Motivation for this post
Once again the motivation for this post comes from a Pinterest pin. It is a beautiful blue pin of a margarita, but alcohol and me have always had an uneasy relationship.
Social drinking
I have to admit that I’ve never liked the taste of alcohol. The result has been that that I’ve had very little alcohol when I have had some. I did not drink at all until I got to law school. Of course, this means I was over the legal drinking age when I did drink. It was not unusual for me to go to a bar and socialize but only drink a Coca Cola. While this was fine with me, it made other people uncomfortable so eventually I relented and had a beer. I rarely had a whole beer. I would sip a small amount of the beer, and when the cold beer become warm, I would order a new beer and discard the warm beer.
Bad auto accident
One day I was in a disco and heard that a female aquaitance had a bad auto accident after leaving the disco. She had a fair amount of alcohol. This made me question the wisdom of even using alcohol in social situations.
Stopped by a policewoman
Sometime later I was driving after going to a disco and I was pulled over by a female police officer. While there was nothing wrong with my driving, I suspect the police were just routinely pulling over cars leaving the disco. I had only had 1/4 of a beer at the disco, which I admired to the officer. It was clear that I was not drunk, and no sobriety test was administered. She let me go on my way home.

Don’t drink and drive
Even though I was not inebriated, this incident also made me think twice about alcohol. Drinking and driving is a fool’s game. It is a major mistake. Besides, I don’t even like the taste of alcohol. It is not worth the risk. I began drinking more Coca Colas when I went to a bar. Needless to say Coca Colas are very expensive at a bar, but you will never get drunk from Coca Colas.
Do not mix meds and alcohol
Now I’m much older and I take a variety of blood pressure medicine, cholesterol medicine and multiple sclerosis medicine (among others). Mixing alcohol with medicines can be very dangerous.
The end of alcohol
Frankly, I see no reason to have alcoholic beverages any longer. Besides, I never liked the taste of alcohol, anyway.
In conclusion, do not drink and drive because it will clearly impede your handling of a motor vehicle. Do not mix alcohol and drugs, even if the drugs are prescription drugs. Many prescription drugs counter indicate the use of the drugs with alcohol. You are better off having a soft drink or plain water. Yes, the Pinterest pin still looks good, but the real thing is not worth the risk.