Six-Figure Memo – A Real Life Case Study & Blueprint!

Six-Figure Memo

A Real Life Case Study & Blueprint.

Jeremy Kennedy here,

I’m writing to you from North Central Arkansas.

Here’s a picture I took from my front porch this morning…
It’s what I’m looking at right now as I write you this letter.

I rent a 3 bedroom 2 bath MANSION  🙂
It’s only $775 a month but we call it home!

I drive a totally awesome 2002 Lamborghini Chevy Suburban…

It’s 4-wheel drive  🙂

Ok, so clearly I’m not multi-gazillionaire guru,


I work 100% from home and haven’t held a
J.O.B. since 2012… I want to show you how!!

>>>>GET Six-Figure Memo and MY SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I want to share with you the exact processes
that lead me to generate multiple six figures
online with just my laptop and a few basic,
inexpensive and simple to use applications.

Here are the full stats from just my
WarriorPlus and JVZoo accounts…

WarriorPlus Vendor Stats: $399,766.45

WarriorPlus Affiliate Stats: $114,485.66

JVZoo Vendor Stats: $136,510.84

(Note: I closed this JVZoo account around 2016, and opened a new one, shown below)

JVZoo Vendor Account #2 Stats: $42,894.02

JVZoo Affiliate Stats: $43,564.22

These are my Real accounts…

And that’s just on WarriorPlus and JVZoo.

I didn’t even show you accounts
I have on several other platforms…

…Or the monthly recurring income I get
from affiliate programs like GetResponse,
Resell Rights Weekly, GetEmails and more.

This has allowed me to travel all over and
meet with some of the top marketers
and entrepreneurs in the world.

You might recognize these two guys..
Shane Nathan (COO of WarriorPlus), James Renouf & Me…

James basically helped me get a start in this biz
and we still do a lot of business together &
Shane is head of the WarriorPlus team (truly awesome dude!)

We were hanging out at a marketing event in Orlando, FL.

It was amazing.

And.. You may have heard of

(hint, my buy button below is hosted there)

Well, here’s Mike Lantz, he is the founder & CEO.

I’ve actually met him multiple times.
Really good guy.

He made all this possible, a true pioneer
of this industry.

Oh, and who can forget the original
founder & CEO of JVZoo, E. Brian Rose?
(he’s since moved on to bigger-better things)

And then there’s Matt Bacak…

Matt looks like an ordinary guy…

…Who happens to be THE Internet Marketing legend
and business investor from the beginning of time
who (humbly) eats a Million dollars for breakfast.

This guy is an absolute machine.

He was my mentor for a while and I’ve learned
many life-changing lessons from his wisdom.

He once said something that kinda stuck with me.

He said he writes a lot of his ideas on a napkin.

That’s how close a six figure,
or a million or a billion dollar idea is.

And now I’m handing you a digital Napkin,
a six figure “memo” with the blueprint
to my online success.

I owe meeting these wonderful people and many more
to one very simple and repeatable process…

It is a very simple 3 part business.

  • Step 1: Create & sell simple “how to” guides.
  • Step 2: Add the customers to my email list.
  • Step 3: Recommend affiliate products to that customer list.

It’s as Easy as that.

EVERYONE tries to overcomplicate it.

The Truth is, the more simple you keep it
the more money can make with it.

You have the power right now
to begin Earning money online
with digital & affiliate products.

You have the power right now
to completely change your life forever.

I’d love to show you step-by-step exactly how I do it.

>>>>GET Six-Figure Memo and MY SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

In fact, I’ve helped lots of others do it too…

Like Helen, a single mother of two who generated over $72,989.52  and 4,831 sales  with her very first simple PDF ebook and my help.

This is Ron Clark

He used to be in construction worker hell and came to me for help.

He used my formula to generate 1,849 sales & over $19,343.62 with his first ever PDF eBook.

I helped Andrea launch her very first info-product…

It brought over 2,056 sales and over $30,990 using my framework.

Kal Bartal was an overworked truck driver…

With my help, Kal brought 1,902 sales and $22,782.62 in less than 30 days with his first-ever info product!

And I even helped my very own dear mother, 60 and disabled, to launch her first-ever info product which so far has brought 847+ sales and $13,442.29!

So yeah… this stuff can
work for pretty much anyone.

That’s right, even you!

And it’s not that difficult to do, honest.

Sound good?

>>>>GET Six-Figure Memo and MY SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Inside you’ll learn:

  • Most Asked Question Answered:
    How to Instantly know the Perfect niche for You.
    Know for certain and Never have to guess again.
  • How to whip up simple “How-To” manuals
    that sell like Hot cakes in your target market.
    (even if you’ve Never done it before)
  • How to get floods of Free hungry traffic to your offers.
    The traffic source I use 95% of the time for fresh blood.
    Plus an untapped source of hyper engaged buyers.
  • The NASCAR™ Pit Stop Quick guide to the technical stuff.
  • The Email Marketers Golden Rule Book.
    Follow these 5 simple rules & WIN with email marketing.
    (yes it’s this simple)
  • My $114,485 Affiliate marketing Case Study.
    The REAL way to sell affiliate products via email.
    (even if you’ve never written an email before)
  • The Easy way to Recurring Revenue
    When your incoming monthly payments
    start building up.. things get fun.

And It doesn’t stop there.

I want to make something very clear.

What you are getting access to
is the exact process and business framework
that I’ve used since 2012 to generate
a full time income online.

I wrote it all down in a bite-sized, easy to read,
step-by-step PDF ebook.

Anyone with a computer, an
internet connection, a willingness
to learn and the drive to earn has
the potential to succeed.

If you’ve been going from shiny object to shiny object…

If you’ve been buying all these PURE JUNK push button
“does everything” softwares that don’t bring squat…

(Pro Tip: An autoresponder is the REAL push button software)

If you are struggling to make a living online… this is a MUST have.

But don’t just take my word for it…




100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

Fear Not … It’s Risk Free!

If, for any reason, you don’t like this product, you can get a full refund anytime within 30 days. If you have any issues, just send an email to and I’ll try to help you and if I can’t I’ll give you a swift refund. Please be honest and not one of “those guys” (you know who you are) and I’ll treat you with kindness, sound good? Buy with confidence!

Limited Super-Duper Discount!!

Fair Warning: The Price Could Triple At Any Moment!

>>>>GET Six-Figure Memo and MY SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

Yours Truly,

P.S. If you want push-button, do-nothing & make a bazillion dollars tomorrow promises (that are completely bogus) then you’ll probably want to buy one of those other shiny-object offers from some scammer.

But if you want to learn how to REALLY do this stuff the right way, that has worked for decades (and actually works faster than the shiny stuff) by someone who is honest and has integrity and truly cares about you… then I’m your guy. You are in good hands!

Limited Super-Duper Discount!!

Fair Warning: The Price Could Triple At Any Moment!

>>>>GET Six-Figure Memo and MY SUPER BONUSES<<<<

I am a Warrior Plus affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a Target affiliate.  I make a small commission at no additional charge to you. Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a SiteGround affiliate.  I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.

I am a My LeadGenSecret affiliate. I receive a small commission at no additional charge to you.  Please see my affiliate disclaimer.


If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Affiliate Disclaimer: While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this page, we always offer honest opinion, relevant experiences and genuine views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help you make the best purchasing decisions, however, the views and opinions expressed are ours only.  As always you should do your own due diligence to verify any claims, results and statistics before making any
kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended on this page may generate income for this website from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you



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