Medical Clearance

Baclofen pump



I have a baclofen pump installed in my abdomen. In 2012, I had the pump installed. I get very bad reactions to oral baclofen. Baclofen is muscle relaxer. By taking baclofen through a pump system, I avoid all the bad side effects.

Operation number one



The first operation was a really significant operation, where the doctor has to create the pouch for the pump in the front side of the patient. Then a catheter is placed up the patient’s spine. This surgery results in both front and back incisions to the patient. The second procedure, which I had is much less invasive. It is essentially a battery replacement, but they do not just replace the battery, they replace the entire pump.




In order to have the operation, the surgeon requires medical clearance. I can have the tests and EKG performed at home. I can also have the x-rays performed at home. The problem was that the surgeon wanted the x-rays performed at a testing center so that the x-rays would be on a disc. The x-rays taken at home could not be transferred to a disc.

Bad blood pressure and EKG



So off to the testing center I went, which means I transferred from the hospital bed to the power wheelchair with a patient lift to the van. Apparently, my blood pressure was too low, and my general practice physician had to adjust my blood pressure medicine. What they didn’t tell me at the center was that my EKG was bad. I canceled an appointment for an EKG, because I didn’t know why they would have me take two EKGs in one week. My general practice physician saw me and told me that I had done badly on the initial EKG and a second EKG was ordered.


I rescheduled the EKG and I apparently passed. I got medical clearance and I was a go for the operation.

4 thoughts on “Medical Clearance”

  1. I am a pharmacist by profession. I must be honest with you, its very interesting to come across your article.

    This is the first time that I heard of a Baclofen pump. This shows you how backward my country is(its still a developing country). Anyway, I am familiar with Baclofen tablets, as it is the generic for Lioresal.

    When you mentioned, the process of the catheter insertion, that sounded to me like it was pretty painful. I am sure that they must have administered an anesthetic?

    Guess that I learn something new everyday

    1. Thank you for your review of my post. The first operation is very painful. I was in rehabilitation for 3 months. They used general anesthetic, but eventually it wears off. The best to you, and thank you again for your review.
      Big Al

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