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Faith in KardiaMobile
Most of the time I recommend a product because I own the the product and have been happy with it. But sometimes I recommend a product because I have heard so much about the product from others that I have faith in the word of others. Such is the case with KardiaMobile. It is Alivecor® KardiaMobile EKG Monitor | Wireless EKG | Captures Heart Rate, Rhythm & Symptoms for Early Detection of AFib | For Smartphones & Tablets | FDA Cleared. I had heard such good things that I just had to recommend it to my readers. Before taking an EKG, please consult first with your physician.
Heart issues
Nowadays, many people have heart issues ranging from a variety of reasons ranging from smoking to genetics. Not only handicapped people have heart problems. People who lack much physical activity, such as handicapped people, have a higher risk of heart issues. People who exercise regularly or substantially have a 30 to 40 percent lower risk of heart issues.
I buy KardiaMobile
Actually, I decided to buy KardiaMobile for my wife, but I have been using it too. You can buy it too! Please go to my Products page. It is easy and convenient to use. First, you download the KardiaMobile app. I did this on my iPad 4. I know it is old and should replace it. In my house, old electronics just live on and on until they break, often because they fell out of the bed. I, as mentioned in previous posts, am a paraplegic. I am bedridden.
and service
After a simple sign-in process, yes you will need to make up a password, KardiaMobile is ready. You begin with the premium service for 30 days. After that it is $9.99 a month or $99 a year for annual premium service.
What do you get with both Basic and Premium service?
Both Basic service, which is free, and Premium service include: take recordings anywhere, anytime; instant EKG analysis; detect normal heart rhythm or AFib; email and print unlimited EKG readings; blood pressure tracking; and weight tracking.
What does Premium service add?
The Premium service adds: unlimited cloud storage and history; medication tracking; customized monthly reports emailed to you home to share with your doctor (in US only); and SmartRhythm monitoring and notifications for Apple Watch®.
Basic or Premium, it’s your choice
You may continue to use KardiaMobile without purchasing the Premium service. Personally, I am still trying it out and will make a decision on this later this month.
Guest feature
I set up KardiaMobile. I took numerous EKG recordings of myself (only one of my wife), and all resulted in normal readings. It has a guest feature which allowed me to take my readings, even though I was setting it up for my wife.
Consult your doctor
It can help your doctor adjust medications and plan future treatment. Discuss this with your doctor.
The case for the case
I bought KardiaMobile during a Black Friday sale and I received a free case which ordinarily would have cost about $30, free. It is a cool case and closes magnetically.
I strongly recommend this product to my readers who are concerned about a heart issues. It can help you and your doctor plan a healthier future.