PROFIT MATE REVIEW – Imagine… instantly generating 1,000’s of leads.

What If You Could… “Click, Click, Click…”

And Instantly Build An Unlimited Email List From The Internet in 42 Seconds?

Search “Any Keyword” & ProfitMate will Automatically Build a List to Earn Profits *Shocking*

100% Legal & Awesome

Why “work hard” when you can be “smart” instead?

Profit Mate is SIMPLE.

It downloads “contacts” in ANY NICHE from the “contact us” page of any search keyword on Google.

Take the keyword “Dog Training,” for example.

Just put in your “target” and press “Search Now!”

Profit Mate will scan the internet and find all website owner’s with “Dog Training” affiliated sites.

In other words…

You are instantly building a list of highly targeted potential customers to the offer of your choice. All in “seconds” from pressing GO.

But don’t worry…

You may be thinking right now…

Okay, Brendan… I am able to get virtually unlimited contacts on demand. But how do I make money with this?

Well, you’re in luck.

This is a Total Business Solution.

We are going to provide for you the exact tools you need to turn these contacts into customers.

In fact, we are even automating the “business service” side of this business model. So it’s as “easy as pie” to replicate.

But do you know the best thing about this…


It’s all 100% legal, and is massively speeding up a process that would have taken you days, weeks or even years to do manually.


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Nothing Like This Exists

Have you seen anything like this before?

We hadn’t.

Like turning “water to Wine”

The idea of “unlimited leads” in a matter of seconds just sounds “too good to be true.”

Especially with the “PROFIT” section included, that helps us turn those leads into big FAT COMMISSIONS.

It’s All There… 100% Automated

Imagine… instantly generating 1,000’s of leads

Imagine… turning those leads into sales

Imagine… how much easier that would be

And… That’s why we created this

So Here’s A Real Question

For You Right Now

How much money could you make this month,

if you had unlimited leads & traffic on demand?





Think about it. The idea of generating AUTOMATED leads used to be just a fantasy. Not unlike a myth or legend.

But it’s not… This is a way to “GET INSTANT TRAFFIC” & skip “reinventing the wheel” from scratch.

T H I S  I S . . .

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I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.



Than Ever Before.

We’re Setting You Up With Everything You Need Here.

You Can Do All Of This:

Without an autoresponder

Without products

Without hassles

We can personally guarantee you… This is something you’ve never seen before.

We consider this a top secret hack because you’re finally putting yourself where you need to be.

Right in front of the money.

You Don’t Need An Autoresponder

(Nor Anything Else)

One Of The Biggest OBJECTIONS I See On A Daily Basis Is That People Don’t Want To Invest In Autoresponders.

And I don’t blame them.

Autoresponders are expensive and a little intimidating too.

Well Don’t Worry…

You Don’t Need To Have:

A website

An autoresponder

Your own product to sell

Google PPC

Existing traffic or audience

Bing Ads


FB Ads




Graphic Design

Other Softwares

Expensive Programs

A Business Degree

Rely on 3rd Parties

Any Budget

Techy Stuff

Finally Ready For Your Breakthrough?

We’ve kept this hidden close to our vests for over a year now…

But enough is enough…

You need to get traffic, and Profit Mate is the way to get real “eyeballs” to whatever offer you want, in as little as 5 minutes from now…

Why This Hack Works?

Making money online is as simple as two things…

Traffic & Orders

Without any traffic, you can’t make any money.

Without the right offer, you can actually LOSE money.

…so it’s obvious.

You need to find a way to generate EYEBALLS on demand, and then turn that attention towards the “right offers”

And get this…

This method does both…

This method POPLULATES thousands of leads on demand… and we provide you the right offers to show…

Which Means

This Is A Complete Business

Most people struggle online because of ZERO traffic.

Getting people in the door is the most important part of any online business.

So it made us think…

What if we gave you the exact hack we use to steal traffic & leads on demand… And turn it into passive income.

We’re reluctant to share this with you (for obvious reasons), but we know it’s what you need to finally generate traffic into your business.

So for the first time ever…


This is the FAST WAY to steal traffic from the guru’s… It’s NEVER been shared to the public before…

YES, this is the easy way to build a business.

Because it’s LEGALLY stealing the “business” from the guru’s, and fast tracking your journey to success.

Fast Results

In 10-30 minutes without websites, autoresponders or techy stuff…

Even if you’re starting from scratch, this method is designed to go from ZERO to 100, FAST!

While it is illegal to guarantee results, we can legally say with certainty, this has been proven to get fast results from REAL USERS just like you.

Because this creates you a REAL business.

Imagine the same software that generates us MASSIVE passive income daily within 30 minutes of getting inside the member’s area.

Yes, this method is as easy as it gets.

Why create a business from scratch??

Let the “other people” struggle to create a business with all the “moving parts” involved…

You don’t have to do any of that crap.

“Forget” creating all the right pages

“Forget” finding the right offers

“Forget” begging for traffic

“Forget” guessing how to make money

Say Hello To Effortless

Forget Everything!! Because Literally Anybody Can Do This!!

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Profit Mate makes it easy for anybody to get started in as little as 10 minutes from now…

Because you’re not creating anything from scratch… You’re instantly generating leads on demand, and sending it to the “right offers”

And we provide you with EVERYTHING.

Meaning… You can 100% do this…

And we’ve even got a “double your money” guarantee to back that up.

We Keep This Running

24/7/365 On Autopilot!!

Profit Mate takes us about 5-10 minutes to set up.

Once you’ve got it running, you can leave it in the background.


Once we activate a campaign, we leave it running to do it’s damage 24/7/365

What do we do with our time?

Exactly, you can do whatever the heck you want with your time.

This is what we do…

We’re able to do what we want, because we’ve automated our business.

Do you want to automate yours?

That’s why we created Profit Mate in the first place. It’s your turn to activate this and forget about it.

You’ll be glad you did.

There’s An Elephant In The Room

You’re not doing anything complicated. This is easy.

We can pretty much guarantee you’re as excited as we are right now…

To sum up so far…

Okay, We Get It…

Setup is fast and can be in as little as 10 minutes

You don’t need ARs, websites, other softwares, etc

You are “SHORTCUTTING” lead generation

Put those 4 things together, and you have what I like to call…

Awesome Sauce

But, There’s An “Elephant In The Room”

You Likely Have Two Burning Questions:

Will I get into trouble doing this?

How likely am I to get results?

Yes, This Is 100% Legal And Safe

You are COLLECTING leads from the “Contact Us” pages on Google for any topic. Which means you are just legally reaching out to people via contact data they have offered you. The app just automates it.

Nothing else exists like this on the market. And we highly encourage you to keep this to yourself. Once everyone finds out about this, many more will want in on this transcendent opportunity.

And the best part… this is 100% legal, and nobody can stop you from doing it over and over.

So let’s talk about it…

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Yes, Our Beta Testers Proved The Method

We’ve been banking with this for a year.

Now our beta testers are banking with this as well.

While it’s illegal to guarantee results, we can tell you real people just like you are making money with this.

We are sharing this with you today because we know it’s something that anybody can do.

It’s like having “virtual cheat codes” that almost nobody knows about.

With Eclipse, you have a truly massive unfair advantage.

Get A Massive Discount

What would you charge for a tool that generates virtually unlimited leads on demand?

Would you charge $5,000 for this or more?

We have decided to open this up to the masses for a short time only.

That means, if you are seeing this page, then you can get this for a massive discount.

You won’t pay $5,000…

You won’t pay $2,000…

You won’t pay even $100…

Your investment today is around $17

Now Imagine What Could Happen If You Decide To Join Profit Mate Today…

This Works Exactly As We Say That It Does

As you probably know, we have a reputation for putting out the best stuff on the market today.

So if we release it, you can bet on it working like it should!

And let me say this…

I haven’t seen anything get us this excited in years!!


This Works Not As Good As We Say It Does

We find this scenario a lot less likely.


Because Profit Mate is simply automating something that has always worked – LEAD GENERATION!

So if you can’t make a profit with this, then sadly you’re probably not cut out for “make money online”

But Here’s The Kicker…

If #2 Happens… Then You Get Every Penny Back!!

We strongly believe you are going to succeed with this, but we want to ensure that there is literally ZERO RISK with your investment


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Double Your Money Back Guarantee

So get this… We’re giving you a “double your money” guarantee.

If you set up your Profit Mate, and don’t make at least $100-$1,000 in your first 3 days, then we will give you back DOUBLE your investment.

…or if you decide this just isn’t for you… we’ll give you a prompt refund.

That means YOU have no risk.

Use “Profit Mate” to make money… or get your money back.

You can’t lose.

Although the discounted price makes “Profit Mate” a total no-brainer, we don’t want ANYTHING to hold you back from getting this today.

Profit Mate is the Easiest Thing Ever!!

Imagine being able to contact virtually unlimited people on demand.

“Instead” of building an audience from scratch

“Instead” of creating blogs and youtube videos

“Instead” of “guessing” how to make money…

Let Profit Mate “HIJACK” your way to the top.

The “AHA” moment you’ll have with this is uncany.

This is never been done before… And almost feels like “too good to be true.” But without a doubt… THIS IS A MASSIVE OPPORTUNITY!


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The Price Is Increasing Throughout The Week.

Order Now To Secure A “Launch Discount”

See you on the inside

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is “Profit Mate?”

An App that automatically generates up to 1,000’s of leads from “Contact Us” pages on the internet. Also includes offers to present to newly generated contacts.

Is this really “Beginner Friendly?”

Yes, this is something that literally anybody can do. The reason people aren’t doing this already, is because nobody has automated it… until now.

There’s an expression in English called “the Early Bird gets the worm.” Anybody who jumps in now will be in the best position to bank with this.

How long until you start making money?

It’s illegal to promise any earnings whatsoever, however, we would be shocked if you didn’t see the potential here.

Barely anybody knows about this, and it’s something that you can CERTAINLY exploit… You owe it to yourself to jump on this one, now!

Is there really a “100% Money Back Guarantee?”

Absolutely!! We know that you’re going to love this, so we’re slamming it with our Iron Clad “100% Money Back guarantee”

In fact, if you follow the steps inside and you don’t make at least $100-$300 in 3 days, I will personally give you DOUBLE YOUR MONEY back…

Take that to the bank 😉

How Do I Get Instant Access Now?


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