Try, try again.
It’s time for another trip to the dentist. I tried to go to the dentist last month, but my mobility van ramp would not come out. My new driver seemed to try everything. She tried to pull out the ramp by hand to no avail. She repeatedly opened and closed the van doors.
Telephone call to the mobility company
It was only after a telephone call to the mobility company was there information about the little yellow switch on the floor of the van that can release the ramp mechanism. They should tell people about this before selling the van to someone. Please see my blog post on the issue.
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I tried to go to the dentist again
Anyway, I was once again ready to attempt a trip to my dentist. It was time for the usual routine. I had a diaper change. I am a paraplegic from my Multiple Sclerosis. I was clothed in my hospital bed at home. I was patient lifted into my power wheelchair designed to fit in the van. This is a different power wheelchair than I use around the house.
Garage to driveway
I make my way down the specially designed garage ramp which gets me out of the house and into the garage. From the garage, I can open the garage door and go out the garage to the driveway and into the mobility van. I went to the van and pressed the van button on the remote controlled van key and nothing.
The grinding noise
I heard a slight grinding noise which means something was happening but not even the van door would open, let alone the van ramp which is supposed to come out after the side door opens. I had my new driver close the driver’s door ad then open and close the van’s side door.
The charmed life
This worked like a charm. The side door then opened automatically when I pressed the van button on the remote (actually I had to press the button twice, but this is normal).
Up the ramp
I could then go up the ramp. This took me two tries. I haven’t had to do this in a while, and I went too far to the right. I need to bear to the left to avoid falling off the ramp. It worked the second time.
In the van
I was in the van. When I get into the mobility van, I lock into the (EZ) easy lock system, which really isn’t so easy, but it locks me and the power wheelchair into the van.
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Solar powered
I have a solar charger which I disconnect for the duration of my trip to and from the dentist. See my products page. It keeps my van charged even though it is not used that often. Also, twice a week, we have been starting the van and letting it run for half an hour to keep the battery charged.
We have arrived
My new driver and I finally arrive at the dentist office. The van door and ramp work. Getting out of the van is easier than getting into the van. Somehow, going down the ramp and out is easier than going up and into the van.
Talk about the blog
Meanwhile I wait in the waiting room and tell one of the employees at the dentist office about my blog. Thereafter, I go to the dentist office. This dentist is very good, because he is willing to work on my teeth while I sit in the power wheelchair.
No transfer
No transfer is needed. The power wheelchair does not recline, at least it will not recline without removing multiple screws. It is meant to stay secure in the van. The idea is that you don’t want movement in case of an accident in the van.
First root canal since Gilenya
I talk to the dentist and discover that he will put in the permanent bridge on the left side of my mouth (lower side), and he plans on doing a root canal on my right side of my mouth (lower side). This will be the first root canal I’ve had since I started taking Gilenya for Multiple Sclerosis in 2007. I was part of the clinical study.
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The factory
In this dentist office, they do root canals as a matter of routine. They work on multiple patients at the same time and have multiple dental offices at this location. Some might consider it a factory. But this system seems to work well in today’s world of dental plans and insurance.
Grind the bridge
He put on the bridge, it has been so long that my teeth moved a little, and he had to grind the bridge some so it would fit.
Permanent bridge
He gets the bridge to fit and in my mouth it goes with the permanent adhesive.
One root canal to go
Now, it is time for the root canal. He gives me a couple of injections. We wait for the area to numb. He performs the root canal.
No pain
After the root canal, he tells me that it was infected. Anyway, now it is all cleaned out. He tells me that it may not be so good that I had hardly have any pain, because then I don’t know how bad the infection was. I have to admit that I thought something funky was going on in that area, but I thought it was the cracked tooth I have there. However, I really had no pain.
Next time
I made an appointment for three weeks, and then we’ll see about extracting the cracked tooth.
Homeward bound
The return home was uneventful and the van door and ramp worked well.
I have to apologize for neglecting the website recently. My mother-in-law recently passed away. She was 95 years old, and we regretfully have had to deal with various related issues. I would like to get back into the full swing of things, but this may take a little while. Anyway, I feel better that I was able to do this blog post.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to provide them below.