>

Just Follow The Step-By-Step Instructions Inside!

Trust me… It’s WAY easier than you think…
If you’re capable of following elementary school level instructions…
Then you won’t have any issue using Andrew’s Bitcoin multiplication strategy…
The same strategy that’s transformed Bitcoin balances like this:Into BIGGER balances like this:Because every step is a cakewalk…
So if you don’t have any experience with cryptocurrency, you can set those worries aside…
Every step is shown in immense detail and nothing is left out…



You’re Just 3 Steps Away




Get FREE Bitcoin

We’ll Show You A Little-Known Trick How To Get Free Bitcoin To Start With…(Literally Free Money…)Step ②



Multiplication Hack

Follow The Step-By-Step Instructions To Use ‘Our Blockchain Multiplication Hack’(Takes Just 30-60 Seconds…)Step ③




We’ve Made Over $91,213.85 In Profit Thanks To Apollo22…



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After That, Our Bitcoin Balances

Keep Increasing…



Yes, You Can Do This TOO!

Do you have a computer and an internet connection?
If so, that’s all you need to make this work…
Just follow the simple steps to use Andrew’s Bitcoin multiplication strategy…
And after that point, it’s all smooth sailing:



  • No Endlessly Looking At Charts…
  • No Programming…
  • No Technical Nonsense…

NONE of that B.S…
This is an easy and effective method backed by real results…
And now, you have the chance to access it…

Ready To Start Multiplying?

Are you ready to get a taste of online success?
At last – you have a chance to get off the treadmill of buying crappy products…
You’re just moments away from accessing Andrew’s bitcoin multiplication strategy…
That lets take balances like this:And fatten them up with MORE Bitcoin:If the sight of that makes your mouth water…
Then I strongly encourage you to get started before we pull this down…
So, without further ado…
Let’s pull back the curtains and reveal what this is all about…



–   I N T R O D U C I N G   –

The FIRST Crypto Multiplication System…



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Tap Into A $1.98T Blockchain Loophole…



A Total No Brainer!

12 Reasons Why You NeedTo Grab A Copy Of Apollo22 ASAP…

  • Your Chance To Tap Into The $1.9T Cryptocurrency BOOM…
  • 79 Beta Testers Have Made Money With Apollo22…
  • Super Easy, Just Follow The Instructions Inside…
  • ​It’s 100% Legal & Ethical…
  • ​A Truly New Method, Nobody Else Is Doing This…
  • ​It Quickly Pays For Itself…
  • ​You’re Protected 365 Day Money Back Guarantee…
  • ​We’ll Pay You $200 If You FAIL…
  • ​Zero Expenses Required, We Show How To Get FREE Bitcoin…
  • ​A System Backed By REAL Results…
  • ​Works On Any Computer, Phone, Or Tablet…
  • ​No Technical Skills Needed…

Yes, I Want Apollo22

WARNING: Limited Time Only Once Maximum Capacity Is Reached, The Price Will Go Back To $1,997



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Here’s What You’ll Discover

When You Get Your Hands On Apollo22…



  • How We Grew Our Bitcoin Balance To OVER $91,000
  • The Biggest Mistake You’re Likely Making With Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency (you are losing TONS of money)
  • Andrew’s EXACT Step-By-Step Method For Multiplying Your Bitcoin Balance…
  • The Key To Making This Work In Just 30-60 Seconds…
  • ​The Secret To Tapping Into A $1.98T Blockchain Loophole…
  • ​The RIGHT And Wrong Way To Grow Your Crypto Portfolio…
  • ​How You Can Make The Apollo22 Strategy Work On A Mobile Phone…
  • ​Why It’s Possible For Us To Get More Crypto WITHOUT Buying Or Selling…
  • ​PLUS – The Secret Platform To Get FREE Bitcoin/Crypto (yes, literally free money)

Finally, Your Chance To Tap Into

The $1.9T Cryptocurrency CRAZE!

Cryptocurrency is currently one of the biggest creators of wealth in the world…
With a total value of nearly $2 TRILLION dollars that continues to increase…
It’s allowing ordinary people to:



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  • Quit Their Jobs…
  • Create Generational Wealth…
  • Become Millionaires…

Some are even becoming billionaires…
In other words, this is the modern day gold rush…
And with Apollo22, it’s never been easier to take advantage of it…

Just Imagine…

What Would It Be Like For YOU To Finally Succeed?

Are you tired of all the games and scams?
Tired of trying to figure out everything on your own with earning online?
Do you feel like you are throwing darts blind, endlessly digging for treasure?
This is your chance to put an end to that for eternity…
At last, you can say goodbye to:



  • Buying Endless Products…
  • Wasting Your Time & Money…
  • Confusion…
  • ​Uncertainty…

Because Apollo22 gives you EVERYTHING you need to crush it with Bitcoin in 2022…
You’ll be able to use Andrew’s bitcoin multiplication strategy/hack with just 30-60 seconds of your time…

A Strategy So Simple

That’s IMPOSSIBLE For You To Mess UP!

(So Easy A Squirrel Could Do It…)Okay, the squirrel part is an exaggeration. But you get my point…
The Apollo22 Bitcoin multiplication strategy is SUPER easy to use…
Just how simple?
Well, there’s:
Zero Programming Required…
No Technical Skills Involved…
Absolutely No Buying Or Selling…
It takes just 30-60 seconds – simply follow the simple instructions laid out inside the Apollo22 members area…
And it’s all smooth sailing after that point.



You’re Getting Everything You Need

To CRUSH It With Apollo22




Members Area Access

You’ll get full access to the Apollo22 members area, which gives you all the tools you need to use Andrew’s Bitcoin multiplication strategy/hack…




Step-By-Step Video Training

We’ll show you every step involved in Andrew’s bitcoin multiplication strategy… Everything from how to get free Bitcoin to start out with, and how we multiply it into even MORE Bitcoin…




Mobile Edition

You’ll uncover how to make this work not only on a desktop, but on a mobile device as well… Giving you the power to make Apollo22 work on the go.





In the unlikely event where you’re feeling stuck, don’t worry… We have a team of support professionals who are trained to help you out. The customer is king in our book.



And much, much, more!

All of this stuff mentioned above is the tip of the iceberg. You are getting immense value that words cannot describe…And The Goodies Don’t End There…



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If You Get Apollo22 In The Next 12 Hours, You’ll Get

$X Worth Of FREE Bonuses

(Don’t Wait, These Are Only Available For IMMEDIATE Action Takers)



Bonus #1


How to generate INSAME ROI using this relatively new traffic source from Youtube Ads that ALL major marketer are using (and profiting from) in 2020 



Bonus #2

$90 Free Adspend

How to kick start your “penny kick” campaigns with $90 free adspend on the house



Bonus #2

Jono’s Bing Ads Course

Yet another under-utilized ads platform that is generating crazy returns for marketers in 2020.



Get Apollo22 At A Price YOU Can Afford With Our

‘Early Adopter Discount’

We originally sold this as a special offer on a private call with our existing customers, for a one time investment of $2,000.
And we did 53 sales.
Although $1,200 is a lot of money, those who invested knew it would quickly pay for itself…
Andrew’s method is PROVEN and reliable to set you up for success…
So it didn’t come as a surprise when not a single buyer asked for a refund.
Now listen… I get that maybe you’ve been burned and it’s a huge commitment to put $2,000 upfront.
So for a limited time, we’re going to give you the chance to get your hands on Apollo22 for the price of a Domino’s Pizza.
All you have to do is click any of the buttons on this page to get started.



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But You MUST


Don’t Sit Back And “Think”About Getting Started…

The one time investment we are offering Apollo22 for is a limited time offer…
Once we’ve reached a certain number of users, we will be raising the price to a monthly recurring price.
Which means… If you think about it and come back later, you could be paying more for the same thing.
What’s the point in doing that, when you could’ve gotten access for a low, one time price, by simply acting sooner?
And remember, every minute you wait is a minute where you could be getting results.
So what are you waiting for?
Click on that button below as fast as you can to begin your journey with Apollo22 at the lowest possible, one time investment…” data-displaytype=”htmlregular” style=”box-sizing: border-box;”>



Yes, I Want Apollo22

WARNING: Limited Time Only Once Maximum Capacity Is Reached, The Price Will Go Back To $1,997


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You’re In Safe Hands With Our…365 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Even though the incredibly low one-time price already makes this a no-brainer…
You should feel completely confident in your decision.
So you get a full 365 days to try out Apollo22 on our dime.
If in the highly unlikely event where you aren’t impressed, we INSIST you contact us within 365 days for a refund.
If it’s an issue you’re facing or question, our friendly support team will have you up and running ASAP. But if you’re just not thrilled, you get your money back.
So you either love Apollo22, or it doesn’t cost you a dime.
There’s absolutely no way for you to lose by picking it up today.



And Here’s What Makes This A TOTAL No Brainer…

 (ATTENTION – Read Carefully…)If the 365-day money back guarantee and all the proof wasn’t enough to get you off the fence…
I am going to make you an offer that’ll be hard to refuse…
How’d you like me to pay you $200 out of my own wallet?
If you like the sound of that, then you’re in luck…
Because if you fail with Apollo22, that’s exactly what I’m going to do…
I’ll pay you $200 if you try it out and end up failing…
Yup, that’s how confident I am that this will work out for you.



So What Are You Waiting For?

Let’s face reality here… There is no possible way for you to lose.
You’ll get both your money back, and $200 if you end up failing.
What’s the point in waiting any longer?
The sooner you get started, the sooner you can use the Apollo22 Bitcoin multiplication strategy…
You WILL be impressed. Mark my words.
So go on, take the plunge – click the button below as fast as you can to secure access to Apollo22:



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Yes, I Want Apollo22

WARNING: Limited Time Only Once Maximum Capacity Is Reached, The Price Will Go Back To $1,997It’s Time To Make A Decision…



Right Now, You Have 2 Choices

(IMPORTANT – Choose Carefully…)



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Choice #1

Figure Everything Out Yourself

You could leave this page and act like nothing ever happened…
But let’s face it… Are you really satisfied with the results you’re seeing online?
You’ve come here because you’re looking for change in your life…
And when you leave, you’ll be continuing what you’re doing from before…
How well has that worked out for you?
Here’s the reality…
Figuring everything out yourself is a recipe for disaster…
It keeps you in an endless cycle of:



  • Buying Products…
  • Wasting Time & Money…
  • Anger & Frustration…

I wasted 5 years of my life and $10,000’s of thousands of dollars to make money online…
And I would HATE for you to go down that path…
Why do that when there are proven shortcuts like Apollo22?

Choice #2

Get Apollo22

This is hands down the fastest way for you to succeed in 2022…
If you’re tired of wasting your money on all those useless products…
Then, then is your opportunity to put an end to that for good…
You’re getting access to the EXACT strategy Andrew has used to get $91,000+ Bitcoin in 2022 alone…
It’s the same technique that lets us turn tiny Bitcoin balance’s into bigger ones…
And it’s something that anyone can do…
So if you want to use something that works…
Then don’t wait any longer…
You can start doing this today…
Click the button below to get your hands on Apollo22…




WARNING: Limited Time Only Once Maximum Capacity Is Reached, The Price Will Go Back To $1,997



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Ready To Use Something…That Actually


Haven’t you bought enough shiny objects?
We’re giving you the chance to escape that tiring and expensive cycle.
I’m sure it’s hard to stomach the amount you’ve spent on various products.
When I was starting out, I was no different.
This is your chance to get your hands on something that actually works…
This is the LAST and ONLY solution you’ll ever need again to succeed in 2022
Gone are the days of losing thousands and working like a dog!
Just follow the simple instructions inside of Apollo22 to use our Bitcoin multiplication strategy
And remember… You don’t need to do any trading/buying or selling.
That’s because we do things differently with Apollo22.
So what are you waiting for?
Haven’t you struggled for long enough?
Click the button below and get your hands on Apollo22 while it’s still available for a low one time investment (equivalent to a Domino’s pizza)



Yes, I Want Apollo22

WARNING: Limited Time Only Once Maximum Capacity Is Reached, The Price Will Go Back To $1,997



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Let’s Look At Everything You’re Getting

With Apollo22



  • Apollo22 Members Area Access – Value: $997
  • Apollo22 Bitcoin Multiplication Strategy/Hack – Value: $1,997
  • Apollo22 Step-By-Step Video Training – Value: $897
  • ​Apollo22 Mobile Edition – Value: $497
  • ​Apollo22 Support – Value: PRICELESS!
  • Bonus #1: JOIN YOUTUBE ADS COURSE – Value: $997
  • Bonus #2: $90 Free Adspend – Value: $997
  • ​Bonus #3: Jono’s Bing Ads Course – Value: $997

Total Value Of Everything YOU GET TODAY:




For Limited Time Only Grab It Now For:$1,997.00  Today, Only 1-Time $16.97



Yes, I Want Apollo22

WARNING: Limited Time Only Once Maximum Capacity Is Reached, The Price Will Go Back To $1,997



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



Don’t Leave Empty Handed…

You’ve already made it this far down the page…
It tells me that you have a genuine interest in Apollo22…
But perhaps something is keeping you on the fence?
I get it – with all the scams out there, it’s difficult to try something new…
However, do know:



  • You’re protected by our 365 day money back guarantee…
  • We’ll pay you $200 if you fail…
  • This information normally sells for $1,997…

You will NEVER find anything else like this out there
And the low price won’t be around forever…
So don’t leave empty handed…
Click the button below to get a copy of Apollo22 at the lowest price…
We’re excited to see you inside…

Yes, I Want Apollo22

WARNING: Limited Time Only Once Maximum Capacity Is Reached, The Price Will Go Back To $1,997



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To Your Success,

Jono & Andrew



Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What if I don’t have any Bitcoin?  Don’t worry, that won’t be a problem… In fact, I’ll show you a little-known way to get $5 worth of Bitcoin for free. So all you need is a copy of Apollo22 and you’ll be setup for success…Q. Do I have to do any trading?  Nope… This doesn’t involve the typical method of buying and selling. We do things completely differently in a way that you’ve never seen before.  Q. Do I have to have a powerful computer?Nope. This could be done with a dusty old laptop running on it’s last legs. That’s because this doesn’t involve mining or any massive computing powerQ. How long does it take to see results?  This really varies, but the vast majority of our beta testers were able to grow their Bitcoin balances within 12-24 hours.  Q. I’m not the best with computers, are you sure this will work for me?  Yes. Let me make one thing clear – if you can follow elementary school level instructions, then you shouldn’t have any problem succeeding with Apollo22.Q. What happens if this doesn’t work out for me?If Apollo22 doesn’t work for you, then that’s on us. It’s our problem… We’ll pay you $200 out of our own pockets and refund every penny of your purchase – that’s how confident we are in Apollo22.Q. I’m sold. How do I get started?To get Apollo22 for the lowest price, click the buy button below before the price goes back to $1,997…



Yes, I Want Apollo22

WARNING: Limited Time Only Once Maximum Capacity Is Reached, The Price Will Go Back To $1,997


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I am a My LeadGenSecret affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you














  • Complete SET & FORGET System
  • Submit any URL ONCE and get FREE DAILY TRAFFIC Forever from MULTIPLE SOURCES!
  • Works in any niche
  • Totally newbie friendly
  • No List Required
  • Set it all up in seconds
  • Fast Action Will 10X Your Profits

Grab WINTER TRAFFIC Now And Save $184.05

>>>>Get WINTER TRAFFIC and MY SUPER BONUSES including a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

3 Steps Is All It Takes:


Step 1

Purchase – grab a copy of WINTER TRAFFIC TODAY before the price goes up

>>>>Get WINTER TRAFFIC and MY SUPER BONUSES including a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Step 2

Set Up Your System – Just follow the simple instructions to submit the URL of your choice and set up your 6 x TRAFFIC SYSTEMS


Step 3

Sit back and enjoy your free buyer traffic each and every day FOREVER from 6 x DIFFERENT TRAFFIC ROTATORS

See Results Like This:



Grab WINTER TRAFFIC Now And Save $184.05

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.





From The Desks of


‘Dear Affiliate Marketer or Newbie,

  • Are you still struggling to make headway in your business?
  • Can’t seem to get anywhere without an email list?
  • Can’t afford to pay for traffic?
  • Don’t want to spend hours making review videos?
  • Fed up with buying product after product?

If you answered YES to any of the above then WINTER TRAFFIC really is going to be a PERFECT SOLUTION for you:
It includes all FIVE of my TRAFFIC RELATED PRODUCTS released during 2021.
Plus a BRAND NEW ROTATOR FROM A NEW TRAFFIC SOURCE that will deliver you daily traffic EVERY SINGLE DAY from the moment that you submit your link and get it added to the new rotator!
Enjoy FREE TRAFFIC from 6 x different traffic sources.
Just SUBMIT ONE LINK and we will do all the rest. Just sit back and enjoy the traffic.
But before we go any further let’s just make one thing clear. If you have been failing online so far IT REALLY ISN’T YOUR FAULT…

Trying To Make Money Online When Dealing

With The Following Is Hard:

  • Hundreds Of Emails Daily…
  • Products That Don’t Work…
  • Making endless videos that nobody watches…
  • Incomplete Training & Apps…
  • Software products with NO SUPPORT
  • Making social media posts that nobody reads…

It Can Be Tough…

What Makes It Even Harder,

Is The Uncertain Times We’re In Right Now…

  • 3rd Year of a Global Pandemic…
  • Constant Fear…
  • Worry & Anxiety…
  • People Being Laid Off From Jobs…
  • Uncertainty About The Future…

Dawud and Paul totally get it…

You Don’t Know Who To Trust Or What To Do…

We Totally Understand How Important It Is For You

To Get Results NOW More Than Ever Before…

It can sometimes feel like you’re just banging your head against a brick wall.
So, how do you finally start to make money online?
You know, the answer is surprisingly simple.
All you really need is the one thing that every marketing business HAS TO HAVE – TRAFFIC.
You need TRAFFIC to run your business and you need that traffic to come from proven BUYERS.
WINTER TRAFFIC lets you tap into the traffic from Dawud’s audience of more than 30,000 Members,PLUS 5 X OTHER UNIQUE AND SECRET TRAFFIC SOURCES, so all you do is to sit back and relax.
Then you just wake up the next day and wait for even more traffic to arrive to your URL.



I Know What You’re Thinking

If It’s So Easy Why Am I Still Struggling?


That’s right, you’re struggling with getting your offers in front of the right people…
That’s exactly what we want to help you with…
And that’s the exact solution our team has been working on…
We know people struggle to get traffic…
We know despite all these “so called” traffic apps that are released everyday you still don’t get results…
And we also know traffic fixes nearly every problem online…

That’s Exactly Where WINTER TRAFFIC Comes In

Let’s Just FIX Those Traffic Problems

No Traffic = No Sales

With WINTER TRAFFIC you will be getting targeted BUYER TRAFFIC to any URL of your choice. 
This traffic comes from 6 x DIFFERENT SOURCES and once is starts it NEVER ENDS.

>>>>Get WINTER TRAFFIC and MY SUPER BONUSES including a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Just Think For A Moment About

What That Would Mean For You?


Quit your 9 to 5 job

An end to that awful daily commute

More quality time to spend with your friends and family

Take holidays whenever and wherever you want

Live wherever you want

Drive whatever car you want

Live the laptop lifestyle

With WINTER TRAFFIC Getting Buyer Traffic &

Daily Commissions Has Never Been Easier


No Making Videos


No Facebook Ads


In Fact, No Paid Traffic At All




No Email List Needed


No Posting On Social Media


This System Will Simply Set Your

Sales And Conversions ON FIRE

With XMAS TRAFFIC You Get Everything You NeedWith ALL These Traffic Systems & Rotators

  • WINTER TRAFFIC – worth $397
  • XMAS TRAFFIC – worth $397
  • TRIPLE TRAFFIC – worth $397
  • TRAFFIC TIME – worth $397
  • PLACE YOUR LINK – worth $397
  • TOTAL TRAFFIC – worth $397
  • PROMOTE YOUR OFFER – worth $397

It Really Is As Easy As 1…2…3…


Step 1

Purchase – grab a copy of WINTER TRAFFIC TODAY before the price goes up

>>>>Get WINTER TRAFFIC and MY SUPER BONUSES including a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Step 2

Set Up Your System – Just follow the simple instructions to submit the URL of your choice and set up your 6 x TRAFFIC SYSTEMS


Step 3

Sit back and enjoy your free buyer traffic each and every day FOREVER from 6 x DIFFERENT TRAFFIC ROTATORS

With This Never Seen Before WINTER TRAFFIC System,

Results Really Are Just Moments Away!

This System Will Let You Enjoy:

  • FREE Traffic DAILY…
  • Sales While You Sleep…
  • Faster Results…
  • More Money In Your Pocket…
  • Time, Location & Financial Freedom…
  • And You Can Finally Attain That Life You’ve Been Dreaming Of…





>>>>Get WINTER TRAFFIC and MY SUPER BONUSES including a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

With your copy of WINTER TRAFFIC you get access to a BRAND NEW ROTATOR which has a very special new for 2022 traffic source. Nobody knows about this traffic and it is great for all types of offers in ANY niche.



With your copy of XMAS TRAFFIC you get access to a SPECIAL ROTATOR from a new secret traffic source that will get you daily traffic to any URL for the WHOLE of 2022.


Our clever membership site scheme incentivizes people not just to visit your URL but to sign up for your offer as well.



Get a blast of high quality traffic for any niche from our super responsive TRIPLE TRAFFIC rotator.


Our original traffic rotator has already delivered over 50,000 unique hits in the MMO niche.



Why leave all the work up to others? With Total Traffic you can learn how you yourself can get free organic traffic on demand from 15 x different sources whenever you need it.


With our super TRAFFIC TIME rotator from a unique secret traffic source, every day it’s time for FREE DAILY TRAFFIC to any URL.


30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Try it out – what have you got to lose? If you have any technical issues in accessing any of the products inside WINTER TRAFFIC we will give you a refund, provided that you let us know within 30 days of purchase (and give us a chance to try and fix the problem first).

Are You Ready To

Start Seeing Results

Like These Ones That Dawud Achieved:


Say GOODBYE To Working Hard With NO RESULTS

Say HELLO To Easy Buyer Traffic And REPEAT Daily COMMISSIONS





Affiliate marketers

Stay At Home Mums

Ecommerce Store Owners

Local Business Owners

Clickbank Affiliates

CPA Marketers

There Are Plenty Of Systems Out There.

What Makes WINTER TRAFFIC So Special?

There’s No Shortage Of Shiny Objects Out There!

You know, the ones that claim you can push a few buttons and make a leprechaun magic money out of the sky.
Maybe that’s a bit far fetched, but you get my point.
The thing is, most affiliate marketing systems out there is pretty AVERAGE.
And nothing more than a scheme to take more of your hard earned money out of your pocket.

Grab WINTER TRAFFIC Now And Save $184.05

>>>>Get WINTER TRAFFIC and MY SUPER BONUSES including a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Still On The Fence?





Our Original Traffic Product Still Works Great Today

(Value $397)



Transform Your Social Media Results With This Great Release

(Value $397)



Start Maximizing Your Commissions Today With Glynn Kosky’s Great Course

(Value $397)



My First Release With Jono Armstrong Is Perfect For Beginners

(Value $397)



Learn How To Make Money With Low Content Books

(Value $397)

30 Day Money Back Guarantee


Why You MUST

Act Now

The brand new WINTER TRAFFIC ROTATOR is currently empty. Those submitting their links at the start of the launch will benefit from 10 x more traffic than everyone else, as they will get loads of additional hits before people start adding their own URL’s. THE FASTER YOU ACT, THE MORE TRAFFIC YOU WILL GET!
Also, The price will increase when the timer ends, don’t wait and end up paying more
Every minute wasted is another minute when you could have earned a DAILY commission


Quick Recap Of What You’re Getting With  WINTER TRAFFIC:

  • Winter Traffic​- worth $397
  • Xmas Traffic – worth $397
  • Triple Traffic – worth $397
  • Promote Your Offer – worth $397
  • Traffic Time – worth $397
  • Place Your Link – worth $397

Total Value


You’re going to pay not $997

Not $497
Not $197
Not $97
Not even $47

Just A One-Time Discounted Price

>>>>Get WINTER TRAFFIC and MY SUPER BONUSES including a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Right Now You Have Two Choices:


You could waste time thinking about it and MISS OUT on your WINTER TRAFFIC System & Bundle

You could pick up a copy of WINTER TRAFFIC and transform your daily income results FOREVER

>>>>Get WINTER TRAFFIC and MY SUPER BONUSES including a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



It’s ACTION Time


What You’re Getting With Winter TRAFFIC:

  • Winter Traffic – worth $397
  • Xmas Traffic – worth $397
  • Triple Traffic – worth $397
  • Promote Your Offer – worth $397
  • Traffic Time – worth $397
  • Place Your Link – worth $397

Total Value


You’re going to pay not $997

Not $497
Not $197
Not $97
Not even $47

Just A One-Time Discounted Price


>>>>Get WINTER TRAFFIC and MY SUPER BONUSES including a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

We’ll See You On The Inside


Dawud Islam


Paul Talent


 >>>>Get WINTER TRAFFIC and MY SUPER BONUSES including a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a Target affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a SiteGround affiliate.  I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a My LeadGenSecret affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you






ASTONISH – Sick Of All The B.S?.. Here’s The Answer To Your Prayers.

Sick Of All The B.S?.. Here’s The Answer To Your Prayers…

5-Clicks, Activates The NEW 2022 Traffic Source

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Bonus Tools We’ve Used To Turn Traffic Into $8 Million Dollars!

  • The Hottest 2022 Traffic Source In 5 Clicks…
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  • Quit Your Job, Travel & Enjoy Life…
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Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.




>>>>Get ASTONISH and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<< 

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

$9,230 Made

In Just 90 Mins Flat!

(That’s $103.33 Every 60 Seconds…)


(Do The Math $9,230 Divided By 90 Minutes = $103.33 Every 60 Seconds…)

But Do Newbies Get Results With

Our Incredible Apps?

(Ofcourse They Do, Take A Look For Yourself…)






Is As EASY As It Can Literally Get!


Click #1 ( Purchase )

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Click The Buy Button Now To Lock-In The Early-Bird Discount!…


Click #2 ( Login )

Login Into The Dummy-Proof App, It’s As Easy As Visiting CNN, BBC Or Netflix…


Click #3 ( Select )

Select From Hundreds Of Beautiful, Ready-Made Videos In A Single Click…


Click #4 ( Customize )

Enter The Link/Website You Want Free Traffic Sent To…


Click #5 ( Enjoy )

We Enjoy Hundreds Of Visitors & As Much As $103.23 Every 60 Seconds On Average From The Latest, 2022, Free Traffic Source…


Here’s What Freedom & The

Laptop Lifestyle Looks Like!

Date: January 31, 2022…
From: The Desk Of ‘Boy-Next-Door’ Billy Darr…
Location: London Slums, U.K.
To: The Frustrated, Struggling & Confused Beginner…
Re: The HOTTEST New ‘Traffic Source’ For 2022!


Dear “Tearing Your Hair Out” Friend,

We’re a month into 2022…
How are things going so far?
Are you pleased with your progress, or could things be better?

If you’re like a lot of people out there, you’re still struggling…
…and you feel stuck!
If that sounds like you, the good news is…
You’re in the right place!
I’m about to open up & share something with you that I’ve never shared before…

and this could very well put you on track to have the best year of your life.
How do I know?
I know you’ve heard it ALL before, but I used to be just like you…

I know what it feels like to stumble across a page like this and HOPE that it would actually be something that could turn things around for me.
I know that most people talk about my “overnight” online success…


…and I get it…

Someone as young as myself generating 7 figures from my parents’ loft is pretty impressive right…
But before things turned around for me, things were tough..
…I was:


  • Slaving Away At 2 Jobs 7 Days A Week…
  • Wasting Time On Useless Methods…
  • Getting Ripped Off By The Gurus…
  • Tired, Upset & On The Verge Of Suicide…

Plus, to make matters worse, I had an addiction that I couldn’t give up…
I was absolutely addicted to every “shiny object” that hit my inbox…
I kept buying stuff & spending far more than I was making. At that time, I had no idea where I was going and how I was going to turn things around…

In Short: I Was Literally


(In A Living Nightmare…)

At that point in my life, I felt like:


  • A Horrible Son…
  • A Sad Excuse For A Man…
  • A Pathetic Brother…
  • A Failure As A Husband…
  • A Bad Father…
  • A Lousy Human Overall…

All because I couldn’t crack the code to making money online… (despite spending so much time, effort & money)
Which meant I couldn’t:


  • Pay My Own Bills…
  • Help My Family…
  • Provide For My Kids…
  • Put Something Back For A Rainy Day…
  • Make My Dreams A Reality…
  • Give Back To People In Need…

I don’t want this to happen to you…It’s painful to struggle so much, and I don’t want anyone to feel like I felt…
That’s why I want to give you the shortcut to online success & wealth…

How Can A Beginner Unlock Internet


(It’s Been Right Under Your Nose…)

I know it might upset you to let you know this …But you haven’t been that far off…
And the secret to unlocking online wealth has been right under your nose this ENTIRE time…Did you know…
It’s NEVER actually even been hidden from you.Yes, I’m serious.
It’s been available to you this entire time.
And here’s the really sad part… Although many sales pages and gurus claim you will discover this “secret” in:


  • eBooks…
  • Video Programs…
  • So Called “Automated” Apps…
  • Funky ‘SING & BANK’ Software lol…
  • Coaching Programs…

That’s NOT where you’ll find it. But I’ll tell you what it is right here, and right now.
Then, I’ll reveal how our NEW never-released, cutting-edge app lets you harness this secret for yourself…
Not only to get results online fast…
But to turn things around and finally change your life forever…


To Success Online?

(And It’s Really Just This One Thing…)

The ONE KEY to unlock success online is…
To be clear, I’m not talking about old worn out methods you’ve seen before…
You know methods I’m talking about:


  • Traffic Exchanges…
  • Spamming Social Media…
  • Cold Emailing…
  • Paid Advertising…
  • Solo Ads
  • Blogging…
  • Forums…

You’ve probably tried some (or all) of these methods, and we both know these methods don’t work… or they’re just far too expensive…
What I’m talking about is…

Real Humans That Actually


(And Then Buy Over & Over & Over Again…)

The formula for CRUSHING it online has always been the same…
It’s never changed…
It worked in 2021…
…and it’s STILL working right now in 2022…
This will ALWAYS work.
What is it?
Traffic + Something To Sell = A Never Ending Stream Of Sales…
But this isn’t profound…
You already knew this, right?

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

So, Why Do You Keep On


(Keep Reading…)

After speaking to over 700 newbies just like you…
They all said the #1 problem was getting traffic”So although you might understand and agree that:
Traffic + Something To Sell = A Never Ending Stream Of Sales… The problem is that you just can’t find the right traffic source.
In other words… A traffic source that actually works. And that’s EXACTLY what my team and I set out to help you achieve… We wanted to develop a solution that’s:


  • Cutting-Edge…
  • Newbie Friendly..
  • Simple & Easy…
  • Fast, Fun & Profitable…
  • Works in 2022 & Beyond…
  • Results In Never-Ending Traffic…

Traffic that buys… And continues to buy…
For ANY offer you put in front of it.

As you may already know we’ve put out many apps in the past…

and with those apps, many newbies have achieved amazing results that changed their lives…

But It’s 2022 NOW, And We Want 

To ‘Up’ Our Game.

(And Get You Easy Results…)

It’s time to update, upgrade and outdo ourselves to make sure we’re competitive for 2022 and beyond.
But how?
By leveraging the latest technology that has just become available right now in 2022…
The interesting thing is…
This technology is massively underused…
…and the really exciting thing is…
This technology is getting massive engagement and clicks… And it’s literally grabbing the attention of the masses, when used…
Which means when you activate this technology…
…you’ll be able to create a buying frenzy that’s like nothing you’ve ever witnessed in your entire life…
That’s the POWER of REAL free traffic…


>>>>Get ASTONISH and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<< 

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


FREE Traffic Source?

(Even 13 Year Olds Are Banking With…)

It’s a unique twist on something that’s actually been around for a bit… But, it’s been massively underused because only a few people were ‘in the know.’
Now… your time has come.
It’s time for YOU to take advantage of it… …and if you jump on it now, you’ll be able to get there first before everyone else…
This cutting edge technology leverages the power of social media in a unique way…
This lets you tap into the “Live Streaming” feature of 3 of the most visited sites on the planet…
But before you think, “Billy, I don’t want to show my face on camera or create videos…
…I don’t want to live stream…”
Just hold up…
This has nothing to do with YOU showing your face on camera or doing a live stream…So if you’re:


  • Camera Shy…
  • Wanting To Stay Anonymous…
  • Just Plain Lazy…

…this is perfect for you… Why?



Continues More

Folks Than Ever Before Are Online…

(You’ve Probably Seen This Yourself…)

There are still a lot of people at home… and consuming more live streams than ever before…
Of course, this makes sense…


  • People Are Still At Home…
  • ​Avoiding Crowds…
  • ​Distant Learning…
  • ​Online Shopping…
  • ​And Trying To Entertain Themselves…

Live streams were big at the beginning of the pandemic… and they’ve stayed big as COVID continues to disrupt our lives…
Imagine if you were able to get in front of the thousands of people consuming live streams daily…
Think about how powerful it would be if you could put an affiliate link in front of those people…

It would be HUGE


And, just to be clear…
This has nothing to do with you creating your own live streams or ever having to show your face on camera…
That’s the OLD & SLOW WAY of leveraging live streams… But before I tell you how our software lets you leverage live streams…
Let me give you some facts…
Live streams get:


  • Billions Of Viewers Every Year…
  • 800% More Engagement…
  • ​100% More Comments…

And social media sites absolutely love live streams over any other type of content or media…
Which in turn increases the amount of FREE traffic, leads and sales possible…


All Of The TOP Marketers Are

Using Live Streams…

(But In The Old Fashion Way…)

Internet Millionaires are leveraging this technology for a massive windfall of traffic, leads, and sales… Why? Because it obviously works big time…
Sure they’re actually:


  • Going On Camera…
  • Presenting Live…
  • Doing Things The Old, Manual Way…

But our new software lets you bypass all that hard work… This is a huge shortcut…
…and it comes with the ability to ‘live-stream’ PRE-RECORDED videos automatically…
100s of ready-to-go video’s are included for you in our app that you can choose…and they’re available across ANY niche imaginable.
This app also comes with the ability to create your own 1-click video’s in seconds without ever having to be on camera… Simply point, click and that’s it.
You’re good to go.
Of course, this results in FREE (and automatic) Buyer traffic in seconds…

Just Imagine Traffic That Pulls-In

AutoPilot Sales 24/7!

(Even While You Sleep…)

That’s what I’m talking about here…
Would something like this change your life?
Of course it would!


>>>>Get ASTONISH and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<< 

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

You’d Be Able To:

  • Quit Your Job…
  • Earn From Home…
  • Live The Laptop Lifestyle…
  • Actually Get A Good Night’s Sleep…
  • Pay Your Bills In Advance…
  • Save For A Rainy Day…
  • Have Real Freedom In Your Life…
  • Peace Of Mind…

Even Retired Folks & Teens Are

Using This Technology

Go to ANY popular social site which allows “live streams” …And you’ll see kids, retired folks, and every other age group in between…
…using this technology to captivate massive attention… You know like we talked about before…
Traffic + Something To Sell = Sales…
But let’s back up a bit…
What is the formula for traffic?
Humans + Attention = Traffic…
That’s what our app lets you do…
Get in front of hundreds of humans….
…Captivate their attention…
and this lets you drive FREE traffic to anything you like over and over again… and this creates an unstoppable barrage of sales that just won’t stop…
This app allows you to leverage this massive opportunity even if you have a slow computer that barely works… when you have this, there’s NOTHING that will stop you.
Because you’re able to stream to multiple sites and share the LIVE stream to 100 different traffic sources at ONCE…
This means you’ll get more traffic than you’ve dreamed was possible…


Harness The Power Of 3+ Billion FREE

‘Card In Hand’ Buyers!

The 3 traffic sources our new app lets you ‘stream’ to are none other than…
FaceBook, YouTube, and Twitch… And then the app lets you share those 3 ‘streams’ that already have the potential to get massive exposure to another 100+ free traffic channels…
Don’t forget…
This is totally unique and has never been done before…
…especially not the way our app lets you do it… And without question, not for the tiny price we’re charging… Now imagine being able to put whatever you want in front of nearly half the population of the world…
So no matter what you’re trying to sell our app will get you the exposure you need to get life-changing results:


  • Affiliate Offers…
  • eCom Products…
  • High Ticket Products…
  • Services…
  • Software…
  • eBooks & Courses…

And absolutely anything else you want to send traffic too…

Jump To The Front Of The Line With

Our Brand New App!

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(Beat The Freaking Competition…)

Our unique software completely levels the playing field and gives newbies a seat at the table…
You can now use our first-of-its-kind software to get unlimited buyer traffic in 19 seconds…
Without any of the following:


  • No Being On Camera…
  • No Tech Skills…
  • No Creating Videos…
  • No Complicated Funnels…
  • No Prior Experience…
  • No Paid Ads..
  • No Huge Email List…
  • No Building Websites…

Let’s together make this the year where everything CHANGES for the BETTER!

Live The Life Of Your Dreams In

Just 5-Clicks!

(Fun, Enjoyment & A Life Of Pure Freedom…)


Click #1 ( Purchase )

Click The Buy Button Now To Lock-In The Early-Bird Discount!…


Click #2 ( Login )

Login Into The Dummy-Proof App, It’s As Easy As Visiting CNN, BBC Or Netflix…


Click #3 ( Select )

Select From Hundreds Of Beautiful, Ready-Made Videos In A Single Click…


Click #4 ( Customize )

Enter The Link/Website You Want Free Traffic Sent To…


Click #5 ( Enjoy )

We Enjoy Hundreds Of Visitors & As Much As $103.23 Every 60 Seconds On Average From The Latest, 2022, Free Traffic Source…



The Day Right Now!

(And Make 2022 Your Best Year Ever…)

It’s finally time…
Do you see that?
That’s the light at the end of the tunnel.
Beta-testers are already enjoying amazing results with our new app… And now it’s your turn…
To get results & finally change your life…
So that you too can experience:


  • Never Ending Buyer Traffic…
  • A Life Free Of Worry And Stress…
  • Happiness & Enjoyment…
  • Fun & Excitement…
  • Financial Certainty & Security…
  • Real Freedom… (Life Changing)

And with that being said… I’m beyond excited to introduce to you….

Introducing Astonish

“The World’s 1st Multi-Channel ‘LIVE’ Traffic App…”


Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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Here’s Why You Must Grab

Astonish Now!

(This Offer Expires Soon So Hurry Up…)


  • This Is New (Never Revealed) 2022 Traffic App…
  • You’ve NEVER Seen Anything Like This Before…
  • Simple To Use With No Learning Curve…
  • Free Buyer Traffic In A Few Clicks…
  • 3-Figure A Day Tutorials Included…
  • No Tech Skills Or Experience Needed…
  • Stop Wasting Time, Effort & Money…
  • 1 App Solves All Your Traffic & Sales Problems…
  • The Price Is Going Up, If You Delay You’ll Pay Monthly
  • Finally Get Results & Make 2022 Your Year!
  • Act Now To Lock-In The Small 1-Time Price…


You Need Is Included!

The Brand New Astonish App

New, 2022, Beginner Friendly App Gets You Unlimited Free Buyer Traffic In 19 Seconds From The Hottest Traffic Source In As Little As 5-Clicks.


(Worth $97/Month Or $1,164/Year) 

AutoPilot $103.23/Minute System

Astonish Gets You FREE Buyer Traffic But Also Comes With The Exact System Built-In That We Use To Turn That FREE Traffic Into $103.23 Every 60 Seconds… 


(Worth $297)

Over-The-Shoulder Tutorials

Imagine Looking Over The Shoulder Of A Millionaire As He Walks You Through The Simple Steps To Get Free Visitors That Turn Into $103.23/Minute. Well Imagine No Longer Because That Exact Training Is Included With Your Purchase.


(Worth $97)

Ready Fire Profit Guide 

If You Don’t Like Watching Videos, We Have A 60 Second Guide That Shows You The Exact Process We Followed To Get FREE Traffic & $103.23/Minute Flowing In…


(Worth $47)

LIVE Chat Support 

We Know Most Vendors Take Forever To Reply Or Flat Out Not Replying At All. That’s Why Our Promise Is To Be There For You On LIVE Chat 24/7 To Give You The Best Chance Of Succeeding… 


(Worth $297)

5-Clicks To $9,291 In 90 Minutes

We’re Also Including A Real Life Case Study Walking You Through The Exact Steps We Took To Pull In $9,291 Using Astonish… 


(Worth $37)

Clarity Call

We Know Some Still Enjoy The Old Fashion Human To Human Interaction, So You’ll Get A 15 Min Onboarding Call, Where You Can Get Help & Get Results… 


(Worth $297)

The Secret LIVE Training

There Will Be A Live Stream Where We’ll Actually Show You How We Use Astonish To Get FREE Traffic & Sales In Front Of Your Very Eyes & Yes This Will Be Recorded. 


(Worth $497)

Guaranteed Approval + 20% Bump!

What Good Is Traffic If You Can’t Convert It Into Cash? Well That’s Why We’re Including Guaranteed Approval On All Our Products, PLUS An Extra 20% Commission BOOST On The Entire Funnel.


(Worth $997)

Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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Astonish Is Feature-Packed To Get

You Free Traffic TODAY!

(You’re Just 5-Clicks Away…)

Unlimited TrafficFree AutoPilot Buyer Traffic In 19 Seconds…

Cutting-EdgeThe Latest Traffic Software For 2021…1 Simple DashboardSolves All Your Traffic Problems…DFY VideosHundreds Of Ready-To-Profit Videos Included…
Consistent ResultsBecomes The Norm With Astonish… Cloud BasedNothing To Download, Install Or Waste Time With…100+ Traffic SourcesLeverage 100+ Traffic Sources In 1-Click…Just 5-ClicksThen You’re ReadyTo Rock ‘n’ Roll…AutoPilot SalesWe Enjoy Sales EvenWhile We Sleep…


Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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This Is Our Reality Everyday

It’s Astonishing!

(How Would It Feel If It Was Your Account…)


Astonish Is The BEST Free

Traffic Solution For 2022!

(Nothing In The Market Even Comes Close…)

Well here’s a fraction of the reasons why:


  • 13 Months In Development…
  • Battle-Tested To Get You Results…
  • We’ve Spent $22,376 Getting It Built…
  • Approved By Facebook™ & YouTube™…
  • It’s A 1-Time Price, No Monthly Fees…
  • Thorough Video Training Included…
  • First-Of-Its-Kind Traffic Technology…
  • Unlimited Buyer Traffic In 19 Seconds…

And most of all… …It will empower you to…

End The Struggle. Quit Your Job.

And Attain Real Freedom

(It All Awaits You On The Inside…)

  • Finally Get Free Buyer Traffic…
  • That Results In Leads & Sales…
  • Which Results In Freedom…
  • Pay Off Bills, Loans & Debt…
  • Let Astonish Do All The Hard Work For You…
  • Quit Your Job & Work From Home…
  • Live Life At Your Full Potential..
  • Travel The World…
  • Attain Financial Security…
  • Be Free…

Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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Leaving Empty Handed Comes With

The RISK Of Being Stuck Forever!

(Seriously How Would You Fancy That…)

On the other side of the buy button is everything you desire:


  • Success…
  • Admiration…
  • Fulfillment…
  • Traffic, Leads & Sales…
  • Real Results…
  • Freedom…

Or are you going to pass up on the one opportunity that can really help you? Instead will you settle for:


  • Being Stuck?
  • Stress, Anxiety & Depression?
  • Settle For A Crappy Existence?
  • Letting Your Family Down?
  • A Poxy Job & Low Pay?…
  • The Burden Of Regret & Guilt?…

By now… I’m sure you can see the only logical option is to click that button below:
But only do it if you want real results… If you want to settle for a mediocre life then feel free to leave empty handed…

More Beginners Getting Real Results With

Astonish & You Will Too!

(But Act Fast The Clock Is Ticking & Price Is Rising…)


Janice T.

“After buying tons of different software, I’ve finally found one that actually works…
$109.73 made so far”


Dave S.

“This has worked like gangbusters, I’ve made $520.38 already… ”
Thank You…


Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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This Is Your Chance To Unlock The

Laptop Lifestyle!

Why are so many people seeking the laptop lifestyle?
Because once you attain it…
…It means, you can experience:




Exotic Vacations


Luxury Cars


Fancy Homes


Your Pick Of The Women


Cash In The Bank

All those things and more are waiting for you inside…
Just click that button and go live the life you’ve been dreaming of:


Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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How Much Is This Life-Changing

App Going To Cost You?

(MUCH Less Than You Think…)

According to other world-class apps which do a fraction of what Astonish does…
Not only are they expensive… They also include a monthly fee…


Take a look at:


Castr – $480 A Year


Restream – $490 A Year


Dacast – $480 A Year

So you can see they’re in the region of around $500 a year recurring…
If we charged half of what our competitors with less features were charging…
$97 a month would be more than fair…
Astonish, won’t cost you $97 a month…
It won’t even cost you $67 a month…
No, not even $47 a month…
Right now we’re in the ‘special launch period’… Which means we’re totally eliminating the monthly fee..
For a strictly limited time only you can get in at the tiny one-time price listed below…


Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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Take Immediate Action

(Or Pay $97 A Month…)

If you’re smart, you’ll end up saving thousands…
Look right now it’s a tiny one-time investment…
Later on to match what other competitors are charging…
It will be $97 a month…
So you can either get in now at a small 1-time fee or pay $97 a month later… Doesn’t make much sense to wait around… does it?
So what you waiting for?
Hurry up and click the button below to grab this bargain with both hands right now, before the price increases and it slips right through your fingers…


There’s Just One Thing

Left For You Todo…

This is all you have to do to harness the power of UNLIMITED free traffic in just 19 seconds or less…
First off, you need to click on the button below…
You’ll then get taken to the 100% secure WarriorPlus checkout page…
You can either pay with Paypal Or Credit Card…
And then you’ll have instant access to Astonish…
Yes it will be instantly available for you to leverage…
…No waiting around…
No delays…
You’ll get instant access upon purchase…
So you can start getting unlimited free buyer traffic TODAY…
So go ahead…
Click the button below to lock-in your spot now…


Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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Act Now To Get 5 Bonuses Worth $1,985!

(To Be Removed Within Hours, Act Now Or The Boat Sails Off…)


FREE Bonus #1:

Results In 10 Minutes

We’ve Included Exactly What You Need To Start Getting Results In The Next 10 Minutes After You Purchase…

Worth $197


FREE Bonus #2:

Astonish Commercial License!

Sell The Traffic You Get With Astonish, Typically 100 Visitors Sells For As Much As $100, 200 Visitors $200, There’s A Huge Market For It…

Worth $297


FREE Bonus #3:

10 Of Our Previous Apps!

You’ll Also Get 10 Of Our Best Selling App That Retail For A Combined Total Of $297 But You Get Them Absolutely Free…

Worth $297


FREE Bonus #4:

Emergency Cash System

We’ll Show You How We Make Money If We Need To In An Emergency, This Requires Zero List, Zero Website, Zero Audiences. All You Need Is A Laptop & Internet…

Worth $197


FREE Bonus #5:

How We Scale Astonish To 10k/Month

We Show You How We Help Our Students Quickly & Easily Scale To $10,000 A Month With Astonish!

Worth $997


Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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*NEW*: The First 200 Customers Get Invited

To The $374K IN 30 Days LIVE Training!

(This Has Been Kept Under Lock & Key, Until Now…)

We were able to do $374,800.44 in a single 30 day period.
For the first time ever we’re going to reveal how we were able to do it, but we aren’t going to reveal it to everyone.
Only the first 200 people will be invited to the secret LIVE training…
If you’re reading this right now, that means this special fast action bonus is still available, but you gotta act now…

So hurry, as typically our offers get seen by 50,000+ people and that’s on the low side — Only the first 200 will get this bonus, then we’ll remove it from the page!
You’ll get this additional bonus absolutely FREE as our way of saying thank you for being our customer.


Real World Value: $1,997 – Yours Absolutely FREE!

JUST ADDED: The First 150 Buyers Get

Our $100/Day ClickBank Site, FREE!

(This Makes On Average $100 Daily…)

To reward you for purchasing fast and being in the first 150 we’ll give you instant access to our $100 a day ClickBank site…
…This site averages us $3,000 a month…
Which is roughly $100 a day…
So what we’re doing for the 200 people who buy Astonish is giving them our secret ClickBank site absolutely free…
But you must hurry, only the first 150 will get this special gift & then we’ll remove it!


Real World Value: $997 – Yours 100% FREE!

WAIT There’s More!

The First 100, Get Our $68,759.45 In

30 Days, System For FREE!

(The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of…)

If you’re one of the first 100 people to buy Astonish we’ll set up an exact clone… An exact replica of a system that has done over $68,759.45 in sales in 30 days…
You’ll be able to leverage the power of Astonish + this incredible system for explosive growth…
Now to build, setup and create something of this caliber would truly cost you $25,000… But we aren’t going to charge you $25,000 for this…
We aren’t even going to charge $15,000…
…At $10,000 it would be a freaking steal…
But at FREE — you know there’s no option other than to click that button below and buy…
…So if you love value for money…
Jump all over this incredible deal right now:


Thought That Was Good? — READ ON!!!


For The First 50 Buyers Only!

Most beginners hate additional costs, tools and expenses… And although you might not need all of these extra tools right now, these are always great to have for the future…
So we decided to build, from the ground up, a 7-in-1 gift…


  • FREE Gift #1: AstonishMail – Send Unlimited Emails With Built-In SMTP – No Monthly Fees Ever – Worth $2,997 A Year
  • FREE Gift #2:​AstonishSell – Sell Products – No Monthly Fees Ever – Worth $3,600 A Year
  • FREE Gift #3:​ AstonishFunnels – Build Unlimited Funnels – No Monthly Fees Ever – Worth $997 A Year
  • FREE Gift #4:​ AstonishHost – Host Unlimited Websites – No Monthly Fees Ever – Worth $997 A Year
  • FREE Gift #5:​ AstonishCloud – Store Unlimited Files – No Monthly Fees Ever – Worth $997 A Year
  • FREE Gift #6:​ AstonishVideo – Create Unlimited Videos In 1-Click – No Monthly Fees Ever – Worth $997 A Year
  • FREE Gift #7:​ AstonishSend – Send Unlimited SMS – No Monthly Fees Ever – Worth $997 A Year

This bundle would easily set you back in the real world by $7,000……But for the FIRST 50 ONLY we’ll give you all these apps at zero cost!They’re all built into the Astonish portal…
…Yours to keep forever… With no upfront costs and no monthly costs, EVER!
Remember Clickfunnels alone costs $297 a month and that’s just the price of one of the tools if you were to go elsewhere…
…We’re giving you 7 such tools…


Real World Value: $6,979 – Yours Absolutely FREE!

Still Not Convinced?

FINE! Let Me Bribe You!

UNLOCK: The $8 Million Dollar

Magic-Module! 33 Spots!

The magic module is truly a first-of-its-kind… Most vendors would charge you $297 for this as a separate upsell but not us…
Now the Magic Module contains a snapshot of everything we’ve done to generate just shy of $8 million dollars online…
You can think of it as the $8 Million Dollar toolkit…

And for the reason we’re limiting this to the first 33 people only…

…It contains 5 tools or bribes that lets you effortlessly convert traffic into sales…



100+ Proven Offers Guaranteed To Convert!

You Get 100+ Affiliate Products That Not Only Convert But Have Historically Made Us The Most Money, PERIOD!



100+ Done-For-You Promo Pages!

You Get 100+ Done-For-You Pages For The Best Converting Affiliate Offers, Simply Add Your Affiliate Link & You’re Ready To Rock!



10+ Done-For-You Products!

You Get 10 Of The Hottest Ready-Made Products In The Make Money Online Niche Where Buyers Are Typically Foaming At The Mouth With Their Card In Hand, Ready To Cause A Buying Frenzy.



Affiliate Blog Builder

You Also Get Our Blog Builder, So You Can Build Multiple Passive Streams Of Enjoyment. These Typically Bring In Sales For Us For Years. Yours 100% Free!



100+ Of The Best Emails

We’re Already Giving You Our Email Blasting Tool Above Called AstonishMail But You’ll Need Emails To Send, So We’ll Save You Time, Frustration & Hassle With 100+ Of Our Highest Converting Emails.This entire toolkit is easily worth $4,997 but yours 100% free when you jump in today…
Think of it as our legal bribe that practically gives you no option but to join TODAY:


Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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Don’t Let This

Pass You By!

I’m known for aggressively increasing the price of my offers…
One of our apps started off at $17 and it’s now selling for $997 every day…
So the price you see right now is really the lowest it will be ever…
As soon as the timer hits zero the price will honestly go up…
If you want, you can wait and witness it go up…
Or you can do the smart thing…
…Right now it’s less than the price of a meal for 2…
Heck less than the price of a couple of cups of Starbucks coffee & muffins…
So just skip Starbucks for a couple days & instead invest in your future….
Go ahead, get in now before the price goes up…


Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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4 Cents A Day Will Get You


(Inexpensive Right? Grab It Now Quick…)

4 cents a day I hear you ask?
Yes it’s a paltry $17 to get in today…
…If you divide $17 by 365 days…
You come up with the teeny tiny figure of $0.04 cents a day…
That’s what it will cost you to jump in TODAY!
YES! It’s crazy I know…
$0.04 cents a day LOL…
…Hardly worth umming and arring about…
Just click the button below NOW:


Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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The Price Is About To Increase, AGAIN!

I know most pages have fake timers…
So you’re probably thinking the timers on this are the same…
But I’ve had a professional programmer custom code these timers…
As they hit zero the price will honestly go up…
If you want, you can wait and witness it go up…
But why would you want to pay more for something…
If you act now you’d be getting in for the lowest possible price…
So go ahead, get in now before the price goes up…


Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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Like I said above…
…We really do close our offers… And we put up the SOLD OUT sign…
We have a waiting list of thousands of people on some of the other programs…
Do you want to be stuck on a waiting list?
Waiting for months?

Or you can get instant access RIGHT NOW for less than 20 bucks…
You loose nothing by giving this try…

So click the button below now before it’s too late…


Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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LOVE Astonish Or It’s 100% FREE

365-Day Guarantee!

(Get Results Or We’ll Pay You $300…)

We’re so confident that you’ll get results with this software & training that not only are we willing to take all the risk but we’re also happy to put our money where our mouth is.
If you put the software to use and for some strange reason you don’t get results just open a support ticket and not only will we refund you but we’ll also send you a further $300 for wasting your time.
As well as that we’re also giving you the unconditional 365-day money back guarantee.
Yes you read that right 365 freaking days, so if for whatever reason or no reason at all you want your money back just let us know and we’ll send you back every cent.
If you’re not happy we don’t want your money it’s that simple.Oh and you can keep everything too, so what you waiting for?Act now and lock-in your discounted copy right now before the price increases:


Here’s Everything You’re Getting

With Astonish Today!


  • Brand New Astonish Software – Worth $97/Month
  • AutoPilot $103.23/Hour System – Worth $297
  • Over-The-Shoulder Tutorials – Worth $97
  • Ready Fire Profit Guide – Worth $47
  • LIVE Chat Support – Worth $297
  • 5-Clicks To $9,230 In 90 Minutes – Worth $97
  • Clarity Call – Worth $997
  • The LIVE Training – Worth $497
  • FREE Bonus #1: Results In The First 10 Mins – Worth $197
  • FREE Bonus #2: Astonish Commercial Licence – Worth $197
  • FREE Bonus #3: 10 Of Our Previous App – Worth $297
  • FREE Bonus #4: 3 Ways We Bank With Astonish! – Worth $197
  • FREE Bonus #5: How We Scale To 10k/Month – Worth $997
  • Special Gift #1: Invite To The $370K Live Call – First 150 – Worth $1997
  • Special Gift #2: $100 A Day ClickBank Site – First 100 – Worth $997
  • Special Gift #3: $67K In 30 Days System – First 75 – Worth $1997
  • Special Gift #4: 7-In-1 Mega Bundle – First 50 – $6,970
  • 8 Million Dollar Bribe – First 33 – Worth $4,997
  • Gets Results Or Get Paid $300 – Priceless
  • 365-Day Money Back Guarantee…

Total Value Of Everything




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Life is Short How Much Longer

Can You Keep Failing?

The clock is ticking…
…You’ve already wasted so much time failing…
Due to bad products, overwhelm or just procrastination… Can you really afford to waste another year?
Do you really want 2022 to be like 2021?
Jim Rohn said:
“We must all suffer from 1 of 2 pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret”
Discipline in this scenario would be just clicking the buy now button below…
We’ve made it so easy for you…
Or you could live a life of regret, misery and guilt…
So go ahead and do the right thing for once…
Click that button below!
Do it now before it’s too late:


Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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Don’t Let This INSANE

Offer Slip Through Your Fingers!

(Why Pay $97/Month Later? Get It For Peanuts…)

Here’s why you must act now:


  • Finally Attain The Laptop Lifestyle…
  • Get In At The Special 1-Time Price…
  • Crush Your 2022 Goals…
  • The Quicker You Buy The Bigger The Discount…
  • Early Action Takers Get The 365-Day Guarantee…
  • Get Ahead Of Your Competition…
  • Solve Your Traffic Problem Forever…

So get moving, click the ‘add to cart’ button below right before it’s too late… Go ahead do it now…

Grab Astonish Now & Save $80

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See You On The Inside:

P.S. I almost forgot — when you order Astonish today, you get FREE training where I literally spell out how I was able to bank $18,422.54+ NET profit with affiliate offers every month through out 2021. Never before have I revealed this closely guarded information… This is easily worth $997 – and it’s yours for FREE.
P.P.P.S. If you’re like me and skip to the end, then here’s a recap of everything you’re getting — you’re getting the The NEWEST 3-in-1 Live Streaming App For 2022 that leverages the top 3 most visited social sites for unlimited free traffic, access to an additional 100 traffic sites, you also get the step-by-step tutorials, the quick start guide and 5 premium bonuses. When you act during the launch special you also get all the other bonuses and goodies mentioned above…
This is a life-changing deal…
P.P.P.P.S. Remember the price increases every 60 minutes, and we absolutely hate fake timers and fake scarcity. We’ve spent over $1,000+ custom coding this page to ensure the price goes up when the timer counts down to zero. So make sure you order now, before the price increases (Why pay more than you have to)
P.P.P.P.S. We’re so confident that you’re going to absolutely love Astonish that we’re including an unheard of 365-day money back guarantee and if that wasn’t enough if you put the Astonish app to use and don’t get results we’ll personally send you $300.
The risk is 100% on us, you can not lose either way…
Grab Astonish and get unlimited, free buyer traffic or we’ll send you $300 for wasting your time…
You WIN both ways…
You either walk away with the results you want or you walk off with $300 in your pocket, not bad for taking the Astonish app for a test drive right?
So go ahead click the button below to order now and we’ll see you on the inside…


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Still On The Fence?

(Let Us Give You A Virtual Push…)

  • Is There A Money Back Guarantee?

Yes, you are covered by our 365-day money back guarantee. There is absolutely no risk when you act now. The only way you lose is if you don’t grab Astonish at the special 2022 discount…


  • Do I Need Any Tech Skills Or Experience?

No tech skills or previous experience is needed to get BUYER traffic for FREE and make money with Astonish…


  • Is Money-Making Training Included?

Absolutely. When you get this now, you’ll get our step-by-step video training that makes it easy to get free BUYER traffic


  • Are There Any Monthly Fees?

Right now, No! We’ve eliminated the monthly fee for the special introductory launch period. (But hurry because the price will revert back to $97 a month AFTER the launch period ends)


  • Is This Compatible On Both PC, Mac, Android And ios?

Yes, you can use this on any device…


  • How Do I Lock-In My Discount?

Click The Button Below Now…


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SHORTZ – NEW YouTube App Pays For Helping Them Nuke TikTok!

Every time We Hit The “Play” Button


 For Helping Them “Nuke” Tik-Tok!…

 FREE Gift: First 22 Buyers Also Get Our $105/Day “YouTube Shorts” Beta-Testers Case Study (Worth $1,497) – 1 in 4 BETA Testers TRIPLED Their Commissions This Way

  • We Get Paid $17 PER SECOND Of Video In 2022
  • We DO NOT Create  Videos!
  • 12 Beta Testers Made Money With YouTube Loophole…
  • Includes Beta-Testers’ “$100 On Day 1” Case Studies…
  • No Experience Required…
  • Works On ANY Device…
  • Zero Extra Expenses, We’re Profiting With Nothing But Shortz
  • New $105 Billion Loophole For 2022
  • Profit By Helping YouTube Take Down TikTok
  • 365 Day Money Back Guarantee
  • PLUS: Get Results Or Get Paid $200!

Get Shortz At A One Time Price 

  – Pay Just Once And Use Forever  


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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


*NEW* YouTube App Pays Me


For Helping Them Nuke TikTok!

What I just discovered is insane…
It pays me PER SECOND of YouTube video…
And I don’t create ANY videos myself!
The only catch is these videos must be SHORT.
Take a look at the traffic I’m getting in HOURS:That’s right, you’re looking at views I get from super short (<1 minute) videos.
Then I turn these views into $17 YouTube cash for every second of video.
And it’s all possible because YouTube NEEDS to beat TikTok in 2022…
Now here’s the really CRAZY part…



To Profit With Other Peoples’ 5 Second Videos!


STEP 1 – Clone

To Profit With Other Peoples’ 5 Second Videos!


STEP 2 – Cut

Make sure the video is under a minute (the shorter the video, the more we make!)


STEP 3 – Commissions 

Watch as the software generates “YouTube cash” from these micro-videos

The Shorter, The Video

The More CASH YouTube Gives Us

How much will YouTube pay YOU to kick TikTok in the teeth?
It’s very simple – but surprising…
SHORTER videos = MORE YouTube cash:


  • 50 second video = We Profit $25
  • 15 minute video = We Profit $50
  • 5 second video = We Profit $85!

See… we’ve discovered a glaring loophole inside YouTube’s algorithm.
It drives 1000s of FREE DAY 1 views to a specific type of short video. But the videos MUST be short.
In fact, the shorter the video, the more views they get!
Then, we’re using this method to turn those free views into free YouTube cash!
The good news is, we don’t even create these videos.
And the great news is, this loophole is poised to get even bigger in the first few months of 2022, because…
And that means…


 >>>>Get SHORTZ and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


It’s ONLY Possible

Because YouTube MUST STOP Tiktok

We’ve uncovered a MASSIVE loophole inside YouTube…
One that lets ANYONE get HUGE views from TINY videos.
These “micro-videos” get 5,000… even 50,000 views in a FEW HOURS…
And then make us $100 to $500 per video.
The weird part is… this only works if the video is VERY short – ideally under 30 seconds.
Because YouTube is being beaten by TikTok in 2022, so they’re pushing “micro-videos” (or “shorts” as they’re known). That means…
They’re desparate to send us free buyers – and we’re happy to take them!
And that isn’t even the crazy part. See…


  • These videos are tiny (5-50 seconds)
  • Theres no “voice” or “script” (at all)
  • We don’t even make them ourselves! And yet…

This the most profitable method we’ve found:


  • Brand new $100 billion opportunity
  • 11 beta testers made money in 48 hours
  • Make money – by copy-pasting videos
  • 100% free – no paid accounts or ads
  • Promote anything with this traffic
  • In fact, this is so simple that I’m convinced…

This can work for absolutely everyone!
Imagine a method for $1000s in weekly profits…
…that requires ZERO marketing, skills, selling or costs!


This Method Lets Anyone Profit

Without Creating A Single Video…

(Just insert yourself between two giants)

All you need to do is insert yourself between these 2x traffic heavyweights and get paid. And do it without creating a single video yourself!…


Our Secret?

Cutting Up Pre-Made Videos

*And We Do It Automatically With Our Browser-Based App!*

Seriously. There’s no video editing software required. No voices or scripts.
We simply load a pre-made, DFY video, click “cut”. Then add our affiliate link and upload to YouTube.
And don’t worry, these videos are so short, most of them are under 3MB. That’s less than 10% the size of this page!
In other words, you can do this on any device, laptop or phone!
In fact, when we can’t get a 4G signal, we’re still getting traffic like this on our iPhone:YouTube sends us traffic every time.
But all good things must come to an end.
And this loophole might be closed any day.
So, it’s vital you take advantage, right now…
Before they close this “shortcut” down for good…


Get Shortz At A One Time Price 


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In Fact, Less Than 30 Days

We Had Our First Four-Figure Day!

That Google Affiliates Normally Struggle With

And remember, this was all because of the loophole we discovered. We did almost zero work. In fact…


If You Could Make $17 Per Second From YouTube, How Many Videos Would You Profit With?

It’s an important question.
And it will determine how much you make with Shortz.
If you’re the type of person who doesn’t like YouTube, doesn’t watch videos, and can’t think of a single website you want to drive traffic too…
You might only paste 5 videos a week, and make at most a few hundred dollars.
But if you love traffic, love making money, and spend an hour or more per week……the sky is the limit when it comes to the traffic you can get with Shortz.
Best of all, it’s 100X EASIER and 1000X SIMPLER to make money with Shortz since…


 ..with Shortz, you’re Profiting with only the TINIEST videos…

…and the loophole we discovered means this works to promote any website or affiliate program…


Get Shortz At A One Time Price 


 >>>>Get SHORTZ and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Click CUT.. To Get CASH!

Unlock Your Dream life, With YouTube Buyers

OK, My Name Is

Rich And…

I made over $1,000,000 in 2021.
I’m quite proud of my Internet business:


  • I’ve been making money online for 7 years now…
  • I’ve helped 1000’s of people make their first dollar online…
  • I’m an expert in dozens of traffic methods

Because of this, I’m always launching campaigns…
But one day, I made a TERRIBLE mistake.
Instead of uploading a full 6 minute video, my staff member made a mistake and uploaded a six-second snippet.
What happened next stopped me in my tracks…
This tiny 6 second video got over 1,000 views in under an hour!
And it made me over $100 (despite being really nothing but a single slide and my affiliate link under the video).
But, that was only the beginning.  After a few more tries, I found out…

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I’d Discovered A System That Lets Anyone

Make $17 Per Second With Micro YouTube Videos – That They Didn’t Even Create

It took me a few days to throw out some more test videos.
And another few days to really understand what makes YouTube think it’s a video they should “push virally”.
But right away I started to see results:Within 30 days I’d had my first $1,000 day… just by cutting up some of my old videos…
Then, I gave my new system to the developer, and had him build a software.
That way, the few remaining things I had to do were now completely automated.
Now I wouldn’t even need to make the videos – the software would do it for me!
Once we fully automated everything, the results really took off…


These Tiny 6 Second Videos Were The Key To


Without Needing To Create Any Original Content!

So Why Isn’t Everyone Doing This?

It’s a great question.
And there are two simple reasons…
Firstly, not everyone knows that they can make money from YouTube shorts in this way.
Secondly, to work out what the algorithm wants takes A LOT of work (and you still need to create the videos in the first place!)…
And that prevents 99.99% of people from doing this.But, when you use our automated software…
It basically removes ALL the hard work.
And I really do mean ALL the hard work…


This New Method


That Marketers Normally Struggle With

In fact, I had stumbled onto the “holy grail”
Something that not only made money, but actually made me feel like I finally had a real “edge” over all the other marketers in 2022…
In fact, this method…Made $100 per day for 15 minutes workDoesn’t require you to make any videosDoesn’t require any list, website, funnels, writing, paid ads, etcDoesn’t require selling, marketing, SEO, list building… none of it!


We Designed This Game-Changing App So That


And just to be clear, I mean you physically can’t import any media into the app.
All you can do is select the affiliate program you want to promote, and build your video around that.
You CANNOT add any script, voice-over, images or videos.
In fact, the only time you type anything is to add your affiliate link!
When I say “this is an idiot-proof way to profit with YouTube”, I really mean it!


Get Shortz At A One Time Price 

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Shortz Is The Key To

The Dream Lifestyle You Deserve In 2022!

Introducing …


Get Shortz At A One Time Price 


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At Last, Life The Life You Deserve

(No More Struggling To Survive)

Have fun while you profitPay off all your debtsTravel the worldSpoil yourselfRelax yourselfTake control


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 Shortz Lets You Send Traffic To ANY Website Or Affiliate Link



CASE STUDY #5: Just 1 “Micro-Video” Made Us

A NEW Stream Of YouTube Cash – Without Us Leaving Our iPhone Browser!

This Is A BRAND NEW Method That NO-ONE Knows About… It’s Completely UNTAPPED And New For 2022…
And It’s Now Highly Proven – And Ready For You To Try! Just Look At The Results Me And My Students Are Getting, EACH TIME We Start Cutting Up These Tiny Videos. EVERY Time, My Shortz Secret Method Makes Life-Changing Commissions.
And Now That It’s Proven, It’s Time To Go Public With This. So It’s YOUR Time To Copy Me…



Seriously. Einstein Was A Smart Guy. And His Advice For You Would Be To Jump On This In Early 2022.

 …And here’s why. Einstein said:
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
And let me guess…
You spent all of 2021 trying “the usual methods” and getting nowhere.
You may have even tried uploading 5 or 10 minute YouTube videos (that probably took you hours)…
And you got just a few views, even fewer clicks – and no sales.
Isn’t it time you tried something completely new, something completely unique and fresh?
After all…


Do You Want…

Your 2022 To SUCK?

Look, if you’re reading this, you’ve probably already tried “the other” methods.
You know: like Facebook, list-building, creating websites…
And let’s be real: your 2022 is on course to look like 2021.
Imagine ending 2022 in the exact same spot as you are right now. Ugh!




With Shortz, you’re getting a completely NEW method.
Something that almost NO-ONE knows about.
A method that exploits the world’s best traffic source in 2022.
Isn’t it time you tried something NEW for once?
To finally experience the results you deserve?


Sit On Your Phone, Hit Cut And

Make YouTube Cash, With Micro-Vidz

(That Pay You PER SECOND)

This really is nothing like you’ve ever come across.
Instead of spending weeks to make one 30 minute video (that gets no views, let alone sales)…
The software automatically creates these micro-videos, so you only need to do one thing:
Decide where you want to send the sudden YouTube buyer traffic:


  • ClickBank – this works with digital products
  • WarriorPlus – this crushes product launch keywords
  • Amazon – with 250 million products to promote
  • Your own website – start sending buyer traffic today

In fact, the fun part – choosing which offer to promote, and where to send the traffic – is all you need to do.
I know it sounds insane.
And it is… but it’s also 100% real.
And it’s all possible because of the loophole we found, and my software that exploits it


Get Shortz At A One Time Price 


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Now It’s Your Turn To Join Us!

Now that it’s proven, it’s time to go public with this.
So, for a limited time only, I’m opening it up to a few more beta-testers.
So YOU can start making cash with Shortz, right now in 2022, too!
And don’t worry – the profits here are almost endless.
YouTube gets over 3 billion searches a day…
That’s 100,000 per second!
Imagine grabbing a slice of that cash mountain, right from your smartphone!
Let me show you how profitable it is…


But We’re Not Stopping There!

You’ll Also Get These Bonuses

Valued At $9,485 If You Take Action Right Now



*NEW* $900/Day LIVE Training!

Discover how I’m generating 10x the profits with a NEW type of list, a secret technology – and a very WEIRD traffic source


VALUE – $897



$8k ClickBank Commissions Masterclass

Free training on how to use “bots” to profit with ClickBank in 2022 (works with ANY affiliate program)


VALUE – $1,997



20x Methods To Profit In 2022

Learn 20x newbie-friendly methods to profit on this free training call (I’ll show you how each method has made me money already!)


VALUE – $497



Shortz Commercial License

Launch these websites for yourself and your clients, allowing you to profit with this yourself, and then double your profits later!


VALUE – $297



Free Marketing Tool Suite

I discovered this Shortz method by constantly investing in software. As one final bonus, I’ll give you over 10x of my top-selling marketing tools, for free! Very limited though – launch day only!I discovered this Shortz method by constantly investing in software. As one final bonus, I’ll give you over 10x of my top-selling marketing tools, for free! Very limited though – launch day only!


VALUE – $1,997


The First Fast Action Takers Get *FREE* Access To Our Beta-Testers Case Study (Worth $1,497) 

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


(This Is Available NOWHERE Else)

I love for my students to make even more money…

And that’s why we’re going to give you something super special today…
FREE access to our $100/Day “Shortz” Beta-Testers Case Study (Worth $1,497)These specific steps are  allowing members to:


  • See quicker results…
  • Scale To A Higher Income…
  • ​Make More Money…

This bonus is another way of getting you started with this loophole  THIS December

And speaking of this time sensitive offers, we will ONLY be offering this exclusive bonus to the first few members
Click the button below right now to get a copy of Shortz along with this special bonus…

It’s Action Time!

Right Now, You Have Two Choices

(Choose Carefully…)

Option #1

Close this tab and carry on with your life.
Forget about my results, and my new tactic.
Listen, this is an option for you… but NOT a good one.
You could keep on treading water. Keep on going nowhere.
Hoping beyond hope that you will succeed… one day.
But isn’t that day today? Do you really want to back to the “old way” of doing things?
I’m talking about:


  Buying endless systems

  Nothing ever working

  Worrying about money

  Stress and frustration

   Uncertainty and pain

Why go through that mess when you have the chance to use Shortz

Option #2

Get Shortz and start using the software today
When you access Shortz, I’ll hand you an instant access key to the software, the same software that is giving beta-testers $100/days, consistently.
And allowing us to bank $438 EVERY DAY ourselves.
And that’s not to mention that this is SO new and different to other “traffic” or “commission” apps you’ve tried before.
In short, Shortz allows you to:


  Finally attain freedom

  Indulge your hobbies

  Indulge your family

  Indulge yourself

  Pay off your obligations

If there’s a magic money tree, then Shortz is a pack of golden seeds…

It didn’t fail our beta-testers, it didn’t fail us, and it won’t fail you either.
So do yourself AND your future self a favor – click the button and lock in Shortz LIFETIME access, before the price jump in a few minutes

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


So What’s The Catch?

This offer will NOT be available to everyone…
The reality is, if we let everyone apply our cash-for-views tactic, it would reduce our profits – and those of our beta-testers.
We can only allow so many more people to use this in 2022. So once we’ve reached our limit, we will be closing the doors for the rest of the year.
We intend to reopen again, with even more beta tester results and case studies.
For now though, this your one change to join the Shortz revolution!
With That Being Said, If You Want To Make profits…
If you want to use the same system that pays us $438 and more – for uploading micro-videos…
Then don’t wait.  You’ve been warned…
If you want to finally make some decent money online…
Then look no further and get your hands on Shortz…


And There’s ZERO RISK With Our

365-Day No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee


Join Today And Watch My Intro Video. Enjoy The Case Studies And The Welcome Pack
Then Decide On The Product Or Website You Want To Promote. Choose A Template Video. Click Go. Watch As The Software Does Everything Else. Make Your First $100, And Do It All From Home.
But If, For Any Reason Whatsoever, You Aren’t Blown Away By This New Moneymaking Method, Let Me Know For A Full Refund.
You Can Cancel At Any Time And For ANY Reason. It Doesn’t Matter To Me.
That’s How Certain I Am That You’re Going To Love This. So What Are You Waiting For? This Is 100% Risk-Free.
Click The “Get Started” Button Before The Price Jumps – Or We Close This Down Forever.

Here’s Is Everything You Get With



  • Brand New Shortz Software – Worth $1,697
  • YouTube Buyer Traffic For Life – Worth $2,997
  • DFY Video Cutter Software – Worth $497
  • My $100/Day Campaigns Preloaded – Worth $397
  • Students’ $100/Day Campaigns Preloaded – Worth $1,297
  • Case Studies & Test Subject Data – Worth $2,497
  • Everything 100% Done For You – Worth $597
  • Unlimited Lifetime Access – Worth $1,397
  • Step-by-step Training – Worth $197
  • Discover My Exact Method – Priceless
  • 365 Day Money-Back Guarantee – Priceless

Total Value Of Everything You Get Today:




Grab It All Right Now Only:

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Join Now Before Price Increase

Join Now, Use Forever



Special One Time Offer:


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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


‘Shortz Automated ($100 Days)’



Expand the profits you make with Shortz with daily affiliate programs from ClickBank, JVZoo & WarriorPlus (95% Of Customers Get This Addon Make Extra Profits!)
Usually $497, Today Only $4.95


Special One Time Offer:

‘Shortz Automated ($100 Days)’

Expand the profits you make with Shortz with daily affiliate programs from ClickBank, JVZoo & WarriorPlus (95% Of Customers Get This Addon Make Extra Profits!)
Usually $497, Today Only $4.95 


Get This SOON


Get Shortz At A One Time Price 


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Do Not Leave Empty Handed

If you’re thinking of leaving this page, please don’t do that.
Look, haven’t you suffered enough?
Aren’t you tired of running in the “make money hamster wheel”…
Exhausted, never getting anywhere – and never getting the cheese?
I’m sure you’ll agree: today that ends FOREVER.
Don’t you need a change in direction?
Don’t you need something new… something different?
Something that’s simple, and also entirely proven?
Shortz is already making money for our beta-testers.
And it can also help you, but only if you take action in the next few minutes


Get Shortz At A One Time Price  

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


See You On The Inside… 

P.S. – When you get Shortz, You get our $100/Day “Shortz” Beta-Testers Case Study (Worth $1,497)  (Only available to the first 48 buyers)
P.P.S – You don’t need to invest in any extra tools, this includes everything you need.
P.P.P.S – If you wait any longer, you could end up paying 497 monthly for access to Shortz . Act now so you don’t miss out.
P.P.P.P.S – What’s the point in delaying? If you don’t see results, you get your money back, with our 365 day money back guarantee.


Frequently Asked Questions…

Q. What Device Does This Work On?

A. You Can Run The Shortz App On Any Device – Including Your Phones, Tablets, Laptops And Computers! Shortz App Is A Web-Based App That Runs On Your Browser. So, All You Need Is An Internet Connection And You’re Good To Go!

Q. Will I Need Tech Skills Or Experience?

Not At All. We’ve Taken Great Effort To Make Shortz Very Easy To Use. If You Can Get Online, And You’re Able To Open YouTube In Your Browser… You’re Qualified.

Q. Is There A Money Back Guarantee?

A. Yes, You Have A Full 365 Day Money Back Guarantee. There Is Absolutely No Risk When You Join Today. The Only Risk Is You Pay Extra If You Join In A Few Hours Time.

Q. How About Ongoing Costs?

There Are Zero Daily Costs Involved!  With Shortz, You Don’t Need A Website Or Any Paid Ads.  This Is As Close To A PURE Profit Model As It Gets, Because There Are No Ongoing Costs.

Q. How Long Does It Take To See My First Profits?

This Really Depends On How Fast You Activate Everything Inside Of Shortz We Have Several Users Who Profited On The Same Day

Q. I’m Sold. How Do I Lock-In My Discount?

To Get Shortz Before We Pull It Down, Click The Button Below Right Now To Get It At The Lowest Possible Price…

Get Shortz At A One Time Price 

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Traffic Shark – 3-Step FREE TRAFFIC System.


In The Next 60 Seconds

3-Step FREE TRAFFIC System

“Makes Us $279 Per Day…

Works Even If You Have Zero Tech Skills & Zero Experience!




  • Free Buyer Traffic In Less Than 60 Seconds…
  • Tap Into Secret Stash Of 800 Million Buyers…
  • 100% Done-For-You System…
  • Designed & Made For Beginners…
  • Brand New Tech For 2022…
  • Works On All Devices Including Your Phone…
  • Work From Home Starting Today…
  • Quit Your Job, Travel & Enjoy Life…
  • Stop Failing & Finally Breakthrough…
  • $27.11/Per Hour Case Study Included…
  • No Monthly Fees EVER…
  • 180-Day Money-Back Guarantee…

Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

>>>>Get TRAFFIC SHARK and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


After 12-Months Of Development…

We Put Traffic Shark To Phase #1 Test!

(And these were the results…)


On Day #4 – We Had Our Record Day..

$471.38 Before 10am…

(Imagine waking up to these results…)


And Here’s Our Final Results After 30-Days Of Testing:

$18,217.92 In 30 Days!

(Average of $27.11 PER HOUR With 100% FREE TRAFFIC…)


Finally, We Brought In…

12 Newbies To Beta Test Traffic Shark For One Final Test

(Just To Make Sure This 100% Works!)


We Specifically Chose Beta Testers

With ZERO Experience& Zero Tech Skills…

And These Were The Results After 30 Days!


It’s Now Confirmed That Even Beginners

Are Getting Real ResultsWithTraffic Shark…

(Which Means You Too Could Do The Same!)


Taylor Nguyễn

Nothing worked for me until I got Traffic Shark. My first day I generated $183 without selling anything and it only took me about a minute to get things setup. I am SPEECHLESS!! Thanks guys!


Brian Rashford

Most methods are just over my head, but Traffic Shark is finally something that worked! I was able to get it going right away and I made money my first day. Thanks, I’ll be telling my friends!


Kurt Pace

I’ve been using this app for a few days, and I can confirm it WORKS! I review loads of softwares, and this one tops the lot. Free traffic + sales rolled into one. Awesome job guys, let’s keep it rolling!

 You’re Just 2 Steps From

UNLIMITED Wall-To-Wall *FREE Viral Buyer* Traffic




Click The Buy Button Below To Secure Your Copy Of Traffic Shark Now …

(Act Fast Before The Price Increases…)



Flip The Built-In Traffic Switch & Watch Floods Of FREE Traffic Activate Your DFY Magic Profit Link!

That’s it!

Just sit back, relax & watch as the traffic starts pouring in on autopilot…

Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

>>>>Get TRAFFIC SHARK and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Traffic Shark Lets Me Enjoy


(FREEDOM To Do What I Want, When I Want!)


From: Glynn Kosky

7-figure per year marketing expert & traffic specialist

Location: Los Angeles, USA (Five Star Hotel In Beverley Hills)

To: My New Friend…

RE: The Smart Choice For FREE Buyer Traffic 

Dear Hopeful Beginner,

Are you struggling for traffic just like 99% of other online marketers?
Would having access to practically unlimited, VIRAL buyer traffic help you out?
If you answered YES & you want to succeed, then you’ll want to read every word of this message.
It can make all the difference to your results online …
… especially if you’re new or struggling.

But Why Is Traffic The 

#1 BIGGEST Issue For People?

  • Most methods are too complicated or time-consuming
  • Most sources are highly competitive
  • Most gurus don’t use the same traffic methods they teach!

And all too often …
Just when you get some traffic coming in …
… some platform updates itself or a loophole closes and you’ve got to start all over from scratch.
It’s enough to make you wonder …

How Do I Get Off This Hamster Wheel And


You already know it takes more than just traffic to make money …
… and that’s a big problem …
Because 99% of traffic systems only give you HALF of what you need, so:

  • You’re expected to figure out how to monetize
  • You have to get approval for any offers you want to promote
  • You have to determine what kind of links you’re even allowed to use
  • You usually have to build multiple web pages (to build your list, give bonus incentives, etc)

For these reasons, most traffic softwares advertised as “beginner friendly” … AREN’T.

So What Happens When 

Newbies Try & Fail With One Of These ‘Systems’?

  • They usually blame themselves … when it’s the system that let them down
  • They get frustrated & feel they’re the only ones not getting results
  • They often look at even LESS reliable, untested ways to get traffic

If you’ve ever found yourself in any of those situations …
That stops RIGHT NOW.
You deserve better.  You don’t need to work harder.  You don’t need to figure anything out for yourself.
That’s what technology’s for.
And we’re about to show you …
How technology is automating online traffic …AND HOW WE USE IT TO GET PAID …
In a way that’s never been done before.

Breakthrough In Free Buyer Traffic

The BulletProof Traffic App

This new app pulls free VIRAL buyer traffic like an animal!
Because it interacts with visitors using PROVEN buyer psychology.

  • This eliminates the competition you get from other traffic methods
  • It means you NEVER need paid ads
  • And prospects can convert into leads & repeat buyers faster than ever

In fact …
This system is so powerful …
Visitors it connects you with frequently SHARE your message with others … For viral results.
It’s loophole & update-proof …
Because it connects on a personal level to turn people into raving fans & repeat buyers.

WITH 100+


Directly Integrated To The App …

  • You can tap into a growing pool of 800 million active buyers
  • You can DOMINATE new niches by “brute traffic force” alone
  • You’ll never have to hunt for traffic again …

Now as amazing as this is …
We don’t want you struggling to monetize all this hot buyer traffic …
So we’ve automated that too!

Traffic Shark Includes Our Proprietary

Magic Profit Link

Automated DFY Monetization

Welcome to a whole new level of awesome for beginners AND busy marketers.
Because now there’s ONE app …That does both traffic & monetisation …AT THE SAME TIME.
They work perfectly with each other … because they were built FOR each other.
You just point the built-in traffic to the custom magic profit link we give you …
… and the system does the rest.
You don’t have to worry about:

  • Finding offers to promote
  • Getting approved
  • Studying the market to see what’s converting
  • Matching your offers to traffic sources that allow them

No Thinking, Guessing Or Work Needed.

Traffic Shark With Magic Profit Link Is A ONE & DONE Solution …

  • We’re Getting Free Buyer Traffic…
  • Building Huge Emails Lists…
  • We Generate Commissions Daily…
  • Repeat Customers…
  • Plug & Play Simple…
  • With Nothing Technical To Setup Or Anything Confusing To Learn…

This Is How

The Internet Lifestyle

Becomes Reality

I’ve been making great money onlinefor over 7 years …
But the early days were a real grind.
Maybe because I’d come from a traditional job …I thought you had to “work really hard” to get ahead.
So I did EVERYTHING manually which meant:

  • Spending ALL DAY on minor tasks
  • Stress & frustration trying to learn tech skills
  • LOSING MONEY because of human error

It wasn’t until recently that I realized how far technology had come …
This technology has made it possible for my developers and I to create Traffic Shark …

And Now Anyone Can

Automate 100%

Of An Online Business!

  • Set and forget free buyer traffic
  • Built-in monetization & list building
  • You NEVER have to worry about manual Integrations, hard work or human error again!

If you’re sick of working too hard & not getting the results you deserve …
Get ready for a lazy new lifestyle because Traffic Shark does it all!

The Ultimate


Buyer Traffic App

Traffic Shark is a 100% done for you solution.
Because on top of the built-in traffic from over 100 viral sources …
The monetization is automated and ready-to-go straight out of the box.
This means:

  • No pages to build
  • No funnels to setup
  • No bonuses to source
  • No landing pages to optimize
  • No surprises

And refreshingly …

NO list of 12 things to do that’ll take 2 months before you can actually see results

We’ve designed this to be as push-button as technology allows.

Then tested it across the board until it performs like the king of the jungle.
Get ready to devour the competition.

Like A Car Needs Fuel To Run,


(To Start Making Money Online…)

Without traffic, You’ll NEVER make any money…
It doesn’t matter what strategy you are using…
The lack of high quality buyer traffic is the #1 reason why most beginners (and probably you) are still failing…
Regardless of what you’re selling, whether it is:

  • Affiliate Products…
  • CPA Offers…
  • Your Own Products…
  • eCommerce Products…
  • Physical / Digital Products…
  • High Ticket Products / Services…
  • Coaching / Consulting
  • Traditional Offline Business..

If you can’t get traffic (a.k.a getting in front of real buyers), then you’re not going to make money online…

Once You’ve Got Your Traffic Solution In Place…

Everything Else Slots In Place

To Create An Automated Online Solution That Allows You To Enjoy True Abundance In Life…

With Traffic Shark

We Never Have To Worry About 


(Because We’re Writing Our Own Paychecks…)


Can It Really Be

This EASY To Turn Free Traffic Into Profit?

With Traffic Shark it can.
This app with ‘magic profit link’ does things differently than any other traffic system.
Instead of hammering uninterested prospects with unrelated promos
(how many of THOSE do you see every day?) …
Traffic Shark laser targets audiences and entices them to take the exact action we want …
Which translates into more subscribers & commissions …

  • Without hustling 24/7.
  • Without paying for ads.
  • Without having to wait weeks for results.

Sure, with the automation inside some people might call this lazy …
We prefer to call it smart.
But whatever you call it, the system just plain works.

In Fact…

One Of Our Beta Testers, Victoria, Received 253 Visitors To Her Affiliate Link,

Made 12 Sales, And $430.91 In Affiliate Commissions On Her FIRST DAY…


The power of Traffic Shark is absolutely mind-blowing!

Victoria is a total newbie who has NEVER made a single dime online before…

But is now generating a steady income stream daily.

That just shows how powerful this is…

Can you imagine how many people are about to BENEFIT from this brand new smart technology?

Now You Can Tap Into The Same Method Elite Marketers Like Gary V, Tai Lopez & Grant Cardone Use

For LIFESTYLE Results Online


But They’re Doing Things Old SchoolBuying Their Way To Results

  • Paying Content Creators
  • Hiring Traffic Experts
  • Investing In Developers


With Our New Cutting Edge App + Magic Profit Link…

That’s Not Your Problem Anymore

  • Absolutely NO product creation (not now, not ever with Traffic Shark)
  • No frustrating tech headaches … everything works together without any manual integration
  • Ultra fast … with nothing to slow them down, ALL beta testers report same day results with Traffic Shark

Say hello to easy.

This is online marketing the way you’ve been told it COULD be … But until now hasn’t been a reality.
Well technology has just caught up with the dream.
Traffic Shark combines viral buyer traffic & automated monetisation … In ONE app.
The possibilities are endless.

Imagine Getting Game Changing Results

By This Time Tomorrow

From This App’s Revolutionary Free Traffic & MonetisationThat Runs In The Background 24/7/365


This is MORE than just ‘paying the bills’ income.
(but if all you want is an easy side hustle, Traffic Shark is perfect for that too)
THIS is the freedom lifestyle.
Having the time AND resources to:

  • Jump on a plane to go somewhere hot this weekend
  • Take days / weeks / even MONTHS off at a time
  • Slash your ‘work’ day to a few minutes over morning coffee


There’s Never Been A Better Time…

This Works Better Than Anything Else


(To Start Seeing Great Results Online…)

Most people get nervous about competition.
With Traffic Shark, competition is your best friend.
Because 99.9% of marketers are doing traffic & promotions the same way …
And in the last 18 months especially … it really turns prospects off.
So when you connect with traffic DIFFERENTLY than everyone else …
The conversions are off the charts.
People love the fresh ‘non-pushy’ approach the app delivers.

It’s Getting Us:

  • More Free Viral Traffic
  • Faster List Building
  • Ongoing Commissions

Easier than ever before …Because it works like nothing before.
So while competitors are trying so hard to sell they PUSH prospects away …
TrafficShark users PULL in traffic, leads and commissions like a magnet.

Multiple Sources Of Income Built-In &

No Selling Required!

We surveyed thousands of marketers …
From complete beginners all the way up to 6 figure earners..
… on what their 2 biggest challenges are.
Their answers?


Well with Traffic Shark, the app handles the traffic better than anything we’ve ever seen …
And the magic profit link ELIMINATES the need to sell!
Picture making commissions while buildinga list …
And not having to do ANY selling.

With This Revolutionary System


So every new subscriber & commission this generates for you …

Represents a HAPPY customer who’s more likely to keep buying from you over & over again.
And Traffic Shark gives your customers plenty of options to spend … when they’re ready …
With multiple offers and price points that maximize your conversions & results.

So If You Want A Proven

Shortcut To Free Buyer Traffic…

and all the benefits that come with it …
You’re going to love this.
Because it’s more than just different.
It’s more than just proven buyer psychology built-in to the app for you.
It’s a results-built solution backed by years of experience from a consistent 7-figure marketer.
There’s no guesswork or untested theory.

Traffic Shark Is A Shortcut To

Next Level Results

  • 100% free viral buyer traffic from 100+ sources
  • Built-in monetization
  • Optimized to maximize leads, commissions & customers
  • DFY integrations
  • No selling required

With TrafficShark in your corner …
You can dominate any niche you want.

App & magic profit link developed by 7 figure marketing expert Glynn Kosky

When You Combine That With PROFIT Automations That

Synch FREE Buyer Traffic To DFY Offers

You Get An All-Inclusive Platform For Amazing Results

 You’re Just 2 Steps From

UNLIMITED Wall-To-Wall *FREE Viral Buyer* Traffic




Click The Buy Button Below To Secure Your Copy Of Traffic Shark Now …

(Act Fast Before The Price Increases…)

>>>>Get TRAFFIC SHARK and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.




Flip The Built-In Traffic Switch & Watch Floods Of FREE Traffic Activate Your DFY Magic Profit Link!

That’s it!

Just sit back, relax & watch as the traffic starts pouring in on autopilot…

Finally Wave Goodbye To

Zero Commissions!

(And Welcome Your New Life…)

Look, you’ve never been this close to achieving your dreams…
Haven’t you worked hard enough for too long to settle for zero results?
With a virtually infinite supply of targeted buyers, you are destined for success with Traffic Shark…
I know what it feels like to be making money online…
Which means:

  • No Waking Up To Alarm…
  • No Long Commutes…
  • No Rushing For Work…
  • No Minimum Wages
  • No Demanding Boss…
  • No Annoying Clients
  • No Overwhelming Deadlines…
  • No Struggling
  • No Frustration

If you can’t get traffic (a.k.a getting in front of real buyers), then you’re not going to make money online…

Imagine This Being


(This Is What MY Commission Account Looks Like…)


What Would The Freedom Lifestyle



Life On Your Terms?

Early Retirement?

New Hobbies?

No More Boss?

Zero Financial Stress?

More Time With Friends & Family?

Introducing …

The World’s 1st Integrated Traffic & Monetization Solution


Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

>>>>Get TRAFFIC SHARK and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


13 Reasons Why You Must


(Act Fast Before This Offer Expires…)


Here’s Why You Need It Now

  • We’ll Be Closing The Doors At Any Moment To Eliminate The Chance Of Saturation…
  • You’re 1-Click Away From Free BUYER Traffic…
  • Tap Into 800 Million Active Users Worldwide…
  • Mass-Blast Your Affiliate Links To Millons Worldwide…
  • Get REAL Buyers With Cash In Hand, Ready To Buy…
  • No Monthly Fees – Pay Once And Use TrafficShark Forever!
  • Works In Any Niche…
  • No Tech Skills Or Experience Needed…
  • Total Newbies Are Getting Traffic & Sales Literally Overnight…
  • Act Now To Lock-In The $4,127 FREE VIP Bonus Package…
  • The Price Is Rising, If You Wait You’ll Pay More
  • Get Started Risk FREE With 180-Day Money Back Guarantee…
  • Get Results Or Get Free Coaching!

We’re Giving You

The Exact System

>>>>Get TRAFFIC SHARK and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


7-Figure Marketer Built To Grow His Business Every Day

 Fully Automated | Free Buyer Traffic | DFY Monetisation

TrafficShark Delivers 

This system is already making Glynn and beta testers $1000s a day.
It Automates The Results Perfected Over Years Of In-The-Trenches Marketing

  • EASIEST way to get free buyer traffic
  • Custom ‘magic profit link’ for built-in monetisation
  • DFY offers and list building
  • Industry leading support


Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

>>>>Get TRAFFIC SHARK and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


In 60 Seconds Flat!

Traffic Shark Can Drive Traffic To ANY Link, Website Or Funnel, At Anytime, In 1-Click…

No Matter What You’re Trying To Sell, You Will Get Traffic To…

  • Affiliate Products…
  • CPA Offers…
  • Your Own Products…
  • eCommerce Products…
  • Physical / Digital Products…
  • High Ticket Products / Services…
  • Coaching / Consulting
  • Traditional Offline Business..


Whatever Platform Or Network You’re Trying To Dominate:










Your Own Product

Literally Anywhere You Want Traffic Sent To…

Traffic Shark Can Do It!

(Check Out The Results We’re Getting On Autopilot…)


Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price


>>>>Get TRAFFIC SHARK and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Everything You Need For


Is Included



FREE Buyer Traffic

Traffic Shark integrates directly with 100+ hot traffic platforms …
With over 800 MillION active consumers who visit daily.
Thanks to the app, you can now get all the free traffic you’ll ever need.



Magic Profit Link

The magic profit link the system generates is unique to you.
It’s your free ticket to multiple monetisation opportunities, all included inside.
Just paste this link where we show you to:

  • Earn commissions
  • Add subscribers to your list
  • Maximize viral traffic



Pre-Approved Monetized Offers

TrafficShark is an ALL-INCLUSIVE income solution …
It comes pre-loaded with affiliate offers you’re automatically approved for …
So you can be earning straight out of the gate … in as soon as 1 hour from now!



Lead Generation

Easily grow powerful subscriber lists to maximize long term profits …
Without making squeeze pages, buying lead magnets or paying for ads.



Conversion Boosters

The Traffic Shark app & system includes the latest tools to skyrocket your results.
DFY bonuses, bonus pages, buyer incentives & more work 24/7 to convert traffic into leads & commissions.




See why beta testers call Traffic Shark “a lazy marketer’s dream come true”
Professional developers have perfected automations at every level.
Just flip on the app & magic profit link and you’re good to go … no tech skills needed.

Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

>>>>Get TRAFFIC SHARK and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Nothing Else Comes Close

TrafficShark Puts You Miles


It’s Your Time To Get The Lion’s Share Of The Profits

Bundled / Upsell Commissions

It works great for Amazon, so we built it into TrafficShark.
The system automatically shows your buyers related offers to leverage impulse buying …
And maximize your commissions without any extra effort.


High Ticket Offer Included

Enjoy big ticket results WITHOUT your own offer or any of the work!
TrafficShark includes a premium offer optimized by Glynn Kosky himself …
That pays you $497 PER conversion!

DFY Automations

With this system, the selling is automated and done for you.
We use the most updated conversion & psychology triggers so you never have to try to sell a thing to get paid.


Forget Paying For Traffic!

Paid Advertising In Digital Marketing Is Predicted To Reach $398 BILLION In 2021

But According To Solve Media…


You’re More Likely To Survive A Plane Crash Than Click On A Banner Ad

Paid traffic hardly works anymore.
People are more distracted than ever.
To get buyer traffic, you need a different approach that appeals to real customer behaviour.
TrafficShark has been built from the ground up to do it better than anything else on the market today.

Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

>>>>Get TRAFFIC SHARK and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


You’re Getting The Exact System

That’s Helping Beginners See Results Online!


The Same System That’s Turning

100% Free Buyer Traffic

Into Sales & REPEAT Commissions For Us…


What Makes TrafficShark

The BEST All-Inclusive Income $olution Anywhere?

  • Cutting edge buyer traffic technology
  • Proven with real world results
  • 100% DFY monetized offers
  • Custom fully automated magic profit link
  • Built-in lead generation
  • Lightning fast hosting included
  • One time fee … when you hurry!
  • No overhead costs
  • 24/7 US-based support
  • Set & forget automations for a hands-free business

Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

>>>>Get TRAFFIC SHARK and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


You’re About To Tap Into

The HOTTEST Buyer Traffic Online

And you’ll never need to pay for ads again
Let other marketers complain about rising ad costs and shrinking ROI …
‘Cause you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank with free traffic that converts.
TrafficShark connects you with multiple golden sources of buyer traffic …
The unique method works better than the most expensive ads …
Because it motivates visitors to “sell themselves” and multiply your results …
Without special skills, experience or learning curves.

Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

>>>>Get TRAFFIC SHARK and MY SUPER BONUSES with a resellers rights<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


It Gets Even Better

When You Want More All You Do Is



Scaling Your Results

Is Practically Effortless

Each Magic Profit Link you activate will grow your business.
Generating more clicks, leads, commissions …
… and even more free buyer traffic as your customers SHARE your link for viral results.


John Pickford

Traffic Shark sounded too good to be true, but sure enough, I got traffic and sales on my first day! All in all, I’ve made over $477 in just 48 hours. Highly recommend to everyone, new and old!


Jack Collison

Finally! Something that lives up to the claim of being a COMPLETE system. Everything I need to make generate traffic, sales and commissions is actually included inside and I’m already off to the races. In my first week of using the software I generated $273.  Thanks again!


Start Enjoying The Life Of Your Dreams



Location freedom

Financial freedom

Time freedom

New houses

Luxury toys

Dream vacations

Dream retirement

Give your kids a head start

Be your own boss

Top Reasons You Must

Grab Traffic Shark Now

Before The Price Goes Up…

  • Unleash the hottest buyer traffic online
  • Never pay for ads again
  • Crush the competition
  • Proven method from an elite online marketer
  • Built-in monetisation from multiple DFY offers
  • Build your list while earning commissions
  • No websites, pages or funnels to build
  • Brand new 1st-to-market app & system
  • Unlock the laptop lifestyle
  • NO MONTHLY COSTS *when you get in now*

How Much

Is Lousy Traffic Costing You?

This is the most effective & automated traffic solution we’ve ever used.
It’s already replaced FOUR other tools we used to use …
… and is getting us 10X BETTER results.
If you’re not getting enough traffic right now …Or the traffic you are getting isn’t working …
What’s that costing you?

  • Not enough money to pay the bills?
  • Never-ending stress & frustration?
  • HOURS of wasted time on campaigns that don’t deliver?
  • Giving up on your dreams?

Pick Up TrafficShark Now And

Everything Can Change For You

  • Financial security
  • Time & location freedom
  • Happiness & fulfillment
  • Accomplishment

NOW is the time to take advantage of this insanely powerful traffic app.
We’ve automated everything.It’s point & click easy to get started.
Just click the buy button below …
… to join me & our beta testers in the member’s area.
We can’t wait to hear your success stories.

Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

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This DFY Solution Has You Covered

If TrafficShark Doesn’t Have It, You Don’t Need It

With This You No Longer Need:


To pay for traffic

To make videos

To set up or pay for hosting

To create content

To create websites

To spam social media

To learn tech stuff

To build funnels

To pay for monthly tools

Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

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We’re Giving You Everything You Need

To Earn With Traffic Shark

Your System Includes:


Traffic Shark App

You get ongoing access to Traffic Shark, the only software system you’ll ever need.

(Value $47/month or $564/year)

Built-In Buyer Traffic

The app connects to over 800 million buyers across 100 viral platforms. It’s the last traffic app you’ll ever need.

(Value $47/month)


Magic Profit Link + AutomatedDFY Campaigns

Multiple lead building & commission generating campaigns, automated & ready to go.

(Value $997)

Industry LeadingStep-By-Step Training

Be up & running FAST while seeing the best ways to maximize results.

(Value $397)


White Glove Support

Your user experience is our top priority, so we’re giving you access to our white glove support team

(Value $297)

180 Day Money Back Guarantee

Get results or get your money back, up to SIX MONTHS from now.



We’re Not Stopping There!

Secure Your Copy Now And Keep THOUSANDS Worth Of Bonuses



$1,000 DailyCommission System

VALUE – $1,997

You’re invited to the private LIVE online event where we’ll reveal how we make $1,000 PER DAY…



Your 1st Sale In 60 Seconds

VALUE – $997

This new system let us make our first sale in 60 seconds without a list, paid traffic or anything else complicated, it’s all revealed to you inside.



$225 Daily InstantAffiliate Check

VALUE – $497

Activate the same system we use to get multiple commissions daily. Works perfectly with the system you’re buying today.
Again – 100% FOR FREE!



$5,000,000 Online Blueprint

VALUE – $497

We’ll show you step-by-step in the bonus training how we’ve generated more than $5 million dollars online…

Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

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The First 100 Customers Get Access To TheAutomated Super Affiliate Suite

(This Bonus Alone Will Literally Change Your Life Instantly!)


We make THOUSANDS PER HOUR and generate FREE BUYER TRAFFIC with this SECRET automated Super Affiliate Suite!
Only the first 100 people that purchase this app will get instant access to this secret super affiliate suite.
If you’re reading this right now, that means this special fast action bonus is still available, but you MUST ACT RIGHT NOW!
So hurry, as typically our sales pages are seen by 345,000+ people…
Only the first 50 get this special secret profit loophole…
You’ll get this additional bonus absolutely FREE as our way of saying thank you for being our customer.

Real World Value: $3,997

Yours Absolutely FREE!


*BRAND NEW* The First 100 Customers Get Invited

To Our World Famous UNDERGROUND$1,000+ PER DAY LIVE Training! 


To give your business the kick start it truly deserves, I want to do even more for you!
If you’re one of the first 100 to grab Traffic Shark, I’ll send you a special link inviting you to my $1,000 PER DAY Live training.
On this live call, I’ll be revealing a BRAND NEW method that has enabled me to generate 1K in pure profit every single day for the past 6 months.
Typically, this page gets around 474,191 visitors during launch week…
So if you want to be one of the lucky 100…
Take action now!
You’ll get this additional bonus training absolutely FREE as our way of saying thank you for being our customer.

Real World Value: $2,997 – Yours Absolutely FREE!

Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

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How Much?

MUCH less than you’d think.
Integrating over 100 sources of free buyer traffic into a single app …
… took a LOT of resources & development costs.
Customizing a magic profit link that monetizes this traffic FOR YOU with DFY offers & lead generation …
… cost us even more.

Look at everything

You’re Getting With Traffic Shark

  • Automated VIRAL buyer’s traffic (from platforms with over 800 million active consumers)
  • Done for you monetisation including high-ticket commissions …
  • Next generation conversion maximizers AND 100% automation.

For all that, $997 would be a GREAT deal.

But you won’t pay that today.
On this page only, you can get TrafficShark for a fraction of its real world value.
When you act now, you get EVERYTHING for a ridiculously low one-time cost.
But fair warning: this discount won’t last long.

This Is The 1st EVER App

To Combine Free Buyer Traffic, DFY Monetisation & Next Level Conversions In ONE Platform

Without Paid Ads | Without Experience | Without Guessing

Create An Online Business Without Doing Any Selling Yourself!

It’s YOUR Turn To Grab


From Today’s Hottest Traffic& Technology

  • Free *viral* buyer traffic from over 100 top platforms
  • Custom magic profit link for 100% automated monetisation
  • Integrated list building
  • Multiple DFY & high ticket offers included … and you’re pre-approved to promote!
  • Next generation conversion technologies to skyrocket conversions
  • Enterprise level hosting with NO monthly costs
  • Be up & running in as little as 60 seconds!

Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

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Right Now, You Have 2 Choices…


Ignore This Offer

Do nothing.
Leave this page, and continue what you’re already doing.
That’s fine with us.
We’ll still be making money day in, day out with TRAFFIC SHARK regardless of you investing or not.
But if you don’t act, you’ll most likely find yourself continuing to struggle…
Buying useless products.
Why put yourself through that mess?


Get Traffic Shark

You’re getting access to a brand new system that makes your life stress free…
This unique system get you free traffic on complete autopilot…
Not only does it get you traffic, it converts the traffic into commissions and sales…
…via a unique promotional method.
There’s no way you can mess this up!
So what are you waiting for?
You now have the chance to access TRAFFIC SHARK at a discount….
Click the button below to continue….

Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

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100% Risk Free Access

You’re Backed By An Unbreakable

Money Back Guarantee


The Traffic Shark Unconditional

180 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

We’re so positive you’ll do great with this that we don’t want anything holding you back.
So we’re removing all risk from your investment today.
Enjoy full access to TrafficShark on our dime for up to six full months.
Tap into free buyer traffic like never before.  Watch your list grow while the system generates commissions 24/7.
If you have questions at any time, our friendly U.S. based support team is standing by and happy to help.
But in the highly unlikely event you don’t feel TrafficShark lives up to every claim on this page …
You can get a refund anytime up to 180 days from when you purchase.
So invest with confidence knowing you have absolutely nothing to lose …And so much to gain!

The Price Goes Up Every Hour …

Grab Yours Now To Secure Your



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Here’s A List Of Everything

You’re Getting Today With TrafficShark…

  • Brand New TrafficShark app – Worth $47/Month
  • Step-By-Step Video Tutorials + Profit Strategies – Worth $397
  • Magic Profit Link – Worth $197
  • Built-In FREE TRAFFIC – Worth $47/Month
  • DFY PRE-APPROVED campaigns – Worth $997
  • State-Of-The-Art Conversion Technologies – Worth $47/Month
  • $1,000+ PER DAY Live Training – Worth $2,997
  • 24/7 VIP Support – Worth $297
  • $1,000 Daily Commission System – Worth $1,997
  • Your 1st Sale In 60 Seconds – Worth $997
  • $225 Daily Instant Affiliate Check – Worth $497
  • $5,000,000 Online Blueprint – Worth $497
  • Super Affiliate Suite – Worth $3,997
  • 180 Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee – PRICELESS

Combined Real World Value Of Everything



Yours Right Now For Just a one time discount


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Today, Only 1-Time

Yes, Unlock Access To 2 BILLION Additional Buyers

FIRST 25 ONLY: Tap Into 2 Billion Extra Buyers & More Free Buyer Traffic With Our Secret Underground Traffic Source (We’ve Unlocked An Additional $1K In Daily Profits..)



Yes, Unlock Access To 2 BILLION Additional Buyers

FIRST 25 ONLY: Tap Into 2 Billion Extra Buyers & More Free Buyer Traffic With Our Secret Underground Traffic Source (We’ve Unlocked An Additional $1K In Daily Profits..)



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Get Everything Now For This

Low 1-Time Price

Or You Will Pay MUCH More Later

Price Jumps To $197 PER MONTH Soon
Get Rewarded Immediately When You Act Fast:

  • The faster you act the lower the cost
  • Get 1st mover’s advantage with today’s hottest buyer traffic
  • Join the pioneers leveraging our NEW magic profit link & DFY monetisation
  • No monthly fees when you act during launch period
  • Get all bonuses before they’re removed forever
  • Early adopters get the TrafficShark 180-Day Money Back Guarantee

Click Below NOW To Lock-In

Your Discounted Copy Of Traffic Shark!


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Can You Really

Afford To Wait?

Even though there’s very limited time to act, I’m not just talking about that.
No matter if you’re Elon Musk or Madonna, we all only get so much time on this earth.
The sooner you breakthrough, the better ….
Because let’s face it …
You DON’T have all the time in the world!
And with Traffic Shark, you have everything you need to see results.
So take the plunge right now …

Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

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See You On The Inside

Glynn Kosky

P.S. TrafficShark isn’t one of those ‘too good to be true’ softwares built on outdated technology … it’s brand new and importantly PROVEN to work.
P.P.S. You don’t need to invest in any extra tools, this includes everything you need.
P.P.P.S. TrafficShark pays for itself with just a couple commissions (something all beta testers achieved on day 1)
P.P.P.P.S. Your investment is backed by our 180 day, triple your money back guarantee. The only way you can lose is to miss out on this PROVEN system.
With that said, click the button below to get TrafficShark now & change you life for the better!

Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price

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What devices does this work on?

TrafficShark is a web-based software, so it works on every device out there. All you need is an internet connection.

Do I need any tech skills or experience?

Nope! We’ve done everything to make TrafficShark incredibly user-friendly, even for complete beginners. Many of our beta testers had no online marketing experience and are already getting great results.

Are there any monthly costs or fees?

None at all! Premium hosting is included, and the traffic is 100% free. This is a close to a ‘pure profit’ income model as you’ll get.

How long does it take to set up?

Max 30 minutes if you watch the get-started videos first.As little as 60 seconds if you have some previous marketing experience.

How easy is this to scale?

Easier than ANY other system we’ve ever seen!Because there are no funnels, pages or products to make and everything is DFY.
As the system grows your list & free traffic continues to build, TrafficShark scales practically hands-free for you.

Grab Traffic Shark Now At A One Time Price


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I am a My LeadGenSecret affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you




CLICKBANKPROFIT – Easy ‘1-Click & Bank’ Profit System Allows Us To PROFIT.

Easy ‘1-Click & Bank’ Profit System Allows Us To Collect…

…With Seven High Profit Autopilot Income Streams Built Into One Single Cash Funnel That Practically Forces Us To Get Paid!

Plug & Play ‘Biz-In-A-Box’ Solution That’s Completely Done For You!PRO Members Account With 1-CLICK Software & Sales System IncludedSkip All The Hard Work With Absolutely No Install Required!Fill In A Simple Form, Click A Button and You’re In BusinessZERO Hosting, Tech Skills or Experience Needed!

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With this instant business-in-a-box system, you don’t have to do any heavy lifting.

Our exclusive “fill-in-the-blank” software makes it EASY for you by instantly creating your own FULLY BRANDED “ClickBankProfit” system customized with YOUR affiliate link!

There’s absolutely nothing to download or install…

We’ve done all the hard work for you so can get started quickly & easily in JUST 1-CLICK…

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Like I said, it’s easy.

If you can copy and paste, then you can connect your affiliate link to the ClickBankProfit System – it’s that simple and only takes a few seconds…

There’s nothing technical to learn, no hosting or set up required…



Our done-for-you “1-CLICK” sales system eliminates ALL of the work and makes it EASY for anyone to start promoting this high quality offer.

There’s nothing to download and nothing to install! Just enter your affiliate link into a simple form, click ONE button, and you’re system is ready to go!

Your Complete Sales System Includes:

 High-converting funnel with PRO landing page

 Thank you page embedded with YOUR affiliate link

 Professional sales page (like this one) that’s ready to take orders

 Plus a fully-automated email marketing follow up series customized with YOUR links and sent out to all of your referrals automatically.

The entire system is FULLY HOSTED and can be ACTIVATED INSTANTLY with no technical skills needed, simply by using our easy FILL-IN-THE-BLANK software solution!

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Best of all we payout 100% of the profits for every sale that is made!



Our built-in high profit sales funnel features exclusive upgrades & addon modules members can choose to enhance their system…

Once everything is activated, there’s nothing more we need to do to have MULTIPLE commissions from ONE complete system that pays us up to $184 or MORE for every customer we refer!

Plus MONTHLY RECURRING income as well!

There are many opportunities presented from both the funnel directly and from inside the members area.

Just share your special promotional link with as many people as you can and let the system do the rest.



To make things easy for you, we provide a wide variety of ready-made promo tools and marketing materials you can use to generate traffic and get clicks to your system…

Pre-written email swipes, ad copy, social media posts, banners, graphics, and more!

You can instantly insert your link into all of the tools in 1-click, then simply “copy & paste” your customized tools to use in your promotions.



In this easy-to-follow guide, we’re not just going to tell you how to get traffic, we’re going to reveal our TOP methods and BEST advertising sources so you can duplicate our results.

These methods go hand in hand with our ready-made promotional tools and are perfectly suitable for a wide range of advertising budgets, making it easy and affordable to get quality traffic and clicks to your system.

We can tell you from personal experience these methods can be very profitable!

If you can’t afford to pay for traffic yet, there are several free methods that can boost your traffic for zero cost.


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This high quality “ClickBankProfit” Video Training is broken into easy to follow, over-the-shoulder segments with actionable step-by-step information that walks you through how to partner with one of the largest online digital marketplaces to sell products as BOTH an affiliate AND a vendor.

Here’s a quick overview of what you’ll learn:

 How to properly use the “all-in-one” e-commerce solution that gives you access to 1,000s of quality affiliate offers along with a proven platform to launch digital products no matter your experience

Master an array of powerful features to start, scale, or expand your business from the ground up

 How to have all the tools, training and support you need to easily create, launch and manage your digital portfolio altogether in one place at your fingertips

 Connect with affiliates from around the world and form strategic partnerships to grow sales exponentially

 Increase ROI and keep more profits with integrated payments, top-converting order forms, state-of-the-art upsell technology, simple or sophisticated affiliate commissions, revenue sharing, cost per action models and more.

 Ramp up your affiliate program in record time with an industry leading marketplace, customizable commission payouts and all the technical stuff handled for you behind the scenes

And much, MUCH more!



The complete system is conveniently laid out and delivered through a professional members area that makes getting started a breeze!

Once inside you can activate your system, get your promotional tools, watch the training videos, and much more…

All from one simple, easy-to-navigate interface!

Plus you’ll love how the training section is fully-functional with all the videos embedded & hosted for you, so you and your customers can start watching online at your convenience.

As a PRO member you get guaranteed automatic approval in our affiliate program and Priority Support through our help desk, so we’re just a click away if you need us.

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When you join today, you’ll have immediate access to the exact “ClickBankProfit” solution we use to make $300+ per day with SEVEN high-profit autopilot income streams built-in!

You’ll receive an AUTOMATIC PRO MEMBERSHIP account which includes our “Fill-In-The-Blank” 1-CLICK Software & “Biz-In-A-Box” Sales System for NO EXTRA COST!

Once inside, just follow the easy steps to activate your system so you can start sharing this opportunity with others on social media, email, or any other ethical means of promotion… and we’ll do the rest!

There’s no worrying about product development, customer support, web hosting, installing software or needing any technical skills whatsoever, it’s all handled for you.

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

We charge a small one time activation fee to unlock all of your exclusive member benefits.

This fee is instantly paid out 100% to members like yourself (we don’t get ANY of it!)…

… so just ONE SALE covers the cost, and there’s no limit to how many sales can be made!

We’ll provide all the tools you need to be successful and we’re only a click away if you need us.

Click the button below to secure your PRO Membership Pass now…

Then just login and activate your system to get started right away.

There’s absolutely nothing to download or install – it’s all 100% done for you, approval is guaranteed and you can be up & running in seconds.

Everything you need is waiting for you on the inside…

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

One Time Payment

 Done For You ‘Fully Hosted’lution With 1-Click Activation

 Complete ‘Plug & Play’ System That’s Ready To Start Selling

 ‘Fully Automated’ Sales System Customized With YOUR Links

 ‘Built-In’ High Profit Sales Funnel Featuring Our Exclusive Addons

 Ready-Made ‘1-Click’ Promotional Tools, Pre-Written Ads & Graphics

 Our Top Traffic Methods & Ad Sources (Free + Paid Methods)

 High Quality ‘Over-The-Shoulder’ Video Training Series Included

 Full Members Access + Instant Activation of All PRO Features

 Guaranteed Automatic Approval In Our Affiliate Program

 Unlimited Priority Support Through Our Customer Help Desk


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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


What is ClickBankProfit?

ClickBankProfit gives you an instant, biz-in-a-box solution that’s completely done for you. The system requires no installation and can be activated easily in 1-click.


How much do you payout?

We payout 100% commissions on all front end sales + 50% commissions on all other upgrades & rebills, with a commission range up to $184 or MORE per customer.

How does it work?

Enter your AUTO-APPROVED affiliate link into a simple form, click ONE button, and your system is LIVE instantly and ready to go in seconds. Simply share your “special promotional link” with others and let the system do the rest.


How do I get paid?

Your commissions are placed instantly into your WarriorPlus account and can be withdrawn straight to your Paypal or bank account. (If you don’t have a WarriorPlus account already, it only takes a few minutes to create one for free.)

How am I credited for sales?

When you enter your affiliate link it is automatically SAVED and HARDCODED to your system. This enables all of your sales to be tracked and your commissions credited directly to your account.


Are there any additional costs?

There are no additional costs to use this system. While there are optional upgrades to enhance the system, they are not required for you to participate.

Do I need any technical skills?

You do not need any technical skills and absolutely no experience is necessary. There’s nothing to download or install. Everything is handled for you including hosting and customer support.


Do you provide training and support?

The training we provide is geared toward Internet marketing in general and generating traffic to your system. Full instructions are provided and you get priority support through our help desk.


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I am a Target affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

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I am a My LeadGenSecret affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you




Make This The Year You Finally Learn HOW TO MAKE SERIOUS MONEY ONLINE!



  • Learn online marketing FROM SCRATCH​
  • Forget all the rubbish you’ve learned
  • Start doing stuff that actually works
  • No Tech Skills Required
  • Start earning as soon as TODAY
  • Full video training provided
  • And So Much More…



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.




From The Desks Of…

Dawud Islam & Mounzer Achmar


Do you sometimes feel as if you’re not getting the rewards for your online efforts?
Perhaps you have purchased a few training courses, tried out some ‘push button software’ or tried to follow the advice of some training you have watched on Youtube.
But what do you see in return? Probably very little, or maybe even nothing at all, for hours and hours of work. Indeed, the only people who seem to be making money are the people that sold you the courses!
It’s time for a FRESH approach. Not everyone can afford to pay for a high ticket course, and I understand that. But what you can do is learn from someone who has been a student on a high ticket course and who has then put what they have learned into practice.
Mounzer Achmar is a student of not just one, but TWO high ticket courses. He is a member of my own ELITE ACADEMY as well as being a member of Jono Armstrong’s MINISTRY OF FREEDOM. Using the knowledge he has learned from BOTH of these courses, Mounzer is going to show you what he does on a daily basis to finally start to make a serious online income from affiliate marketing.
Those that are big in the online world are not working HARDER than anyone else, they’re simply working SMARTER. There are some simple steps that everyone can take to transform their online fortunes. But to do that you have to go back to basics and study how affiliate marketing actually works, and why selling digital products is very different to most other forms of marketing.
When you have finished the course and watched the over the shoulder case study, you will be in a position to replicate exactly what Mounzer has achieved without the need to pay for a high ticket course.
As usual there is no hype or sales pitch on this page or inside this product, just a simple system explained with over the shoulder videos that are simple to follow and replicate.


Dawud Islam is a TOP 5% affiliate and TOP 10% vendor on WarriorPlus, and is a multiple Deal of The Day winner.



Take A Sneak Peek Inside…




I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


With These METHODS That Actually Work You Can  Achieve Affiliate Sales Like Me…



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


So, What Is…




  • Finally learn how to do affiliate marketing the right way
  • Step by Step easy to follow videos
  • Lots of free additional training and resources
  • No Tech Skills Needed
  • Totally Newbie Friendly
  • Over the shoulder case study included
  • Whatever your level you will benefit from this 




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You Can Take These 5 Fast Action Bonuses




Discount On Academy Membership

Become a member of our own high ticket programme for less than half price



Exclusive Facebook Group

Private FB Group with free additional training each and every week



Total Traffic

Learn the secret to FREE ORGANIC TRAFFIC on demand from 15 different sources



Essential Emails

Everything you need to know to do Email marketing correctly



Teach Start Up

Mounzer’s extra dedicated training area for you



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Buy Without Risk



The Product Comes With A30 Day Money Back Guarantee

This method teaches an effective, sustainable method to build an affiliate marketing business and to earn money while you are doing it. It does require some effort on your part and is not a get-rich-quick scheme. However, if after trying the method you are not happy with the results then you can claim a full money back refund within 30 days of purchase.

Want this Done For You?




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kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you






Click Home Income – The World’s FIRST System That Gives Us 7 Income Streams…


CLICK HOME INCOMEThe World’s FIRST System That Gives Us 7 Income Streams

EXPOSED: New “Secret System” Unlocks 7 Income Streams And

Pays Us $29.00 Over N’ Over

By Completing Simple Online Tasks

(In Just A Few Clicks!)

No Experience Required…  No Big Investments…  No fixed work hours…

Click Play – Now It’s Your Chance:

  • The More Tasks We Complete, The More $29.00 Payments We Get…

  • Literally Takes One-Click, Just Hit “Complete” & You’re Done…

  • Ridiculously Easy, No Experience Required…

  • ZERO Traffic Needed To Profit…

  • Absolutely Straightforward With No Extra Expenses…

  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee…

FREE Gift: First 150 Buyers Also Get Click Home Income VIP “Triple Your Income” Deluxe Edition (Worth $497) – 100% FREE!

Get Click Home Income At A One-Time Price


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Let’s Do Some Simple Math..


7 Income Streams Paying You An Average Of

$29 Each =$203

Just imagine clicking a few clicks and activating 7 fresh streams of income that pays you $29.00 each…

$29 x 7 = $203,

That’s $203 streaming into your bank account in less than 10 minutes…

The more you “click to complete”, the more you’ll make!

Look at this screenshot below:

Yes, what you are seeing are $29.00 payments flowing into my account…

From 7 different sources created within ONE single system…

These come in over, and over again on a daily basis…

(And all we have to do is complete simple tasks that are given to us in 10 minutes with a ‘secret system’)

The Best Part

About This All?

We don’t need any special skills or training

Just Internet access (you’ve got that figured out, right?)

The tasks are given to us  and simply let our proprietary software work for us

…and get paid $29 each time it’s completed!

Yup, it really is that simple…

Picture This Out…

  • If we complete 5 simple tasks we make $145…
  • If we complete 10 simple tasks we make $290…
  • If we complete 20 simple tasks we make $580…
  • And if we complete 50 simple tasks, that makes us a whopping $1,450…

See how quickly that adds up?

Remember, this isn’t rocket science, nor is it hard work…

All we have to do is to let our software complete these tasks for you in 10 minutes…

We’re paid $29.00 on average per income stream.

And we simply multiply that by 7 for completing seven different tasks simultaneously!



(Takes 1-2 Minutes…)


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.




(Technically Click Home Income will complete it for you)



(Get Paid Without Any Effort!)

Love The From The Users

Of Click Home Income

(Ordinary Folks Just Like You…)

Dear Frustrated Friend,

Quick question…

Do you still struggle with making money online this 2022? Are other aspects of your life more important to focus on right now?

But it’s been a long time since you’ve been struggling earning online…

And maybe the answer has never come into view for you

I know you’ve:

  • Seen It All..
  • Heard It All..
  • Tried It All

I know you’re tired of the schemes and B.S that don’t work…

If you’re anything like me, all you want is to make money online using a reliable system

If such a system existed, wouldn’t things change for YOU?

Hi There, It’s Lucy Webber

Location: Boston, USA

Re: How This “Secret Software” Grants Me Access to 7 Income Streams & Pays Me $29.00 Every Time A Task Is Completed

(And How YOU Can Do The Same!)

Before we dive deep into the details, allow me to introduce myself…

My name is Lucy, I live in Boston, Massachusetts and I’m a proud full-time housewife with two beautiful kids.

  • I was not an internet millionaire…
  • I was not computer-savvy…
  • In fact, I was even drowning in loans piling up…

You see, internet millionaires are not born, they’re made

But I went against all odds and I guess I was just lucky…

Imagine someone who couldn’t even be techy enough to get on Facebook…

Earning a comfortable income of $300-500 daily online!

And today’s your lucky day!

Just keep on reading…

You see, things weren’t always so bright for me…

I Have Access to

7 Online Income Streams!

Check out how much people are paying for these simple tasks:

Income Stream #1:

Converting a simple word doc to PDF will get you $5-$20 per task

Income Stream #2:

Writing fresh articles will get you $10-$100++ per task

Income Stream #3:

Designing professional logos – You can charge as much as $20-$100 per task.

Income Stream #4:

Creating eBook covers will get you $40-$75 per tasks

Income Stream #5:

Transcribing speech to text? Easy $5-$100 per task.

Income Stream #6:

Doing voiceovers and reading scripts will get you $15-$100 per tasks.

Income Stream #7:

Ghostwriting contents – you can charge from $20 to a whopping $1000 per tasks

And I can accomplish them all in 10 minutes… ALL at the same time!

What once took a few hours to complete, is now achievable in 10 minutes or less! No need to break a sweat because our software will do it for you!

All Thanks To Our Flagship Technology!

The Best Part?

Every single task can be completed in under 10 minutes SIMULTANEOUSLY…

Adding up to 7 streams of income at one go! All from the comfort of your home… You don’t even need to find these tasks yourself…

We have them prepared and readily available for you to start cashing in fast!

All thanks to Click Home Income!


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I can withdraw money whenever I want, at any time to my bank account. The best part? Technical skills or experience are NOT needed.

It’s not complicated and all the tasks are easily done for you in just a click

And I Wasn’t The Only One Earning!

(Ordinary Folks Just Like You and Me…)

Taksh S.

Retail Sales Assistant

Olivia L.

Stay At Home Mom

They cannot also believe money is actually coming into their account.

and now… you too have the chance to earn 7 Online Income Streams!

Now One Thing

I Cannot stress enough is that you don’t need to complete these tasks on your own…

That’s boring work and no one wants that!

Instead, the software does it all for you.

You don’t even need to find these tasks yourself…

We have them prepared and readily available for you to start cashing in fast!

So you won’t even need any technical knowledge…

Think of yourself as a delivery man instead of a handyman…

No getting your hands dirty or getting involved in the fixes…

You simply help deliver completed tasks online using our software!

That’s what you’re getting paid for…

This is something that anyone can do…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Just follow the three simple steps and you’re all set.

Activating Your 7 Income Streams Is

Literally 1-Click Easy!

(It’s All Push Button Simple…)

It doesn’t get any easier than this…

All you have to do is point your mouse where we show you…

And click… That’s all you need to do!

There is nothing complicated or expensive involved here… Everything

And ZERO Experience Is Required…

That’s because all we have to do is complete tasks in our proprietary software…

And we get paid $29 everytime we do.

So whether you’re a genius or a vegetable, it doesn’t matter…

All we have to do is “hit” complete get paid $27 over & over…

Sound easy enough for you?

And guess what?

You DO NOT Need To

Spend Anything Extra!

There are zero hidden fees…

No extra expenses are required for you to profit…

So that means no paying for:

  • Autoresponders…
  • Hosting…
  • Traffic…
  • Domains…

Or anything else that takes even a penny out of your pocket… It’s not needed with this

Which means more money in YOUR pocket 🙂

(That doesn’t happen often, right?)

Sound easy enough for you?  Then I’m going to give you the chance to join me…

Ready To Live The Laptop Lifestyle

You’ve Been Never This Close…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Travel The World…

Ditch Your 9-5 Job…

Treat Your Family Right…

Live Debt Free…

Enjoy Time Freedom…

Obtain Peace Of Mind…

And That’s Literally It!

There are absolutely zero extra hoops to jump through…

Just simply rinse and repeat 

the process whenever you want more profits…

This is something that anyone can do…

So I promise…

you will NOT have any issues using this 🙂

Ready To Get A Taste Of

Online Success?


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Have you ever made money online?

If you have, you know it’s a priceless thrill that NEVER gets old…

Just picture for a moment, this scenario:

  • You roll out of bed, feeling rested…
  • You put on a pair of comfy slippers…
  • You head to the kitchen and pour yourself a cup of coffee
  • While you enjoy your coffee, you power on your computer…
  • You check your email… And you’re greeted by the sight of dozens of $29.00 payments

Feels good right? If you’re ready to experience it, then this is your chance…


Click Home Income TM


Is Included Inside Of Click Home Income…

Click Home Income

Brand New System

You can operate the Click Home Income and get paid for completing tasks from ANY device of your choice. This can be on Mac, Windows, or even your mobile device…

(Worth $47/Month Or $764/Year)

Click Home Income…

1-Click Monetization

This is how the magic happens… Once we activate the Click Home Income monetization, we’ll be able to create fresh $29.00 payments that recur perpetually even  you sleep….

(Worth $997)

Click Home Income

Detailed Video Training

We’ll show you from A-Z how to quickly get up and running with Click Home Income from scratch… This will definitely help you make the most out of your purchase of Click Home Income…

(Worth $497)

Click Home Income

Free Support

In the unlikely event where you struggle to see any results, or you have any issues, our support team is here around the clock, ready to assist you. Our professionally trained agents will do everything in their power to ensure you make money.



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Click Home Income Works For EVERYONE, Because

It Does All The Work For You!

Feel like you could mess things up?

Think again!

Because virtually all of the hard work is done for you…

That means no dealing with:

  • Hosting…
  • Paid Ads…
  • Autoresponders…
  • Selling…

All you have to do is complete the tasks given to you…

And we get paid $29 each time, oftentimes even more…

No Expenses Required…

You don’t need to pay for anything like hosting, autoresponders, domain names…

Because Click Home Income lets you start profiting out of thin air.

Failproof System

You can’t mess this up… All you have to do is complete simple tasks to get paid… That’s it.

Build For Beginners

Are you new to the world of making money online?

That’s not an issue with Click Home Income.

We give you all the tools you need to succeed from the ground up…

No Computer Needed

You don’t even need a computer to get paid with Click Home Income…

You can use any device, including mobile phones as long as they’re connected to the internet…

Profit Anywhere In The World

Whether you’re in India, USA, Germany, or India, it does NOT matter.

All you need is an internet connection and a copy of Click Home Income…

With Click Home Income, The

Odds Are Finally In YOUR Favor!

Before we went public, we originally charged $297/month for Click Home Income to our high level students.


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

And although that is a bit high, plenty of people paid us…

Why? Because it pays for itself!

But we want to reward action takers…

So the early adopters of Click Home Income will get a massive discount.

Here’s the deal If you act right now, you can get Click Home Income at the early adopter price…

…the same as a cheap t-shirt!

But do be warned…

So How Much Will

Click Home Income Cost Me?


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DO NOT Delay Your Decision

And “Think About It”

Because this discount is ONLY available to the earlybird action takers.

After that, it’s going to sell for $1,997.

Wish you bought Bitcoin before the boom and made millions of dollars?

Or maybe you wish that you bought tech stocks before the pandemic happened?

Listen… We all have painful regrets and I don’t want this to be another one for you.


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


??30 Day Money Back Guarantee✌?

With all the shady scams out there I don’t blame you if you’re hesitant to get started. It’s always healthy to have some skepticism.

So here’s what I’ve decided to do with Click Home Income…

I am going to put all the risk in my court by giving you a 30 day, iron clad money back guarantee.

If you use Click Home Income and experience any issues just let me know. If we can’t make things right my team will happily refund every penny to your payment method.

That’s how confident I am that Click Home Income will work for you… Either way, you win!

So click that link below right now to get a copy of Click Home Income at the lowest price…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Hurry! The Price Is Going Up!

(If You Wait You’ll Pay More…)



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Let’s Revisit Everything 

You’re Getting With Click Home Income…

  • Click Home Income Brand New System – $997 Value
  • Click Home Income Monetization – $597 Value
  • Click Home Income Step-By-Step Training – $497 Value
  • FREE BONUS #1: $1,493 A Day Jumpstart Internet Marketing Kit – $997 Value
  • FREE BONUS #2: $0 to $500 A Day In 30 Days – $497 Value
  • FREE BONUS #3: $486.23/Day Set & Forget Blogging System – $297 Value
  • FREE BONUS #4: 30 Days List Explosion Income – $997 Value
  • FREE BONUS #5: 60 Seconds Funnel Profits Mastery – $1,297 Value
  • Click Home Income White-Glove Support – PRICELESS!

Total Value Of Everything



but you today’s discount!

See You Inside…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Lucy Webber

P.S. – Are you desperately looking for something that REALLY works? Get your hands on Click Home Income and see the difference!​

P.P.S – These simple tasks you complete quickly pay for itself. This is an investment you’ll pat yourself on the back for making…

P.P.P.S – Only 250 people will be able to access Click Home Income for the low price. This will be in high demand and you’ll likely miss out if you come back later.

P.P.P.P.S – Don’t even think about it, take the plunge… Take that mini leap of faith to get yourself started with Click Home Income and unlock 7 income streams starting today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is it based on the cloud?

Yes. You can use the software on any device from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. It’s perfect for location independent entrepreneurs.

Q. Are there any monthly or ongoing costs?

No. During the launch phase you can access Click Home Income for a one-time investment. But act fast, pricing will change after the launch phase.

Q. Is there a money back guarantee?

Yes. You are covered with our 30 day money back guarantee. This is a risk free investment.

Q. Are there any additional fees or expenses?

No. What you see is what you pay. You do not need any additional tools and any upgrades are completely optional.

Q. Is ClicK Home Income beginner friendly?

Yes, it’s 100% beginner friendly.​

No prior experience or skills are required to use the software as everything is done for you.

We do include training for the rare occasion where anyone gets stuck.


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I am a Target affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

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I am a My LeadGenSecret affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you



Kovert is already working for ordinary people!

At Last A System That Really Works…

2-Steps + 5 Minutes Puts $173.33 In Our Pocket Every Day…

No Tech, No Waiting & No Experience Needed…

Now It’s Your Chance To Join Them & Do The Same


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



FREE GIFT: First 100 Customers Also Get Access To ‘Kovert Results In 7 Days’

  • Brand new & unique system: *Nobody else is doing this
  • We get paid over and over for the same Google Doc… even though we just give it away cost free
  • I made $5,140.18 giving away just 1 Google Doc *(phase 1)
  • And another $4,043.00 automatically from *phase 2
  • We get results in 1 – 3 days from scratch  (No list required)
  • This isn’t theory – We’re genuinely doing this ourselves!
  • And YOU can do it too…

*$173 Is The Average Income We Receive When We Give One Google Doc Away. *Kovert Makes Us Money From 2 Built In Automated Systems, *Phase 1 & *Phase 2, Both Of Which Are Activated When The Google Doc Is Given Away For Free. 

Get KOVERT & Use The Google Doc System Today 

Normally $47 – Todays Special Offer: Pay Just one time price




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$173.33 Per Day

From just 1 ‘Weird’ Google Doc…

…And that’s just the start… Look:


That’s $9,183.18 from the same Google Doc…

And all I had to do was give it away for FREE!

Just 2 – 5 minutes a week… That’s it!
I only need to set aside a few minutes each week to keep the system working automatically night and day.
That’s one of the reasons KOVERT users love this system. And it’s why ordinary people are already getting results…
They set it up once, and then it takes just 2 – 5 minutes per week to run. And let’s be honest…
Most People Can Spare 5 Minutes Per Week…
Because it fits in with work, family, and everything else life has in store. And Here’s the Best Bit…
The #1 reason users love KOVERT is because the system really does work from scratch!

All I do is…

Give Them Away…

I give Google Docs away for free (which happens automatically) and  every time I do… the system is triggered, and does everything else for me.
*The process works exactly the same for all KOVERT users because it works completely from scratch.
And I receive multiple payments of:

$12.17 – $112.64

Over and over again…

Totaling an average $173.33

I don’t even have to wait for the results to start hitting my account… Results start coming in within 1-3 days…
Which is another huge reason Kovert users love this system…
And it might well be the reason you’ll quickly come to love it too?



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



So… Before I Tell You More,  Ask Yourself…

Could I Give Something Of Real Value Away… For FREE?

Most People Say YES!… Which is why Kovert works for them.

So, If You Said YES Too & You’d Like To Join Them Today…You Can Get Started In…

Just 3 Steps

1 Weird Google Doc & 3 Steps To Results In 1-3 Days

Step 1.


Click any of the links on this page to grab full access to Kovert at the lowest price…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


You’ll want to act fast because the tiny price you see right now is temporary… It WILL go up.



Step 2.


Watch the step by step training and create a Kovert project.

You only need to set a project up once and then it can be set to run continuously (requires 2 – 5 minutes input per week).

Step 3.


Once the Kovert traffic source is activated. The automated system does the rest.

Results start flooding in, in 1 – 3 days – from scratch… 


It Takes Just 2 – 5 Minutes A Week… Would You Like To

Unlock Your Own Dream Lifestyle?

You Would – BUT…

What If You’re A Beginner, Can Beginners Really Do This Too?


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Well that’s the point… KOVERT isn’t rocket science. The whole system was created, tested, and proven to work specifically for ordinary people who want to, or perhaps need to make money online.
And it works from scratch, which means, there are none of the usual barriers or hurdles in the way. So yes it works for beginners, in fact…


Beginner’s Are Already Getting Results With KOVERT…

And That Means… YOU Could Do The Same!


$477.22 in 7 days.

Verified System User

Name: Anne

Occupation: Teaching Assistant

I can’t thank you enough. First time ever actually making money online rather than continually spending it. So far I’ve made $477.22 which is over the last 7 days.

See messages, feedback & results inside Kovert.


$181.56 in less than 24 hours.

Verified System User

Name: Simon

Occupation: Groundworker

Traffic started yesterday, looks like I am doing good. So far I’ve had 122 visitors, I got 2 sales last night and 4 today so far (total $181.56 in less than 24 hours)

See messages, feedback & results inside Kovert.

Would You Like To See The Same System I Shared With Them? If You Would, You Can…

Get KOVERT Today For The Cost of a Pizza


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Dear ‘Still Getting Nowhere’ Beginner…

Does this sound Sound Familiar?
Maybe you’re just starting out on your online journey?
You decided to try your hand at making money online because…

  • You need extra money quickly.
  • You want a better standard of life.
  • You hate your day job, and the long hours that entails.
  • You want to take it easier, but still want to be able to afford the nicer things.

And you choose the online route because…

  • It looked really easy…
  • It looked like something you could do in your spare time.

BUT… The reality has been very different…

  • Nothing seems to make any sense.
  • Nothing works like they say it will.
  • There’s always something missing.
  • Nobody tells you the full story.
  • Everything is just so complicated.
  • It takes so much time to implement.

…And so far your results have been tiny or non-existent?
Listen, I’ve been there too…

And I 100% Know…

How Difficult It Is…

…to get started.
I’ve been in the very same position you’re in right now.
When I started trying to make money online, I worked an average 36 hours each week as a construction worker.
I knew nothing about making money online… And I didn’t understand tech (I still don’t).
So I know what it’s like to have countless:

  • Sleepless Nights…
  • To sink further into debt each month
  • To barely scrape by on low to average wages…
  • And to have everyone around you, doubt you… or worse still, think you’re stupid!

I’ve been there…
And all I really knew back then was… Somehow I was going to make it work.
I don’t mind telling you that I failed, over and over again when I started… and you might be failing right now too?

 But you CAN: Put a stop to that today… So,

If You’re Failing Right Now…The First Thing You Need To Do Is…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



Stop Doing What You’re Doing…
Because it just isn’t working… Is it?
It’s not really your fault & you’re certainly not alone.
We all make the same mistakes, we all fail to begin with, and nearly all of us come to a point where we start wondering:

  • Is anything ever going to work for me?
  • Is the whole making money online thing just a lie?
  • Am I cut out for this?
  • Should I just give up?

I remember thinking, ‘this isn’t working for me… I should just give up’.
But I didn’t give up, instead I figured something out for myself, and proceeded to make millions of dollars online.
*You can see one of my million dollar accounts below.
I didn’t give up because I was determined to make money online, and if that’s your goal too… then you shouldn’t give up either.
Because making money online isn’t difficult. It might seem that way right now, but that’s only because…


Nobody Is Telling You…

What Really Works


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Kovert obviously isn’t the only way to make money online, far from it… There are countless ways to do it, even for the little guy.
If that weren’t true I’d still be working my guts out on a building site.
There are countless ways to do it, and there are countless courses, systems, software etc, which promise to give you the answer…
But as I’m sure you know; seldom do.
The Real Problem Is…
Most methods, systems and software fail to deliver results because they don’t reveal the whole story, or leave some elements to the user’s own devices or imagination.
And let’s not forget skill level, or lack of.
Without a complete start to finish system which is already proven to work for ordinary people (and not just for the seller), and without a certain level of skill… Most people will fail.
…This is an indisputable fact which KOVERT was created to solve.

So Isn’t It Time You STOPPED Doing What Isn’t Working…

And Did Something That’s Already Working For *People Just Like You

*People Just Like You Refers To Ordinary People Who Want To Make Money Online, But Lack Skill Or Experience.

If you’re…

Sick of making $0.00

Let me show you how, and why the Kovert system is already helping ordinary people… ‘some of whom have never made a cent online before’ get results online in days.
Like Anne…


So you can…

  • Stop buying product after product.
  • Stop wasting time and money.
  • Stop dreaming
  • And change your situation for the better.

Because, when you know what works…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


You Can Keep Doing It Over And Over Again… Like I do.

And That’s The One Thing That’s Enabled Me To Swap My 36 Hour A Week Construction Job For…

 Life-Changing Income!


From the desk of:

Mark Bishop

Former Construction Worker

Location: Bristol, UK
Re: $173.33 per day giving away 1 weird google doc…


Is Closer Than You Think!

And Failure, well that’s just a bump on the road to success…
Unless you give up – then those little fails become total failure!
Why listen to me?

  • Well… I could tell you that I’ve taught 1000’s & 1000’s of ordinary people how to make money online.
  • I could tell you that I’ve coached one or two of the big names in the internet market industry to their first six figures.
  • And I could keep telling you about all the success I’ve had, and all the money I’ve made…

Because all of that is 100% true.
But honestly… who gives a sh*t about what I’ve done. This page is about you… not me.

  • You’re the one who needs a break
  • You’re the one who needs to start getting results online… correct?

So don’t listen to me because I’m successful…
Listen to an ordinary bloke that never forgot how hard it can be to find a method that just plain & simple works. 
Listen to a former construction worker with no tech ability, who still remembers the urgency for results… and the panic & despair when those results fail to materialise.
Let me ask you…

Do You Need Results Fast?

I Did… & I Didn’t Want To Wait

Weeks . Months . Years

For Results… Because: I Needed Extra Money To:


Provide For My Family

Clear Debts

Cover My Mortgage & Bills

Cover Car Payments

Now If I’m Honest…

My Construction Job Was Enough To Cover The Basics You See Above.

What I Really Wanted Was…

To Never Have To Worry AboutMoney Again.


To Live In a Bigger, Nicer HouseIn a Better Area.


And Yes… I Wanted The Fancy Cars


And I Wanted The Flash Holidays

The truth is I wanted freedom, financial security, and a little bit of excess, & I didn’t want to work 36 hours a week…
We all have our own reasons for wanting to make money online, and yours may be different to mine. But the one thing we probably share in common is the fact that neither you nor I want to wait for the money to start rolling in. I didn’t want to wait for results then… And I don’t like waiting for results now…
Which is why I stopped doing what everyone else was doing, and developed my own set of perfect online systems which is how I now make 1000’s of dollars every week from nothing more than my laptop, and an internet connection.
And Kovert is by far, one of the easiest, fastest and most consistent systems I’ve ever developed… Because:

It’s Simple & It Works From Scratch…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


I Simply Give 1 Weird Google Doc Away & I Make Upto

$173.33 Per Day

…Who doesn’t like EASY?

We All Like Easy, ButMost People Will Tell You That…

Making Money Online

Is Difficult…

That’s not true… Making money online is as difficult, or as EASY as you want to make it…
Even though…Most people still make it difficult…

  • They make it difficult because they keep buying the same products…
  • They continue doing what everyone else is doing, even when it clearly doesn’t work.
  • They follow the wrong advice… or systems based on nothing more than theory.

And like I said before… It’s not really not their fault, and if you’re doing the same then it’s not really your fault either.
You’re just doing what everyone else is doing, and you’re doing what everyone says you need to do.
I did exactly the same… but it was a mistake then, and it’s a mistake now…
So if you’re making it difficult for yourself right now……then You Need to… STOP because it’s…


I quote: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result”

So… if what you’re doing right now isn’t working, Why would you continue doing the same thing?
Think about it…
You’ve probably already tried all those so called simple, can’t fail methods everyone tells you about… like:


  • Social media
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Product Creation
  • CPA
  • Video Marketing
  • eCommerce

You name it… the list is a mile long, and I’ve tried it all, maybe you have too.
But you’re here on this page… so I’m guessing nothing has worked, has it?

It’s OK to Fail… I Failed Too, Yet Today

I Make $1000s Each Week


Which For Me Means…

I Never Have to Worry About Money Again.


I Don’t Have a Boss. I Work For Myself.


My Family Wants For Nothing.


I Live In The Big House, In The Better Area.


I Didn’t Get 1 Fancy Car… I Got 2.


My Last Tropical Holiday Included a Butler (Really).

So don’t beat yourself up over all those little failures.

Like I hinted at before, it’s all part of the process. It’s how you learn ‘What NOT to do’…

It’s a Lesson… Not a failure

I consider my failures as lessons… And if you really want to make money online…& keep making it, then I suggest you do the same.

You Want To Make Money Online.


Even Complete Technophobe Construction Workers Like Me…

It’s actually pretty easy when you know the Rules

#1. You need to Keep It Simple

Keeping everything simple is Rule #1…
Very few people will tell you this, because if everyone knew the first rule, then they wouldn’t buy system after system, and product after product.
Remember… Making money online can be as difficult, or as easy as you want to make it, and…

Personally I Prefer


And I’m Guessing Most Of You Reading This Page Right Now… Feel The Same?


Rule #2

You need something to sell, or a way in which you profit, ideally as a result of little to no ongoing effort


Rule #3

And you need an audience (Traffic) who are already predisposed to buy whatever it is you’re selling

So… You need to keep it simple. 

You need to sell or profit from something that doesn’t involve ongoing work. And you need to use an audience (traffic), preferably instant, who already want to buy what you’re selling.
Those are the rules I base everything I do on today, including KOVERT…Because when those 3 elements are combined it’s almost impossible to fail…

But Even Then, Many People Still Get Stuck When It Comes To…


Yes… you could have the right product, and the right audience… But most of my students still found selling hard work.
But giving stuff away for FREE… Well that’s easy… Most people can give stuff away for free without any issue, my students found it easy… and quite frankly, so do I. Which Is why I created KOVERT.
So now…all I have to do is…
Give the same Google Doc away for FREEI give the same Google Doc away over and over again, and I make around:

$173.33 Per Day

Made up of multiple payments of:

$12.17 – $112.64

The process I use is the same for all KOVERT users… They set the system up once, and then it works on a *semi automated basis day and night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

* Semi automated: Requires 2 – 5 minutes a week to ensure the system continues to generate results.

And that’s it, that’s how…

We Get Paid

Without Selling

That’s how Anne made $477.22 in 7 days.…She gave away the same google doc for FREE.
Then the system took over and did all the selling for her. So she’s not selling, I’m not selling, and you don’t have to either.
The system does the selling… and we bank the payments.
Remember… Keeping it simple is: Rule #1And I believe that making $173.33 per day, or in Anne’s case $477.22 in 7 days as a result of giving just one Google Doc away for free… is as simple as it gets.

For me KOVERT is the easiest, fastest and most consistent way of making money online I’ve ever created.

  • I use it… and I get results

But more importantly…

  • Ordinary people with no experience… use it and get results!

Even people who have never made a cent online before like Anne.But…

  • What do you think?
  • Could you do that?
  • Could You give a Google Doc away for FREE?

You Can?… That’s great, so let’s get you started…

Let Me Show You How To Use This Google Doc Trick For Yourself.

Get KOVERT Today For Less Than 20 bucks


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



Imagine Making…


From just 1 Google Doc… AMAZING, right?

Especially when you consider I made this money from scratch, without using any of my existing email lists, contacts, or assets.
Even more amazing is the fact that all I had to do was give that 1 doc away (automatically)… as I’m sure most of you would agree.
But why stop at 1 Google Doc?
If one doc makes me an average $173.33 per day, why not use more?
Q. Can you use additional Google Docs and give those away too?
A. Yes you can…
I actually have 12 different Google docs… which if you do the math… gives me the potential to make up to:

$2,079.96 Per Day

But hey… that’s me, and I’ve been doing this for well over 6 months… so of course I’m going to be able to rake in bigger numbers.
But that’s not a true reflection of what an ordinary person, who’s never used, or even heard of this system before could expect to achieve is it?
But this is, because…


Deric’s Already Made…


In 11 days… from scratch using just 2 Google docs.
Deric picked up the system for the first time *12 days ago having never seen or heard about it before.
He set up 2 projects the same day and activated both the next. 

2 Google Docs & 11 days later Deric’s already made $1638.97…

*12 days ago at the time of writing.


That’s… $148.99 a day from scratch

Which works out at $74.50 per Google Doc, per day…

So based on the same numbers, if Deric used:

  • 3 Google Docs – He could make $223.50 Per day
  • 4 Google Docs – He could make $298 Per day
  • 5 Google Docs – He could make $372.50 Per day
  • 10 Google Docs – He could make $745 Per day

There are no limitations as to how many Google docs Kovert users can use, or how many times each one can be given away.
Do the math… How many Google docs will it take you to…

Stop Worrying About Money And…

Live Life On Your Terms?

Remember… It Doesn’t Have To Be Difficult! 

Making Money Online Isn’t Difficult

It’s easy for me, and it’s now much easier for lots of ordinary people… 

Earnings shown in image belong to Mark Bishop


…Because All They Have To DoIs Set The System Up And…

Give Away

The Google Docs…

We get results every week doing this because giving is so much easier than selling, wouldn’t you agree?
And at just 2 – 5 minutes work each week even the busiest, or in some cases… The laziest people are still able to do it, and still get results.
So If you could spare a couple of hours this week, and then 2-5 minutes per week thereafter then you’re already qualified to start using KOVERT today…
Could you do that?Could you spare 2 – 5 Minutes per week?
Most people say YES, which is why many of them are already getting results (some for the very first time).What about you?
Would you like me to show you the same simple system that’s already working for lots of ordinary people who might be a lot like you?
Yes? Here’s how to join them……so you can start using Kovert today for yourself…

To Get Started Today Just Click The Button Below. Clicking Now Will Get You Instant Access To…

KOVERT For Less Than The Cost of a Pizza 

You’d Normally Pay $47 – But If You Buy Now You’ll Pay Just $17.

No, that isn’t a misprint either… If you order now I’ll give you the same complete ‘step by step system’ that’s already making ordinary people with no prior experience 




I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



Tempting Isn’t It, And All ForSuch A Ridiculously Low Price Too…

But Wait…

What About Traffic?

I’ve told you all over this page that all I do is give Google Docs away.
That’s all I have to do to activate the system, and it’s the same process for all other KOVERT users.
We give the Google docs away, the system activates, it then works automatically and it does all of the selling for us.
When we do this we receive multiple payments in varying amounts of between… $12.17 and $112.64
Which makes me an average… $173.33 Per Day
Great… but who do I give these Google docs away to?
Good question…If you’ve ever purchased a product or system before that promised to show you how to make money online… then I’m sure you already know that when it comes to ‘Where do I get the traffic?’ things start to get a bit vague.
And that isn’t great if you’re just starting out…

Which is why I spent 6 months testing the best, and easiest… 

Instant Buyer Traffic

With KOVERT To Ensure I Always Get Results.


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


It’s the same for all KOVERT users… Everyone is now able to use the same almost instant ‘Filtered’ traffic source I use… So everyone now has the potential to get the same results as I do.
It works because 30-40% of all our visitors have already purchased products in line with what myself, and other KOVERT users *sell.
It works even better because as I’ve already explained… we don’t sell, we just give the Google Docs away and the system does the selling for us.

It’s simply a case of doing what I do… there’s no skill to it!
There’s no end of traffic, there’s enough for everyone, so there is never an issue with saturation…
It’s massive, there’s new buyers added everyday, it’s almost instant (1-3 days), and it works regardless of who you are.
So where most courses, systems and software…Might have told you to:

*Automated system does the selling


  • Post a mountain of links to multiple social media channels…
  • Make YouTube video after video and link in the description.
  • Write a couple of hundred blog posts.
  • Or spam this, and spam that.

I won’t, I won’t tell you to do any of that stuff because I know you’re like me, and the other Kovert users… You want results in days, not weeks or months…
Am I right?
So… when you access Kovert today I’ll take you straight to the source all of us are using day in, day out…
That way, nobody needs to figure anything out for themselves, nobody needs to wait around for results either, and there’s no fluff or faff.
Just do the same as we do, and… BOOM!
Which is why I’m happy to say; KOVERT…

…Works From Scratch In Days


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Not just for me, but for the ordinary people…who are already using the system & getting results.

They’re already getting results without:


Email Lists


Making Videos


Social Media










Tech Skills



Which I believe… Makes It…

Difficult To Fail

Most students agree, when all the barriers are removed making money online becomes so much easier…
Which is perfect because nobody likes failing

And now: There is no reason to fail… because:

  • You don’t have to sell – the automated system does the selling for you.
  • You don’t have to figure out the traffic – All KOVERT users have access to the same source of instant ‘Filtered’ buyer traffic.
  • Nobody has to wait for results – Most Kovert users see results in 1-3 days (even if they are stone cold newbies).
  • And you won’t need experience, an email list, a video channel, social media or any of that stuff.

Which most people agree means they can start immediately. And right now…

Your First KOVERT Project Is… 

Just 3 Steps Away

Step 1.


Click any of the buttons on this page to grab full access to Kovert at the lowest price…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


You’ll want to act fast because the tiny price you see right now is temporary… It WILL go up.



Step 2.


Watch the step by step training and create a Kovert project.

You only need to set a project up once and then it can be set to run continuously (requires 2 – 5 minutes input per week).

Step 3.


Once the Kovert traffic source is activated. The automated system does the rest.

Results start flooding in, in 1 – 3 days – from scratch… 


Are You Ready?

Isn’t it time you stopped doing what isn’t working… 

And did something that’s already working for people like Zofia?


That extra $647.97 in 7 days has already given Zofia a completely new outlook. She no longer has to stare at $0.00 each day because she knows how to make money from simply giving a Google Doc away for FREE
Anne’s certainly not rich yet, but she’s already made $477.22 in just 7 days where previously all she had ever done was spend money (not make money).
The point here is; When people know what works, they know how and why it works, they know it’s a simple process that requires just minutes to run, and they have the full step by step blueprint in front of them… Well then those people tend to use it and create better, wealthier lives for themselves and their families.
So if everything you’ve tried so far has resulted in failure.Just imagine for a second, what it would be like to finally succeed…

Picture This Scenario For a Moment:

Instead of Waking up & Seeing $0.00 Every MorningYou Wake to Payments after Payments Like This:


Even better: Imagine if this money was made while you were sleeping, and you knew you could do it again and again…
That’s the dream I had when I started. It’s the same dream nearly everyone who wants to make money online has, and perhaps it’s your dream too?
I made my dream come true, and I do wake up to payments like this every day. But most people don’t, and never will… For most people this scenario, or dream will remain nothing more than a dream…

But it doesn’t have to be like this… because your dream is closer than you think.

Right now you have a choice:

You need to ask yourself: ‘Can I spare a couple of hours this week to set up a system which is already making ordinary people money, even though they have no experience, no skills, and in many cases have never made a cent online before?’

Could you do that? *You only need to set the system up once
…And can you spare $17?I know that’s a stupid question, because I’m offering you a complete system for the cost of a Pizza, but I still have to ask.

So If You Said YES…

Then It’s Time You Got Started, And You Can…


For The Cost of a Takeaway Meal For 1


But You WILL Need To Be Quick…


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



15 Really Obvious Reasons

Why you must get access to KOVERT Immediately!

  • The first and perhaps the most obvious reason is – If you get KOVERT right now you’ll pay next to nothing.
  • You get full access to ‘A Real System’ from start to finish, which took me 6 months to create, test, tweak and perfect.
  • You’ll be using the same system that’s already making ordinary people money.
  • You only need to set the system up once, after that the whole thing takes just 2 – 5 minutes a week to run.
  • You don’t have to worry about selling – You just give away the Google docs and let the system sell for you.
  • You won’t have to figure the traffic out for yourself – All Kovert users can use the same instant buyer traffic I use.
  • You’ll have full access to all of the step by step video training (created by me & not outsourced).
  • You don’t need to create videos, mess around with social media… or spend days trying to figure out software.
  • You won’t need an email list or any existing assets.
  • And you won’t need any experience.
  • You also get a full 30 days to try KOVERT yourself totally risk free

Plus if you purchase KOVERT Now, you’ll also get:

 KOVERT Quick Start.Value: $47 – Included free when you buy now

 System Task Sheet – So you know what to do in the correct order.Value: $37 – Included free when you buy now

 30 Day Results… From scratch with tracking codes.  Value: $17 – Included free when you buy now

 See It In Action – I’ll show you my own setup.Value: $37 – Included free when you buy now

And that’s just the start.
Yes KOVERT is cheap when you buy it right now but the price is not a reflection of quality.
As I mentioned above it took me 6 months to create this, and get it to a point where it just works for me. And because you’re here right now, and you’ve shown an interest in making money online… you get everything today for the price of a pizza.


From Giving Away Just 1 Google Doc

Can you think of an easier way of making money online?


I couldn’t think of an easier way to get daily results online without effort, and I’m sure Simon and many others would agree…
You see… Kovert isn’t about me, or what I can make… It’s about the ordinary people who already use the system and get results. Results many of them have been trying unsuccessfully to achieve for months and months, or in some cases years.
Sure… Simon’s $181.56 is nowhere near the 9k I’ve made from just 1 Google doc, but then he’s only just started… and he’s already made $181.56 in under a day.
Simon now has a system that he can use every week which is going to take him less than 5 minutes a week to run, and so could you.

If He Keeps That Up, He Could Make…

An Extra $1,270.92 A Week

He’s able to make extra money:

  • While he’s working
  • While he’s watching TV
  • While he’s spending time with his family
  • While he’s sleeping

Because he now has a system that he can use every week which is going to take him less than 5 minutes a week to run.

  • He doesn’t need to be sitting in front of his computer hour after hour.
  • He doesn’t have to give up his job (unless he wants to).
  • He probably doesn’t have too many sleepless nights anymore.
  • He can spend as much time with his family as he wants…
  • And he still gets results

Simon now has a solution… he now knows how to make money online quickly & easily, as does Anne, Deric, Zofia, and all the other ordinary people who use this system.
So what about you?
Will you be in the same enviable position this time next week?
Only you can answer that question, all I can do is give you the same complete step by step blueprint I gave them…

You Can Start Now…

Access To The Full KOVERT System Is Just 1 Click Away

But Remember: This Is A Special Offer Specifically For Those Who Take Action Right Now…If You Leave This Page & Decide To Purchase At A Later Date… Be Prepared To Pay Full Price.



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


And Don’t Forget

You’ll Also Get These Special Additions

Valued At $138.00 If You Take Action Right Now

That’s Real Value & Not Some Ridiculously Inflated Value.


Special Addition #1:

KOVERT Quick Start.

Full System Flow

This addition all by itself is worth at least three times the total cost you’ll pay today which you’ll instantly see for yourself the first time you log into KOVERT.
Quick Start is the perfect starting point for all KOVERT users as it breaks down the complete method into an easy to understand system flow.
Each part of the system is broken down into super easy to digest portions which new and current users have already found to be invaluable.
REAL VALUE – $47 – Included free when you buy now


Special Addition #2:

System Task Sheet

So You Know What To Do In The Correct Order.

For me the easiest and quickest way to get things done is by ticking off tasks on a ‘To Do’ list which is essentially what the System Task Sheet is.
While I know that many of you won’t need a ‘to-do’ list I want to ensure that all users have everything they need so they can use the KOVERT system quickly and easily.
So all you have to do is follow the training and tick the boxes to get your first project up and running.
REAL VALUE – $37 – Included free when you buy now


Special Addition #3:

$5,184.88 Case Study

From Scratch With Tracking Codes.

I don’t need to tell you that there are hundreds of products out there which turn out to be based on nothing more than theory… I’m sure some of you have purchased a few.
So why not start off with a little inspiration and see what can be achieved in days from scratch.
This $5,184.88 case study is applicable to all users because it uses the exact system you’ll have access to, and does not use any existing lists or assets.
REAL VALUE – $17 – Included free when you buy now


Special Addition #4:

See It In Action 

I’ll Show You My Own Setup.

Just like the case study I created this addition so you’re in no doubt that I genuinely do practice what I teach.
If you’d like to see my own set up, this addition means you can. Just log-in and scroll to the ‘See it in Action’ tab and I’ll share one of my most lucrative projects with you.
REAL VALUE – $37 – Included free when you buy now

PLUS: Kovert Results In 7 Days

Including How We Make An Extra $348.50 Per Google Doc

The First 100 Action Takers Today Will Get FREE AccessTo My Exclusive 1 Hour KOVERT Additional Training.

You want results, and you want them fast… correct?Of course you do, that much is obvious… But what might not seem as obvious is the fact that I want you to get results fast too…
I have a couple of very good reasons for wanting you to succeed.
The first is simple… your success reflects well on me and my business… It makes me look good.
But the big reason, and the one I know most of you will instantly understand is this:
In this training I’ll show you a simple little tweak used by a select group of system users which has the power to make them an extra $348.50 from the same Google Doc… (no additional effort).
…And when they get paid $348.50, so do I.
So you see, it’s in my interest to show Kovert users this, and do everything I can to help them succeed… because when they make money, I make money too.


Now you could say that this is self-serving… and to a certain extent you’re right. But can you think of a better reason for me to help you?
It’s a Win-Win but you’ll need to be quick as this will only be available to the first 100 customers today…



I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


That’s It… Now You Just Need To Make a Decision

And There Are Just 2 Choices

Option #1

  • You could leave this page and continue doing what you’re doing right now, even though it isn’t working, and hope for a different outcome.
  • You could continue buying product after product in the hope that you’ll find something that makes money magically appear.
  • You could buy a lottery ticket every week, and pin your hopes and dreams on a big win.

But wouldn’t it make more sense to try a system that’s already working for others who might be just like you…
…All for the price of a Pizza?

Option #2

You get instant access to the complete Kovert system right now for the change in your pocket.
You get everything I’ve mentioned on this page including the special additions (if you’re quick).
You can start using the same system that works from scratch, and is already making ordinary people (Including complete beginners) money in day’s… Today!
You can stop trying to sell, and just give one Google Doc away for Free.
And you can fit this system in around any other commitments you might have because once set up it’ll take you less than 5 minutes each week to run.
It’s your choice…

But if you are interested…


I’ve mentioned it several times but I’ll explain it once more… The price you pay now is a very special offer…
At just $17 it’s dirt cheap right now, but as you can imagine this price is temporary…
You’ll see why the moment you log in for the first time.
You can have it all today in an instant. You’re just 1 click away… you get everything I’ve mentioned on this page, and you get it all for just $17… But only when you buy NOW.
Of course… it’s ok to think before you jump into anything. You absolutely should think about it…
But do your thinking now, and don’t close this page, because if you leave now, and come back later you may have to pay more & you could lose out on the special additions, including the results in 7 days, 1 hour training.
So if you haven’t already made a decision these questions should help you decide… 

…First Of All:

Do You Really Need KOVERT?

Is This System Right For You?

Does any of the following apply to you?

  • You’ve purchased countless products that promised a lot, turned out to be nothing but theory, and you made nothing.
  • You’re too busy working for a living to spend hour after hour trying to make money online…
  • You have a lot of other commitments which makes it difficult to get anything off the ground and close to impossible to make money.
  • You’re sick of long winded methods, and you’re tired of waiting for results.
  • You hate tech, Social media, Video marketing and all that other stuff which pretty much sucks if you’re not really good at it.
  • You can’t figure out how to get the targeted traffic everyone tells you you need, but never tell you how to get.
  • You don’t like selling, but you still want to make money.
  • You’re sick of friends, and family thinking you’re stupid for even trying to make money online.

If you can relate to any of the points I’ve just mentioned above, then I firmly believe KOVERT will be a perfect fit for you.
What have you got to lose… 17 bucks? Well NO… I won’t even ask you to risk that pocket change it’ll cost you for full access today.
This system 100% works, I’ve spent 6 months proving it and now ordinary people are getting results in days using it, but I won’t expect you to risk $17, instead I’ll happily state for the record that ‘if you use it’ – *I Guarantee You WILL Get Results!

*See guarantee below


Buy & Try KOVERT – 100% Risk Free Today

With My Real World GUARANTEE



Mark Bishop

Your Kovert Guarantee is simple: I guarantee that the Kovert members area will show you the complete system step by step, and explain how to implement the method I use for yourself.
I further guarantee that KOVERT will produce results for the user once the system is set up as instructed, and implemented.
In the unlikely event that KOVERT does not produce results for the user once set up, and having followed the instructions, I will process a full refund on the users (your) request (of the full purchase price) within the guarantee period of 30 days from the date of purchase without question, on receipt of: proof of implementation. By purchasing KOVERT you agree to these guarantee terms.

So you see, I’m even guaranteeing the $17 it’ll cost you to get full access to KOVERT Today… So there really is absolutely NO RISK!

The only way you lose out is by not trying!

Take a Look at Everything You Get Instant Access To

When You Get KOVERT Today:


  • Full access to the KOVERT members area.
  • The Complete KOVERT System – from start to finish (never seen, or done before)
  • Step by step training videos – Detailing the whole process
  • Full setup explained
  • The instant targeted traffic we’re all using.
  • FREE: Special Bonus #1: – KOVERT Quick Start
  • FREE: Special Bonus #2: – System Task Sheet
  • FREE: Special Bonus #3: – $5,184.88 Case Study
  • FREE: Special Bonus #3: – See It In Action – I’ll show you my own setup.
  • PLUS: Kovert Results In 7 Days – 1 Hour Additional Kovert Training.
  • Lastly… I Guarantee you get results

Total ‘REAL’ Value of



Our Normal Price Is:


Today, You Pay Just one low price

What you see is what you pay.

This is a 1 time payment, there are NO monthly or recurring costs.



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Please note: This is a special offer specifically for those who take action right now…If you leave this page & decide to purchase at a later date… be prepared to pay full price.


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


Uh-oh Looks Like

Something Went Wrong

Because… You’re Still Here?

I could go on… but I won’t… Here’s why:
I could tell you again and again that Kovert is already working for ordinary people who had never made a cent online before.
I could load this page up with a lot’s more proof…
I could go on, and on, but I’m guessing you’ve pretty much made up your mind at this point, due to the fact that you’re still on this page…
Am I correct?
Sure, I understand that many of you reading this page might very well have been suckered into buying products which simply sell dreams, and if that includes you – don’t worry…
KOVERT isn’t anything like those products… It’s the complete opposite, the flip side.
Kovert is about reality and actually achieving something, rather than being some pie-in-the-sky, theory based nonsense.
KOVERT users get a solid system which not only works for the guy selling it (Me)… but also works for the ordinary people who have bought it and use it.

And… You Genuinely Can…

Start From Scratch!


I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


KOVERT isn’t one of those GURU, techy things which is only suitable for twenty-somethings who grew-up with the internet, and understand tech like a first language.
This is a simple, proven system created for ordinary people who just want a reliable, fast and simple way of making money online without ongoing effort.
And… What could be easier than just giving 1 Google Doc away?
So… If you don’t think you’ll be able to give 1 Google Doc away for free using the very traffic we’re all using…
And I haven’t made my case crystal clear, and shown you why KOVERT is one of the best, easiest, and quickest ways of starting from scratch while still getting results within days (even for complete beginners) then I probably never will.
So, You can either… Close this page right now, and buy yet another product which promises to make money magically appear.
Or you can invest the tiny full access cost now and get access to something that’s already working for people who may well be a lot like you…
Your choice. It really is entirely up to you… But if you are interested, don’t hang around, because KOVERT will not be priced at $17 for long.
…You’ll instantly see why the moment you log-in for the first time.
So, would you like to see exactly how much I’ve Over-Delivered and Under Priced Kovert by?

Then Simply Click The Button Below And…





I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



See You Inside

Mark Bishop

P.S. – When you get KOVERT now you’ll only pay a fraction of the normal cost.
P.P.S – I’ll also add the quick start, task sheet (to-do list), $5,184.88 case study, a look at my own set up and the ‘Results In 7 Days – 1 Hour Additional Kovert Training’ to your members area, so it’s instantly available.
P.P.P.S – As I mentioned previously… I’m also guaranteeing Kovert works and generates results.
Everyone deserves a chance to better themselves, and achieve what they want & need in life… I understand that better than most being a non academic, and having worked in the construction industry for most of my working life as a result. Which is why I’m inviting you to be part of this today, even though many existing users would rather I didn’t… The decision you make now could have a massive impact on your life, or it could mean more of the same. It’s up to you, but please consider what you’re being offered here carefully.

Do You Have Questions?

I’ve Probably Answered Them Below… Take A Look:


Q. Is this Real or yet another Theory Based Idea?

A. I can categorically state that this system is not only 100% real, but used by myself and others due to its straightforward approach, simplicity and due to the fact that it works from scratch in days.

Q. What about the Traffic?

A. A system without traffic is NOT a workable system. Inside KOVERT I’ll show you where we get our buyer traffic (all Kovert users use this traffic), I’ll show you the results, and I’ll explain how to start sending the traffic into your own KOVERT system so you can give your Google Doc away to hundreds, even thousands of people instantly (usually 1-3 days).

Q. Is this another Loophole?

A. Absolutely not… loopholes and quick fixes come and go on a daily, weekly and monthly basis, and when they get closed down (which they do) you will have wasted time, and probably money. KOVERT is a real ‘Ethical’ and Evergreen business model… Those who implement this system and get results in 7 days will be able to use the same process 5 years from now. I.e. Once a person knows how to do this, they will always be able to use it.

Q. Is this Really that Easy?

A. Yes! KOVERT is designed specifically to be ‘Low-Tech’, easy to understand and apply. I developed KOVERT over a 6 month period for myself in order to make money online from scratch (I.e. by not using existing email lists or existing assets) and without ongoing effort. Note: you will need to set the system up initially (approx: 2 hours) but you only need to set it up once, after that it’ll take you 2-5 minutes per week to keep it producing results.

Q. Do You Guarantee I will make money with KOVERT?

A. I guarantee that if the user follows the instructions inside the KOVERT members area and implements the system as instructed then they will get results. I cannot legally, and will not guarantee figures, income, commission specific or otherwise because it is illegal for me to do so. If you are in any doubt, and cannot afford $17 (which is never at risk if you do as instructed) then this isn’t for you.

Q. What if I don’t have any experience?

A. Experience is not a requirement… As I’ve mentioned several times on this page KOVERT is a system designed specifically to work 100% from scratch. And when something works from scratch without any existing assets, then everyone has an equal chance of achieving the same results when they implement the exact same system.

Q. Will I need to do any work?

A. Many people don’t look at their online endeavours as being business models, but the reality is; anything you do online in order to profit is a business model, I.e. An online business is a business no matter how big or small, and KOVERT is no different. Anyone who wants to achieve results with KOVERT will need to follow the instructions, set up the system and implement it as instructed. So yes there is a little work (around 2 hours initially) which only needs to be done once, followed by 2-5 minutes a week after that to keep the system working and generating ongoing results.

Q. How fast will I get results?

A. Based on existing users… If a user sets up and Implements the KOVERT system today then they usually start seeing results within 7 days. The results and the time it takes to achieve those results is not dependent on previous experience or on any existing assets the user may or may not already have, but on implementing the system as instructed, I.e. the quicker the user implements the system, the quicker they can expect to see results.

Q. I want Kovert but…

A. Everyone has their own reasons for doing or not doing something, and in this case buying or not buying… the cost, the work involved, lack of skill, lack of tech ability, you name it. And if you’ve read this page all the way through you’ll see that I’ve gone completely overboard with Kovert to remove every barrier which I know from experience holds beginners back… Take another look – there really are NO barriers, and you risk nothing!

Q. How do I get the full discount?

A. If you want the full discount as shown on this page along with the additional bonuses added to your account instantly then you will need to purchase NOW.


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Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
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The Profit Accelerator

Professionally Formatted & Editable Report

9 Pages – PDF & DOCX (Editable) Versions Available


Preview Content


Wow E-Cover Graphics

PNG & PSD (Editable) Versions Available


Report #2:

Digital Cash Empire

Professionally Formatted & Editable Report

14 Pages – PDF & DOCX (Editable) Versions Available


Preview Content


Wow E-Cover Graphics

PNG & PSD (Editable) Versions Available


Report #3:

Creating The Perfect Video

Professionally Formatted & Editable Report

13 Pages – PDF & DOCX (Editable) Versions Available


Preview Content


Wow E-Cover Graphics

PNG & PSD (Editable) Versions Available


Report #4:

On-Page Ranking Factors

Professionally Formatted & Editable Report

11 Pages – PDF & DOCX (Editable) Versions Available


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PNG & PSD (Editable) Versions Available


Report #5:

Blog Traffic Formula

Professionally Formatted & Editable Report

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PNG & PSD (Editable) Versions Available


Report #6:

Sourcing For PLR

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11 Pages – PDF & DOCX (Editable) Versions Available


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Report #7:

Fast Content Creation

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Report #8:

Freelancing Profits

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Understanding Keyword Research

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Report #10:

The Social Marketer

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This Special Discount Will End SOON

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There Is No Limit To The Final Price!

OK – You already know that’s an opportunity you should not miss.

So, before we you proceed with your purchase, let’s just do a quick recap of everything:

 You get 10 DFY internet marketing reports for the price of 1.

 The discount price is time sensitive and will keep going up non-stop.

 You’ll receive everything mentioned above to help you kickstart (or grow) your content publishing business.

 You have full rights to rebrand and personalize the content as you wish for your own marketing campaigns.

 You can download everything minutes after your order.

The timer and order button are automatically generated by Warriorplus. There’s no trick attached to this offer.

You’ll receive exactly what we listed above.

So go ahead. Secure this rare opportunity now.

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Private Label Rights Terms and Conditions:


 Can edit, rename, rebrand & sell the PDF report

 Can bundle the PDF report with other paid or free products

 Can offer the PDF report as a bonus for paid products

 Can turn the report into audio/webinar/video products

 Can give away the report for free in exchange of lead

 Can be used as content for YOUR own website

 Can be added to free/paid membership sites (PDF report only)

 Can be offered through auction sites (PDF report only)

 Can be offered as a bonus for an affiliate promotion (PDF report only)

 Can alter any of the graphics



 Can NOT sell/give away the editable files (html, psd, docx, txt)

 Can NOT sell/give away resell rights

 Can NOT sell/give away master resell rights

 Can NOT sell/give away private resell rights

Refund Policy:

All sales are considered final. There’s no refund to this PLR package. You’ll receive everything we stated on this page. Please read carefully before you purchase.


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Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you